"Ugh" groaned Monica as she awoke with the sun in her face and a crook in her neck. Sleeping on the floor with just a pillow and two blankets wasn't her ideal of a sleeping arrangement but it would have to do until the furniture arrived. She tossed aside her covers and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. She wasn't in the mood for cooking so she grabbed the box of fruit loops and fixed herself a bowl of cereal. Three bites into the cereal her phone started to ring and when she saw Amanda's name in the caller id she felt guilt. She had forgotten to call her after getting settled.
"Hello Amanda" answered Monica nervously.
"Monica Rayne Rosewood why didn't you call me?" demanded Amanda.
"I'm sorry Amanda but I got busy trying to get settled" replied Monica.
"Are you settled yet?" asked Amanda.
"Yes, except I don't have furniture yet" replied Monica.
"So you're sitting in an empty house?" asked Amanda.
"It's actually an apartment but yes" replied Monica.
"If you needed furniture you could have taken the furniture out of your apartment when you left" said Amanda.
"I didn't want to take from your future tenant" said Monica.
"I could have easily replaced it" said Amanda.
"You have done a lot for me over the years, I don't want to keep taking advantage of your kindness" said Monica.
"I consider you like my daughter Monica; therefore, you will never be taking advantage of my kindness" said Amanda.
"I'm glad you said that because if it wasn't for you and Dr. Barnes helping me these past years I don't know if I would still be alive" said Monica.
"Don't say that Monica" said Amanda.
"But it's true. When I first moved into your apartment complex I hadn't started treatment with Dr. Barnes yet and I felt so depressed. Every time I would look in the mirror I would see Dan in the bruises and scars on my body. Looking at those scars and bruises made me feel so miserable that I almost ended it all with a bottle of sleeping pills" said Monica in a forlorn voice.
"But you didn't and you started treatment with Dr. Barnes. You made a turnaround" said Amanda.
"I did because some part of me wanted to live and not let the darkness win" said Monica with a shaky voice.
"Not to be rude but I don't like how this topic has changed you energy so lets change the topic" said Amanda.
"What do you want to talk about?" asked Monica.
"Have you made any new friends in your new town yet?" asked Amanda.
"No, but I met my neighbors who live next door to me" replied Monica.
"What's his or her name?" asked Amanda.
"They're roommates and their names are Hunter Chapman and Blaine Hardin" replied Monica.
"Are they hot and single?" asked Amanda.
"Yes they are hot and I don't know if they're single" replied Monica.
"You should find out" said Amanda.
"No I don't. I have no intention of getting into another relationship again" said Monica.
"Just because you don't want another relationship doesn't mean you can't have relations" said Amanda as she emphasis the word relations. Monica knew Amanda was smirking on her end of the phone.
"Amanda how can you go from being a motherly type personality to a mischievous personality?" asked Monica.
"I'm young woman trapped in an old woman's body" replied Amanda with a chuckle.
"I don't consider forty old Amanda" said Monica.
"Thank you dear. Now that I know you're ok I'll leave you alone for now and get back to the daily grind" said Amanda.
"Thanks for calling" said Monica.
"Your welcome" said Amanda.
After ending her phone conversation with Amanda she took a shower, got dressed, fixed her hair, and brushed her teeth. Since she had nothing important to do for the day she washed Hunter's container and take it over to his shared apartment. Shortly after knocking on the door a shirtless Hunter answered the door.
"Good morning Monica" said Hunter sleepily.
"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you sleep. I brought your container back" babbled Monica.
Hunter gave gentle smiled and said, "I actually just got up three minutes ago"
"So I didn't interrupt your sleep?" she asked nervously.
"No" replied Hunter.
"That's a relief" said Monica and she handed the container over to him.
"Did you enjoy the lasagna?" asked Hunter.
"I loved it. It's the second best lasagna I have tasted" replied Monica.
"Who's the first best tasting lasagna?" asked Hunter.
"My friend Amanda, back when I lived in Oakland she would invite me for what she called Pasta Tuesday" replied Monica with a blissful look in her eyes.
"Sounds like you loved Tuesday" said Hunter.
"Yeah, but I better head back to my apartment" said Monica.
"Thanks for returning this" said Hunter.
"Your welcome" said Monica and she returned to her apartment.