"Ugh" 527Please respect copyright.PENANAYeTBM5WkWQ
"Shh, he's coming to"527Please respect copyright.PENANAYJkP6aejgs
David slowly opened his 527Please respect copyright.PENANACLmSTNSViu
eye but as he did so he was blinded by the sun, so doing the most 527Please respect copyright.PENANAc42Xm8andd
logical thing a one eyed man could do, he went to cover his last eye 527Please respect copyright.PENANADbpzfFPInX
last so that he'd become blind.527Please respect copyright.PENANAHe02itCg4n
Sadly someone didn't 527Please respect copyright.PENANAvHUe7nrQNn
like that idea all that much as David was kicked before he could 527Please respect copyright.PENANAlsUM9jq5xz
properly move his arm and was pinched to the ground. "Don't move!" Came a527Please respect copyright.PENANAY4vkoX07Jc
gruff voice.527Please respect copyright.PENANAlZTW1POuBR
David braved opening his527Please respect copyright.PENANAGqQiMCcQ7V
eye and was greeted by a black hole, looking beyond that he could see 527Please respect copyright.PENANAsWjfanSZfC
the metallic shape that belonged to a musket and looking even beyond 527Please respect copyright.PENANAVMStGPRyg1
that he could see a human shape, staring at him with unblinking, dark 527Please respect copyright.PENANAYRKONM91Us
eyes. "Who might you be?" Came the gruff voice again. David wasn't able 527Please respect copyright.PENANAy525kbGL6d
to discern whether the voice came from his friend with a gun there or 527Please respect copyright.PENANAMA3AN2KCfr
someone else. David could see his jaw move but not the mouth itself as 527Please respect copyright.PENANARz2nLJ3xPJ
it was covered too much with a beard.527Please respect copyright.PENANAa2kMWCiYuw
"A friend, especially to527Please respect copyright.PENANAx3j8M0uHXt
those who hold guns to my head." David risked a smile, usually humor 527Please respect copyright.PENANAZV8PkkmoQb
and a light attitude would get him out of most situation or at least 527Please respect copyright.PENANAAnmienMwBD
ease the tensions enough for David to get an in. People tend to 527Please respect copyright.PENANA953zomupMb
underestimate you, when they believe you're just a fool. Sadly this 527Please respect copyright.PENANAVYrJ10JmjK
didn't seem to have worked with this particular type of character as the527Please respect copyright.PENANAVSQjD1He8I
pressure on his arm increased.527Please respect copyright.PENANAc2tQk7BvWz
"Ow, ow. Shit!" David exclaimed. 527Please respect copyright.PENANADgXGAV0VIj
"Now, again, who are you?" The voice came once more "I won't ask for a third time"527Please respect copyright.PENANA1RSLXPnpj1
~you'll pay for this, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3bhDggfsl
you overgrown idiot~ David closed his eye and tried to extinguish the 527Please respect copyright.PENANA5urth9n9DY
look of pure hatred. He couldn't do anything right now, but the moment 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbHPPyewsPL
would come. Right now he had to look scared, but should he go for the 527Please respect copyright.PENANA92iEXdZkWc
truth aswell? ~After all truth is only something you say when you can 527Please respect copyright.PENANAl7bP2EqMPH
think of a good lie.~ Before he decided either way David would need to 527Please respect copyright.PENANAU0PpVuNp7m
find out if he was dealing with empire soldiers, he didn't imagine they 527Please respect copyright.PENANAW1TX7Fd7GX
would look kindly upon a smuggler delivering weapons to their enemies. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAaIEIOKc4x5
David let his eye wander527Please respect copyright.PENANABWTTH0q1by
a bit around his surroundings; he couldn't turn his sight far as the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAQEeOGsnM6m
weapon was pointed right at his head. But he could get a better look at 527Please respect copyright.PENANAECzsJ2GIch
his assailant and his clothes, definitely not a uniform or anything a 527Please respect copyright.PENANANJH3rKm1C4
soldier would wear. Looked more like random pieces of clothing put 527Please respect copyright.PENANA9n9JZNVuvd
together, definitely stitched and not very well looked after. Empire 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFwaXN5xmQh
soldiers may have been arrogant pricks but they were disciplined 527Please respect copyright.PENANATnyBme0Dig
arrogant pricks.527Please respect copyright.PENANAZo3HOaQNiI
David heard the flint 527Please respect copyright.PENANA7IciRihU9y
being pushed back, apparently the man got tired of waiting and David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAX5XaQKcNCO
started talking before his brains decorated the ground he was on. "I was527Please respect copyright.PENANAA3iTr01loF
part of the crew trying to get weapons to the rebels round here. We 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4e3Yf7G8Tp
were shot down and then...I don't know, I woke up here, must've fallen 527Please respect copyright.PENANAER4rUHq1g5
out or something." David said trying to sound confused and scared at the527Please respect copyright.PENANA1jy6ves9lQ
same time. Which wasn't hard, he was very confused. He didn't know how 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFOa9vxl4uy
he got here, he remembered his little episode with Jester but that just 527Please respect copyright.PENANAdM9NN7yGFP
left him with more questions. David was also scared, last thing he 527Please respect copyright.PENANAiWAFRXQPE0
remembered before jester was falling out of the 'flying fish' and no 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1aCK7euWmW
matter his luck he should've died from that fall, yet here he was.527Please respect copyright.PENANABjG5RDPJBR
The pain in his arm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAn9H6JvzjvM
eased off and David was about to breathe a sigh of relieve when the 527Please respect copyright.PENANA3EPCCPvRD6
muzzle of the musket hit him straight in the nose, making his head spin 527Please respect copyright.PENANA2v3XbD5rjQ
and see stars in front of his eye. "I saw the corrupted ship falling. It527Please respect copyright.PENANAFFKTiUZlY3
wasn't anywhere close, so you're either lying or a mage to have 527Please respect copyright.PENANA6pdtLdz3nE
survived that fall."527Please respect copyright.PENANAEbHp9V41cH
It took a second for 527Please respect copyright.PENANAwunX75MMgA
David to remember that the Imperials called their channelers, mages. An 527Please respect copyright.PENANA55D3Wk8Ys1
old word for something that David didn't remember. Another thing David 527Please respect copyright.PENANA2ooLRx30GP
had to remember was that if they were rebels they most likely hated 527Please respect copyright.PENANAF669n37O3D
mages. After all, as far as David thought, you'd need to be at rock 527Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6WSzvRpSU
bottom with no chance of losing anything to go against a whole 527Please respect copyright.PENANAxzNxFIfWIV
government. And those who can't channel in the empire are people like 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1i6s4uwRXa
that.527Please respect copyright.PENANAnD0gMv1txs
"I don't know how I got 527Please respect copyright.PENANAfxvRbg514J
here. I just remember falling of the ship." Which was the truth, even if527Please respect copyright.PENANAfDQ5MclZGK
not the full truth. "I also ain't no cha...mage." David risked the full527Please respect copyright.PENANANFSIG2zxVz
truth527Please respect copyright.PENANAFrcjCR64uT
"I'm sure if he was a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAVu6lGbYWke
mage he'd probably have killed us by now, summoned demons and the like, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAXko63C7oXF
wouldn't he Gob?" David tried turning his head towards the youngish 527Please respect copyright.PENANAtSE9cydsae
voice but had no luck. The man holding the musket grunted though, David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAwOUjCaiBaw
guessed that was Gob.527Please respect copyright.PENANAT0OnASmqGZ
"Not how mages work kid,527Please respect copyright.PENANANkFG4WRmQx
they'd need to gather their energy from the ether and they need a clear527Please respect copyright.PENANASYkw6xbfNK
head for that and be upright. Otherwise they're inviting all kinds of 527Please respect copyright.PENANANmn5fWZwKZ
corruption and most mages I've met are mostly concerned with 527Please respect copyright.PENANAUTuhXWU7Nc
self-preservation. And as long as I keep hitting him in the head." Gob 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbUD7WlFE1M
smashed the muzzle into Davids nose again to prove a point. "He won't 527Please respect copyright.PENANAs2lcbflWyN
have a clear head so we should be safe.527Please respect copyright.PENANAOsZojH4ImK
David was having trouble527Please respect copyright.PENANAeeJXTd4PST
breathing through his nose, he felt like it was broken in a few places.527Please respect copyright.PENANAUPv7cOF1Kh
Thus he had to exhale through his mouth just to keep his calm. "You can527Please respect copyright.PENANAOfldFqZ2D0
keep hitting me but you won't get any other answers, because it's the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAe9lnNDOczJ
falling truth!" He exclaimed. David tried projecting both exhaustion and527Please respect copyright.PENANAdSizNmtKuf
fear into his voice. While he didn't really feel that scared he 527Please respect copyright.PENANAMxC3JKqc2U
definitely felt exhausted.527Please respect copyright.PENANAFyPyq8bRBS
Gob stared into Davids 527Please respect copyright.PENANAIAaZM67xyE
eyes and seemingly made a decision, he rummaged in his pocket and threw 527Please respect copyright.PENANAyyBxWFBrvA
some herbs to David, withdrawing the musket from his face but still 527Please respect copyright.PENANAcCCc8BT4tJ
holding it aimed. "Swallow some of them and maybe I'll stop" Gob said in527Please respect copyright.PENANAzbtiNKO6PB
a deadpan voice.527Please respect copyright.PENANAwTEKfBz66c
Sighting David sat up, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAsYnT8N5e9i
his bones cracking and feeling sore. The blood finally flowing from his 527Please respect copyright.PENANA2oJcMD54pT
nose onto his chin, David had to spit some of it out as it went inside 527Please respect copyright.PENANANcgfDRBw2v
his mouth. He looked at the herbs and was very tempted to ask what they 527Please respect copyright.PENANAPmX5BQbCKX
were. But he was pretending to be scared and he didn't imagine asking 527Please respect copyright.PENANAaRVWuahmKu
would give him an answer, at least an answer that didn't consist of him 527Please respect copyright.PENANAUsa0jrV100
getting kicked or hit by the weapon again.527Please respect copyright.PENANAIJCoIdNWF1
David took the herbs and527Please respect copyright.PENANAV9G50anuSy
swallowed them without chewing. He didn't feel any different after 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFQpsxorGLs
taking them, Davids first thought was it was some sort of drugs but 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1rZp8bXEw4
looks like he was wrong. Gob must've saw Davids confused look as he 527Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ne1hEtEz4
explained, not only for Davids benefit but for the others there as well.527Please respect copyright.PENANAbzUAhaNzfM
"It's called blumeflor, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAKLsLwee4zd
blocks the mage from reaching out to the ether. Pretty rare, the council527Please respect copyright.PENANAeCaCAiZ71F
has tried to burn out all seeds. Of course there's always a way of 527Please respect copyright.PENANAsgf9hlXcE9
getting a hold of something when you really want it." David could hear 527Please respect copyright.PENANAjFwDDd7XRh
some pride in that voice, which he could understand being a smuggler 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJafP02SGrp
himself.527Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4ahqFxs6d
"It's a good way of 527Please respect copyright.PENANARIA8kiTOXJ
making mages useless for an hour or two, but a better way of finding out527Please respect copyright.PENANAfeHnqVtLHm
if they're mages. It causes them immense pain apparently."527Please respect copyright.PENANAbtmjcntTGQ
David was going to ask 527Please respect copyright.PENANAlclpasyC81
why didn't he just give it to him immediately but he kept his silence. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAHPi2hSVGry
He risked getting up and, for once, Gob didn't protest by hitting him 527Please respect copyright.PENANAEB9TzzGh2s
with that musket, not that he lowered it either. This Gob was a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAomY8g5wFXK
dangerous man, he knew a lot about ether channeling, definitely more 527Please respect copyright.PENANAouUp0Md4on
than someone who heard about it in whispers and rumors, he had a flower 527Please respect copyright.PENANA65r3MQEPkZ
that disabled channeling, a flower which David hadn't ever heard off, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAsTCslJ4l1t
and the man most certainly knew how to handle the musket judging by his 527Please respect copyright.PENANAH2sd8eJ7IJ
stance. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAxi8dbH84Jw
Gob was also very persistent. "Since you're not a mage, you're a liar then. Now why should I waste my time on a liar?"527Please respect copyright.PENANA6VNrSWztAy
"Why would I lie about 527Please respect copyright.PENANAsK9eR1oxsS
being on that ship? Everyone could see it burning down in the sky!" Gob 527Please respect copyright.PENANAqRFdWvNlbY
looked like he was considering that so David pushed his advantage." I'm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAiz1206pWvi
as confused as you and scared to boot. I was on my ship and then I'm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAyMhDv1fBSa
here alive while my crew mates might all be dead!" David had to win 527Please respect copyright.PENANAM1lkIQHb7X
their trust, showing that he cared for the crew he spent time with was a527Please respect copyright.PENANAWZcfm20You
good way to do it.527Please respect copyright.PENANAVhMF8MmhwL
"Oh and you have proof? The fact that you served on that ship?" 527Please respect copyright.PENANAPMNluhwc1m
"The only things I have is what you can see, so no."527Please respect copyright.PENANACyZQTRruMz
"So you are a liar."527Please respect copyright.PENANAWz7jcJXqXP
"Bring me to the ship! 527Please respect copyright.PENANAOKTpOtHs3j
You saw where it fell down and if there's anything still left of it I'll527Please respect copyright.PENANAExMRFrvqti
be able to show you where the weapons are. I'm guessing we were 527Please respect copyright.PENANAklK2DoJC5G
supposed to deliver them to you anyway"527Please respect copyright.PENANAhkml5o4k3r
Some of the feet 527Please respect copyright.PENANAlpkBi8LEcL
shuffled as if embarrassed to have been found out but Gob wasn't 527Please respect copyright.PENANAqGKmPYrWZu
relenting. "Even if by some miracle the ship did survive, the soldiers 527Please respect copyright.PENANAGSMmNRoB0b
would have gotten to the ship first. They were right on its tail."527Please respect copyright.PENANAWluadoZHzG
"The weapons were in a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAGGojAvRJvC
special hold! Only officers knew where it is, if any part of the ship 527Please respect copyright.PENANAUfrscLkY26
survived that hold definitely did. Plus would the soldiers really care 527Please respect copyright.PENANACBrAqMgCk0
after shooting it down or would they just leave it and go back to more 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFTWO6ZVlaD
important duties?"527Please respect copyright.PENANAqPjcs8CxF2
Gob shook his head. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAPwiaLsI1Dt
"They would, but..." He seemed to be deep in thought and David begun to 527Please respect copyright.PENANA0vUQTCfumk
hope. "We need the weapons, if there's a chance they're still there I'm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAaNo0lCP2v3
willing to take it." Gob said nodding. "There's one thing to decide 527Please respect copyright.PENANAk9biFCTLAA
though. Denis!" The young man whose spoke up for David basically jumped 527Please respect copyright.PENANAwHKlK38zCT
up. "Y..yes Gob?"527Please respect copyright.PENANAfCALGIQ5k1
"Don't call me Gob, I'm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAabysBy0AsO
not as lenient as Francesca." He answered chidingly. "Grab the rope and 527Please respect copyright.PENANA8QWhQUZIUM
tie our friend here and then join us." 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4u4wnYoXNn
"Yes, sir!" The young 527Please respect copyright.PENANAqhz0wuYvp0
man, Denis basically jumped into action grabbing the rope and running 527Please respect copyright.PENANAtVMQwPBi7U
towards David. Giving a glance that basically said: 'sorry about this.'527Please respect copyright.PENANAkEZOdeGmRH
David smiled, atleast 527Please respect copyright.PENANAF2Pa6y2mI5
someone who should be easy to manipulate. "Don't worry about it, better 527Please respect copyright.PENANAprlNmFhanZ
safe than sorry, right?" David said easy going and not resisting. Denis 527Please respect copyright.PENANAAE31gSvJp5
seemed to appreciate that as he put the rope around David and a nearby 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4IXV1KN6SQ
tree in the most loosest of knots. "Sorry about that" Denis said as he 527Please respect copyright.PENANAl8o4Tviw13
finished tying it. "Gob just likes to be precise."527Please respect copyright.PENANAtuqrtl3qdn
David nodded as if 527Please respect copyright.PENANAhFvpXUgkca
understanding. "Yeah, like I said better be safe than sorry. He seems to527Please respect copyright.PENANAPVKOTR1RKq
know what he's talking about." The young lad seemed to look up to the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAxsckvtMKVO
big man, so David wasn't going to be antagonistic towards Gob, a few 527Please respect copyright.PENANAo8n1kAbStW
chosen words would make Denis trust him. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAPSOrodIx3R
"Yeah, he really does!" Denis answered eagerly, his eyes bright. "He was in the military before, I heard he served with..." 527Please respect copyright.PENANAWlkT0u7lcJ
"Denis!" Gobs voice 527Please respect copyright.PENANAygiFhWFbj6
could be heard before Denis got to finish his thought." I told you to 527Please respect copyright.PENANAWjJzRw0QJp
tie him not to murder him with your voice, come here!" Denis offered a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAKjEhep0Urg
farewell nod to David and ran off to join the rest of his group sitting 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1MPIlTzUkH
in a circle.527Please respect copyright.PENANAR9QWKjzAtt
David could easily untie527Please respect copyright.PENANAgyXPEWvaDd
himself but where would he run? The isle was probably surrounded by the527Please respect copyright.PENANAnRzLYwpBmJ
military and he didn't know anyone from around here. Plus he was pretty527Please respect copyright.PENANACKdFcIUN8r
sure he'd get shot before he'd be able to get far anyway. No as far as 527Please respect copyright.PENANA22PlwnKh0O
he could see the best thing would be to bide time.527Please respect copyright.PENANA4L51NFKbEg
David must've dozed off 527Please respect copyright.PENANAb1Zo2EvWOu
as didn't know how much time has passed before the group dispersed, with527Please respect copyright.PENANAT6TuVDN5K2
Gob making a beeline towards him. David gave him a smile, the most 527Please respect copyright.PENANAn9CNoW6Gtk
disarming one he could muster. "Like I said we're going to go for the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAqcDJe9E6tR
weapons, the question's, again, is why do we need you? Even if you're 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4kNHq6nQN4
not a liar at best you're a liability. And if the weapons are in a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAzwmtUN267G
hidden hold, I don't imagine a lot of the ship survived to make much of a527Please respect copyright.PENANAvOcI1tctOz
difference, we'll be able to find them."527Please respect copyright.PENANAbFC8ngq0rT
"I thought you people rebelled for a cause, if you just murder me aren't you proving you're nothing more than common brigands?"527Please respect copyright.PENANAlgKk956U9S
"Who'd know?"527Please respect copyright.PENANAdLqhPRvT2j
"You" David said that as527Please respect copyright.PENANAOYL7kB2x4U
he looked into gobs eyes. If he was a military man he was either a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFAXmHqQTO2
deserter or someone who rebelled for a reason. And David didn't imagine 527Please respect copyright.PENANAjOBNpIUzZ6
deserters would be quick to go back into the thick of battle if they had527Please respect copyright.PENANAIyrLEteIg9
a choice so David took a gamble.527Please respect copyright.PENANAdFSJxC4V4Q
It seemed to be paying 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFvBp0pDcsb
off as the answer made Gob pause. He looked at his compatriots and shook527Please respect copyright.PENANAH4iY49ohYz
his head. "I don't mind if you end up dead, but...remember this: one 527Please respect copyright.PENANAGunGJ3f0kj
wrong move and you're dead."527Please respect copyright.PENANAHuGD1F9hbo
David nodded, not liking the look in Gobs eyes. "I get it, you're trying to look after them but I'm not your enemy."527Please respect copyright.PENANAmpTn43xKGd
Gob grunted at that. "No527Please respect copyright.PENANAmNu7D9cQgV
way to answer that right now, is it?" He untied David from the tree but527Please respect copyright.PENANAg0mEqC4MPF
tied his hands together so tight that David could feel the blood 527Please respect copyright.PENANABq7oRBtNuq
draining from his hands. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbwE6MiHFui
"I'll be able to walk 527Please respect copyright.PENANAOy97zyBYcj
faster with my hands untied, and no one leading me." David nodded 527Please respect copyright.PENANAkA6OfLeOK8
towards the rope in Gobs hand. Which he so kindly pulled and almost 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbhm9n70mK3
caused David to lose his balance. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJ34KwcTTTV
"The walk should only 527Please respect copyright.PENANAGu2rB0orqo
take half a day, you'll be fine. Who knows if you don't make any sudden 527Please respect copyright.PENANAxIF8SLQTGK
moves I might be nice and let you stay with us instead of letting you go527Please respect copyright.PENANAY5xXBE8IKr
into the wild." David shuddered at that, Looking around he could only 527Please respect copyright.PENANApK3q0iEywr
see a thick forest around them. He never spent a lot of time in nature 527Please respect copyright.PENANAYIk9lOA67d
preferring cities, plus, judging by the look in Gobs eyes, David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAXTHGTYSOUk
imagined that if he did make any sudden moves he wouldn't really get 527Please respect copyright.PENANATWSGSXW4Y2
time to get used to surviving in the wilderness.527Please respect copyright.PENANAbTcn7jugba
To Gobs credit he wasn't527Please respect copyright.PENANAq7gWrii5Ia
lying, the walk did take about half a day. During the walk David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAH9QSmbyPPS
managed to glean the names of the rest of the rebels while being led by 527Please respect copyright.PENANAor5hhiMQIA
Gob, not that the man didn't try to silence them and have them keep an 527Please respect copyright.PENANAQhEPrrwgzX
eye out on the trees. The problem was that, except for Gob himself, the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAnQWG3QyyMp
rest of his group seemed to consist of teenagers.527Please respect copyright.PENANARklhfogO84
First there was Denis, 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hoz87wmFB
the wide eyed youth who seemed to be very eager, but not much else. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAEpx4TEGo8p
Angela, who seemed to be the big sister of the group and second in 527Please respect copyright.PENANA2rhHJ2ggKl
command. She wasn't much of a leader but she really cared for the well 527Please respect copyright.PENANA0XSpRcHuMp
being making sure no one was hungry or cold. Then there was Rock, true 527Please respect copyright.PENANAQsqUMQj3ZL
to his namesake the youth didn't talk much. But he was sturdy, even if 527Please respect copyright.PENANAM5uvHT9jgA
not in character definitely in stature. Finally there was Tick, a 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4rpcTDavQi
nervous young buy. Seemed even younger, and twitchier, than the rest. He527Please respect copyright.PENANAg9F5k6nq6O
jumped at every noise and Angela was checking up on him the most. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAhvgcJSKi2A
All in all a group of 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFQdDVGYbc6
people that David shouldn't have problems either conning or murdering, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAm9xBjdlCCe
or at least if Gob wasn't there. If he could get rid of him earning 527Please respect copyright.PENANAzwpm3TKrmd
their trust would become tenfold easier. The problem is he could not see527Please respect copyright.PENANAGIWOHByaIC
a way of getting rid of Gob. The group may have been ragtag and could 527Please respect copyright.PENANA5uy8BPMDtG
barely hold their guns properly, but they've had complete faith in Gob 527Please respect copyright.PENANA2B8FtTmtwp
and his orders, to be fair to Gob he definitely seemed to know his 527Please respect copyright.PENANAADcLQ0ydq4
stuff. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAceCbWQQAH7
Sadly except the names 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJOUXh6Kn88
David didn't manage to get any other useful information, from listening,527Please respect copyright.PENANAiZOkSkIhDk
as Gob kept most of the talking to a minimum, but their actions and 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJcSUMEK2eQ
mannerisms told him a lot about them as well, David was always good at 527Please respect copyright.PENANAScuTkSQtEs
reading people. He found it quite a useful skill to train since his 527Please respect copyright.PENANAheWORkTohj
childhood. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAob0siJQm4H
David also paid 527Please respect copyright.PENANAfQG4tOzHYb
attention to where they were going. A tree seemed as much as any other 527Please respect copyright.PENANARIMdaHyB5J
one for him but he tried to memorize any landmarks just in case. A 527Please respect copyright.PENANAofCx240kyf
distinct scar on one tree, a nest of ants on a hill, anything that could527Please respect copyright.PENANAOZ4bXnvgSk
help him in case he needed to make a speedy escape.527Please respect copyright.PENANAPjEDz2WzOv
The closer they got the 527Please respect copyright.PENANA8fbb4AJCQz
more David could see various signs of the fallen wreckage. A metal plate527Please respect copyright.PENANAmiY5Twj2OT
here and there, a propeller hanging from the branches of a tree, an 527Please respect copyright.PENANAmbjnLS6aqt
eyeball as well as some splatter of blood, the rest of the body probably527Please respect copyright.PENANAPUsl8kukuW
scavenged by an animal. David avoided looking at the remains, from both527Please respect copyright.PENANAa6LxQdTHlF
the ship and his, former crewmates. He wasn't Squeamish around blood 527Please respect copyright.PENANA4TemNza67Y
and he wasn't afraid he'd see one of his friends but whenever he looked 527Please respect copyright.PENANA8lH7FvMDOv
it made him think that he was supposed to be there as well. That though 527Please respect copyright.PENANAuFPx4wLv0h
made David shudder and turned his smile into more of a frown.527Please respect copyright.PENANAQyheXDNVrk
They were able to hear 527Please respect copyright.PENANAuJc5rYDWlm
the ship before they could see it. Not the flying fish that was burning 527Please respect copyright.PENANArneVfvpuOw
down and lying in ruins but the empire ship. David knew from experience 527Please respect copyright.PENANARBWqICMDH8
that the newer ships did not make as much noise but the imperial ones, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAl9Swg9A7H5
with their outdated void-engines made a huge racket.527Please respect copyright.PENANA19KU9Ns7kQ
"Get down, behind the 527Please respect copyright.PENANArTziFaoBbo
trees!" Came a hushed order from Gob as David felt his rope tugged and 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZBArxVdtH
he fell to the ground with a grunt. David was sure Gob was just enjoying527Please respect copyright.PENANAwAlPLTyNbR
inflicting the pain at this point. Not like the soldiers were close and527Please respect copyright.PENANABVPFEwQHjJ
no matter how ill prepared the rebels were their uniforms meshed quite 527Please respect copyright.PENANAHSdTwGCriG
nicely with the surroundings.527Please respect copyright.PENANAPwsccy8sez
With a groan David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAHFEFG1F34V
looked up, and saw Gob taking out a telescope out of his coat to look at527Please respect copyright.PENANATtWHfYYByS
the soldiers. "Camps, they're planning on camping here" he said with a 527Please respect copyright.PENANAZCsSgI5hys
grunt. 527Please respect copyright.PENANArHlvapsWfQ
They all had to cover 527Please respect copyright.PENANAi0ifSNebBk
their ears in the next moment as the imperial ship took flight, gaining 527Please respect copyright.PENANAO3eOmnxHhC
aptitude first and then flying above David and his newfound friends. 527Please respect copyright.PENANAb74k7amkQI
Luckily the ship was quite high so it didn't disturb the trees around 527Please respect copyright.PENANA7OC1HkVuvT
them.527Please respect copyright.PENANASkP8sb23Js
With a tug of the rope 527Please respect copyright.PENANAFsuMkxrtpR
Gob called David over to his vintage point. Slowly David crawled up to 527Please respect copyright.PENANAuX22fhbC2t
Gob and clumsily held the telescope to his working eye. He could see the527Please respect copyright.PENANAAN1TUjMdRm
'Flying fish' his home for the past few years or at least what was left527Please respect copyright.PENANA7QsLhF472H
of it. David could also see the beginning of the encampment with tents 527Please respect copyright.PENANA6aB6iRzM7h
being set up as well as some markings to establish a perimeter.527Please respect copyright.PENANAgSRBnVJyl6
"So, where's this hold?"527Please respect copyright.PENANAgJ64im5lNS
Gob asked, still glaring at the soldiers as if he could see all the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAagKCY8mlN1
details without the telescope. Without a trace of hesitancy David 527Please respect copyright.PENANAS8Pa1DM2Ey
pointed his finger to around the middle of the ship.527Please respect copyright.PENANANc8ZtLw6dz
"It's there and looks 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbaiErNuncI
like it's still mostly intact." Score one for David. "Why do you think 527Please respect copyright.PENANAabOhIqOqah
they're setting up around the ship?" He asked Gob527Please respect copyright.PENANAM8gVX3Ji8I
"Corruption knows. They 527Please respect copyright.PENANAv0drXqFGhA
might've found the weapons, and guessed they're for us, so now they're 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJIT0FApsWI
waiting and doing a poor job of setting up an ambush. Or maybe they're 527Please respect copyright.PENANAL38cvEnJJE
just guarding the ship till more reinforcements can come?" Gob answered 527Please respect copyright.PENANA1GmFCTbnHw
looking sideways at David." I don't really care why. Now give it back" 527Please respect copyright.PENANAcHKVn5kRv7
he said holding out his hand for the telescope.527Please respect copyright.PENANAoDl0SSKdGu
David made a move to 527Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5QRc0KoT0
hand the telescope back but something caught his attention, a soldier, 527Please respect copyright.PENANAdCYbkDKgh3
David wasn't sure why but something in his mind pulled him towards that 527Please respect copyright.PENANAXGoawGhBv9
person. Ignoring Gobs growl David kept looking through the telescope at 527Please respect copyright.PENANAfv0SpkTkLx
the soldier as he spoke to someone else and pointed a finger, right at 527Please respect copyright.PENANAjNxEQ9j58x
them. "I think we're in trouble."527Please respect copyright.PENANA8y952Sotwb
Gob pulled the telescope527Please respect copyright.PENANAvj79gjCTfK
away from David with force and took a look and saw the same soldier 527Please respect copyright.PENANAv8bueBtir3
pointing and a group of others heading towards their location. "Nothing 527Please respect copyright.PENANAT2ZnQq0UBZ
we can do here anyway, we'll head back now." Gob said more for the 527Please respect copyright.PENANAmw4ZaaEd9q
benefit of his troops rather than Davids. He pulled David up with that 527Please respect copyright.PENANAf9jFPjELcp
rope, this time he was ready for it and didn't lose his balance while 527Please respect copyright.PENANAOTwCNGdgcW
standing up. What David wasn't ready for though was Gob pulling him 527Please respect copyright.PENANAVwK2MroJQs
close. "I still don't trust you." He whispered in a deadly tone. "I'm 527Please respect copyright.PENANAQQrWG6lWvV
not sure if you had anything to do with the soldiers seeing us or not 527Please respect copyright.PENANAndJpc3L5J7
but I'm willing to bet you did." He gave a big sight. "Even so, you're 527Please respect copyright.PENANAbFM5cq1LsW
right. We're above leaving strangers to die, and she'd never forgive me 527Please respect copyright.PENANADU6kTxW3Jg
for leaving you to the imperials. At least without a good flying 527Please respect copyright.PENANAT12xyGc2pW
reason." He added the last part in a grumble527Please respect copyright.PENANAAEBK1GxAt6
Gob pulled away from 527Please respect copyright.PENANAP0kVhCvCRn
David, pulling the rope to nudging David to follow him and continued 527Please respect copyright.PENANAnPDqHYZTH3
speaking in a rather fake cheery tone "So you're in luck, we're bringing527Please respect copyright.PENANAjomSUXjR33
you to our home. So if you shit in it, I'll be more than happy to drown527Please respect copyright.PENANA5GEuTqEUUH
you in your own shit" 527Please respect copyright.PENANAcPZRWfuUrQ
"Now form up and let's 527Please respect copyright.PENANAE9XPO0TA6k
go!" He barked, to the rest of the group as they proceeded further into 527Please respect copyright.PENANA6u7DrHXedv
the forest and away from the soldiers. Hopefully somewhere safe and with527Please respect copyright.PENANA7zNnDyF83T
a roof above, as David felt that he'd had his fill of the outside for a527Please respect copyright.PENANANtXg3Dcez5
long while.