If David didn't dislike 567Please respect copyright.PENANARb9EdvbdMD
nature before, he definitely did by now. With all the insects flying 567Please respect copyright.PENANAjWD8kmUe4Q
around, trying to either get a bite of him or taste his blood, and 567Please respect copyright.PENANABbrqQ3BifS
walking on the uneven ground it was truly beginning to dawn on David 567Please respect copyright.PENANAk3FT2WyD5V
that he didn't belong in the great outdoors. He was a city boy, no a 567Please respect copyright.PENANAOBOjYnodn9
ship boy. With the sky being his home and a metal grave his most likely 567Please respect copyright.PENANAMhOEDJi8Qk
resting place. But in his current situation it looked like the bugs 567Please respect copyright.PENANALkWL9toAUC
would just bite him to death first.567Please respect copyright.PENANAoICmEwhuxt
His shoes were 567Please respect copyright.PENANAxGt5RzIPSG
unsuitable for long nature tracks and they were about to fall apart, his567Please respect copyright.PENANAjfG1tkbBwj
clothes couldn't protect him from all the bugs and at this point he had567Please respect copyright.PENANAdjbzMbJJoW
more red spots than skin. David glanced with envy at the coats his 567Please respect copyright.PENANAuEr4czSfpb
newfound friends were wearing. At first glance it looked like an 567Please respect copyright.PENANApCoIvEvJWj
assortment of random clothes, but David changed his assessment. Their 567Please respect copyright.PENANAGUYh54lthc
clothes not only made them blend with the forest but also protected them567Please respect copyright.PENANAs30jTPjuiF
from the various insects.567Please respect copyright.PENANA7mAB70poVr
There was a silver 567Please respect copyright.PENANASU7xvssGNV
lining and it was the fact that they were taking a break. Even if the 567Please respect copyright.PENANA6Scd4Il5yL
rebels were used to long walks they still needed to take breathers here 567Please respect copyright.PENANAyRvBfkoTpc
and there. Although Gob himself didn't seem to be affected the younger 567Please respect copyright.PENANABn2I480kgm
rebels weren't quite as enduring. Neither was David and he wasn't shy to567Please respect copyright.PENANAjMKkjFPZAg
let everyone know by releasing a loud sigh and plummeting down on soft 567Please respect copyright.PENANAXVA9U854iT
grass. That, of course, earned him a glare from Gob.567Please respect copyright.PENANA5rkUtcgiwz
Thankfully, Gob left 567Please respect copyright.PENANAuUJDQk01X8
David alone, tied up to the closest tree. So here he was relaxing, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAqSGh8QHqam
trying to make the most of it by stretching his legs and moving his 567Please respect copyright.PENANAO9ClBm44z8
shoulders. He caught Denis's attention and nudged his head inviting the 567Please respect copyright.PENANAePlQjvHQWX
young lad to join him. ~Time to see how easily manipulated this one can 567Please respect copyright.PENANAhWCh9Nozax
be. ~567Please respect copyright.PENANAc7bT4AcG70
While Gob did give a 567Please respect copyright.PENANA2v63E46JoH
disapproving look, he deigned not to mention anything and went back to 567Please respect copyright.PENANAbOOHzscLwD
his map which was laid out in the middle of their makeshift camp, 567Please respect copyright.PENANANECouYOKcV
marking down something. The youth made his way across to David and sat 567Please respect copyright.PENANAMQMPsSRgbp
down next to him. He fidgeted with the musket for a bit, David moved his567Please respect copyright.PENANAQzOnuR2Yji
head as far away from Denis as possible not wanting his head to have an567Please respect copyright.PENANAqQBC4OeOX6
additional hole. Finally done and putting it on his lap, Denis turned 567Please respect copyright.PENANAcKvmzz6M6T
to David with his eyes bright. "So, you're a sky traveler?"567Please respect copyright.PENANAJRQZsqocxx
David nodded, even 567Please respect copyright.PENANAGlvZ08ZA2w
though he wasn't much of a sky anything without a ship. That didn't seem567Please respect copyright.PENANAoFtDxMqE79
to dissuade the boy." So, you've travelled all around I imagine!" His 567Please respect copyright.PENANAM4fdVL4gSO
voice was getting more excited.567Please respect copyright.PENANA2niXtRAKxx
"From the commonwealth 567Please respect copyright.PENANAv8mInFVwem
to the empire. From the central isle to the outer isles themselves." 567Please respect copyright.PENANAEcnf24Zogp
David said nodding, of course he'd never been to any of the outer isles.567Please respect copyright.PENANAowwSFNBiYo
He's been to the central isle though, a heaven for drinking and 567Please respect copyright.PENANAQxrehBTiQE
gambling.567Please respect copyright.PENANAVePsOiiJzh
Denise bumbled his head 567Please respect copyright.PENANAZAHjZn2PkL
up and down and then continued more sadly. "I' never really traveled 567Please respect copyright.PENANAv3sOLBaUWj
that far, only been to da's farm. As well as some of the close isles 567Please respect copyright.PENANAJfMR00nnV2
after..." Denis trailed off 567Please respect copyright.PENANAAk2LACDgwy
"You're still young, the whole world is open to you." 567Please respect copyright.PENANAjfyLgDnfEZ
Denise brightened up at 567Please respect copyright.PENANAxeHzppJfy7
that." I always did want to travel the world! Once we beat the empire 567Please respect copyright.PENANARCnDPqe5eq
I'll go to all the isles." He looked away from David and then continued 567Please respect copyright.PENANAh6ONkYS4o7
more shyly." And ah since you already know about ships maybe I could 567Please respect copyright.PENANAnnS5gHvkRW
take you, just untill I know how to plough the field myself!" 567Please respect copyright.PENANAY4qsxpoo0j
~Plough the field Wha..I don't even know where to begin with that one.~567Please respect copyright.PENANAiHMvJQTBYI
David chuckled at that. "Sure kid, I'm your prisoner after all." He showed off his bound hands for effect.567Please respect copyright.PENANApX7sIRF3ej
"Oh don't worry, I'm sure once you spoke to Francesca you'll be out of them!"567Please respect copyright.PENANAJNK2pesXiA
"Sorry, who?" David heard Gob mention her once before, but didn't have time to ask anyone about her.567Please respect copyright.PENANAFio0cNTVBd
Denise's eyes widened as567Please respect copyright.PENANA89kMhGbG0Z
if he couldn't believe David didn't know who it was. "Francesca, she's 567Please respect copyright.PENANAHuRBt6proO
our leader! She and Gob gathered most of us and got us here! I should 567Please respect copyright.PENANAzA9Q9N2YMj
probably call her something else, but she insisted we call her 567Please respect copyright.PENANA5go6lra86j
Francesca. I think she's a noble, but..."567Please respect copyright.PENANAKncZOKmmVq
"Alright enough chatter 567Please respect copyright.PENANAolVBrNeLtC
you two. "Denis never got to finish his thought as Gob got up and 567Please respect copyright.PENANALQaphVE0UV
interrupted him. "We're going now, we won't make it to our base today, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAxpKddwhDxX
but I want to find a better spot for a camp." He gathered the rest of 567Please respect copyright.PENANA0if0GS3m0V
the rebels and pulled David up using the rope. 567Please respect copyright.PENANA1voyNMuXFV
"You know I can get up myself?" That just earned him a violent tug from Gob.567Please respect copyright.PENANAPotkzGxh5Y
Gathering all their 567Please respect copyright.PENANAJxxr9WlhPF
supplies the ragtag group continued their adventure through the trees 567Please respect copyright.PENANACFdSqgY6Zp
and bushes. Thankfully the perfect spot manifested itself before David 567Please respect copyright.PENANAQCACAgSPfp
could die from some unknown disease. "Any chance for a fire, sir?" 567Please respect copyright.PENANAWEpyfy4VJ5
Angela asked, she seemed to be the most proper out of everyone and most 567Please respect copyright.PENANAvZLNt0W0gS
respectful.567Please respect copyright.PENANA7keSdI1J1T
"Sorry, but no." Gob 567Please respect copyright.PENANAGHkUywGEm4
said shaking his head. "Another night of cold food and drinks for us." 567Please respect copyright.PENANAavWyeKQ5T8
He said not unkindly and patted her shoulder. "Alright roll out your 567Please respect copyright.PENANAsZyAeUsEgJ
sleeping bags and claim your spot. We'll decide watch duty later." David567Please respect copyright.PENANAV6K32gFD1Y
groaned internally, he was hoping for something warm in his tummy after567Please respect copyright.PENANAw3KYg2zelf
the tough journey but no such luck567Please respect copyright.PENANAO376EMVMPI
David was impressed by 567Please respect copyright.PENANAGJgyMAKPVP
how fast the youths managed to unroll their beds, they didn't seem to be567Please respect copyright.PENANALXwdpBDLNr
the most disciplined, but they were accustomed to roughing it up 567Please respect copyright.PENANAjstHrNBfQ7
outside. Sadly, David did not get a bed, instead he received a comfy 567Please respect copyright.PENANAQlp1IkbLz5
tree he could lean on, which made him hate nature all the more.567Please respect copyright.PENANAt4v5bUpuep
Gob nodded. "Good you're567Please respect copyright.PENANASzcE2SxG2F
getting faster, we'll draw straws to decide on the watch." Even though 567Please respect copyright.PENANAA9as6w766Y
it was dark, and they were further away, David could see the youths 567Please respect copyright.PENANAov5b3c9Jry
beaming at the praise. None complained about their watch after drawing 567Please respect copyright.PENANAksD8s97L1j
their straws either. David had never seen such professionalism on any of567Please respect copyright.PENANAE6YMPnS8dd
the ships he served on.567Please respect copyright.PENANAnLFuxIcpuE
Everyone began settling 567Please respect copyright.PENANAcMqu1Iwnh5
down and taking out their rations. Unwillingly and grumbling Gob shared 567Please respect copyright.PENANAWXfotu0o7t
his own rations and water. David clumsily stuffed his face with the 567Please respect copyright.PENANADBhC4F3Hgi
tasteless meat, his hands still being tied didn't lead to a most 567Please respect copyright.PENANAZYY9Z3VdGj
graceful dinner and poured it down with the foul-tasting water. Even if 567Please respect copyright.PENANAPQwwcT7CzO
the food was tasteless and the water foul he was still grateful he had 567Please respect copyright.PENANAtNEyHVhSB2
something inside him. Having done that, David got comfortable around his567Please respect copyright.PENANAo0wuIdeXA2
tree, but not to go to sleep, no, he had other plans.567Please respect copyright.PENANAB0AL9Re3Rx
Everyone else finished 567Please respect copyright.PENANAlJaqRJFggI
their dinner at around the same time as David and started settling in 567Please respect copyright.PENANAJzGYjKVS18
for bed. Except for Angela who was the first one on watch. David was 567Please respect copyright.PENANAYeudGVrNHE
hoping she was like Denis, someone who was interested in his stories of 567Please respect copyright.PENANAVCk0nUPAwx
the big wide world.567Please respect copyright.PENANAHHG0JgfA2x
After a while, David 567Please respect copyright.PENANALD9W5f6TO5
didn't have any way to count time, he decided to implement his plan, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAizVFX1tHqp
which mostly just consisted on getting the rest of the group on his 567Please respect copyright.PENANAqzU8eGWgs0
side. He managed to call Angela over as she was passing him by and asked567Please respect copyright.PENANA9uS1uAZyE8
her to join him. "Was just wondering if you could join me, I'm having 567Please respect copyright.PENANAApMQZTzGGk
some trouble sleeping."567Please respect copyright.PENANA9LDf2JSM0E
Angela looked at the 567Please respect copyright.PENANAUvVPpB2IaK
sleeping figure of Gob and then back at David, shrugging awkwardly. 567Please respect copyright.PENANA9W6Y6dxl6o
"Alright." She walked closer to David and stood next to him.567Please respect copyright.PENANACKhZ7JHQwi
"You know they are quite lucky to have you. I've seen how you look after them"567Please respect copyright.PENANASHnfX3y9yU
Angela gave a shy giggle at the compliment. "It's Gob, he's the one keeping us alive. I just mother them." 567Please respect copyright.PENANAhdzadxvYjD
"Everyone needs a loving567Please respect copyright.PENANA8ppB6G1061
mother." Saying that made David feel weird but he shrugged it off. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAF2k1GB5iZW
"Especially when out fighting a war. I'm sure you do as much as Gob in 567Please respect copyright.PENANAAOF4s4IfLh
keeping them alive." Angela seemed to find comfort in those words and 567Please respect copyright.PENANAu7DPfoLI5F
shuffled her way a bit closer to David.567Please respect copyright.PENANAr2dGP02yiY
"You're kind to say so..." she seemed to hesitate asking her next question. " Uhm...were you really on that ship?"567Please respect copyright.PENANAPoS2Ovz0BI
David nodded. "Aye I was."567Please respect copyright.PENANApsvW85BjSq
"But how'd you survive?"567Please respect copyright.PENANA3UzK7oRM0L
"I'm just lucky I 567Please respect copyright.PENANAAErV38tWIp
guess." David said with a smile. "Honestly I don't know. I'm glad I did,567Please respect copyright.PENANA9icpE7o4m1
since I get to enjoy a conversation with such a beautiful lady as 567Please respect copyright.PENANActLbiKmltM
yourself."567Please respect copyright.PENANAeHiDDMN2VN
Angela blushed scarlet 567Please respect copyright.PENANAgc2uyu0QyT
and turned away. "I ain't no lady. Just a farm girl." She seemed to want567Please respect copyright.PENANAX8H0QixqeW
to say something so David let her be in silence for a while. "We all 567Please respect copyright.PENANAEgO466keTB
grew up on the same farm." She waved at the other sleeping figures. "Me,567Please respect copyright.PENANA3lXXct0YMu
Denis, Rock and Twitch. We're not related by blood, but we are family 567Please respect copyright.PENANAbFr4O4ULwZ
nonetheless. And pa looked after us well. Even taught us basics of 567Please respect copyright.PENANAcvxMo15vry
reading."567Please respect copyright.PENANA8g9DJRBSYf
"He sounds like a good 567Please respect copyright.PENANANGzBG5luj4
man." David knew it was hard to learn to read if you couldn't afford to 567Please respect copyright.PENANAENabTs0rsm
learn. He heard that the Commonwealth and the Republics are opening 567Please respect copyright.PENANAcwHM84GMvE
schools for everyone, but the empire and independent isles were still 567Please respect copyright.PENANAzmVEhzvbpt
pretty backwards about that, only allowing education to the rich or 567Please respect copyright.PENANAdRuXDpRxDo
noble born. Having said that David never learned how to read either, 567Please respect copyright.PENANA87LoHB3N6F
even though he was born in the Commonwealth.567Please respect copyright.PENANAS1KDmht7n2
"He was." Angela nodded smiling. "He died protecting our farm." She went silent, most likely reminiscing about her father.567Please respect copyright.PENANAt38HkVC8CN
"I didn't know the man personally, but I'm sure he'd be proud of how you're keeping your family together."567Please respect copyright.PENANAnTDq4oyh4D
Angela quickly rubbed 567Please respect copyright.PENANAuumW3ZpURG
her eyes. "Thank you, sorry I'm not sure why I decided to tell you all 567Please respect copyright.PENANAEqqH6RW0Ke
that." She added with an awkward laugh.567Please respect copyright.PENANAw24v6imThP
"Don't worry about it, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAQjNMZsZXCB
whenever you need to you'll have my ear." Angela smiled gratefully and 567Please respect copyright.PENANAWbT3tNosgx
blushed again looking away from David. "Thank you." She said quietly. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAHkNt40g92E
But then perked up a bit. "I'll take a walk, make sure no one is around.567Please respect copyright.PENANABnq93KfUCL
You should get some sleep." She added the last part chidingly but with a567Please respect copyright.PENANAPW8HxrDWaa
smile.567Please respect copyright.PENANA1tt4Nyi5QO
David smiled as well, but for a different reason. That's one of them caught in his web567Please respect copyright.PENANAWbKoprPnQo
The next person on watch567Please respect copyright.PENANAf83vGOOzgE
was Denis. David could see as Angela rousing Denis and he got up 567Please respect copyright.PENANAS3KYdZyod9
moaning about lack of sleep. David got Denis's attention by saying his 567Please respect copyright.PENANAkKD2TmTmmS
name, quietly not to wake up others.567Please respect copyright.PENANAzmMCGfZvGz
Denis with a smile made his way across to David. "Oh, I was afraid you'd be asleep."567Please respect copyright.PENANAZHenieVg3h
"How can I sleep, when my captain is awake?" David replied with a wink.567Please respect copyright.PENANAxIR8FFxGIO
Denis beamed at the words and slumped down besides David. "So, do you really think I'd be able to do it. Go all around Astaria?"567Please respect copyright.PENANAQT7Rg9Nory
"Sure, with me showing 567Please respect copyright.PENANAr5xqaeTtjB
you...uhh...how to plough the field we'll go from one end to the other. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAMhR5rwqzaB
We'll need a crew though; your family seems like they'd be good in a 567Please respect copyright.PENANAhwFF4w1r92
scrap."567Please respect copyright.PENANAYrQAgVn4jx
Denis looked down a bit 567Please respect copyright.PENANA5lgaDXrRPH
before replying. "I don't want them there, I love them but I also want 567Please respect copyright.PENANAV5YylzJZku
to be independent. I want to make my own way, without anyone telling me 567Please respect copyright.PENANAEddfv6VcYa
what I can or can't do."567Please respect copyright.PENANAkitLG3H6fD
David nodded. He 567Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ma24rFWPV
understood that strive for freedom quite well." Well, since, you'll be 567Please respect copyright.PENANAotvqGL9Q9h
captain you'll be the one flying the ship." Denis looked confused at 567Please respect copyright.PENANAzlZwTojWBU
that. "You'll be free to do whatever you want cap"567Please respect copyright.PENANAF9lw4B9lfK
Denis nodded, cheering 567Please respect copyright.PENANA1t8IqLsjz0
up. "Yeah and we'll fight pirates and save damsels and get rich!" He was567Please respect copyright.PENANAOtDhfrilXh
becoming more animated with his talk. Poor kid. ~head full of 567Please respect copyright.PENANArp4vr2Z1Hk
fantasies~ nothing in flying the skies except spending time near dirty 567Please respect copyright.PENANA1SU1t9FK6k
and, usually, annoyed people as well as being afraid for your life on a 567Please respect copyright.PENANARWPoCYtOlS
daily basis, hoping that the falling void engine doesn't blow or that 567Please respect copyright.PENANAjMQTvdVaBd
you don't get shot down. The freedom and riches though, if you were 567Please respect copyright.PENANAHzQSGHD7zk
lucky you'd have both out in the skies.567Please respect copyright.PENANAnOOcgASJlG
Either way David wasn't 567Please respect copyright.PENANA31N3S81659
planning on destroying Denis's dreams with reality, so he told him more 567Please respect copyright.PENANAZWAf948d2E
stories, exaggerated stories of his adventures. Of how he jumped from 567Please respect copyright.PENANAWps2OIdKRz
one ship to another disabling it and saving his crew. Of how he romanced567Please respect copyright.PENANAaavlUnBsMj
a nobleman's daughter escaping with her and her, eventual, tragic 567Please respect copyright.PENANApmLcnsplzo
death. Of how he was overcome with grief but lived on and became 567Please respect copyright.PENANABfW8aQvxdf
stronger for it, quite riveting stuff. David was sure the next tale was 567Please respect copyright.PENANALzfS9QR1Ji
more ridiculous than the one before, but Denis ate it up. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAJzdL7cenXN
After a lull in his 567Please respect copyright.PENANACmr4p0hamd
stories David decided to find out more about his actual captors. "Hey, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAvy7iteHJLe
you never finished talking about Gob and Francesca."567Please respect copyright.PENANAs2CjcimyLC
"Oh! Well we think 567Please respect copyright.PENANADrHpVtaB1X
she's, uhm Francesca not Gob, a noble! She's just so graceful and smart 567Please respect copyright.PENANAD2bjJQSr97
and nice! She and Gob are basically the leaders, but I don't know much 567Please respect copyright.PENANA7rMKPWbT9g
about their past, don't think anyone does. They're amazing though, 567Please respect copyright.PENANA2sZ41sw3aI
they're nobles and they care about us peasants!" Denis told more stories567Please respect copyright.PENANA3CKRPfs1yc
about Francesca and Gob. About how Francesca teaches the rebels to 567Please respect copyright.PENANAiRnlJOEpMh
read. Or how Gob thought them how to shoot and basic fighting skills. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAJk754rMxY7
The more David listened the less it seemed like the dangerous army and 567Please respect copyright.PENANAXFohGy2t9t
scourge that the empire was portraying them as, to David it seemed more 567Please respect copyright.PENANAvAUJ7z1yga
like a group of friends gathered to teach other valuable skills and sing567Please respect copyright.PENANA8DcMmD5Kbz
happy songs.567Please respect copyright.PENANA0ktoMUc9CC
After Denis's watch 567Please respect copyright.PENANAENOgYeyPID
ended, Rocks begun and...well he wasn't much of a conversationalist. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAWPdcNk3kl8
Even so David tried as Rock was passing him by.567Please respect copyright.PENANAiHYtYIlgJG
"So, I heard you grew up on a farm with the rest here?" Grunt567Please respect copyright.PENANAo9poEjm62f
"Can't imagine what's it like growing up with a big family like that." Grunt567Please respect copyright.PENANAX9nP6Z0FY4
"You...you're quite good at this whole talking thing, aren't you?" Grunt567Please respect copyright.PENANA2snR6FFWcE
"Well, I do say that a family needs someone steady in their midst" Grunt567Please respect copyright.PENANALu7OJABal2
With a sight David 567Please respect copyright.PENANAzKviOkAciC
stopped trying to hold a conversation. Maybe the youth was mute or maybe567Please respect copyright.PENANAS67m7tYcWR
he just wasn't all there. David imagined you'd have to be crazy to 567Please respect copyright.PENANA9puyiqry75
fight for some higher cause than your own purse.567Please respect copyright.PENANA43ow84vjwy
As Rock continued his 567Please respect copyright.PENANATKjLyoDF1x
vigil in silence, David could see the sky gaining some colour. Meaning 567Please respect copyright.PENANA7MVqW6vHIm
that the next person to take watch would be the last. David was hoping 567Please respect copyright.PENANA14tc1AY1P0
it would be Twitch who was scared of his own shadow more often than not,567Please respect copyright.PENANAXCjdDUrU7t
he looked like someone who could be easily manipulated.567Please respect copyright.PENANAf9j3pu1PZW
To David's dismay the 567Please respect copyright.PENANAiQgTp5f39s
last person was Gob. Who just stared at David and went the other way, 567Please respect copyright.PENANAiWprQPK9l9
not bothering to even mutter a word. David didn't see much of a point to567Please respect copyright.PENANA4SxF7xaLB0
stay up after that, so he decided to finally get some shut eye or 567Please respect copyright.PENANAcIcdhdcuJF
atleast close his eyes for a few minutes before continuing their 567Please respect copyright.PENANAYN1VyhxHiJ
gruesome journey.567Please respect copyright.PENANA8n8Dqzf9pD
As soon as he closed his567Please respect copyright.PENANAk0LZ3llfBR
eyes David was woken up with a kick to the ribs, he gave a violent 567Please respect copyright.PENANAhrnmX2b0CB
cough and looked up to see Gob grinning at him. "Time to wake up, liar."567Please respect copyright.PENANAJGasB860Ut
"Oh fall off, you cloud 567Please respect copyright.PENANAzzVm06tBmq
sucking bastard." David muttered under his breath but complied easily 567Please respect copyright.PENANAgXdVpi9UDI
enough when he was untied from the tree. Gob promised a short walk, he 567Please respect copyright.PENANACia9ff5Y7A
also promised an easy walk. David was sure that Gob was the liar not 567Please respect copyright.PENANAqCytC6lyt9
him. 567Please respect copyright.PENANAPKPSDHd88R
During the walk Denis 567Please respect copyright.PENANAxezg90vcxU
did walk closer to David and asking him questions in whispered tone when567Please respect copyright.PENANAplgG1kRAME
he thought Gob wasn't looking. David also noticed Angela giving him 567Please respect copyright.PENANAlCsples2Z3
quick glances and smiled back at him when he gave her one. So at least 567Please respect copyright.PENANAVEwrfMCZxF
he was winning them over, he was hoping it would mean something when 567Please respect copyright.PENANAowINAmZRVs
they met with Francesca and decided David's fate.567Please respect copyright.PENANA195ZuvSfu1
"We're here." Gob 567Please respect copyright.PENANAHLWsyBlLt0
finally announced after hours of walking. At some point of the journey 567Please respect copyright.PENANAYcNU4hvNRe
David turned his brain off so he wasn't even sure how long they walked 567Please respect copyright.PENANA1hOXOs5XPR
for. They were at an entrance to a cave, which was completely dark with 567Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZXODrWHKu
no trace of light. It reminded David of his own future, dark and 567Please respect copyright.PENANAS5wo5pEmgs
uncertain. He could also feel an unexplained feeling, similar to the one567Please respect copyright.PENANAt9th8H14DZ
he felt to one of the imperial soldiers, coming from inside the cave. 567Please respect copyright.PENANALlQuX05VWL
Maybe it was the feeling567Please respect copyright.PENANAojhZBoe3ab
of dread or a premonition of upcoming death if no action was taken. 567Please respect copyright.PENANApySe9TRVZ2
Well not like David could do anything about at this point as he followed567Please respect copyright.PENANAXf8vl30QRX
Gob into the darkness
567Please respect copyright.PENANAvxu8J0nm4a
567Please respect copyright.PENANA2eqYje2OLm