"So I was thinking, what if I made some reservations for that restaurant you really like in Billingsly this weekend?" Danny asked her at lunch the following Monday.
"Maybe," Elise pretended to think about it. "Or," she paused. "What if we just hung out at your house? If that's ok," she somehow managed not to turn red.
"Oh," he was caught off guard. "We can definitely do...that. I'm more than happy to do that."
Elise tried to hide her smirk at him putting so much emphasis on the word "that". They both knew what "that" meant. She was basically telling him she wanted to get laid finally and he had clearly not forgotten either. It actually comforted her, in a way, to know that he had been thinking about it enough too that he remembered their conversation from two months ago and the further implications of going to his house.
She had certainly been thinking about it enough. For months, if she were being totally honest. In the afternoons at work when she finished early and was bored. After each time they had gone on a date. When he kissed her. Elise was starting to feel like a nymphomaniac just from the thoughts she was having about him. From needy, sweaty sex to slow love-making and everything in between, she had daydreamed it all. But she was tired of daydreaming and wanted the real thing. She wanted the real Danny in that way. Needed him. Elise's body ached for him just thinking about him touching her. She craved him.
It had been nearly 4 months and she was no longer afraid of rushing into things or any of the qualms she had before. If there were any red flags to be raised about Danny, she felt like they would have raised by now. Elise truly loved him, as no man she had before, even Jeremy, if you could even consider that, and everything just felt right when she was with Danny. Speaking of high school relationships, she felt like a teenager all over again in the days and moments leading up to their date for the week. She was starting to wish she hadn't mentioned it so soon. There was a lot of build up now and Elise worried how it would go.
She knew deep down she wouldn't be disappointed because, after all, it was Danny, but had she set the bar too high?
Surely he had been thinking about it too all week. Didn't she read somewhere that guys think about sex every 8 seconds or something equally ridiculous? That can't be right, she thought. That is absurdly often. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if Danny was getting nervous about the whole thing having so much time to think about it too. They had been more shy with each other at work that week than they had in months.
"So, what are you in the mood for?" Danny asked, referring to movies. "I don't really have much of a selection, but you're welcome to come look."
Elise could tell he was anxious about having her in his house. She wondered if he knew his body language was slightly off, discordant, giving him away.
"I don't really care," she said flippantly. "I'm up for anything," she forced. At that moment in time, Elise couldn't give two shits less about what movie they watched. She was waiting to make her move. That thought made her briefly think of herself as a big cat, stalking it's prey. She giggled.
"What?" Danny turned around to face her, wondering what she was laughing at.
"Nothing. I'm sorry," she shook her head. "Just pick one and sit down," she patted the couch next to her.
He finally did as he was told and joined her.
"Are you always this particular about movies?" she teased.
"Just wanted to make sure I got something you like," he responded innocently, taking one of her hands in his.
"Mmhmm." Elise didn't believe him. He was stalling, nervous, and she knew it. After all, she was the nervous queen. Maybe it was the glass of wine she had earlier, but she didn't waste any time. She knew that wine was a bad idea, but Danny insisted, some fancy brand he had bought, trying to make up to her. She scooted towards him, turning his face towards hers gently, and kissed him.
Elise was only slightly surprised when he immediately ran his hands through her hair, kneading the back of her head. God, how she had wanted this, just his touch, for so long, it felt. It awoke in her feelings that she hadn't even realized existed within her. Too soon, Danny withdrew from her.
"What's wrong?" she couldn't help herself.
"I'm nervous," he laughed a little, still holding her face, looking her deep in the eyes.
"Why?" Elise was used to him asking the "why's".
"Because...I really like you...And I've been thinking about this all week," he admitted somewhat shyly. It melted her heart.
"I thought you loved me?"
"I do. That's why I'm so nervous," he laughed again.
"Well, for once, I'm not nervous," she grabbed his face gently and began kissing him again, slowly at first. The hunger inside of her quickly grew as their tongues collided within their shared mouths. Elise had a stupid thought next, but quickly shooed it away, about how they had barely French kissed before and how ready she still was to share everything with this man. She didn't care. She wanted all of him.
"Let's go in the bedroom," Danny's voice came muffled between kisses. Elise followed him like an obedient school girl, holding his hand as he guided the way. She reclined on his bed, propped up on her elbows, waiting for whatever came next. Danny stared at her a moment before joining her.
"What?" a twinge of self-consciousness flared.
"You're beautiful," he whispered. "Inside and out."
"Come here."
Danny did as she asked and lightly laid on top of her as they continued making out. After a while, she felt his warm hand slide under her sweater, kneading her breast. She couldn't stop the sounds escaping her throat and didn't want to. His touch felt good and she wanted him to know it, no longer shy or embarrassed at that moment, wanting him too much to care.
Danny left her mouth and kissed his way down her neck. Elise's breath became even heavier when he reached her collarbone. Suddenly, he was pulling her sweater over her head. He paused before continuing.
"I love you, Elise." It was one of the few times she had seen the jovial quality of his eyes bleed away. Instead of being replaced by anger or hurt, like the times before, it was replaced by a seriousness; a longing, a love, a desire.
Danny kissed down to the space between her breasts, running his fingers lightly against her arms as his mouth made its way down. Her fingers ran through the back of his dark hair, growing shaggy from the winter. Elise's back arched as his kisses continued between her chest and collarbone. This gave him easy access to the small of her back, his hands holding her softly, but firmly, as he kissed a trail down her stomach, ending just above the top of her jeans. Danny undid her one and only button as he helped her slide them off.
He kneeled at the end of the bed, throwing his own black t-shirt in the general vicinity of her own clothes now lying in a heap on the floor somewhere. She sat up and helped him undo the fly on his jeans before laying back down, wondering what he would do to her next. Just the uncertainty of this excited her.
Danny leaned over her again after stripping down to his boxers, kissing her greedily on the mouth, before snaking two fingers inside of her panties. Her eyes squeezed shut, gasping, hardly able to stand it. She sunk her fingernails deep into Danny's back, moaning and whimpering as he worked her.
"Stop. Please," she finally begged, still breathing hard. "I want you inside of me," she whispered in his ear. She felt his member, which had been rubbing against the inside of her thigh, twitch at her words. She reached down and stroked it, slowly working her tiny hand up and down it.
"Please. I want you so bad, Danny," Elise grinded herself against him. Now he was beginning to moan, closing his eyes against each thrust of her hips she sent his way.
"Make love to me," she pleaded, no longer able or willing to hold her desire in.
Without saying anything more, Danny removed himself from his boxers and pulled her black, lacy panties down, granting himself full access to her.
They stared deep in each other's eyes, the way only two people who were truly in love with each other could do, as
they began to make love.
It was the greatest pleasure Elise had ever known. Not even Jeremy had come close to the intensity she felt with Danny. She raised her hips up to meet his and they both moaned.
He was like a key, the way he fit inside of her perfectly. She kept getting lost in his intense gaze, both of them in their own little world, completely and utterly separate from the outside world. Elise wrapped her arms around his back, eagerly taking his kisses as he continued.
She wrapped her legs around him, her hips softly pressing against his with each pulse.
They were in sync, like a well-oiled machine. Every nerve ending in her body felt like it was electrified as Danny kissed down her neck, her collarbone, along her earlobe and hungrily back to her mouth again. Her body tightened against him, a small wave starting on the open sea grew into an enormous swell deep in her loins. She convulsed around him, Danny's breaths becoming as ragged as her own. Elise was on the brink of tears, her ecstasy so great.
"Oh God! Danny!" she cried out, her body seizing his. Deep, throaty sounds responded to her, reaching his own climax, before slowing. They panted hard.
Elise had closed her eyes and buried her face in Danny's neck as she fought for more oxygen in her lungs. He stroked the back of her hair, holding her to him. Reluctantly, they disengaged from each other after a minute. Danny pulled his sheet up over them and rolled on his side to face her.
"Um, wow," he laughed softly, brushing hair out of her face.
"Remind me why we didn't do that sooner."
"I was wondering the same thing," she grabbed the back of his hand that was pushing hair behind her ear.
They gazed at each other for a long time. For once, Elise didn't feel awkward or embarrassed as she looked into Danny's chocolate eyes with a goofy smile on her face, mirroring his own happy smirk.
"Thank you," she finally broke the silence.
"For what?" he laughed.
"For waiting," she said seriously, some of the smile fading from her lips.
"Of course. I would have waited forever for you," he continued stroking the side of her face. In that moment, she felt completely content.
"What made you change your mind?" he asked. Elise laughed.
"I know I'm a lot different than most people, but I'm still human. I still have desires," she replied honestly.
"Fair enough," he smiled back at her. They stared at each other with goofy looks still plastered on their faces, totally smitten with each other in that moment.
"What are you thinking?"
Danny laughed.
"What?" Elise laughed with him.
"That's such a 'girl' thing to say," he teased.
"Well, I am a girl...I would hope that would be abundantly clear after what we just did," she smirked.
"I know. It's just...cute."
"Did you seriously just call me 'cute'?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Sorry," Danny chuckled. "To answer your question, though, I was thinking about how goddamn much I love you already...And that I'm glad you trust me enough to, you know," he had suddenly become the shy one. "I know it's a big deal for you. At least I think it is. I get the impression you have...trust issues."
"I don't know about that," Elise replied thoughtfully. "I've never really thought about it that way, but maybe you're right."
"Well, I'm glad you trust me enough to do what we just did," he was afraid to say the words out loud for some reason.
"Me too," she kissed him tenderly on the lips.
"You'd better not do that too much or I'll want to make love to you again," he finally said the words.
"And what's wrong with that?" she kissed him again.
"What do you really want to do?" Danny had propped himself up on one elbow again, facing her on the bed, after they had made love for a second time that night.
"What?" Elise laughed, somewhat nervously, having no idea what he was talking about.
"For a living. I mean, I'm sure you like your job enough, otherwise you wouldn't be here, but everyone always has a dream job, right?" he paused expectantly. "What's your dream job?"
"Promise you won't laugh?" she chuckled a little herself.
"I promise," Danny stuck his pinkie out. Elise wrapped her own pinkie around his, giggling.
"If I could do anything in the world, I would be," she paused for dramatic effect. "A travel writer," she blushed slightly.
"Really?" he asked. "That's really cool," he added quickly, not wanting Elise to get self-conscious.
"Don't lie. You're just being nice," she insisted.
"No...It just threw me off, that's all."
"Why?" she laughed softly, in only the way she could, to where you could barely tell she was amused.
"It just sounds like a very...extroverted job."
"Really? I never would have looked at it like that...Why 'extroverted'?" she looked at Danny seriously. "Because of 'getting out there and doing things'?"
"Yah, I guess. It just seems like you would have to network a lot and all of that to make It as a travel writer. And you don't strike me as the type of person who likes 'networking'."
"Well thanks for shitting all over my dream," she chuckled, though it made her kind of sad to think about.
"No," he drug out. "No, baby," he stroked the hair out of her face. "I love it. No wrong answers. And I didn't laugh," he reminded her. "So why don't you do it?" his brow furrowed, curious to hear her response.
"Because," she did blush now, unable to help herself. She had never admitted to another person of what her real dream was.
"Because 'why?'" Danny insisted. "I really want to know. I'm not trying to put you on the spot"
"I know," she looked down at their intertwined hands, thinking. "You want to know why I don't become a travel writer?"
Danny nodded his head in answer. Elise took a deep breath.
"Because I want to have kids, at some point. And have a stable job to take care of them," she admitted, trying desperately not to look away.
"Ah," he seemed to think about this for a second. "Is it the traveling you're worried about or not being able to make enough?" he asked thoughtfully.
"Not making enough," she responded quietly. "I think it would be good for kids to travel around and learn about different countries, see different places. It would be chaotic, but fun."
"Why don't you give it a try before you have kids? Start now. See if you even like it. You'll never know unless you try."
"I've not exactly been many places worth writing about," Elise laughed.
"So? I'm sure people like knowing about local places too. What's that saying? 'Write what you know'?"
"How do you even know that saying?" she laughed again.
"Eh. I took some classes at the community college in Columbus when I first graduated. I'm not a completely dumb hick."
"I didn't think you were," she pressed her forehead against his, grinning.
"So what were you going for? At the college."
"Construction tech. I barely finished, but by God, I can at least say I have some kind of degree."
"Why do you say it like that?"
"School was never really my favorite. I always did ok, but," he shrugged one shoulder. "Two extra years after high school was about all I could handle. I get too...antsy. I don't really like being stuck to a schedule, cooped up indoors for hours on end, ya know?"
"So you actually like the freedom of being able to do something different each day and not be cooped up in an office?" she poked fun at herself.
"Yah. I know it's just a dumb highway job, but the nature of it suits me."
"So if you didn't work there, what would you do? What would your 'dream job' be?"
"I don't know," Danny paused. "Something outdoorsy would be fun. Like a kayak guide. Or a backpacking guide. Some kind of nature guide, I guess," they both laughed.
"It's certainly a good area for either of those things." Aside from the state park just minutes away, which had plenty of great day hiking opportunities, but you couldn't exactly do any backpacking in, there were tons of national forests and other natural areas nearby that were great for it. The farther south you went from Painton, the more rivers and large lakes you ran into as well, perfect for kayaking. Elise momentarily got lost in her head, thinking about all of the places she wanted to go and things she wanted to do with Danny when the weather got nicer. It wouldn't be long and it ignited the wanderlust inside of her.
"What the hell would I do for money in the winter, though? There's the problem," he poked her lightly on the end of her nose
"Plus there's the issue of when I would ever get to see you if you were out in the woods all the time," she slowly leaned in closer to his face with a small grin forming on her own.
"That's easy. Either come with me or," he paused dramatically. "I'd just have to spend every waking second with you when I was home," he leaned in the rest of the way, kissing her softly on the lips.