"I'm back Hunter" said Blaine as soon as he entered the apartment.
"I know you're back. I heard the vroom of your motorcycle" said Hunter from the couch.
"Do you know we have a new neighbor?" asked Blaine.
"No, what's his or her name?" asked Hunter.
"Her name is Monica Rosewood and she's quite pretty" replied Blaine.
"What does she look like?" asked Hunter.
"She's five foot four, brown hair cut into a bob, skin the color of hot chocolate, and a petite body" replied Blaine.
"She sounds pretty but is her personality pretty is the question" said Hunter.
"There's only one way to find out" said Blaine.
"Would it be too cliché to bring some food over as a welcome gift?" asked Hunter.
"Nah, she's probably hungry from all the unpacking" replied Blaine.
"What should I bring?" asked Hunter as he looked through the fridge.
"How about you warm up some of that left over lasagna and bring that as a welcome gift" suggested Blaine.
"Good idea" said Hunter.
After placing a square slice of lasagna in a container and warming it up in the microwave they headed over to Miss Rosewood's apartment.
"Are you ready?" asked Blaine.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" asked Hunter.
"She might be the one turn our duo into a triad" replied Blaine.
"My, my" said Hunter with a smirk.
"What?" asked Blaine with an arched brow.
"I remember three years ago someone saying he's not becoming a triad until he's forty" replied Hunter.
"Three years ago I was enjoying my last year of being twenty and now that urge to settle down is strong now" said Blaine.
"Well, I'm glad you changed your mind because I've been ready for the past two years" said Hunter and he knocked on the door.
When the door opened both Hunter's and Monica's eyes widened.
"You!!" they said at the same time.
"Do you two know each other?" asked Blaine.
"Not exactly, I saw her leaning her head on her car's roof outside of Ménage Bank and I asked if she was ok" replied Hunter.
"I never thought I would meet you again" said Monica.
"Things have a funny way of working out. By the way I'm Hunter Chapman" said Hunter.
"Nice to meet you" said Monica.
"May we come in?" asked Blaine.
"Sure" replied Monica and she stepped aside.
Once inside her apartment Blaine and Hunter looked around and noticed she didn't have any furniture.
"This is for you" said Hunter as he handed over the container.
"Thank you" said Monica and she went to the fridge.
"Your furniture must not have arrived yet" said Blaine.
"Actually I have to order my furniture first before it can be delivered" said Monica.
"So you're not from around here?" asked Hunter.
"No" replied Monica.
"Where are you originally from?" asked Blaine.
"I'm from Oakland, California" replied Monica.
"What brings you to our little town?" asked Hunter.
"A fresh start" replied Monica.
"Oh my goodness" said Monica in embarrassment as she covered her stomach.
Blaine chuckled and said, "It's a good thing we brought the pasta"
"Since your obviously hungry unpacking we'll leave now to let you enjoy my cooking" said Hunter with a charming smile.
Monica felt her face heat up slightly and she asked, "What about your container?"
"You can drop it off at our apartment when you're done" replied Hunter.
"Alright, thanks for stopping by" said Monica.
"Your welcome" they said and they left.
After locking up behind Hunter and Blaine Monica heated up the food and dug in. The first bite of the pasta was delicious and she didn't put her fork down until the container was empty.
As soon as she placed the container in the sink she grabbed her laptop and started searching on EBay for all her furniture. Three hours and two thousand dollars later Monica had bought everything she had needed and it was officially on its way to her house. With a place to rest her head and furniture on the way Monica knew she needed to call the bookstore before she emptied her newly opened bank account. She quickly looked at the clock and seeing it wasn't too late she called the number on the paper.
"Hello, Lanett speaking" answered a cheerful voice.
"I'm Monica Rosewood and I'm calling about the position at your book store" said Monica.
"Miss Rosewood why do you want to work around books?" asked Lanett.
"I love picking up books and knowing each one tells a different story and it helps me relax after a stressful day" replied Monica with a smile.
"You're hired" said Lanett.
"What?!" exclaimed Monica.
"You're hired" replied Lanett.
"Thank you" said Monica still in shock.
Lanett chuckled and asked, "Miss Rosewood is the address to my book store on the paper you received from the unemployment office?"
"Yes" replied Monica.
"Then Monday through Friday I expect you to be at my store at nine a.m." said Lanett.
"Yes ma'am" said Monica.
"I'll see you next Monday" said Lanett and she hanged up.
"Yes!" said Monica with her fist in the air and she headed for her bedroom for some rest.