"Damn it!" said Dan as he slammed the phone back on its hook. "Inmate three hundred and seventy-eight do not slam the phone. You have been warned" said the correction officer through the speaker. "Sorry!" yelled Dan. He took a deep breath and headed back to his cell. The last thing he wanted to do was to endanger his early release and not be able to see Monica.
"How did it go?" asked his cellmate. "She refused to take my call" replied Dan.
"Well, you did try to kill her. It's not surprising she won't accept your call" said his cellmate.
"Darren I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing at the time" said Dan.
"Voluntary intoxication is not an excuse to nearly kill someone in the eyes of law" said Darren.
"Please don't repeat what that idiot judge said to me" said Dan as he raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.
"What are you going to do now?" asked Darren.
"I'm going to wait out the remainder of these two months, buy some flowers and go see her" replied Dan.
"I advise you not to do that" said Darren.
"Why not?" asked Dan.
"As soon as she sees your face she's going to slam the door and call the cops. Then you'll be right back here" said Darren.
"She wouldn't do that" said Dan.
"If you're going to be stubborn then I guess you will have to find out the hard way" said Darren.
"She'll be happy to see me" said Dan with determination.
Monica didn't know how long she had her head resting on her car but it must have been a while because she heard a masculine voice behind her ask,
"Are you alright ma'am". She turned around to see an attractive man. He had longish dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly pale complexion, and stood about five ten in height.
"Yes, I just suddenly had a headache" said Monica.
"I have some aspirin and a bottle of water in my car if you need it" offered the man.
"Thank you but it's gone now" said Monica with a sincere smile.
"Okay" said the man and he walked towards his car.
Monica climbed into her and headed for the local library. She knew it is time for her to seek a new psychologist to help her deal with Dan being released from prison.