Song Recommendation: Finneas – Let's Fall in Love for the Night
I took my time strolling toward Purgatory, I didn't want to go in yet. It was a slow night anyway, and I didn't want to bother arguing with Arlo. Even though I was the owner, he had his own ideas on how he wanted to run the nightclub, which I could care less as long as my name was on the lease.
I shoved my hands in my pocket, dreading heading inside as the building came into view.
Red neon lights framed the double doors, calling out to any lonely soul to pour liquid courage down their throats and do something they'll regret in the morning.
The faraway scents of vomit and piss made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. I crossed the street and approached the door. My fingers hovered above the handle.
Another scent crossed my nose, something that made me stop in my tracks. Sandalwood and rose wafted toward me, a particularly odd scent. I never smelled anything like it before.
Across the street stood two men, one with the shoulders of a linebacker and one with a really bad bleach job. A brown-haired woman in front of them. Their broad shoulders blocked the woman, but no doubt the scent was coming from her.
The men loomed over her, and one of them took a step forward, making her take a step back until her back was pressed against a nearby building wall.
Most of the time I didn't like to stick my nose into things that weren't my business, but a sharp feeling tightened around my chest, making me pull my hand away from the door.
I leaned against the wall and took out a Marlboro from my breast pocket. I lit the cigarette and pretended as if I was scrolling through my phone, but instead, I extended my hearing to pick up on what was going on.
"I'd like to get to my friends, thank you," A melodic voice replied. I watched as she side-stepped one of the men, but he quickly stopped her.
"Aw c'mon, why are you leavin' so soon? You just got here," The blond-haired man replied. He placed his arm above her shoulder and leaned in.
I took a long drag and let out a breath. Smoking did nothing for me, my lungs healed the damage it took from it in seconds. Arlo didn't see the point of smoking, but for me somehow, it calmed me.
She shrunk away. "Please, I don't want to be here with you." I heard her heartbeat pick up as she shifted uncomfortably.
"Don't be a tease, you wanted to step out with us," The burly man snapped.
"You wanted to talk someplace quieter, I didn't think this was what you meant!" The woman tried to walk away, but the other man grabbed her arm and shoved her against the wall.
"I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes." One of them guffawed.
My body moved without thinking. I crossed the street, cigarette jostling in the corner of my mouth. They didn't hear me until I was directly behind them.
"You're really going to force her to be with you?" I asked, taking another pull of the cigarette and dropping it to the floor.
The blond turned his head and lifted a bushy brow. "Shut up and mind yer business."
I chuckled. A thrill zinged through me at the rebellion of these men. They got off on flexing their dominance, sad sacks of toxic masculinity. "Does this feel good for you two, preying on a woman that clearly doesn't want anything to do with you?"
The muscled man moved his head side to side, cracking his bones. "I'm not really into dykes, but if you want it too, I don't mind providing."
I lifted my brows. The streetlight that hung over us was bright enough for them to see my face. I leveled my gaze over the blond-haired man.
A cocky grin sat on his face, but the longer I stared at him, the more he shifted his weight uncomfortably. Humans knew when there was danger around, and no doubt he felt something coming from me that he knew he couldn't challenge.
I deemed he was the smarter one out of the two. "I'll give you three seconds to walk out of here unscathed."
The other man shook his head. "Fuck off, bitch, I don't say it again."
"I don't repeat myself either," I replied calmly, waiting for them to walk away. I didn't feel like staining my clothes with their blood, I was rather fond of this jacket.
"Chase, let's just get outta here," The blond man grabbed his friends shoulder, sensing the precarious situation they were getting themselves into.
He didn't look me in the eye anymore, and I could sense the mounting fear clinging onto his like a moth to a flame. Sweat dribbled down his temples as he looked to his friend.
"Nah man, she should mind her business," The one called Chase lunged for me, reaching out and trying to grab my collar.
With my hands still in my pockets, I side-stepped him easily, watching as he stumbled forward past me.
A grunt of frustration sounded behind me.
He stuck out his arm and tried striking me from behind, but I ducked, taking a step back and sweeping my leg out. It connected with the back of his knees and he crumpled to the ground, his knees hitting the pavement with a crunch.
I winced. I might've put a little too much strength into that, I mused.
"I'm not against hitting you, you look like a man anyways," Chase scrambled to his feet and held up fists.
I smirked. "You don't want to do that. You might get hurt."
The brown-haired woman stepped in front of the men. "Stop! Leave us alone." Her back was toward me and he held her arms out as if she was protecting me from them.
I slid my hands out of my pockets. "Why don't you head to the bar? I'm sure your friends are waiting for you." I didn't look at her as I spoke. Things were going to get ugly, and I didn't need any witnesses for what was going to unfold.
"I'm going to get help," the woman spoke, hesitantly taking a step toward the bar.
I stepped forward, my grinned widening as I stared at the blond.
"We were just leaving," the blond replied, pulling on his friend with more force than before, "it's not worth it, let's get outta here." His blood was pumping through him bringing out his flight or fight response. I wasn't surprised it was the former.
The men turned around, walking down the street. I scrutinized them as they turned the corner. This altercation wouldn't stop them from doing it to others.
"Thank you," the woman replied softly.
Upon closer look, the petite woman was breathtaking. Her hair adorned highlights of pink ringlets among the waves of brown. I couldn't tell if they were extensions or dyed, but they were pretty. I fought the urge to reach and twirl a ringlet around my finger.
The woman's eyes met mine.
I sucked in a sharp breath, wondering why was her beauty so ensnaring. There were plenty of beautiful women out there, and owning a bar had graced me with seeing many a day. This woman should've been like no other, but looking into her eyes rooted my feet to the ground.
They reminded me of the depths of the ocean, different shades of blue overlapping each other to make a kaleidoscope of colors. They were full of emotions, gratitude being the first one.
"Your welcome," I said tentatively, casting my gaze to the ground.
A small smile spread on her face. "My friends are waiting for me inside. I should probably head back in."
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Her scent coiled around me as she passed. The mixture of sweetness and sandalwood made me think of a warm day on the beach.
I watched as she crossed the street and walked into the bar, her hips swaying to her own tune.
I shook my head and snapped my head out of the gutter. Now wasn't the time to be thinking impure thoughts.
Chase and the blond bloke couldn't have gone too far.
I strode quickly down the block, following their scents of week-old beer and cigars. It didn't take long to catch up to them. I strolled carefully behind them, keeping myself several feet away.
They were talking trash earlier, Chase blabbering on how he would've taken me on and then some.
The corners of my mouth curled.
There was something that fascinated me about humans more than anything else. Their never wavering false confidence was something that I couldn't wrap my head around sometimes. Their pride could be beaten down, but the second they had time to delve into their own whims and thoughts, their false confidence soared, putting up a flimsy shield to protect their fragile insecurities.
I kept to the shadows as I followed them, waiting for them to walk onto a less populated block. I leaped into the air once I made sure no one was around. My feet landed firmly on an apartment roof.
The wind picked up a bit, bringing their scent upward. I took a deep breath and jumped off the edge, drawing closer to them.
I dropped onto the blond without hesitation, using his body as a cushion against the pavement. His upper spine cracked as I landed on him. He howled in agony, rolling to his side. I glanced at him for a moment, debating on whether I should end his pathetic existence or let him suffer in a world without the use of his legs.
Chase whirled around before I had the chance to make a decision. Shock registered in his system as he stared at his companion.
I didn't give him time to realize who it was. I shot up and rammed the palm up my hand upward, connecting with his blunt jaw. My grip tightened around his chin as I stepped forward and pinned him against a nearby building wall.
His eyes widened in terror as he realized who it was.
"Is this how you were going to do it?" I asked, keeping my voice low and controlled.
He struggled against my grip, but I was stronger, not letting him budge a centimeter. "What are you?" He asked. Even with his muffled voice, I could hear the frightened tremor layered within it.
I debated on ending his miserable life, but I knew that'd be too merciful. His soul was tainted in sin. Darkness clung to his outline, and there was no telling how many people fell victim to him. He didn't deserve the silent bliss of death.
My other hand slid down to his crotch. I cupped it tightly in my hands. "Say goodbye to your precious jewels." I crushed his manhood in my hands, relishing in the scream of agony. It was music to my ears.
I let go and watched he crumpled to the ground, curled up and clutching his groin. His face was contorted in anguish and I deemed that was enough before his screams attracted the authorities.
I silently leaped upward, grabbing onto the edge of a buildings' roof.
I hummed a jingle on the way back to the bar.
An upbeat song bounced around in Purgatory, one that I heard way too many times this week. I scanned the room, observing everyone as their sweat-slicked bodies undulated under the strobe lights.
Arlo tended to the bar and I watched him from the private balcony. He worked swiftly in giving out drinks, and if people were any more sober, I'd tell him to not work too fast. His hands were a blur as he mixed drinks and poured them into glasses.
My gaze settled over the dancefloor, stopping at a familiar face. I couldn't help but sway closer.
I lost myself in the mob of people, easily sliding between people and taking the stairs back to the main floor.
It was like I was in a trance, getting drawn into the sea of bodies as if it was high tide.
The scent of sandalwood and rose washed over me as the sun-kissed brown-haired girl from the other night twirled in front of me. Her half-lidded gaze swept over me, and I smirked.
Hook, line, and sinker.
I overlooked everyone as I leveled my gaze over her. Her scent overwhelmed my senses even with the sheer amount of people around us.
She swayed her body closer to mine as she matched the rhythm of the song playing.
The girl spun around me and grabbed my hands, placing them on her hips, moving them along with mine. Her scent was irresistible, dragging me under her spell. I swayed along to the song with her, catching waves of her sandalwood and rose scent every time she turned.
As the song came to a close, I twirled her around to face me. I surmised that she got so caught up dancing with me that she didn't notice who it was. She pushed me away with more strength than I anticipated and vanished into the sea of bodies.
The scent of sandalwood and rose clung to my clothes, leaving me thinking about her all night.
The next few nights, I looked around for the girl with the pink streaks in her hair. It was the fourth night that she showed, this time with a group of friends.
Purgatory was at its busiest, but the unmistakable scent of her confirmed her presence. I couldn't stop thinking about her fragrance. It messed with me and distracted me that even Arlo was picking up on my odd behavior.
"Earth to Eryn," Arlo snapped, "we're low on ice."
I nodded. "Then go get some more." I wasn't looked at him. Instead, I was staring at the sandalwood and rose girl, watching as she approached the bar.
If I weren't centuries old, I would've been nervous to address her. With years of me accosting women, this one wouldn't be any different.
And yet, as I said that, I knew I was lying to myself.
I sauntered towards her, sliding a hand through my short hair.
She stood at the end of the bar, struggling to pick up a couple of drinks. They were too many for her to grab. She caught me with the corner of her eye and turned her attention towards me.
"Hey," I smiled, studying every feature on her face. I wanted to memorize her face. I'd spent the past few days thinking about her, but it was only her eyes I could remember. Her nose was cute, the tip of her nose upturned a bit. It made me want to pinch it. My gaze dropped to her bow-shaped lips. A birthmark rested above her upper lip.
I withdrew my eyes away from her lips as fast as I could before she noticed.
I watched as she formed the word hi. Her lips parted and even with the loud music booming around us, I could hear the slight intake of breath before she spoke. "I wanted to thank you again for the other night," she said, "if it wasn't for you..."
I shook my head. "Don't think about that. I was there and that's what mattered."
She nodded, the worried expression on her face going away.
I reached over the bar and grabbed a tray. "Let me help you."
Her eyes dropped down to my arms and her face brightened. "Oh, wow I really like your tattoos." She said as her fingers brushed my forearm.
A zing of static flowed between us and I watched her flinch slightly before the tips of her cheeks grew red. "Sorry."
I chuckled. "Don't worry about it." I placed the drinks on the tray one by one.
"I really can't help but thank you again for the other night, honestly. I feel like such an idiot. I shouldn't have gone outside with those guys."
I shook my head, "those blokes were scum. The lowest of the low."
"Yeah, I'm not from around here, I wasn't expecting their mannerism to be so..." she trailed off and shook her head, "anyways, again thank you. I don't know how I could repay you."
We walked over to her table where three people sat. I placed the tray on the table and smiled at her friends. I leaned over a bit and spoke in her ear, "How about you dance with me again and we're even?"
A blush crept up her face and she looked to her friends.
A girl that sat on the inside of the booth nodded, waving her hands towards me. "Go and dance. We're not going anywhere." She took the shot glass in front of her and clinked it with the other girls' glass.
The girl that was sitting on the other end of the booth grasped my arm. "We'll let you dance with her," she slurred, "but you have to come back and drink with us."
"Ally!" The sandalwood girl called, a blush forming to her face quickly again.
I chuckled, nodding. "Yes, once I bring her back to you, I will drink with you all. The round will be on me."
"Ooh! I like her already," Ally giggled.
Sandalwood girl touched my arm gently. I turned to her and smiled. "Shall we?" I held out my hand.
She took it tentatively, allowing me to pull her into the mass of people. Her body was immediately pressed against mine, the throngs of people pushing us together. "Wait, I haven't even asked for your name!" she shouted over the music.
I frowned, knowing she would have trouble hearing me over the music. If I was human, I would've had trouble hearing her. "Why don't we head back to the bar and get another round for your friends? We can talk there." I spoke in her head, watching as her cheeks reddened.
She nodded and smiled at me.
I clasped her hand and led her through the crowd, occasionally turning back to see if she was okay. Her heartbeat sped up and I couldn't tell if it was because of the crowd or because of me.
Perhaps I was coming off too strong.
"I'm Marina," she answered as she sat down on a barstool, "but everyone calls me Mari."
"Beautiful name," I muttered, motioning to Arlo.
He narrowed his eyes. "By the way, I got the ice myself," he hissed, wiping the counter in front of us, "what do you want?"
I wouldn't get drunk off alcohol, at least not the ones that I was ordering for Marina and her friends. "A round of tequila." I looked at Marina, "is that okay?"
Marina shrugged, "I have no idea what they like, but I'm sure as long as it has alcohol in it, they'll be happy."
I chuckled. "Arlo, you heard the woman. Five shots of tequila."
He rolled his eyes and placed five glasses in front of us, making quick work of pouring tequila in each one. "There you go, now leave me alone."
Marina lifted her brow. "He's kinda rude."
I shook my head. "Nah, Arlo and I go way back," I said with a grin.
"I know his name, but still not yours," Marina replied.
"Eryn," I twisted to her and smirked, "with an E."
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Marina asked, confusion written on her face.
"Because you're beautiful, and I'd like to get to know more about you," I returned, knocking back a shot. I wanted to know more about her distinct pheromones and why I craved to be around her. Something about her was alluring and it was more than her good looks.
"You don't know if I'm interested in women," she responded, gazing down at the shot in front of her. There was a small smile on her that implied that she was very much, in fact, into women.
"Well you're sitting here with me, aren't you?" I chuckled softly, sinking closer to her face. She searched my eyes for a moment.
Instantly, a blush crept from her neck and made its way to her cheeks. Marina straightened up. "I don't know," she blurted, "I really haven't done much of anything."
"But you're attracted to me, yes?" I asked, catching a curl that came undone from her ponytail and tucking it behind her ear. The club lights didn't do justice for her hair. It was so incredibly beautiful. The strobe lights stifled her beauty. That was fine, that meant I was the only one that could see her clearly in here.
I didn't mind having her to myself.
This was one of those rare moments where I was glad for my vampiric abilities.
Her eyes dipped to my lips again then to the tattoos that lined my arms. She swallowed deliberately.
I laughed and shook my head. "I'll take that as a yes?"
"I wanted to dance with you more the other night," Marina seized the shot and drank it hastily. Her mouth contorted in repugnance and she stuck out her tongue, "ugh."
"Not much of a drinker Marina?" I inquired, turning the stool to face her. I was quite taller than she was, and I had to lean in to get closer to her.
"No..." she trailed off, staring at my eyes, "why are your eyes like that?"
I sat up straight, backing off. Were they shifting? "Like what?" My confidence faltered. I prepared myself to lie about the trick of the light, but it wasn't what she meant.
"They're so... haunted."