SR: clap cotton - kookaburras
"We got them, come back now!" Lance screamed into my head. His telepathy was really getting on my nerves. The loud sound of his voice vibrated through my skull.
I landed hard on the fifth roof, fatigue settling in. I could only do this so much.
Coming back, I thought. It took all my restraint not to stare at Marina right now. The scent of her blood was intoxicating and I knew she was bleeding by the minute. Her body was shutting down, the pain probably taking priority.
I spotted Chris' SUV two buildings over.
I leaped over the rooftops, taking a deep breath as I stumbled down, falling to my knees. My feet were blistered and scratched from the grit of the rooftops.
I thought it was the best course of action. There was no telling how many vampires had heard Marina's scream. I wouldn't have gotten out of that hotel if I ran through the halls with Marina bleeding in my arms.
Chris and Lance ran towards us. Chris took Marina from my arms immediately. "You did well."
"Did you find them?"
Lance stood by my side and helped me to my feet. "Yes, shaken, but they're okay."
I nodded and looked at the car, catching sight of a haggard Flynn and a trembling Sydney. Flynn's skin tone took on a grey pallor and there were red angry bumps on his neck and face. Sydney's dull eyes met mine. Ugly bite marks marred her throat and arms.
"I'm so sorry," I stared at them.
Flynn glared at me and Sydney didn't say a word. She dragged her gaze away from me and watched Marina with a worried expression.
Chris placed her gently onto the backseat. "I would give her my blood, but I don't think she can handle that right now."
I gazed at Marina's slow breaths. I knew what Chris meant. If she died and our blood was in her system, she'd turned. She was losing was too much blood.
I slid into the backseat and took off my shirt, using it to press down on her open wound. "Where's Sagan?" I asked, lifting my head at Chris.
"She's going to be out all night tailing Lucinda. I gave a tip to the Demon Consul of what she's been doing and they were able to send out a group to question the vampires inside," Chris explained, slipping into the car and turning the ignition on. "They're going to have to appoint a new quaestor. They had no idea she was hosting a blood feast."
Lance shook his head and closed the passenger's door. "I don't think they're going to find her. She's good at running away."
After that, the ride back home was silent heavy with sorrow from the two mermaids behind him. I ignored Marina's scent the whole way home, breathing faintly through my mouth.
I pressed my lips tightly against my teeth as the car slowed down to a park. I picked up Marina she stirred softly, grabbing onto me tightly.
"Hey, you're okay, you're going to be okay," I whispered.
Flynn grasped my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "What is this place, where are we?"
"This place is trustworthy," I said, careful not to jostle Marina too much.
Ami opened the front door, a crease of worry on her soft forehead. I passed her and made my way toward the steps, without a word. I couldn't help but glance at the look of hunger that flashed across Ami's face as she gazed at Marina.
"You're safe here, you two," Lance said, facing Flynn, but he didn't seem all that trusting toward Lance. It was understandable. "Anika!" Lance called, "you can come out now."
Anika passed me on the stairs and hugged Lance, relief on her features. He lovingly looked at her, cupping her cheek before speaking. "Show them to the guest rooms. We've had enough action for tonight."
I continued up the stairs, deciding to bring Marina to my room. Flynn and Sydney would be safe with Anika. I had to focus on taking care of Marina.
Silently, I laid Marina down on my bed. I gazed at her shallow face. She'd lost a lot of blood. I thought about the only thing that could heal her without giving her my blood.
"I should run you a bath, right?" I muttered, checking her neck. The bleeding stopped, thankfully, but the wound was pretty gnarly. I knew the best way for Marina to heal was to put her in a tub of water.
Her brows knit together and I sighed, knowing that I shouldn't have expected an answer.
I headed to my bathroom.
I caught my bloodied chest in the mirror as I strode in. I took note of my trembling hands as I turned the tub on, warming the water and waiting for it to fill up.
Once it was filled, I walked back to Marina and took off her dress. I studied her, looking at the blueish hue that her skin was beginning to turn into.
I lowered her into the tub quickly, watching as her legs welded themselves together immediately and scales grew along her legs. I looked with fascination as the skin between her fingers became webbed. Her hair lightened considerably, the pink highlights at its brightest.
I stood up, and tore my heated stare away, opening the mirror cabinet. I had to distract myself with a task, rather than just stare at her intensely.
I briefly saw my reflection against and chuckled to myself, remembering the first time I saw my reflection. Once the era of silver mirrors was over, they began making aluminum ones. It was nice to see what I looked like once in a while, I suppose.
I gazed at the small syringe sitting on the shelf. I sighed and grabbed it, rolling up my sleeve, getting ready to give myself a dose. Letting out a breath, I braced myself for the pain.
Marina's small hand tugged at the fabric of my pants. "Don't hurt yourself."
I jumped slightly, not paying attention to her now stronger heartbeat. "You're okay." I turned around and half smiled, taking in the color returning to her cheeks.
Her wound was closing slowly, the skin not yet scabbed, but the wound was definitely smaller. Dried blood fell down her chest.
My eyes watered. I wiped my eyes quickly, hoping she wouldn't see the bloody tears.
"Look, you're in control right now," Marina said, reaching up again and pulling my wrist down, "You saved me."
"I keep fantasizing about ripping into your throat every time I looked at you, how is that in control?" I looked at her desperately, her scent entrancing me once again. Sandalwood and rose brought me to my knees. I was weak against her pull. "I almost forgot where I was," I whispered to her, meeting her eyes.
"I don't want to be alone right now," Marina pleaded, her grip tightening on my hand, "Eryn please."
I looked down at her hand and gazed at the bite that marred her wrist the water seemed to be doing its job, but I couldn't ignore the fact that she got hurt because of me. It was dangerous for Marina to be around me no matter how much I enjoyed her presence.
And yet, I couldn't deny her.
I reached over and pushed a strand of hair that fell forward. She peeked at me through the curtain of her hair. Marina's ears were formed differently, webbed to her head, rather than human ears. I smiled at that detail. I set my hand down at the edge of the tub. "What do you want to know?"
"Have you ever been in love?"
My eyes widened, my mind drifting to the only memory that I could think of for that question. I debated on withholding my answer, but one look at Marina, and I knew I couldn't lie to her. I lived far too long for me to tell her no.
So much darkness clouded my thoughts as the face of the woman I held so close to my chest appeared in my mind. "Her name was Poppy," I replied, choosing a random crack in the tile to stare at, "I met her in 1848, Seneca Falls, New York. She was Elizabeth Stanton's right-hand woman."
Marina lifted a brow, shaking her head in confusion. "I'm not well versed in land history. Who was she?"
"A women's rights activist," I started, "Poppy looked up to her and believed in everything Elizabeth stood for." My mind drifted into the memory, unable to stop the feelings from rushing through.
Marina held on tightly to my hand as sandalwood and rose followed me into the recesses of my mind.
The high afternoon sun splayed across my face as I crossed the street to the Wesleyan Chapel. I squinted and pulled my hat down lower, shielding my eyes from the harsh rays.
I entered the church, looking at the hundred or so people gathered around the pews and gazing at the stage. The speeches had already started so I silently stood at the doors, watching the stage.
"'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal...'"
I listened carefully to Stanton's speech, observing as the woman that stood toward the left of the stage lifted her head. She met my gaze down the aisle, a frown set into her mouth.
I arched my brow, wondering why this stranger was staring so intently. I thought about what Sybil would've thought about me going to something like this.
After what happened with Geoffrey, whenever I had the time—and I had loads of it, I'd show face at the obscure meetings Stanton would hold.
This woman was probably recognizing my face at these meetings. She was at every single one as well, providing the location of where this meeting should be held. It was the biggest one yet, and I could help but admire the women here.
Eventually, the speech was coming to a close and I took that opportunity to silently slip out.
I shoved my hands in my pocket and trudged forward into the evening, planning my next more.
"Sir!" A woman called from the church, her footsteps coming closer to me.
I stiffened and turned my head, tipping my hat a bit forward. "Ma'am."
"Why haven't you missed one meeting? The men that come here only give their dimwitted opinions, but you always come in late and leave early. Are you giving us the devil's eye in silence?"
I took off my hat and stared at the woman, taking in her rich brown hair under her bonnet. Her skirts were layered in different shades of maroon, a color that brought out her soft walnut eyes. Her eyes widened and understanding crossed her demure features as she took in my appearance. "You're a woman, by chance?"
I nodded, putting my hand back on. "It's easier to navigate this world as pretending to be the opposite gender, don't you think?"
She took a step forward and seized ahold of my hand. "That is exactly why it needs to change, tell me, what is your name?"
"Eryn," I narrowed my eyes curiously at the woman. She was so trusting quickly, already being familiar with me. Was it knowing that I was a woman? I leaned forward slightly, taking in her scent. She was soft and smelled of berries. She had to have worked on a farm to smell so strongly of that sweet smell.
Perhaps a taste of her blood wouldn't hurt...
"I'm Poppy Addams," She smiled, her eyes lighting up as she spoke, "I'm so curious as to how the men interact with you. Why don't you come in? I'm sure some of the girls would like to hear about it too."
I shook my head. "I'm sorry, I must not. You have a fine evening though." I pulled my hand from hers and turned around.
"Please, let me get to know more about you." Poppy pulled on my coat, "let me take you to my home, I feel as if I let you leave, I'm missing out on an opportunity here." She smiled wide and something about her that I couldn't say no to.
"I suppose why not."
"We saw each other for a while after that," I said, tearing my gaze away from the floor and looking back at Marina, "Poppy didn't know how to explain it, but she told me she would become saddened every time I left her home. She wanted to leave her husband and run away with me, but of course, I couldn't very well tell her what I was."
"What happened?"
I sighed. "Do you really want to hear about this? It's the past and things like that are best to be left in it."
"I have to know, you've already started, I needed the ending too, even if it isn't so pleasant," Marina said firmly.
I let out another huff of breath. "Turns out she had some mermaid origins in her family. I don't think she knew anything about it, nor had any abilities. You all have a natural ability to attract people, and I'm sure that was something Poppy did have." I cleared my throat, "Anyway, she got gravelly injured at a protest she attended, and she appeared at my home, asking for help. If she went home, Poppy's husband would've found out where she was."
"I couldn't control myself. She bled so much and bled on me, there was no stopping the intense thirst that came upon me. I bit into her, tearing straight through her throat without a care in the world. I wasn't strong enough." I looked up at Marina again, taking in the look of concern on her face.
"It was an accident," she whispered, "you didn't know."
"But I killed her nonetheless! See this is the problem," I shot to my feet, "this—us, it can't happen. You're going to end up just like Poppy."
Silently, Marina looked down at her fin. It cracked and the scales receded into her legs. She reached for a towel and rose from the tub, water dripping from her body.
"I'll be in your room if you want to shower," she said, walking past me without another world.
I laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling. I waiting for Eryn as she showered, resting my hands over my stomach. I last time I laid in her bed, she was eating me out.
My cheeks reddened, remembering the moment she bit me and how good it felt. I was allowing myself to get wrapped up in Eryn, not thinking about how dangerous it was. I couldn't think about the danger, only about how she saved me tonight. She didn't attack me at all, and she knew how to bring me back from death's door. How could I think she'd hurt me?
I slid my hands to my lower stomach, brushing my arm against my hardened nipple. I blushed hard, yet no one was in the room. How could I be thinking about this at a moment like now? Eryn was in the shower, and here I was, thinking of fondling myself.
I thought of no better time than now. All I wanted to do was release the leftover stress from the events that just played out. I could've died, I wanted nothing more than to prove to myself that I was alive.
My fingers lowered to the mound of my pussy, separating my lips. I breathily moaned as my middle finger grazed the small bundle of nerves. I stroked it against tentatively, relishing the bursts of pleasure.
I ached to have Eryn's fingers inside me again, I thought. I loved how long they were, fully penetrating me. I closed my eyes, arching my back as I circled around my clit again. I moaned softly, thinking about what Eryn would think if she caught me like this. Thinking about Eryn catching me sent a sharp feeling into the pit of my stomach. I wanted her to catch me.
I opened my legs wider, placing myself on show for when she came back. I lewdly stared at the doorway, my fingers rubbing myself faster as I heard the shower shut off.
Eryn stepped out a moment later, shirtless with a towel around her neck. The towel covered her nipples but left little to the imagination with the shape of her breasts.
Tattoos surrounded them, calling attention to the shaped of them more. Her boxer briefs hung low, showing her firm muscles taper off into a soft 'V' at her pelvis. She stood rooted to the ground in front of me, watching me as my towel became undone, spilling my breasts open.
Eryn wordlessly headed towards her chair, easing into it. She held my gaze, the red devouring her grey eyes. She leaned forward, watching me as I played with myself. "You're killing me," she murmured, her vampiric eyes glittering darkly.
Her fangs poked out between her lips. She clamped her mouth shut, blood welling on her bottom lip.
"It's okay," I whispered, I squeezed my breasts as I watched her lick her bloodied lips. They healed slowly, showing a slight bruise on her lip. "I think we both just need a breather." I breathily moaned, my fingers slipping into my vagina. I was getting wetter by the second and my juices freely flowed down my thigh.
Eryn blinked between my legs and a thrill of pleasure traveled through me at her sudden appearance, her hands gripping my knees tightly. She pried my legs farther apart, taking in the view of my fingers inside my pussy.
"Fuck," she groaned, bending her head down. I watched as her shoulder blades shifted as she lowered her body. Her tattoos moved with her, leaving me under the compulsion of her beauty.
She hiked my leg over her shoulder, pulling me closer to her. She planted a kiss over the area she bit me before. Her tongue snaked out and licked my fingers, taking my index into her mouth and sucking.
I gasped and threw my head back, loving the strange sensation that was happening in the pit of my stomach. I pulled my hand back and grasped both of my breasts as I thrust my hips to Eryn's mouth.
She laid her head on my thigh and slid a finger easily inside my drenched pussy. Her finger twisted and curled deep inside me. A soft moan slid from my throat and she slid two more fingers in, leaving me feeling full.
A thrill shot through me at having fingers other than my own inside me. I clenched my walls around her fingers, grating my pelvic bone against her fingers.
Eryn curled her fingers upwards once again, hitting the rough flesh inside me. My toes numbed as she vigorously rubbed her sharpened nails against my g-spot. I cried out, her nails making me jump
She brought her head closer and slid her tongue inside, sending me reeling. Her fangs grazed against my folds and I tightened my thighs around her head. She pressed her hand onto my mound tightly, pulling my clit into her mouth but sucking softly. I sharply inhaled, rolling my eyes to the back of my head.
"Stop," Eryn cried out hoarsely, trying to pull her head out of my hold. I grabbed her head and pushed it into my sopping pussy. She slammed her hand onto the bed, roughly yanking herself backward.
"Don't stop," I moaned, sitting up and locking my lips with hers. I tugged her bottom lip into my mouth and sucked, tasting myself on her mouth
I pulled her back as I laid back into the bed. She cupped my cheeks and slowly slid her lips over mine, kissing me gingerly. She licked my lips sensually and tightened her grip on my cheeks, meeting my gaze.
"You have my soul entrapped, Marina," she gasped out, her fangs flashing at me, "we need to stop."
I ran my hands through her black wet locks and sat up with her. Eryn's eyes were vivid and hot as they ran over my body. "We can't do this after what I told you."
"Why not?" I held out my hands and she grabbed my wrists closing her eyes. I wanted to show her how much I craved her presence, her touch. Seeing Eryn with Sagan only wanted me to prove further how compatible we were.
"I can show you more of what I've done," Eryn murmured, pressing her forehead against mine.
The room shifted and it felt like I was falling, delving into the memories of her past once again.
The metallic scent of pennies assaulted my nostrils. I opened my eyes and I was in a dimly lit room. There was a red substance splattered on the bed and curtains. A woman that was dressed in only a slip was on the bed, her hair matted with blood. Her throat gaped open and Eryn crouched over her, sucking on the girl's wrist. I recognized it as Poppy, but the poor girl looked as if she was sucked from the inside out.
"I joined a clan shortly after killing Poppy. I craved more of her blood. We'd track their sent in groups and wait around the shores, watching as they would shift and step out onto the sand," Eryn's voice tugged me out of that memory and another one resurfaced.
This time I was standing in the middle of a forest, watching as Eryn stood over a pile of dead bodies in a clearing in front of me. Some figures were decapitated. She was cover almost completely in blood and her claws dripped red.
An empty hollow gaze settled in her eyes and it sent a shudder down my spine. Her hair was up to her shoulders but she raised her arms and slicked her hair back, the blood on her hands and forehead keeping her hair in place.
"I had to do what I needed to be done. They were hunting them, hurting them, not caring about the age or who it was. They couldn't go a couple of hours without their blood. It was like a drug, wanting more and more of it to feel the high. Once you'd come down, you couldn't resist feeding again, bringing you back to that airy feeling," Eryn shut down the memory, snapping me back to reality.
A rush of adrenaline shot through my body, causing goosebumps to spread along my arms. "How did you get yourself off it?"
"A painful train ride to New Orleans. I learned how to keep myself in control while spending my time around witches. The vampire clan was having a war with them at the time of my arrival and I wasn't strong enough to save them. The coven I knew was slaughtered," she trailed off, her eyes fading from their intoxicating red color. Her grey eyes met mine for a moment before she started speaking again, "I compelled a human to lock me away for a couple of years or so, but eventually, I was near death and was afraid of dying. I managed to get out and fed on animal blood ever since, trying to keep myself away from anything else."
"Until now," I breathed, watching as the tattoos on her neck moved with her throat as she swallowed.
Eryn stood up abruptly, walking away from the bed. "This is why you need to go back home with your friends."