SR: Nourish - we're not good together anymore
"Do you think that's really why she showed up?" Sagan asked me as we made our way into the ballroom.
"It must've been, she wanted to do something," I replied, showing the two vampires at the door a copy of Chris' clan invitation.
I cringed at the fact that I was roped into their clan. I didn't want to be a part of anything. It was too restricting. They traveled a lot sure, but they were so domesticated. Vampires were meant to stay in groups of two or lower.
We stepped into the room and I looked around, taking in all the vampires that were in one place. I rarely saw so many together and it made me uncomfortable. There was a tense air to the room and I knew that everyone else was tense.
Lucinda Price really had outdone herself.
There were decorations everywhere, gold and white balloons hung from the chandelier. Tables and chairs were off to the side where little tags with clan names on them. There was a dancefloor, in which only the younger vampires chose to dance. The older ones were already taking their seats or standing awkwardly talking with others at the bar. They were mostly huddled up near the exit.
I settled over at the bar with Sagan, pouring myself bourbon. I threw some back, repressing my feelings. Marina threw me off completely. I still was annoyed that Ami and Marina showed up. More for Marina than Ami. It was extremely dangerous for a mermaid to be here. If any of these vamps had picked on her scent...
"Heads up," Sagan mumbled, her eyes narrowing as she looked at someone.
"Ladies," Lucinda's shrill voice called out, her haughty gaze settling over us, "and the Three Musketeers are back."
I rolled my eyes, taking in the sight of Luce. She wore a tight black sequin dress and her golden locks were clipped upon her head. Her red cat-like eyes studied me intently, leaving a cold chill on my lower back.
"I missed you," Luce smirked. She leaned forward and ran her long nails up my arm.
"As if," I muttered, pulling my arm away and kicking back another shot.
Sagan leaned closer to me; an impish grin set on her face. "Looks like you're living pretty well, it must be lonely sometimes."
Luce's eyes glazed, a secret smile tugging on her red lips. "Oh, you're wrong, mon chéri. What I have found for this glorious night is something that I'm sure everyone will enjoy."
I straightened up, hoping it was the mermaids. "Oh?" I raised a brow, tugging softly on a curl that had fallen from her face. I lazily lifted up the side of my mouth and grinned at her. This was my chance. "And what might that be?"
She grabbed my wrist with a speed I wasn't ready for. "Word has it, you have a fledging under your wing. Your little sire sibling sang like a canary," Luce let go of my hand, "I heard she was a mermaid. Feeling a little guilty so you had to turn her?"
I stiffened, my eyes turning to slits as I stared at her. "Arlo's been telling you lies. He was the one who bit her."
Luce grinned, leaning towards my ear, "If you have a little taste, no one here will blame you. I'm sure you'd love some, you looked dried out, love."
I yanked my head away from her lips, staring at Sagan. This was exactly where I wanted Luce. "She's offering some playtime; do you think that sounds good?" My expression didn't falter, I couldn't let her get into my head. Luce knew me during my worst moments of my life, she knew how to push all the right buttons.
At yet, at the same time, I knew which ones to press for her.
Sagan caught my drift and nodded eagerly. "Oh, now that sounds good."
The edges of Luce's mouth curved upwards, "Just like old times?"
I smirked, nodding enthusiastically.
"You really know how to make an entrance, darling," Lance muttered, grabbing my arm tightly as we made our way past the throng of vampires.
All eyes were on me, different shades of reds. It was like walking into the lions' den. I was beginning to understand why I wasn't wanted here. My blood was a huge attention grabber.
I watched as Eryn and Sagan talked with a woman at the bar. The woman stole the show, a butterfly among moths. Her hair cascaded down her back beyond her butt. Soft curls framed her heart-shaped face. There was a natural purse to her red painted lips that had me wondering if her lips were real or not. Her dress was adorned with black sequins with accents of red around her sweetheart neckline.
"Is that Lucinda?" I asked.
"Yes, Seattle's quaestor. I see Eryn and Sagan are already at it," Lance mumbled, "let's keep our distance from her and watch from afar." He led us towards a table with a nametag on it.
I peered over at the card, pronouncing the name carefully. It was written in a delicate script, something I was still getting the hang of understanding.
"Verconis?" I asked, "Is that your... clan?"
"Yes, Chris and I established ourselves into the society years ago, meeting others along the way. Turned vampire clans are a bit different from pure bloodlines," Lance informed, "however vampires are all about politics, especially at this time. All the vampires around Seattle are invited to this shindig, and knowing how vampires go, they like to see the clans that attend this area. Chris and I aren't really into the whole drama of it, but it's good to see their faces just in case."
"How many clans are there?" I asked, watching as Lucinda and Eryn walked out of the room with Sagan in tow.
"There were seven influential clans in Seattle, I don't know how many are in the world, though. The Draven clan is the largest in numbers," Lance motioned towards a group of vampires dressed in black standing over at the bar. A cool arrogance swept over the Draven clan as they watched the other vampires. Lance wasn't wrong about them being powerful.
"Whoa," I breathed out, watching as one vampire broke from the crowd and made his way towards us. His skin was almost translucent and his beady little red eyes settled over me, an eerie glint in them. He licked his lips.
He stood in front of Lance and took a slight bow. "Sir."
"Hello, Simon. How have you been these past hundred years?" Lance tightly smiled, an air of power to him I didn't notice until now. I could see the difference in age and power between the two.
Simon took on a more submissive role as he spoke to Lance. "Very good, although the last time I saw you, you went by Laurel," Simon sneered.
Lance tensed, slowly letting out a breath. "You know just as much as I that I detest hearing my deadname. The last time I saw you, you were taking your last human breath. I think it's best you walk away, maggot."
Simon's eyes blazed and they met mine for a moment. I stiffened, looking anywhere else but at him. "Ocean dweller," he seethed before he looked away.
"What the Hell was that?" I asked, turning to Lance.
His face held a stoic expression. "A lot of vampires here are old fashion. Some don't take to kindly to open-minded thinking. Vampires can be bigots as well."
"What a jerk," I muttered, "he only came over to say that to you?"
Lance shook his head, "Simon noticed your presence and perhaps is trying to assess why you're here. Keep close to me tonight."
I scanned the room for Eryn as Lance spoke. I knew she had gone with Lucinda, but I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing right now. Did she like being around these people?
"How is it back home for you?" Lance asked, "I know your kind are very secretive and for every reason. You don't have to answer." He took a sip of the wine in front of him and smiled at me.
I shook my head, grabbing a napkin and twisting in my hands impulsively. "You're helping me get my friends back, there aren't any vampires I know that would do all this for me. I just can't believe why you'd all go such great lengths."
"Eryn knows better than anyone that Chris and I are always there for anyone in need. The vampires in Seattle are a bit more primal than in other areas. Perhaps it's all this rain," Lance chuckled dryly. His whiskey eyes met mine, "I'm sorry they got into this mess, frankly."
"I am too, I just wished I kept my eye on them closer," I trailed off, "At my kingdom, all eyes are on me. Since my sister died, I stepped into the light of royalty. I guess I'm still not used to calling all the shots."
Lance's thin pink eyebrow lifted. "So, you're really a princess?"
I blushed, looking away for a moment. I didn't want to think too much about Aqueria. It was always the same look from everyone when they'd find out I was truly royalty. Even Lance had that glitter of astonishment in his eyes as he stared at me.
"What if I have to use the bathroom?" I asked, desperately trying to change the conversation.
"You'll be a nice little prepped meal," Chris whispered behind me, causing me to shriek. I caught the attention of some vampires, but I slowly began to realize it wasn't me they were looking at.
Some eyes were on Chris and the quiet murmuring of the room turned to a slow standstill for a moment. Only the background music of classical music could be heard. What was it with vampires and classical music?
A wave of nostalgia hit me in the gut. Back at home, sometimes we would head to our own beach and play drums carved shellstone drums. The strange sound that came from it always lulled me into a nice feeling. I could only wish I could hear it now, perhaps then it'd settle my nerves.
"You made it in time, the Draven's were getting antsy," Lance chuckled.
Chris's eyes were slits and he stared at the group of vampires from afar. He kissed Lance on his temple before he sat down across from us. He had his back to the audience behind him and he truly seemed comfortable doing it. I began to wonder how much older he was than the others.
Chris's eyes met mine for a moment and he winked. "Older than you think."
My brows shot up, turning my head away. Could he read my mind?
Chris chuckled softly, "it's written all over your face. I don't have to be a mind reader to know what you're thinking."
I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to know that my mind wasn't being read all the time. A small part of me still thought he could read my mind though. He answered all my questions with no problem...
I chose not to dwell upon it, for now.
"Oh, and if you wear this, you can go to the bathroom safely. Humans work at this Hotel," Lance reached over and grabbed something from the table. He reached over to my collarbone and pricked my boob for a moment with something sharp.
"Ouch!" I looked down and stared at a pin that was on my dress. A 'V' was carved into a metal spade-shaped triangle. I watched as the pin shone in the ballroom lighting. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry. "This shows I'm in your clan?"
Chris chuckled, "in some sort of sense." There was a shit-eating grin on his face as he stared at the confusion on my face.
"He's saying you're his thrall, honey," An ebony toned woman approached Chris confidently.
I raised my brow and blushed, embarrassed at the thought of when Eryn bit me. Was I her thrall now? I did think about wanting her to bite me again.
Oh, god...
Lance rolled his eyes. He straightened up and his attitude shifted instantly upon the arrival of this woman. "Minerva, how nice to see you."
A part of me knew Lance wasn't too happy to see her.
Minerva sat at the table and placed her hand on Chris's arms. "How've you been, big boy?"
Chris pulled his arm away from the Minerva and reached out for Lance's hand. "We've been great. What about you? How's Frieda?"
I took this chance to get up from my seat look for a bathroom. The doors were heavier than I thought and the sound of me struggling to open it grabbed the attention of some vampires. My heartbeat quickened and it suddenly dawned on me that they could hear that. They could surely smell my fear.
I darted out of the room and walked into the lobby, feeling the relief wash over me as I exited the room.
I looked around wondering where could Eryn have run off to. I knew I shouldn't have cared, but the thought of her aura came across my mind. What if she needed my help?
I knew she was doing what she could to find Flynn and Sydney, but I came here for a reason. I had no idea where could they be, but it was better than sitting there with all the vampires staring at me.
I wasn't cut out for recon like this, I thought.
I found a bathroom and sighed in contempt as I looked under the stalls and noticed I was alone.
If it were the other way around, Flynn would've probably already found Sydney and I by now. He was specially trained to be a warrior for the royal family, something that I wished I could do too. I hated the idea of people swearing their life to protect me.
Father wanted me to learn how to be a ruler, but how could I rule if I couldn't even keep my friends from getting taken. I didn't want to be in charge of anyone. I wanted to be the one fighting for them, not having them risk their lives.
Aqueria wasn't the only kingdom in the ocean, but it was what was in-between that was a problem. The ocean was a big place. The open waters surrounding the kingdoms were infested with dangerous creatures that preyed on us. Father was always concerned about how much open space the Serpents had. They were creatures controlled by mermaids that chosen to drift off outside of the kingdom.
I felt as if this was the uninhabited lands between Aqueria. Everyone in this building was dangerous to me and I had no idea where to start looking.
I washed my hands for what seemed like forever and I glanced at myself in my mirror. My eyes were wide and a small sheen of sweat had gathered at my forehead. I looked shaken.
I clenched my fists and pulled away from the mirror, grabbing a towel to dry my hands. I couldn't let my fear take over me. I needed to get out there and do what was best for Syd and Flynn.
After I left the bathroom, I decided to head toward the staircase leading up to the rest of the hotel rooms. I decided my best bet was to ignore reception; they seemed human. I doubt Lucinda would give them any information about the mermaids. And there was no way I was going to ask if Syd and Flynn had come by. If any vampires picked up on me asking about them, I'd put myself into a sticky situation.
My best bet was to investigate each floor for any information.
I reached the second floor and walked down a carpeted hallway, looking around for anything out of place. If Lucinda wanted to bring Flynn and Sy in as a special treat, perhaps she'd keep them in a hotel room until the time came. I knew it was a longshot, but it was better than nothing. I picked up my speed and rounded the corner.
Stopping dead in my tracks, I held my breath as I saw the familiar tattooed girl down the left hall. Eryn walked toward a set of elevators down the hall, with Lucinda's arm looped with hers.
Lucinda leaned heavily onto Eryn, giggling. Eryn gave Lucinda her signature smirk and whispered something in her ear.
The elevator doors opened and Sagan was inside with a Cheshire grin on her face. They stepped into the elevator with her.
I waited for the doors to close before I approached the elevator, watching as the numbers went up. They hit the top floor within minutes.
I rolled my eyes. Of course, it was the penthouse. Lucinda would have the penthouse, and it'd be the perfect place to keep Flynn and Syd. I pressed the button and tapping my foot, wishing the elevator would move faster.
I sure hoped Eryn had the same idea.