Grudgingly, I stood up from my bed and slowly opened my bedroom door to take a peek at the living room. But it was empty. Nothing was out of place.
I laughed lowly and mentally scolded myself for being such a paranoid. As I turned back to the bed, my peripheral vision caught some movement from the corner of the living room. Turning around, I was tackled to the ground.
The lights from the window shone on us and I gasped in shock. I saw a man, in a middle of a raging fire, bleeding and chained to something I could not see. I couldn’t see him properly. But he was trying to break the chain that was holding him in place.
“Run!” He screamed.
I was taken back to the present as I blinked. And I remembered that there was a man in my pent house and currently atop of me. I kicked from under him and he jumped up, avoiding my attack.
I rolled and moved away from him. I tried to look at him more closely but his hood was blocking me. He was well-built, that much I could see. It won’t be easy fighting him. He dwarfed me in his 6’5 height while I was only 5’7.
He started to walked towards me when a loud pounding sounded by the door and we both whipped our head towards the sound.
Something kept pounding on my door. A foul smell filled the room as the lights started to blink. Then, out of the silence, I heard growling and scratching at my door, trying to open it.
Oh gosh, please let this be a nightmare.
“They’re here.” He announced. His voice low and I barely heard him as he stared at my door.
“Who’s here?” I asked, my voice quivering.
“Hell hounds.” He said in a monotone. Like that’s nothing to be worried about.
Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh!
Hell hounds are not true, right? They’re just a work of fiction to satisfy people’s endless questions and imaginations.
I’m going crazy, aren’t I?
He looked around the room. I wanted to chase him out of my house but I was too scared to do so. Especially with those things outside my door.
The pounding at the door grew more louder that I was bewildered no one below had heard it. The growling fiercer and it sounded like long nails were scratching the door; trying to break it open.
A cold touch brought me back to reality. He was pulling me towards the balcony with a speed that I found hard to break. The sliding door was still close and we were at the top of a 28-floor building for pete sake!
“Wait!” I cried, “We’ll crash through!”
“And so?” He asked, completely nonchalant.
OH.MI.GOSH. I’m stuck with a psycho that was barreling us towards certain death. I tried to calm my beating heart and tried not to think that we’re gonna crash through the window and the glass shattering.
You are not helping yourself, Sap!
He pulled me closer towards him. He put my head in his chest and covered me with his hands. His left on my waist and his right on my head to protect me as we crashed through the window. But even with him protecting me, some shattered glass wounded me and tore some piece of my clothes.
I screamed when I realized he wasn’t stopping. He was pulling me straight towards the railing. He jumped up and we went over it. But before we vanished completely from sight, my door gave up and I saw a bunch of big black dogs ran towards us.
The strong wind blew at us. And good thing the dogs didn’t jumped after us. The sound of the wind was deafening. My guts was failing me. It was like riding a roller coaster but in fast forward. I could hear nothing but the wind and see nothing but a blur.
I took a peek from his shoulder and chastised myself for being so curious. We were heading towards the ground with nothing to break our fall. I closed my eyes and waited for the death to come.
But it didn’t came. Instead what came was a tingling sensation and spots of what looked like glowing dust that suddenly surrounded us. But the tingling sensation was replaced by an unwanted feeling. My ear was filled with a loud beeping sound that only grew louder with every passing second. Everything around me was spinning, my guts was twisting and my head felt like exploding.
And then there was silence. . . .