538Please respect copyright.PENANAwXkiaQkH4o
538Please respect copyright.PENANAojlrzST0U4
Shadows.538Please respect copyright.PENANASaoiRCLV6d
The agents of the mage council. They're a known secret, everyone knows they exist but it's considered impolite to mention.538Please respect copyright.PENANAPOpWrBQhBq
They are men and women 538Please respect copyright.PENANAYvBVwqlgHp
who aren't able to cast. Nonetheless they are trained to combat ether 538Please respect copyright.PENANA7YieXhM3jH
casters, whether it be from the shadows or out in the open.538Please respect copyright.PENANASeqD4RQWR8
They extensively trained538Please respect copyright.PENANAERnBUQ2Cuc
to the peak of human condition in both physical and mental 538Please respect copyright.PENANAS4oIC9Pwu2
capabilities. They serve only the council and deal with anything ranging538Please respect copyright.PENANAUyN0cboWQ6
from assassinations to body guarding important personnel.538Please respect copyright.PENANAvTQA1PGxmp
Fragment of Josh Wilkins', ambassador and spy, report on the inner workings of the Empire to the Commonwealth. 538Please respect copyright.PENANABQpfeOu8r9
538Please respect copyright.PENANADJR4v9NHv2
--------------------------------------------------------------------538Please respect copyright.PENANAUoiQAzt3II
538Please respect copyright.PENANAv0epp1zpd5
Davids relief didn't 538Please respect copyright.PENANA8cnxG0w89h
last long as he saw Gob slowly coming out of the water and joining him 538Please respect copyright.PENANA40Xsp089tk
on the shore, barely looking tired, no in fact, taking a better look, he538Please respect copyright.PENANAsGrgZWAucz
didn't even look tired. Gob pulled someone else from the water, someone538Please respect copyright.PENANAyJkVjgH4Zg
who had it even worse than David. Her brown hair was plastered to her 538Please respect copyright.PENANAAivYmvmt30
head and face as she was reeking water and barely breathing. David would538Please respect copyright.PENANAuxFWhQssSX
be lying if he said that he didn't feel a bit better knowing he was 538Please respect copyright.PENANAzLYYv9hp9v
better off than Angela.538Please respect copyright.PENANADq5yzXavLE
"Breathe slowly and calm538Please respect copyright.PENANAYb2NPUjiUF
down. It'll only be worse if you take quick breathes." Came Gobs calm 538Please respect copyright.PENANAhYU8HDc2HR
voice as he was wringing his beard from the water. It did seem to have a538Please respect copyright.PENANAaaDOFKObfI
bit of an effect on Angela as she visibly calmed down and her breathing538Please respect copyright.PENANAHXNPDVDpHX
got steadier.538Please respect copyright.PENANAP6DB5HFxed
"Useless." Gob said as 538Please respect copyright.PENANAeQnh7XPv4J
he inspected his musket and pistol, dropping them on the grassy shore, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAmayKYX0NpB
but nodded as he took out his knife and examined the edge. "Well when 538Please respect copyright.PENANAnpvjuy9vSX
you two are done we can start moving, we have places to be."538Please respect copyright.PENANA81wHnwLNYS
After his conversation 538Please respect copyright.PENANAKD5o2opC44
with Francesca, David knew where they had to be. David just wasn't sure 538Please respect copyright.PENANAsjuKTdeO4O
if Francesca told Gob about their conversation so, he decided, it would 538Please respect copyright.PENANA54sH6t4qL6
be best to keep quiet, lest he wanted to be tied up again.538Please respect copyright.PENANATLyTz9brFb
"Where...where to?" Came Angela's question with a rasp.538Please respect copyright.PENANAdmZodRTMvj
"To get new weapons and 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvB0MNTvkAL
find the others." Gob said, putting his knife back into his sheathe and 538Please respect copyright.PENANAVuHI3h3e3o
drying his shoes from any excess water.538Please respect copyright.PENANA3O1L521aDR
"Wai...wait. They might still be stuck in there! We..need to go back." Angela said, her voice slowly coming back.538Please respect copyright.PENANAAzATlet41T
"If they are then it's too late. Now come on let's go." Gob said, unflinching.538Please respect copyright.PENANAqxGBwXFWUT
"No!" Angela stood up 538Please respect copyright.PENANAOUX9WAv6Bu
and faced Gob. Which was impressive as Gob towered over her, he towered 538Please respect copyright.PENANAb2eA2iZrwu
over most people. "I will not abandon them They might be alive and..and I538Please respect copyright.PENANApXjApkcm07
won't lose them." Gob didn't answer. He just glared at Angela until she538Please respect copyright.PENANAvdeX39FnwQ
averted her glaze. He nodded when she did so.538Please respect copyright.PENANANzKhZc7GRg
"If I could do anything 538Please respect copyright.PENANA6fhPQ2zZQG
for them I would." Angela gave a weak nod to that. Gob grunted and began538Please respect copyright.PENANAxE3Y0cPXwU
walking. He kicked David, who was still enjoying the ground underneath 538Please respect copyright.PENANA6jTFyzJk0R
him, for good measure as well. "As much as I hate it you're coming with 538Please respect copyright.PENANAuoa8JT5rpV
us. Now get up."538Please respect copyright.PENANAnCIQfFU5SU
David grumbled but got up. Not much else to do but follow the man with the plan, and the knife, and the murderous intent.538Please respect copyright.PENANAXFsKRnUaql
Thus, they began their 538Please respect copyright.PENANAYGcYATHE6T
journey, in silence except for the squeaks their clothes and shoes made.538Please respect copyright.PENANAxFfJJUtAp4
David was miserable, with the sun slowly setting down he was barely 538Please respect copyright.PENANAgEAsUHswiW
able to see what's in front of him, barely being able to suppress a 538Please respect copyright.PENANAFPxfK63zOo
shiver whenever there was a gust of wind. Angela was pretty much the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAjITUqcD5zA
same, except that she was also sullen and worried for her brothers. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAf6tHKNReHR
David tried opening a conversation a few times but she just smiled 538Please respect copyright.PENANAm1gBU6jgt1
weakly. David was confused why she either followed him or Gob instead of538Please respect copyright.PENANAQt2mcwDLbI
following one of her brothers, but it didn't seem like she was up to 538Please respect copyright.PENANA5oJ0rpcCqr
answering that, no matter how much David prodded.538Please respect copyright.PENANAAVFHcMts8t
The only one not 538Please respect copyright.PENANAKnkJPNbDjh
affected by his current condition seemed to be Gob. He managed to avoid 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvNlQQRKA6P
any loose branches or an uneven part of the mud, even his clothes didn't538Please respect copyright.PENANAvKN8GrKvmQ
make any noise when walking. The only thing he really reacted to was 538Please respect copyright.PENANAWHePWLP940
gunfire, which could still be heard from the direction of their hideout.538Please respect copyright.PENANAoDEZ28bTgg
It was also the only thing that woke Angela from her stupor as whenever538Please respect copyright.PENANAy8eIcDzHdP
it rang she immediately looked at the direction they walked from. But 538Please respect copyright.PENANAYEFlXe2yFl
even those stopped, whether because of distance or the fact that there 538Please respect copyright.PENANAHN4om7IMa8
was no more fighting, David didn't know.538Please respect copyright.PENANARSnbdTIxo9
David hoped that 538Please respect copyright.PENANAiOL5c7WSBV
adrenaline would keep him going for a while, David wasn't sure how long 538Please respect copyright.PENANATyThjjuwmT
they've been walking but with the blood pumping through his veins he 538Please respect copyright.PENANA5Fh3pPDmCR
felt like he could walk a few more days straight. Hoping didn't seem to 538Please respect copyright.PENANAM5xsdFmpQV
work for David, never did really, as the adrenaline was wearing down. 538Please respect copyright.PENANA1X15XYHUWu
Slowing down more and more. Gob looked back and noticed David slowing 538Please respect copyright.PENANAqyDt4H4ULc
down giving him a look of disdain, but then he looked at Angela who 538Please respect copyright.PENANAMgcRPuAH3T
wasn't doing much better and sighted. "We can take a rest. Sit down, 538Please respect copyright.PENANARBav15fvly
I'll try finding some berries or anything for us to eat." 538Please respect copyright.PENANAZLlbE33pJR
David slouched to the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAC2PgDMxtYU
ground with a grateful sight while Angela sat down with her back to a 538Please respect copyright.PENANAh3A7uNu377
tree, hiding her head in her knees, as silent as she was during the 538Please respect copyright.PENANA62ddUaxz0K
whole walk. David didn't care how devastated she felt, but if she wasn't538Please respect copyright.PENANAHegAEOXST9
fully there with them they might get ambushed and David didn't survive 538Please respect copyright.PENANABHS1vo5Nhx
so long just to have a teenage girl kill him because she was going 538Please respect copyright.PENANAqAdAeSJpfE
through mood swings. "Hey, they're strong. Even Twitch, I'm sure they're538Please respect copyright.PENANAnNG9EYjZZ6
fine and when we see them they'll be as cheery as ever." He called out 538Please respect copyright.PENANASKf7gHIPCJ
from his spot, not bothering to move closer to Angela538Please respect copyright.PENANAuNiNECG3Wk
No answer. ~Oh hells, do538Please respect copyright.PENANAaJ6CGppYhS
we have another Rock on our hands? ~ David waited to see if he was 538Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4ApJcuYph
going to get anything from her. Mostly because he didn't know what else 538Please respect copyright.PENANAlJ1UEYf5hW
he could say. After what felt like an eternity he heard...someone 538Please respect copyright.PENANAeUCksOShJf
sniffling and saw Angela shake. With a suppressed sight David got up and538Please respect copyright.PENANADIprss420k
sat beside Angela, he hovered his hand above her shoulder but decided 538Please respect copyright.PENANAxenFkwHaFU
against putting it on her.538Please respect copyright.PENANAGdcuXNPlfj
"I...I should've been 538Please respect copyright.PENANAPm0WZ2hgo0
there. I should've been there when pa was shot, I should've been there 538Please respect copyright.PENANAHyYzUvZi0v
now. Oh gods...oh gods...." She continued in that vain for a while 538Please respect copyright.PENANARYgEmhIBFV
seemingly not aware of her surroundings or any words that came out of 538Please respect copyright.PENANAqpMpl7MZ1R
David's mouth.538Please respect copyright.PENANAjeSd5QgcCL
"Why weren't you? Now, I538Please respect copyright.PENANAt2NPBpSeZC
mean, when the attack happened?" David asked anxiously, he wasn't the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAqkyJ9g7ndJ
best when dealing with hysteric people. Again, no answer came, just more538Please respect copyright.PENANAQMcmd96ahn
cries. David lost hope of ever getting an answer, but one finally came.538Please respect copyright.PENANAIUAQ3DobR8
"It happened so fast. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAmx54UanqNe
I've tried following them, but I lost track of them... No that's wrong, I538Please respect copyright.PENANAIDS0wDFfpM
could see them during the attack but I couldn't get to them. And when 538Please respect copyright.PENANA6bKLCta4T7
everyone started retreating...oh god it was like a butchery. So when I 538Please respect copyright.PENANATe26f8ADrg
saw Gob turning a corner I followed. I was scared...I was scared...oh 538Please respect copyright.PENANAAWIIKaVqZY
gods I murdered them because I was scared." And then she began muttering538Please respect copyright.PENANAOqrBD5cFLC
to herself again538Please respect copyright.PENANAvxQtypLFWx
David struggled to find words, but thankfully Gob saved them from the awkward silence as he came back from his hunting trip.538Please respect copyright.PENANAmZkwBKipIu
The mighty hunter 538Please respect copyright.PENANArdFuAWHZ9k
managed to gather fruits and berries, apparently the fighting had scared538Please respect copyright.PENANAyjEJG0E1as
most of the animals away, and they couldn't make a fire so they were 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvMk75hZV2g
stuck being cold, miserable and hungry. Berries weren't the most 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvhSOmwUQX9
fulfilling things to have on an empty stomach 538Please respect copyright.PENANAHjv9VmjSPX
Their respite didn't 538Please respect copyright.PENANA1MmxfTGz9i
last long, and they were on their way soon after. Angela seemed to have 538Please respect copyright.PENANArLfBksQvkT
calmed down, she still wasn't participating in conversations, but she 538Please respect copyright.PENANAoHtBs5p314
wasn't crying either and David counted that as a win. Even if Angela 538Please respect copyright.PENANAo97N2aDKyd
wasn't paying attention to anything around her, David decided to trust 538Please respect copyright.PENANAxMp4HcYlzy
in Gobs awareness of the surroundings to protect them from any ambushes,538Please respect copyright.PENANAc5ZadsZTEc
he seemed to know where David was at all times, so he might as well put538Please respect copyright.PENANAmI16rDr5K3
that skill to actual good use.538Please respect copyright.PENANAW0L6MuVqDH
Thankfully their walk 538Please respect copyright.PENANAMT5bOpfFCf
didn't last long, moving through the overgrown bushes and trees they 538Please respect copyright.PENANAF0fLVNbZlw
reached the edge of the isle, looking down to the surface covered by 538Please respect copyright.PENANAhWgFJK6Vyz
clouds. It was told that if you'd look long enough over the edge you'd 538Please respect copyright.PENANAsnkuSl3tm6
go crazy, as far as David could tell that was true. Everyone he flew 538Please respect copyright.PENANAk27nIJbu9P
with was one degree of crazy or another, including David himself.538Please respect copyright.PENANA5grK5YTc58
Gob motioned for them to538Please respect copyright.PENANApxymPNxKp4
wait as he went back into the forest, David was about to start another 538Please respect copyright.PENANAx6ecBZuR8u
awkward conversation with Angela, but Gob returned quite quickly. He 538Please respect copyright.PENANADwUwLiFUBL
didn't return alone though, he had a fly boat with him, which he 538Please respect copyright.PENANAP9Tl1LlopE
conveniently carried on his shoulder.538Please respect copyright.PENANAUZtW80Z12Z
Fly boats were made out 538Please respect copyright.PENANAGHkxQGKhBx
of wood and had a ether engine on them. While smaller than ship engines,538Please respect copyright.PENANAFul6YgQfCP
they managed to lift the boat and three or four people, with the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAGk7u8StAnp
paddles being used to move while airborne. Movement was agonizingly slow538Please respect copyright.PENANApFmHzTTqhi
on them as well as dangerous. Ether engines were basically bombs, even 538Please respect copyright.PENANAt36CSV4N8i
small ones. Ships had precautions for that, security equipment shield 538Please respect copyright.PENANARxYuwjzpms
from the worst of it, of course it mattered little in the end, but the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAUcbrYTFQH0
boats didn't even pretend to have those measures. So, Gob was basically 538Please respect copyright.PENANAUalUaKFdPf
carrying a bomb on his shoulders, with the same facial expression he ate538Please respect copyright.PENANAl1QSsuZToX
or smiled. A frown.538Please respect copyright.PENANAq3m1doahZN
He put the boat down on 538Please respect copyright.PENANAS7jTi56bWg
ground and activated the engine with a practiced motion. The engine 538Please respect copyright.PENANA9zIfKOcXCh
started making a sound. Gob nodded, lifted the boat and made some more 538Please respect copyright.PENANAJMQ2zELw07
motions which made the boat stay at that height. David had seen some 538Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7ZjVQZvMP
boats while serving on ships and he knew they had no way to actually 538Please respect copyright.PENANA4YmNdroytx
lift themselves up, only to float. Ships were the same, but with all the538Please respect copyright.PENANAE6dWYeJcC8
technology attached to the ship they were also able to lift themselves 538Please respect copyright.PENANAWhcio8ZQG1
up. David moved his hand across his eyepatch and scar, the engine was 538Please respect copyright.PENANAjPOBNhOtyU
making his wounds ache.538Please respect copyright.PENANA39gYfg9mjb
Gob put the boat over 538Please respect copyright.PENANAC2LFLxNWpR
the edge and jumped into it making the boat float down a bit but it came538Please respect copyright.PENANAhMPchKFEFw
back to its assigned height in moments. "Well come on, we don't have 538Please respect copyright.PENANAebBk8xhLQl
all day." David and Angela promptly followed, one more tentatively than 538Please respect copyright.PENANA47C7KOGxCN
the other. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAgpiMPePOWz
Gob handed David the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAfSKGsOVjch
paddles and he knew better than to argue. There went a relaxing trip 538Please respect copyright.PENANAejQszKFJFt
over the bottomless skies with a bomb as his companion. Death seemed to 538Please respect copyright.PENANA0apAfnOxxq
always just be one step either behind or ahead, David still couldn't 538Please respect copyright.PENANApS5brXend0
decide which. ~There are worse fates than death~. David wholeheartedly 538Please respect copyright.PENANAd4r51R94bB
believed this was definitely one of those fates.538Please respect copyright.PENANA88226DpI7S
All though David did 538Please respect copyright.PENANABjTJQRqf5h
grumble the boat itself moved quite fast. With both Gob and David 538Please respect copyright.PENANAkP60ZxkALX
paddling they made good time and soon enough they got their rhythm and 538Please respect copyright.PENANALzCDXkMgnL
David's mind blanked out. He didn't even notice when they reached the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAFM7hVIIXWt
edge of the other isle, at the very leas not much time passed, judging 538Please respect copyright.PENANA1FPjdDuDna
by the sun.538Please respect copyright.PENANAHpx4kggdTQ
They all disembarked, 538Please respect copyright.PENANArU5GXX3RCy
and Gob opened a trapdoor hiding the boat after disabling its engine.. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAPImQsV3YVf
When all seemed to his liking he closed the door and hid it with some 538Please respect copyright.PENANAH9hinpoT4U
make shift ground and grass "We'll need to find a place to sleep. My 538Please respect copyright.PENANAeW0GzIczRg
friends wanted to meet tomorrow so we'll need to find a safe spot." 538Please respect copyright.PENANAbxTzphaiFt
David had no idea what day it was or how long it's been since the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAY0tDOMFtVP
attack, good thing Gob the human sized watch was on the job.538Please respect copyright.PENANAZFKODnARM6
"How do they manage to 538Please respect copyright.PENANAecT31a0MuA
slip past the patrols?" David asked, it just seemed like they were 538Please respect copyright.PENANAECs80rLOe8
walking into a trap, especially after the attack. Gob kept walking and 538Please respect copyright.PENANALNo9in7EWJ
it didn't look like he was going to answer, but at the end he relented. "538Please respect copyright.PENANAoqhXX7fgXu
They have special...permission to be on any isles they want, as long as538Please respect copyright.PENANAZEKq5Ehm1S
it's a good reason no one will suspect them."538Please respect copyright.PENANAgOlFpHDUUj
David nodded, the answer538Please respect copyright.PENANAwSQ1sy95LP
didn't ease his worries, but it was the only answer he had and not like538Please respect copyright.PENANAWPU2HDXTb7
he had much of a choice but to follow their glorious leader.538Please respect copyright.PENANAKu4T8C0UF6
One thing David noticed,538Please respect copyright.PENANAT706DPiETn
during their walk, was that some of the shrubbery was more burned and 538Please respect copyright.PENANAOOE827rfDa
drier on this isle. This wasn't so rare. Apparently when their ancestors538Please respect copyright.PENANALLEusbmktd
were plunged into the skies they couldn't hope with the change of 538Please respect copyright.PENANAT1mCuGZPg6
weather. No rain or protection from the sun meant that many trees and 538Please respect copyright.PENANA2y1Tu1MHLa
plants either caught fire or dried out. Mages had to think fast and some538Please respect copyright.PENANAQDts88oNyf
of the isles were luckier than others, with the mages making everything538Please respect copyright.PENANAiQjeBcoPdC
self-sustainable. Over time the forests adapted, and new seeds didn't 538Please respect copyright.PENANAahyhoaQt36
require rain to survive. The aftermath could still be seen on most 538Please respect copyright.PENANAL4D4lDmVa0
isles, especially on ones that rulers deemed inconsequential. Oh, what 538Please respect copyright.PENANA3PC0xRkLW6
things you learn while travelling with people from all flights of life.538Please respect copyright.PENANAshhgOBYDbj
It made him remember 538Please respect copyright.PENANALfydUiujHm
life before meeting the rebels. Much more carefree, just flying, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAanCyMROo04
gambling, sometimes betraying. A happier life, happier than walking 538Please respect copyright.PENANACu0GphBMCE
around in the mud and cold at least. ~Happiness is for people who aren't538Please respect copyright.PENANAaYbFnwQ3NN
damaged. The chosen few who get to enjoy it, while the rest just 538Please respect copyright.PENANAk2XQZ6Efc9
pretend to have it. ~ Indeed, happiness was something David could never 538Please respect copyright.PENANA6x6xu7tTAH
feel or archieve. He could only pretend to feel it. David accepted that 538Please respect copyright.PENANASLhBMDIhDz
as part of his life, he wasn't sure when he did but he knew it happened a538Please respect copyright.PENANAxlByZTkNys
while ago.538Please respect copyright.PENANAbNM0laD0zV
Just as previously they 538Please respect copyright.PENANAYFeGJ3xTM0
walked in silence, with Gob in the lead pausing every so often to listen538Please respect copyright.PENANASj1AskTvUG
to his surroundings. Until reaching their next camping spot. On top of a538Please respect copyright.PENANACY6ZRiDUKA
hill with dried out yellow grass. Not a lot of trees surrounding them, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAtQ2OEBf5dW
but only one way to get on top of the hill. Easy to defend and easy to 538Please respect copyright.PENANAMNAWW8VhRg
get spotted if not careful. Gob went to go hunt and left David and 538Please respect copyright.PENANAsdJcOIASMv
Angela on their own to set up camp. David was able to follow Gob, with 538Please respect copyright.PENANAV8Jl2JAchD
his eyes, now that the colours of his uniform did not match the 538Please respect copyright.PENANANCLNXs3GZr
surroundings, of course that didn't mean he could do it for long and 538Please respect copyright.PENANAspxeLYqFXa
sooner rather than later Gob disappeared from David's view.538Please respect copyright.PENANAaL1Ilb26OS
David was apprehensive 538Please respect copyright.PENANA65ukLtn1NA
on starting a conversation with Angela, thus he just concentrated on 538Please respect copyright.PENANAo8lXqFBpwh
making his sleeping spot as comfortable as possible, while she sat with 538Please respect copyright.PENANAKQJW6guiwQ
her head down. It didn't take Gob long to come back with some food, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAPJYiJgYEAK
berries and such again. It didn't look like he had any luck hunting. 538Please respect copyright.PENANALSCFzQu6nz
Maybe he was just rubbish at it. That thought made David feel better.538Please respect copyright.PENANAJl63TITsFR
Before they all turned 538Please respect copyright.PENANAaEjRV6Tbaq
to their respective spots on the ground Gob approached David. "You'll 538Please respect copyright.PENANAO0kUbnB5BG
take the second watch, I'll wake you." David just started to say 538Please respect copyright.PENANASnNvDzD7er
something, but Gob turned around and stalked away before any words could538Please respect copyright.PENANAqjMcRxfVIT
be formed. Shrugging David laid down on the ground and contemplated how538Please respect copyright.PENANAZK2R7Yj0bY
far he and Gob came. ~Sure, and soon he'll let his guard down and will 538Please respect copyright.PENANANJKho9viey
be an easy target~ David went to sleep imagining that sweet thought.538Please respect copyright.PENANAs9Sl0D3dvu
Sadly the sweet dream 538Please respect copyright.PENANAflR9hfGpKg
turned into a nightmare, as he was rudely woken up by Gob, who 538Please respect copyright.PENANA31sMk2grZO
immediately went away after kicking David awake. Rubbing his eyes David 538Please respect copyright.PENANAlKFELSSNzR
walked to a boulder which provided a good view of the only path up to 538Please respect copyright.PENANAhgn5RETZtT
the hill. He wasn't sure what he was actually supposed to do if imperial538Please respect copyright.PENANAboMhNJcAoS
soldiers found them, wake everyone up so they'd be arrested in an 538Please respect copyright.PENANA7lJKuKXA5p
orderly manner? Or pretend he's a huge bear? David contemplated on 538Please respect copyright.PENANAtm1hQDAQAG
making a roaring noise but quickly subdued that thought. Gob would 538Please respect copyright.PENANAlHULlUSlQN
probably kill him and the bear, imaginary or not.538Please respect copyright.PENANA34bVDuzB6m
~Or maybe just hide yourself or betray them. Wouldn't be the first time. Not like they matter. ~ 538Please respect copyright.PENANA002IENGOHB
David shook his head and538Please respect copyright.PENANAzQL0f4aPHy
let his mind wander to more cheery thoughts and over time the sun came 538Please respect copyright.PENANAxTkmwXuwCu
back shining light on all the yellowish grass. Slowly Angela and Gob 538Please respect copyright.PENANA5HFybt45gi
joined David in the wake world. It was so nice and quiet without them 538Please respect copyright.PENANAHw0t1q0DmC
too.538Please respect copyright.PENANAdduGEQgroE
They spent the morning 538Please respect copyright.PENANATU3Hhxf9b2
in silence finishing all the berries; Gob was his usual gruff self. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAiSuB5FqX6B
David was feeling tired and Angela was still grieving. ~What a fun 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvIm8oIGO0T
crowd. ~538Please respect copyright.PENANAXOChenC8ut
After they were all done538Please respect copyright.PENANAtM4ooYK7IV
their journey began anew. Surprisingly David felt positive about it, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAoDjYrcPgrG
his clothes were finally dry, the sun was out and shining. He even 538Please respect copyright.PENANATiFDZ03bBT
started to believe that it wasn't a trap they were walking into. 538Please respect copyright.PENANA4OJzSZVZ7y
Positivity all around.538Please respect copyright.PENANAQbM5aydT0I
Soon they reached the 538Please respect copyright.PENANAj9aZ4Ddd21
meeting spot. A secluded edge of the isle, surrounded by dead and burned538Please respect copyright.PENANAxbbqdv9CFt
trees. There were people there already, a small crowd with a smaller 538Please respect copyright.PENANAGeK2YZXS5x
ship floating above a crack. The aforementioned ship was flying league 538Please respect copyright.PENANAMYnLyusjIG
colours. That explained why they'd be able to go here without much 538Please respect copyright.PENANAjlrIg1W0mZ
scrutiny. Some of the trading princes were rich enough to buy their own 538Please respect copyright.PENANAXci6Be1JvM
isles so bribing a few officials to look the other way wouldn't be too 538Please respect copyright.PENANAeaDlCqlEZY
hard and as long as they weren't caught doing anything suspicious 538Please respect copyright.PENANAyLJeqyuGSB
everyone won.538Please respect copyright.PENANAdrq3LTSi4K
Gob seemed to be pretty 538Please respect copyright.PENANApQ3i4VL5tL
tense, while still out of the view of the men he slid his knife out of 538Please respect copyright.PENANAzI6hUIh2gm
the sheathe and hid it in his sleeve. Having finished his preparations 538Please respect copyright.PENANA9Z9UktWrHD
he made his way towards the group of people. Without further 538Please respect copyright.PENANAFx3Q1eqYBx
instructions from Gob, shrugging, David followed Gob, with Angela slowly538Please respect copyright.PENANArFXwVHogze
making her way behind David.538Please respect copyright.PENANAn70rV7PMNc
"Where's Lev?" Gob 538Please respect copyright.PENANAtGpAlyb0WG
shouted from a distance. One of the men walked up and put his hands up 538Please respect copyright.PENANAJwcWWTOxg1
in a cheerful manner. "Couldn't make it, friend. My name is Ioseph. Lev 538Please respect copyright.PENANAKk4LTv5jAS
told me everything. You are Gob, yes?"538Please respect copyright.PENANAPLNB1gmapB
Reaching the middle 538Please respect copyright.PENANAeoflabNt0b
point the two men met and Gob carefully nodded. " Why not?" Ioseph 538Please respect copyright.PENANAvhnzY230vn
shrugged jovially. "Dangerous times, friend.A lot of pirates, a lot of 538Please respect copyright.PENANAC9vZrabe0p
guard, a lot of unpaid debts..." Ioseph's voice had an edge while saying538Please respect copyright.PENANAxm5v1rGoaN
the last bit. Before anyone could do anything, Gob and grabbed Ioseph 538Please respect copyright.PENANAHyMjjhd8no
and quickly put a knife to his throat.538Please respect copyright.PENANAc6ZJ2a3Qf9
Before David could 538Please respect copyright.PENANAUSmBY3yohR
react, shouts came and boots hit the ground as soldiers emerged from the538Please respect copyright.PENANAgBsegspGnQ
league ship. All the guns were aimed at the group of four. A soldier, 538Please respect copyright.PENANA21eyivhFxQ
most likely the leader judging by his hat and emblems on the shoulder, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAQxXFCN9GIb
approached Gob, slowly. "Put down your knife and you have my word you, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAaN8jbR65oH
or your companions, won't come to any harm" Gob, just pushed the knife 538Please respect copyright.PENANATGGxdDd4OR
deeper into Ioseph's throat, drawing blood, as his answer538Please respect copyright.PENANABLFDI7wZTK
The captains facial 538Please respect copyright.PENANAxokQ5iNFup
expression didn't change and he kept his gun, steadily, aimed at Gob. 538Please respect copyright.PENANAROYtR6LvHX
"Put it down." David was getting a bit anxious, the rest of the soldiers538Please respect copyright.PENANA4n9EWPikK6
were circling them and neither David nor Angela had any weapons.538Please respect copyright.PENANAKTenEjsnoj
"Enough of this!" 538Please respect copyright.PENANAgAmnmA0wq2
Another figure disembarked from the ship. Before David could take any of538Please respect copyright.PENANAOzn7bJJeLw
the newcomers features, a ball of hot appeared in the air and flew 538Please respect copyright.PENANAqLz4GFLX9E
towards them.538Please respect copyright.PENANAAP4OMooUUf
David felt himself flung538Please respect copyright.PENANAXWycIktQKR
into the air. Landing face first on the scorched ground. Ears ringing, 538Please respect copyright.PENANAlkXbhAagx4
eyes confused, ash and smoke around him. He saw Angela's body flung to 538Please respect copyright.PENANA3chXyzkSEq
the other side, unmoving. David wasn't sure if she was still alive or 538Please respect copyright.PENANAbvkUYPIVis
not. The last thing David saw was Gob getting up and the soldiers 538Please respect copyright.PENANAlVKCO0KP8m
subduing him, knocking him out with their rifles, as darkness finally 538Please respect copyright.PENANAmcmJpgIxPa
overwhelmed him.
538Please respect copyright.PENANAFkHUrRUsRw
538Please respect copyright.PENANAeaS5eTPpv0