There he was.
Sitting on the edge of the living. Though all of it had been a flurry of blurred out details, The moment right then had been one that blanketed death in solace. All he could process was how simplistically complicated all of this was. Thomas had waltz with Lady Life, dancing with a final grace. What a beautiful misery they painted together: Life helped him picture out a mural of fantastical hearts and silver born loyalty and she gave him chances, doors open and doors closed but still Thomas knew it was time. While all the machines and medicinal miracles could keep him alive, the wires clinging on like irremovable roots and the time stolen by this sanitized room would continue to rot his inner core. When he made the decision and signed his very own death sentence his thoughts were drowned by misery and an ache for relief. This was not an escape, not what they called it; Not death with dignity, this was all he could do to indulge himself was some way of completing his adventure. Yes of course he knew he wouldn't come back, that after this he would be buried along with those who rest eternally, It didn't matter. Isn't that where I would be in the end anyway?
What a dear present Father Fear brought to him, nothing but a feeling of utter understanding at the last moment, nothing you could obtain as a simple Joe walking on the street minding your own life. Was this what everyone wanted in the end? The goal and objective to be fulfilled? To go back on all your journeys, pitfalls and dreams only to look back and see...Oblivion?
Acceptance brought a sense of peace even though it ached knowing this damn hospital room, with it’s sickly whispers, would be his last view. Why won't they shut up? Why won’t they allow me this one final piece of the puzzle? Why won’t they shut up? Sad Smiles didn't falter but they didn't hold the sympathy like they did before, only the begs of a witness. Eyes wouldn't be full yet there weren't empty either, as if they were haunted by opaque memories that will fade over time. Relatives spilled broken spirits in droplets and rivers and still Thomas refused to say anything about it even if he knew his decision fuelled the tears. He needed this.
This boy wasn't afraid of death, nor was he afraid of oblivion. He was afraid of what his very last thought would be. Don’t let it be regret. Don’t let it be regret. Oh please oh please.
Don’t Judge what he did. Don’t Fear what he saw because what he knew was this...this was his choice, unlike his broken hourglass, this last moment belonged to him. Father Fear brought his hand closer and the last thought was “to live perfectly is to waste life.”
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From then Silence reigned in this void with the loudest cry of truth.998Please respect copyright.PENANAo6ehucKB9E
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Should of warned you this is the result of me reading about the controversial topic of 'Assisted Legal Suicide' that in some countries where it's legal gives the option to dying patients to go on peacefully with the help of medical professionals. Sorry to anyone who might be triggered by this.