Dreaming is defined as the succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur when your asleep, however, for me dreaming is when reality becomes slightly less cruel. I have been in my room for days now, stuck inside the pain that was brought about from my recent encounter with Serenity. My heart longs to be with her every second of the day but my conscious tortures me. I can't see her face without picturing my Mom's face. The day my Mom and Dad died, everything inside of me perished alongside her. My life perished, my thoughts collided, my dreams ceased to come. I became trapped in my mind still trying to piece the darkened remains of my past. If I could have one dream, it would be to be permanently put to sleep so I wouldn't have to fake the senseless gate of this world. I was released from the suicide ward three days ago and yet, I was still there. Still clinging onto what the nurse there had told me. "Sometimes, the people in the most pain are those who try to make other people smile." Could this be true? Could I be in this much pain because of my love for this world? Could I be tortured by my thoughts and feelings day and night because I loved someone too much? I opened my eyes wide and yelled. "No!" I looked around, just another lucid dream. I rubbed my eyes and threw my feet over the side of the bed. The initiation was today. I put on a loose collared white long sleeve shirt and quickly put my jeans on. I looked at the time, 5:30 am. The initiation didn't start until 7:00. I opened my bedroom door with a slight creak and slowly walked into the kitchen.
"Rin, can you like, for one night, just one night, not wake me up by bloody yelling? C'mon man, I need my sleep just like everyone else." Sty sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah man, I'm sorry, I'm going to go for a run before we go to the initiation ceremony."
Sty looked at me and raised his eyebrows, "Nah dude, last time you did that, you ran off and tried to freeze yourself to death. I'm hella coming with you."
I tilted my head in slight frustration and turned back to the door, "Suit yourself, but I'm leaving now."
Sty looked at his bare feet as if he was in deep thought and then turned back to his door and shut it. I smiled and lightly closed the door behind me. I stepped into the slight chill of the morning and headed my way towards Kangast academy, my first step towards mental and physical freedom. I ran past dozens of houses and streets before I made my way out of the residential district of Arkologia. I walked along the highway, hundreds of hovercrafts and vehicles whizzing past me. Life in Arkologia is so very simple. The crime in Arkologia is almost nonexistent as one of the major rules is "an eye for an eye". When you are living in a city of government-funded killers, crime usually isn't an issue. This town has always been my home and will always be my home. My parents died here and I don't plan on abandoning them. With my last heartbeat, I will find who killed my parents and humiliate them until the brink of death, just as they did my parents. I put my hoodie on and walked until my legs couldn't walk any longer. I trembled and sat down on the side of the road with my head hung low. My head started throbbing and I quickly sat against the railing of the highway. Whispers echoed their way into my head and the world around me became suddenly hazy. Tiny footsteps reached their way beside me as I saw a white cat, walk up, and sit in front of me. I reached my hand out to pet it but the closer I got to touch it, the more pain rippled up my spine and into my head. I resisted the pain and patted the creature on the head while wincing. The whispers illuminated inside my head as they became deafening and almost aggressive. I looked at the cat and for some inexplicable reason, felt on the brink of starvation. I looked at the cat with a normal expression but my mouth began to water. If only I could have a single bite. No, that is a cat, I'm...not...that...hungry. I heard whispers inside my head to take a single bite. To taste the delicious flesh of the small beast. I turned from the cat and the whispers inside my head grew louder, my vision began to darken, and the color of blood tainted everything in my sight. Through a world of red, I stared at the cat, my mouth watering so much now that I was drooling. I can't resist the temptation of it. I have never been so hungry before in my life. I...must...have...a...bite. I growled a horrendous sound that I didn't think was possible for me to make and lunged at the cat. I grabbed the cat and slowly pulled it towards my mouth. My thoughts collided rapidly as I brought the cat closer and closer to my drooling mouth. People...watching. I turned my head away but then turned back, my crimson eyes inflaming into a deep scarlet. Must...have...bite. Before I realized what had happened a pool of blood lay before my feet and my unquenchable hunger slowly subsided. The meat inside my mouth was so beautifully tasting that I couldn't help myself from ripping away at the cat. It screeched and scratched at me but I just held it down and was consumed by an all-empowering hunger. I panted and coughed as I swallowed the last bite of bloody meat, the blood dripping down my face and into a pool of hair, intestines, and blood. My eyes slowly began to clear and the world around me that I had been oblivious to earlier came back into focus. With the red tint of my vision gone I could see the world around me again, I could see the blue and white sky, the towering skyscrapers, and the cars that had piled up, terrified of the sight they had just seen. I looked around the highway in disbelief, people had gotten out of their cars and were videoing me with their phones. I quickly pulled my hood over my face and then saw the gory mess below me. The blood instantly drained from my face as I felt blood trickle on my lip. I leaned over the side of the highway and vomited. "W-w-what have I done...Holy hell w-what did I do?" I looked around frantically and then saw a police drone driving fast along the highway towards me. I instantly sprinted towards the academy a couple of miles south and ran through a small section of forest. I ran through the forest until I felt something soft beneath my feet and fell. I cursed under my breath and turned back around. A little white cat sat there staring at me. I yelled and scooted back a few steps. The cat kept his gaze upon me and started to walk towards me, eventually morphing into a boy about my age with white hair, white skin, and white eyes. 354Please respect copyright.PENANAYH2iG07m6z
He smiled at me and waved his hand, "Rin, the only reason you are alive right now is that your dad told me to hide you from the rest of the gods for fear they would find out about your bloodlust awakening. Technically, I am supposed to be punishing you right now like a dog but Azarieth is kind of my creator so I have to follow his orders. I would have found it very entertaining to play with you for a while, but oh well. We both know you are already tortured" The white boy sat down in a criss-cross and smiled at me. I panted where I sat and grabbed my head digging my nails into my head. 354Please respect copyright.PENANA00M57vIYov
"M-m-my dads alive..."
The white boy tilted his head and raised his eyebrows and laughed. "Your dad is the leader of the gods, of course, he is alive. He is different than the rest of them, he is Cosmos' chosen son or some shit. He gets special powers while we get to be stranded in pain on this shithole we call Earth. Anyways, I'm Trew, and yeah, you are two and two for killing me. I didn't expect you to eat me though, that was gross but cool...but gross. Also, fuck you, I can feel the pain in death, just can't die."
I looked at him with weary eyes and sat down on my side laying half of my body on the ground. I chuckled an amused and almost sadist laugh under my breath, "My dad is Azarieth. My dad is the leader of all gods." A single tear fell down my cheek. "My dad is Azarieth and he couldn't manage to save HIS OWN FUCKING WIFE!" I screamed at nothing in particular. 354Please respect copyright.PENANAD0z9MzZt9o
Trew looked at me and laughed, "Kid, something you need to understand is that when gods come down to this Earth in human form, they can't use their power. They can only transport themselves back to wherever they live in the sky. Yeah, I know, it's like a get-out-of-death-free card. Damn, wish I had one."
For a second all my hatred stopped when I realized that my dad had actually faced death for my mom and could of abandon her. This thought brought no small amount of peace to me as I finally felt in ten years, some kind of closure. I took in a deep breath and laid on the ground. "Trew, I want you to stay like this and not go back into your creepy demon, Afflictor, whatever-the-hell-you-call it thing. I like you a lot more whenever you make sense."
Trew blew a white strand of hair out of his face and winked, "Funny you should say that Azarieth sent me here to make sure your bloodlust didn't rise, but now that it has, it is even more vital I am here. I am going to be going to the academy with you Rin, we can be best friends."
I stared at him and raised my eyebrows, "Trew, I'm willing to be whatever you want me to be to get some answers about my past but not best friend, that is Sty. You can be my...friend."
Trew got up and walked to where I was. He laid down on the ground next to me and slowly leaned towards me. I was so surreal at that time that I couldn't feel any emotions but slight happiness. It was like all the pain had melted away in a sudden moment and I was lost inside a sea of euphoria. I leaned towards Trew and kissed him without thinking. I would say that I am relatively straight and that the only reason I kissed him was that in the spur of the moment I was too happy to care. That was until I remembered that I just kissed that creepy long white creature with black eyes. I quickly pulled back and Trew pulled away and rolled on his side laughing. 354Please respect copyright.PENANAAMd5Y44nEj
"Ok Rin, I cannot believe you fell for that. I mean out of all the boys and girls I have kissed, you are definitely the most interesting. I forgot to mention that I can read people's minds on contact." All of a sudden Trews face went stone cold. "I would die a thousand more times before I ever looked back in your head. I knew the Decathodes were cold but I didn't know they were this ruthless."
I tilted my head at him, "Decathodes?"
He smiled and ran off in the woods, "That is a story for another time Rin, right now we need to get to your academy. After all, the initiation starts in ten minutes." Trew turned back and winked at me, "Nice kiss by the way."
I rolled my eyes and ran after him. I have a friend like Sty, and now I have this guy. When will my world ever lighten up?