SR: Timmies - Drift My Way
"Where's Eryn?" I asked, bounding the steps quickly. I didn't feel one hundred percent, but strength flowed in my veins. I was revitalized, even from just soaking in a tub.
Lance stood in the kitchen, sipping on what seemed to be a steaming mug of coffee. I knew better and assumed blood was in there. He leaned over his laptop reading something and I caught that he was wearing glasses.
"Eryn is outside talking to Ally. Do your best not to disturb them," Lance replied.
"And the glasses?"
"Well, before I was turned, I needed glasses. I still do now, unless I drink up," Lance winked and tipped up the mug to his lips.
I nodded and made a mental note to ask Lance more questions about that, but I had other things to do.
"Ally is... outside?" I approached the window and was gazed at Ally, who stood in front of Eryn.
Eryn's hair was longer from the first time I met her. It was now long enough to tie and she managed to pull the longer strands in a tight bun. She was only in a sports bra even though I could feel the winter air from behind the cold window.
Ally nodded curtly to something that Eryn had said. She looked much better from the last time I saw her. She'd cut her hair recently; her waist-length dreads now only up to her shoulders. I watched them as they seemed to be in an important conversation. Eryn tapped her ear and turned to the window, meeting my gaze for a moment.
My eyes widened and I yanked myself from the window.
Lance stood behind me, also appearing to be observing Ally and Eryn.
"I wanted to thank you again for helping me out."
He nodded and pushed his glasses up. "I presume they're leaving today? Not that I want them to leave, the tall fellow seemed as if he couldn't wait to get out of here."
I half-smiled. "Knowing how Flynn is, I wouldn't be surprised." I eased myself into a kitchen stool and braced myself, "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to stay here for Ally. I think I could help her, truly."
Lance gave me a look, but it quickly left as it came. "Usually when a human is turned, they forget about their mortal relationships."
"Ally isn't a human. She's a mermaid and she's more than just a relationship to me," I countered, sitting up straight as I saw Eryn and Ally open the front door.
Ally laughed lightly and then abruptly stopped the moment she saw me. I inhaled, trying to ignore the fact that her eyes were red with dark circles under them. "Ally, I—"
"I'm trying really hard to be near you right now," she cut me off, looking away from me, "I'm not ready yet." She turned her head toward Eryn.
"If you don't mind, Eryn I'm going upstairs to my room."
Eryn glanced at me for a moment, her piercing eyes scrutinizing me head to toe before looking back at Ally. "You may."
Ally briskly walked past me, heading to the main stairway. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. "She has to ask you permission? Should I ask you permission to speak to you?"
Eryn's stone gaze hardened, her eyes looking icier than grey. "That's not what I meant."
I didn't turn my eyes away, instead, I matched her cold expression. There was a sliver of anguish that appeared in her aura as she looked at me. Her face softened up and she approached me slowly. She seemed as if she wanted to reach out and touch me, but instead, she ran her hand through her hair, taking out the hair tie and letting the inky locks fall forward.
"This may be painful to hear," Eryn started, her expression full of something I couldn't quite decipher, "but Ally isn't the same person you remember. Vampirism changes a human's genetic makeup. She's a predator now, and so the way she thinks is different. You can't expect her to be the same."
"That's not going to scare me off. I'm going to stay here with Ally," I firmly stated, not making Eryn force me to give up on my friend. I was the one that made the decision at the end of the day, I wasn't going to abandon my friend.
Eryn shook her head, "I'm not going to argue with you, but I can't watch you and her at the same time." She lifted her gaze and stared at nothing in particular, "your friends are coming, I'm sure they would agree with me." She created distance between us and leaned against the wall closest to the doorway of the kitchen.
I mashed my lips together.
Eryn was right, Flynn and Syd descended down the steps. I peered upwards at them, watching as they tentatively stepped into the kitchen. They looked all around the room in suspicion as if they didn't believe they could leave on their own.
Sydney's face changed into an expression of relief as she met my gaze. She grasped my arms and pulled me into a tight hug, the ones where you can't help but take a deep breath as you're being hugged. I sagged into it, reaching around and hugging her back tightly. I knew better than anyone that mermaids didn't return from vampires so easily. I was lucky they came out of this alive.
"I missed you," Syd whispered. She pulled away and gave me a slanted smile.
"Are you okay?" I asked, taking in her appearance, particularly looking at a nasty scar that rested under her eye. It looked as if someone cut her face with a blade, the scar was too smooth and linear.
I didn't want to think of what Syd and Flynn had suffered while being in Lucinda's clutches. How did she know they were here anyway?
"I'm okay now, especially seeing that you're fine."
Flynn stepped in between Sydney and me, taking me into his arms. He picked me up slightly as he hugged me. "I'm glad you're alive," he murmured against my hair.
I pat his arm slightly and he set me down. Flynn glanced at Eryn and Lance, a look of distrust flashing across his face before he straightened up and gave me a stern gaze. "We're going back to Aqueria now."
I tensed, taking a step back. I knew this moment was going to come and I thought about how I would tell Flynn. It would only be best to tell him bluntly. "I'm not going back with you guys."
Flynn's brows shot up and his eyes darted to Eryn before looking down at me with a scowl. "After what the fuck we've just been through? Your King would want you back, now. This is exactly why he didn't want you to head to land in the first place."
I could feel the tension in the air as I glared at Flynn. "I make my own choices here. I'll see you two off, but I'm coming back here."
Flynn scoffed, shooting daggers at Eryn. "You're the reason why she is staying here, aren't you? Did you put your devilish mind control on her?" He took a step forward as he balled his fists.
Eryn sounded as if she was choking on something.
I soon realized she was snickering. I looked at her, noticing how she unfolded her arms and casually pushed herself from leaning on the wall. "I have nothing to do with this."
"Oh yeah?" Flynn gritted, "then how come those vampires came to your place? They knew there were mermaids there, how can you explain that."
Eryn shook her head and raised her hands up, "I don't know anything about that. The Seattle quaestor is corrupted, and just because we are vampires doesn't mean we're friends with all of them."
He chuckled dryly, "I'm sure you're not, but none of it could matter to you, eh?" He raised his fist, cocking it back and aiming straight toward Eryn's face.
"Flynn stopped, they helped us!" Syd screamed.
Eryn ducked faster than my eyes could track. Immediately, she grabbed Flynn's wrist and pinned it behind his back. He fell to his knees and Eryn she loomed over him, her white-knuckle grip on his wrist and shoulder. She leaned forward and whispered something into his ear that I couldn't hear.
Lance cleared his throat, "Eryn, that's enough. Let him go."
Eryn hissed and loosened her grip on him, raising her arms in mock surrender. A smug grin had spread on her face and she returned back to the wall she leaned on.
Flynn rubbed his wrist uncomfortably and shot Eryn a glare. "This is exactly why we're returning. Marina," he faced me, giving me a desperate stare, "you can't possibly want to stay here."
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I have unfinished business here. I won't go back until I know Ally will be okay. She could still have her abilities. Flynn, I still sense her. Shouldn't I stay here to confirm that?"
"She lost her connection to Aqueria the second you turned her into one of them!" Flynn seethed, his face reddened as he shouted, "If you choose to stay here you are defying your father! Abandoning your rightful duty for a vampire woman? How disappointing you won't produce an heir just because of your lewd whims."
"Why wasn't I ever an option?" Flynn continued, "You couldn't even have tried to like men?" Flynn's voice dripped with venom. Each word a double edge sword, bringing ugly memories from Aqueria, the ones I so desperately tried forgetting. The harshness of Flynn's words sparked anger in my chest.
I clenched my teeth, narrowed my eyes at him.
"You don't ever speak to me like that!" Without thinking, I raised my palm and smacked Flynn across his cheek.
Eryn's low whistle sounded immediately after.
Flynn looked shocked, followed quickly by leashed fury. He put his head down and didn't say a word as he turned around and passed Eryn, leaving through the front door.
Sydney took my hand in hers.
"I'm sorry he said that to you." She took a deep breath and spoke, "I support what you're doing. Ally was one of us, and I completely under why'd you want to stay here. That's okay, we'll go back and tell them that not all vampires are like the one's we saw. When you're ready, you can show him." Her gaze met mine. They were glossy as if all the tears that Syd held onto for the past week finally wanted to show, but she held strong, giving my hands a tight squeeze before she let them go.
I knew how hard it was going to be to try and convince my father that not every vampire was an enemy of ours. He could never get past the death of my sister. Parents never could tell their children they had favorites, but it was always apparent that Nerissa was his favorite.
Flynn was right about one thing; it was my duty to go back home and debrief the king on what happened. I was blatantly ignoring my royal obligation. And yet, I didn't care. I was doing what I thought was best for my people.
Even if Ally didn't want to see me, I'd still be here, doing my best to understand vampires better for her and for my sister. I won't let her death be in vain.
As for who I chose to love... father would be mad that I wouldn't be returning to marry Jasper, but my heart didn't lie with him.
Lance clapped his hands together in quick succession. "I think it's time we go and see them off, don't you think?"
I gratefully looked up at him and smiled. I didn't have any older brothers, but Lance was slowly beginning to feel like one for me. It made me teary-eyed thinking about how kind he and Chris were to me and my friends. I placed my hand on his arm and squeezed, "thank you for saving them. I don't even know how I can repay you."
Lance shook his head, "please you're like family to me. I'd do it again in a flashed," he winked. He stepped forward and grabbed his keys before heading outside.
My eyes sought out Eryn, wondering what she thought about what just happened. But when I looked at the wall she leaned on, she was nowhere to be found.
I guess I would have to find her again once I returned, I thought.
The drive to the beach was silent and I cursed myself for leaving it so awkward between Flynn and I. I never liked being upset at Flynn, but his words were harsh and I never heard him say anything like that toward me. I'm sure his heart was in the right place, but his execution was terrible. I could tell he had a lot of pent up frustration and I hoped we could talk again soon.
I glanced at him through the side mirror. He looked out the window, the usual spark in his rich brown eyes now gone. Lackluster eyes replaced them, something I wish I could take away. I didn't know what he went through while he was taken by Lucinda, but I could only imagine it was something he couldn't get over overnight. Crescent-shaped scars marred his neck and wrists and the trauma that came with that unimaginable.
I only had a flash of what he experienced and I almost died... Flynn would be carrying this darkness with him when he went back to Aqueria. There was no way he was going to tell the king that vampires saved him.
Maybe one day he could learn to accept them.
Accept me.
I turned around and darted my gaze to Sydney who sat on his right. She gave me a forced smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
I hated that I put both of them through this. I should've been more careful. Perhaps if I stayed with them... Why couldn't Neri be here with me? She would've been able to stop the vampires that took them. She wouldn't have made the mistakes I did.
Eventually, the familiar beach scent cut through the drafts in the car and I gazed out the window, watching as the waters called toward me. A sense of longing washed over me as I looked at the expanse of blue wrapping around the sand.
Lance parked the car and turned to me. "Ready?"
I nodded and we all climbed out of the car, heading to shore. I looked around, relieved that there was no one around this area of the beach.
Rocks and seaweed coated the sand in thick clumps, perfect for warding off any beach-goers. The large boulder surrounding us did good work of keeping us shielding from the nearby beach houses
Lance stood next to me at the edge of the tide, watching as Flynn took off his shirt and wadded into the shallow water without a word.
Sydney looking at him and turned to me, her eyes watery. "I'm going to miss you, Marina."
I pulled her in for a hug, wishing this moment would last a bit longer. However, I knew it was time for them to go. The yearning for the ocean was too strong for them. It washed over me too and it took all my strength to keep myself rooted in the sand, letting the water nip and tug at the soles of my shoes.
Sydney pulled away from me and walked towards the water. The sound of the waves changed as if they were screaming out toward me.
I narrowed my eyes and scanned the tide. It was high tide, the water five feet higher than it was usually.
I looked up at Sydney, watching as the area around her darkened. The hairs on my arms stood up on end as the air around me thickened. It charged with static and made the stray hairs on my head rise.
"Something's wrong," I murmured, nearing closer to the water.
Lance peered into the water, "What's that?"
I followed his gaze and watched as it bubbled violently around Flynn and Sydney.
In an instant, the water erupted, raging a wave far above my head. I grabbed Lance's hand and tightened my grip, praying that I would shift fast enough to pull us into safety.
The bite of the wave rocked us backward, pulling me into its current easily. My legs merged together and tightened, growing scales down my thighs to my fin.
I tightened my grip on Lance's feeling his hand starting to slip away from me. The current was too strong and he wasn't strong enough to fight it.
I fought harder against it, my fin smacking against the pull of the currents.
Lance slipped from my grip, causing me to tumble deeper into the water. Bubbles scattered and I couldn't see Lance.
Hands pulled at me, yanking me above the surface. I whirled around, my hand colliding with a bronzed muscled arm.
I widened my eyes as I took in the familiar person in front of me. "Jasper," I breathed.
Jasper had a trident strapped to his back, and meridian scarification marks lined his arms. Strands of his thick curly hair fell around his face but he kept most of it held together by a swordfish pin.
He ignored me as he dove under the water, reaching up and pulling up Lance.
Lance coughed violently, but he was okay. He waded the waters carefully, keeping himself afloat.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thanks, Jasper. This is—"
Jasper pulled the trident from his back and raised it above his shoulder.
I howled in despair as Jasper's trident impaled Lance's chest.
Lance's screech was loud enough to be heard over the roar of the waves.
My eyes widened and for a moment, I couldn't think, couldn't breathe.
After the shock registered, I threw myself into action and slammed my fin against the water, swimming as fast as I can Lance.
Lance's weakly struggled as the weight of the trident pulled him underwater.
I swam faster, catching a ripple in the water and using it to propel be faster.
Traces of blood obscured my vision of Lance. I reached forward desperately, my webbed fingers grazing his jacket sleeve.
A vibrant burst of red exploded in front of me, and I was pushed back from the impact. I was unable to see and I whirled around, screeching into the water as I realized what happened.
"Marina!" Sydney's voice rang clear and loud in my head, "Flynn and Jasper's guards are dragging me back!"
Hands suddenly pulled down my shoulders and something sharp pricked my fin.
I stared down and saw a net tangling around it. I wriggled my fin aggressively, trying to snap the net.
Black squid dyed fins shadowed my vision, thrusting me deeper into the depths. I looked around hurriedly, looking around for Lance. He had to be okay. I didn't see him explode it was probably just his arm...
He could heal from that right?
"You're never leaving my sight." The velvety tone of Jasper's voice weaseled its way to my mind. It had been a long time since I heard his voice floating in my head.
He came into view and used one hand to wrap his hand around my hair and the other to bind my arm behind my back.
I fought against his grip, my skull screaming in protest as strands of hair ripped from my scalp. I wildly looked around, fighting against his hold, still looking for Lance.
After a while of fighting Jasper and nearly getting all my hair yanked off, the familiar colors of coral surrounded us. The fight in me didn't quite leave yet.
A final wave of energy flowed through me and I threw my head back, almost hitting Jasper squarely in the nose.
I'm back.
Dread formed a lump in my throat and I was glad that tears weren't able to be seen in the water. I didn't cry in grief yet, I cried for something different entirely.
A sinking feeling crawled its way to my stomach, knowing what it meant to be back here.
I wouldn't be able to go back to land.