"Welcome to Oakland Bank. How may I help you?" asked the clerk.
"I would like to withdraw all of my money and close my account please" replied Monica.
"Please entered your social security number" said the clerk.
After entered my social security number the clerk started typing on her computer. As soon as she had the information she needed she counted out one thousand dollars nine times and placed it in nine envelopes.
"Here you go ma'am" said the clerk as she handed me the nine envelopes.
"Thank you" said Monica and she placed the envelopes in her purse.
After she left the bank she went to Walmart and bought several boxes. As soon as she got home she packed up all of her clothes, shoes, canned and boxed food, pots and pans, towels, and everything else that belonged to her. The only thing she left behind was the furniture since the apartment was already furnished when she moved in. It was eight p.m. when she finished putting all her belongings in her car.
"Here are my last three months payment and the breaking the contract fee" said Monica as she handed the apartment manager the money.
"Uh...Thank you" said Amanda in confusion.
"I'm sorry this is all sudden but I'm leaving town" said Monica.
"Is something wrong?" asked Amanda with concern.
Monica looked into Amanda's eyes and saw true concern. When Monica have applied for an apartment at her complex three years after the attack Amanda had taken one look at her gaunt face and three sizes too big clothes and decided to take her under her wing. She never asked her about why she was in the state she was in and she felt now she could finally tell her.
"Miss Amanda do you remember how I looked six years ago?" asked Monica.
"Yes, you look like you were in need of some love and attention" replied Amanda with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"I never told you why I was in that condition, but I'm ready to tell you now" said Monica.
"You don't have to tell me dear" said Amanda.
"But I want to" said Monica.
"Alright, but only if you're comfortable" said Amanda.
Monica took a deep breath and said, "When I was just twenty the man I once loved tried to kill me while drunk" said Monica.
"OH MY GOD! I hope that bastard rots in hell!" said Amanda angrily.
"He was given ten years but two weeks ago I found out due to good behavior he will be released in two months" said Monica.
"But it hasn't been a full ten years yet" said Amanda.
"I know but there's nothing I can do about it. So I'm moving to a different town where he can't find me" said Monica.
"Promise me you'll call me once you get settled" said Amanda.
"I promise" said Monica.
Amanda gave me a hug and waved as I drove away.
It was eight a.m. when Monica arrived at a gas station to fill up on gas and food.
"Hello" said the cashier.
"Hello" said Monica.
"What can I get you?" he asked.
"Thirty on pump four, a sausage and biscuit, and a bottle of orange juice" replied Monica.
"That will be thirty-five dollars and thirty-five cents" said the man.
"Here you go" said Monica as she handed over two twenty dollar bills.
"Four dollars and sixty-five cents is your change" said the man.
"Thanks" said Monica.
"Your welcome" said the man. As she pumped gas Monica thought about what her new life in Ménage, California would be like. Would she make friends? Would she be able find work as a librarian?
"Excuse me ma'am"
"Ahh!" yelled Monica at the sudden intrusion of her thoughts.
"I'm sorry for scary you ma'am" said the man.
"What do you want?" asked Monica once she got her breathe under control.
"I wanted to ask what brings you to this are?" he asked.
"To start a new life...Bill" replied Monica as she read his name tag.
"That seems to be the theme lately" said Bill.
"Oh really?" asked Monica.
"Yes, it seems everyone is running from something" replied Bill.
"Maybe what they're running from is too painful for him or her to continue to face anymore" suggested Monica.
"You have a point there" said Bill. Beep.
"It was night talking to you Bill but I have to get going" said Monica as she returned the pump to where it belong.
"Good Luck" said Bill.
"Thanks" said Monica and she left Bill waving in the distance.
After driving for another two hours she finally arrived at Ménage, California.