484Please respect copyright.PENANAjkG9WeyWwX
484Please respect copyright.PENANAyqd8JTeooF
Some of my colleagues 484Please respect copyright.PENANApnFVVvd3qs
believe that humans cannot repress memories. That memories which are 484Please respect copyright.PENANAr6JGt2eGWd
remembered with the help of someone are just implanted through 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUyoy6iSGO7
suggestion or hypnosis.484Please respect copyright.PENANADeDc3ZvS8o
484Please respect copyright.PENANAbxJrGzJ05R
Utter none sense I say! In a world where484Please respect copyright.PENANAqsN88nyGFO
ether exists, some find it hardest to believe that we humans can 484Please respect copyright.PENANAieGEmf1Cef
repress our memories. Those scientists and professors are too arrogant 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7FEp7sIJ8z
to admit that we know nothing of the brain and what it can do. They want484Please respect copyright.PENANAeH4ecaC6K2
me to prove without certainty of a doubt that humans can repress 484Please respect copyright.PENANA6jexFEkG7K
memories. Well to that I say, I want them to prove that it cannot. For I484Please respect copyright.PENANAgYi216RRLY
am not arrogant enough to state I know everything about our brains 484Please respect copyright.PENANAogIHM9fnxv
capabilities.484Please respect copyright.PENANAixBtBqNOPF
'Notes from a lecture by Sig Frind on memories at the Royal Commonwealth College."484Please respect copyright.PENANAlBjGHo1qIK
_________________________________________________________________484Please respect copyright.PENANAbNXRFAPvlg
484Please respect copyright.PENANAKhSvFTi2Lo
David awakened. Not 484Please respect copyright.PENANAIiljloSlIC
wanting to get up out of fear of the wounds and disfigurations he 484Please respect copyright.PENANAdbVdq0JpWx
suffered. He closed his eyes. Ignoring reality, ignoring the inevitable,484Please respect copyright.PENANAZLCWP0FN2m
ignoring the pain....wait. David risked moving his hands in front of 484Please respect copyright.PENANAxzY9J7U84Y
his face and all the fingers were there. Not only that his hands were 484Please respect copyright.PENANAMKSh4nNCKm
undamaged.484Please respect copyright.PENANAgfmzEa5FBt
"Only your physical body484Please respect copyright.PENANAgpAKQb2QYQ
was damaged, your ether form is safe." A voice broke David's 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGQvEegIlAY
concentration. "The only reason your eye is gone is because the blast of484Please respect copyright.PENANAn7E74qsOhJ
steam that burned your eye was full of ether."484Please respect copyright.PENANAW90wHtdIjA
A shadowy form appeared.484Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8E1wk2M70
Jester. Instead of his form constantly shifting and his voice taking 484Please respect copyright.PENANAFjcg4rvc7k
different intonations, Jester was only wearing a cloak over his body 484Please respect copyright.PENANADrisMm5NtS
hiding any features. And his voice sounded...almost human.484Please respect copyright.PENANAlx9QMsnmdn
"Long time no see, David. Well for you, I've been watching you for a while." Jester laughed as if he said something funny.484Please respect copyright.PENANAU0mTg5fquy
"Am I in the...ether 484Please respect copyright.PENANABei838zI5B
world again?" David asked looking around, seeing rocks flying around, 484Please respect copyright.PENANAz69Kt7QfDK
storms raging in the skies and shadows flickering in and out of life.484Please respect copyright.PENANAALYkNGvbOx
Jester clapped." Indeed! You are learning, maybe you won't be completely useless." 484Please respect copyright.PENANAN7XivPkyvC
David was tired, too 484Please respect copyright.PENANANwLwKJuGtx
tired for Jester. Even so he still stood up. "Jester can we...can we 484Please respect copyright.PENANAQyknZH60rS
just all this?" David waved his hands in the space between the two.484Please respect copyright.PENANAVgMBuPFFER
The shadowy hood cocked 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9FvUBgubzq
to a side. "Oh, that's just boring." David began a reply but Jester 484Please respect copyright.PENANAhlrejckHdb
interrupted him. "Very well, if it'll save me from your nagging. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAfUPdQPdV2w
Knowing what's waiting for you in the real world, you'd think you'd be 484Please respect copyright.PENANAJFObXS4JFv
more grateful."484Please respect copyright.PENANAMOkauAYen2
"I..."484Please respect copyright.PENANA9fQTXgFJoG
"I went through all the trouble of getting you here. Hiding my presence from my brother and other mages. Honestly some people."484Please respect copyright.PENANA1eYD3ivxYl
David groaned in 484Please respect copyright.PENANAHIEIc5F1mP
annoyance. "I've just been tortured for the better part of my day. Even 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7v2yNCT4QH
if my body isn't feeling it, my mind is. So if you can get to your 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9cwlOpdf8D
falling point, that'd be fly."484Please respect copyright.PENANAIE1FUUpfNC
Jester muttered something David couldn't hear. "Very well. What do you remember of your childhood?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAa76WS10bJy
David was startled by the question "What does that have to do with anything?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAT6Buy6YdT4
"Well it's the main point of my visit, and you did say you wanted to stop playing games. What about your mother.?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAO1gJb3Hfaz
A headache, feeling of resentment. "She's dead, or alive. I don't flying care."484Please respect copyright.PENANA60hxEGPcNu
"Have you ever wondered why you don't remember your childhood?"484Please respect copyright.PENANANhTnSuf8av
"How do you even..." Then David had a realization. "It was you? Were you the one who took my memory?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAGF8nU0B4FM
Jester giggled and put his hands up. "Guilty."484Please respect copyright.PENANAKxjcyImSfX
David shouted and 484Please respect copyright.PENANALcF0u4PXJ0
tackled the cloaked figure. His mind couldn't take it. After all that 484Please respect copyright.PENANAt6xaTuN6yd
torture and Jester's games, after all the pain and loneliness, after all484Please respect copyright.PENANA7beVk8qaoa
the deaths, David just wanted to blame someone. "Give back my life!" He484Please respect copyright.PENANARDlHjDguCJ
punched inside Jesters hood, meeting only air. "Give back my freedom!" 484Please respect copyright.PENANAWz0eaew9I8
Another punch. "Give back my happiness!" Tears joined the third punch, 484Please respect copyright.PENANAs00ZFYsa4O
which was David's last as Jester started cackling and dissolved into 484Please respect copyright.PENANAK1aQ6yjTLX
mist.484Please respect copyright.PENANAQCt43kHlaE
Jester's voice came from484Please respect copyright.PENANAMNbqWNP215
behind. "Do you truly think, your misfortune sterns from me?" David 484Please respect copyright.PENANA2KYUxUfB4g
could see surround shadows gathering around him. "What of everyone 484Please respect copyright.PENANAiO4ge81aFH
you've betrayed? People who would've called you their friend or lover. 484Please respect copyright.PENANARG723N7z9D
Killed or abandoned for coin or survival. The shadows seemed to be 484Please respect copyright.PENANAOxhQx0RoC9
creating a circle around Jester and David.484Please respect copyright.PENANAHbiCHp5qvq
"You're lying to yourself. You..." 484Please respect copyright.PENANATHMkDMDLPi
"Shut up!" David 484Please respect copyright.PENANAZ1zXJs7hsB
struggled to get up. "Shut your falling mouth. You don't know me, I 484Please respect copyright.PENANAqp7sxPjcbL
don't care if you're one of the five, or a demon, or a falling figment 484Please respect copyright.PENANAtPkrinsKPo
of my imagination only I know what or who I am!"484Please respect copyright.PENANAIlILjszMvD
Jester gave another 484Please respect copyright.PENANArVVDCOuSFL
laugh, a laugh that chilled David to the bone. Don't I? What makes you 484Please respect copyright.PENANAKjCynKRkVm
so sure? Or are you just trying to convince yourself because you're 484Please respect copyright.PENANAV3K8U8NCRw
afraid of the truth?" 484Please respect copyright.PENANAK7didQIcOT
"I'm not afraid,I'm..." 484Please respect copyright.PENANAMfkI0MBMmc
"You're what? A 484Please respect copyright.PENANAr28hJaNwcs
despicable human being? True. A murderer, liar and cheat? Also correct. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAz9iVu48n8a
But allow me to show you something, something that will make everything 484Please respect copyright.PENANA0xbrvx8qI7
you've done not matter." 484Please respect copyright.PENANA8IaxmTkuo9
The shadows completely 484Please respect copyright.PENANAfqBfKv8UCT
surrounded the two of them now. "Allow me to show you the why you're 484Please respect copyright.PENANATIPyJkTEkp
afraid. Allow me to show you why you forgot your childhood. Allow me 484Please respect copyright.PENANAFf4cOuXjFs
show you why this world needs to die." Jester put his hand over David's 484Please respect copyright.PENANAKXcFnSnRQA
eye and shadows swallowed him.484Please respect copyright.PENANAUijbGNYSpZ
Shadows parting, David 484Please respect copyright.PENANADMoJkUSkDo
found himself in a room. Bottles and rubbish littering the floor. A 484Please respect copyright.PENANARkE6jbhg87
woman in the middle of the floor, flailing and screaming from pain. 484Please respect copyright.PENANA6p1x81gLTt
David could see her so clearly as if he wasn't in the fade anymore. No 484Please respect copyright.PENANAOX6Nd5SCHD
more shadowy figures or echoes. Just an improvished room and David's 484Please respect copyright.PENANAFkIzuNKrUY
mother484Please respect copyright.PENANAzVCJOZ8j9c
"This is my memory." 484Please respect copyright.PENANAeL4q9rnMxo
Jester said as he appeared besides David. "You claimed I don't know 484Please respect copyright.PENANAelfWyVcHJH
you, yet I might just be the person who knows you the most.484Please respect copyright.PENANA9BeJ4cnpYh
David didn't reply to 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9i9t20MLcm
that. He just looked at the woman as various feelings rose within him. 484Please respect copyright.PENANALIvkkBb4Xp
Love, longing, loneliness, but most of all hate.484Please respect copyright.PENANAm1p7k31rmI
Unaware of what was 484Please respect copyright.PENANA2aY1CvTqR8
inside David's mind, Jester continued. "From the time that you were 484Please respect copyright.PENANAn6yZdDxeaJ
conceived, when your father raped your mother neither the first nor last484Please respect copyright.PENANAq91nuIaLqD
time. Your poor mother, she loved your father with all her heart, 484Please respect copyright.PENANAnhO2F4LkSH
despite his many, many faults. It is rather amusing how such a man can 484Please respect copyright.PENANAegbv8CZwNK
find true love and yet you cannot." David didn't rise to the bait. "She 484Please respect copyright.PENANAAsLNHQuBkQ
tried getting rid of you, taking herbs and the like, it didn't work. She484Please respect copyright.PENANAKWZ6Y5VvCk
was even tempted to stab herself in the stomach but she was too scared 484Please respect copyright.PENANABjvaq3NlAZ
she would die. A running theme with you Oxthornes, fear of death."484Please respect copyright.PENANAF6zUScQ6Ul
Finally the screams of 484Please respect copyright.PENANAwUUjsAsU3x
pain were replaced by the screams of a baby. Whispers from the babies 484Please respect copyright.PENANAJmjDJs1tMW
mother reached David as if she was speaking to him. "Quiet, just stay 484Please respect copyright.PENANAcu25if6PWa
quiet. You ruined my life, he stopped loving me because of you. You. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAsnXVjuARUt
You. You." The baby started crying louder, screeching the woman grabbed 484Please respect copyright.PENANATM1D9mQMLu
the baby's throat and squeezed.484Please respect copyright.PENANAZ455YBBmEh
David could feel his 484Please respect copyright.PENANATm9HnSzRlK
throat contract, the air trapped in his lungs, extending them beyond 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGCt5U9gjT6
their capacity. The shock made him go to his knee. "This is when you 484Please respect copyright.PENANAVyIYaGpyjd
died." David could hear Jesters voice in the back of his head. Just as 484Please respect copyright.PENANAOt6kBBC2NY
the room began spinning his breath and vision returned and the crying 484Please respect copyright.PENANA931jlntXMb
stopped.484Please respect copyright.PENANAdf8EhcCtjn
"Oh, nonononono." The 484Please respect copyright.PENANAF8wc3RlV1i
woman wailed. She put the baby gently on the floor and started pushing 484Please respect copyright.PENANAOaNWXHAnKc
on its chest. Gently at first, and then with more distress. 484Please respect copyright.PENANA5T9a7CAzxI
"You who were supposed 484Please respect copyright.PENANAYg1TMZFqzQ
to die, defied death." Thus the baby started crying again, weakly at 484Please respect copyright.PENANA5vfWmuVWUK
first but then gained more vigor. "Yet by dying you became closer to 484Please respect copyright.PENANAVvtKnCzqzX
the etherworld, susceptible to its inhabitants." 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUnp19zUmeA
Coughing David stood up 484Please respect copyright.PENANAriQGxv2lsY
and looked at the mother and son figure...No he looked at him and his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAWpaN0WlbLq
mother. David didn't want to believe this image, yet deep down he knew 484Please respect copyright.PENANA1AQAM1tzCW
it was the truth. "Did...were you the one who brought me back?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAmqbQ4BTBXV
"No, it was a small 484Please respect copyright.PENANALog9wTrxGR
miracle, for all of us." David was unsure if he should believe Jester 484Please respect copyright.PENANAnOcjmJ7xE4
but before he could question it anymore his vision changed again.484Please respect copyright.PENANAPEgrr5IMds
He was staring at the 484Please respect copyright.PENANA3bS6rld8xW
wom...his mummy. His mummy who loved him and took care of him, David was484Please respect copyright.PENANAF2SQW6hqFn
only good at one thing, getting in the way of his mummy's work. He 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7T0Upfi46Z
learned to be quiet after the first few times she slapped him, he 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9UnPgEhDd8
deserved it because mummy did her best to provide for him and David was 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7smqBC6BQ6
just a useless existence, just like his mummy said.484Please respect copyright.PENANAUu0wC3O7ZB
But today David got to be usefull. He had the opportunity to make his mummy proud and happy.484Please respect copyright.PENANAbNDZMr155Y
"There you go, David." She said brushing his hair with her hand. "You will make mummy proud, won't you?"484Please respect copyright.PENANALkceBvW5IE
"I will!" Came a squeaky484Please respect copyright.PENANAxMZRljG8Yn
voice. "I will make you proud..est!" David said as he put a book down.484Please respect copyright.PENANAmqWJrB5bR6
David was unsure what the name or what the words inside said but it had484Please respect copyright.PENANAH16AW57YUi
pictures of flying ships and heroes, something he wanted to be when he 484Please respect copyright.PENANAN5qACNBU5R
was an adult.484Please respect copyright.PENANAhcM8tw8U3Y
A knock came from a door484Please respect copyright.PENANAJXPmJ9oFNY
and David's mummy went to answer it. She spoke to someone in hushed 484Please respect copyright.PENANActwVWCHBgw
tones and then left the room without giving David a glance back. In her 484Please respect copyright.PENANApvf2tJlpoj
stead a stranger came. David had never seen the man before and he was 484Please respect copyright.PENANAnpfp1BVwXJ
scared of strangers. Whenever a stranger came in with his mummy he was 484Please respect copyright.PENANADkbtWUi5WQ
supposed to be quiet otherwise he wouldn't get food and get slapped for 484Please respect copyright.PENANAjlHFPcz785
being a bad boy.484Please respect copyright.PENANAcIXMo6d7dD
That's why he didn't 484Please respect copyright.PENANA4IHV9Z5zQL
speak, didn't move, didn't look at the stranger. "Speak up boy, what's 484Please respect copyright.PENANAS7JEom2vgd
your name?" The man said in a haughty voice.484Please respect copyright.PENANA2YknzZizuC
"D..david" the answer 484Please respect copyright.PENANA03SNG5o7zj
came in a whisper. The stranger grunted and came closer to David, moving484Please respect copyright.PENANAU0EMsDBZpw
empty bottles with his boots. "I said speak up."484Please respect copyright.PENANANoDkCwDnYQ
"David!" Came out the reply, which sounded too loud in David's ears.484Please respect copyright.PENANAZccYS1m30q
The man put his hands on484Please respect copyright.PENANAMOYZwZJaZ9
Davids shoulders and smiled. "David? I'm David aswell, David Hozzelpoff484Please respect copyright.PENANAV9GTrDxbhy
to be exact. Do you recognize my name?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAJU44HA48Pk
David meekly shook his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAQgL0dzRXwX
head and was shoved to the floor. David hit the floor hard, losing his 484Please respect copyright.PENANA8x6wfgocvz
breath. "I am the greatest mind of this century!" He crouched down 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUb8PKxVNas
putting his face next to Davids. "Soon everyone will know my name, no 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUe0zI6b9tv
matter what my colleagues say or what rumors they spread." He said but 484Please respect copyright.PENANAemujTwQsGS
the anger was slowly leaving his voice. "You must understand, I'm not 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGrdjvm7HVu
usually like this, but...but sometime you just reach that point. I'm a 484Please respect copyright.PENANAzd0ArQgeEJ
good man I have a bright future and sometimes you just need obstacles, 484Please respect copyright.PENANA3witSDiqwf
you are just that an obstacle that I must conquer." The man was 484Please respect copyright.PENANAyEXIAqNB0Z
bubbling. Caressing Davids face with his hand, the other one moving down484Please respect copyright.PENANA6shFYPAEVP
Davids body.484Please respect copyright.PENANAmXVJmMYpTG
Please don't. Came adult David's voice484Please respect copyright.PENANAR2JWQTzKIc
Young David was scared; 484Please respect copyright.PENANATHgylSt9xn
he was used to beatings but not being touched in that way. He tried 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7z7zLV2yoc
wiggling away from the man pinned David down with his greater weight. 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ad23MwLOS
"Stop resisting." Derek hissed. "If everyone just didn't resist I 484Please respect copyright.PENANAZDYRQpUbGw
wouldn't be here I wouldn't need to do anything."484Please respect copyright.PENANAMp8UkDjj9P
Help me. Save me. Came the child and adult voice intermixed.484Please respect copyright.PENANAeA3x6rM2GA
"Mummy, mummy!" David 484Please respect copyright.PENANAKLSfpW2Wss
screamed, tears flowing, a feeling of wetness around his legs. Finally 484Please respect copyright.PENANADbgcgYT7P2
the man slammed his palm into Davids face. That stopped all resistance, 484Please respect copyright.PENANA8KZqVhaTYn
after that day David liked to pretend that he lost consciousness, that 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7UhMfCkq6G
everything that happened was a nightmare, but deep down he knew better, 484Please respect copyright.PENANArOLhC2gAYA
he knew that what he saw and felt was what had happened.484Please respect copyright.PENANAfBEHg8QpBD
David didn't even know 484Please respect copyright.PENANAx3p5GaV3C0
when the man finished, his mind was blank and when he came to he could 484Please respect copyright.PENANAfLQdvTxXyU
see his mummy looking at him. She scoffed. "Clean yourself up, you're a 484Please respect copyright.PENANASrq10lvCEP
mess. David tried crying but no tears came.484Please respect copyright.PENANApCVfMavvk0
Suddenly the room shifted again and David himself as an adult again. "That was the first time it happened. One of many." 484Please respect copyright.PENANABk7zKwfbRP
David could barely hear 484Please respect copyright.PENANAwrPP5vuhJn
jester, as all the memories came flowing back. It overwhelmed him and 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9m6fDF2t6o
the tears he couldn't find as a child freely flew out of him and he 484Please respect copyright.PENANAc1dlOl2YUE
screamed into the void. Out of desperation, out of misery, out of pure 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGxzacUxTmq
anger. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAqaudbWXmvc
"There are more 484Please respect copyright.PENANALP5DeIeGJU
memories. Let me know when you're ready." David looked at jester, whose 484Please respect copyright.PENANAzqyYKxRnWK
form changed again. His hood was down but half of his face was covered 484Please respect copyright.PENANAovTU4U9T7X
in a dark like substance. The other looked...looked like a normal adult 484Please respect copyright.PENANAwz3X3IlUO7
male. David almost recognized it but couldn't quite place it.484Please respect copyright.PENANA7yxFnbkxIS
"What else is there to 484Please respect copyright.PENANAB57batYAgN
remember?" David asked as he got up. Jester just smiled. "Just indulge 484Please respect copyright.PENANA8xI6jxo3gS
me." Jester waved his hand again and David was standing in front of a 484Please respect copyright.PENANAN80och6IpP
mirror. He could see himself, a young teen. With dead eyes and bruises 484Please respect copyright.PENANAJg0HZZNde0
all around his body. He looked at the glass shard in his hand. The blood484Please respect copyright.PENANAXP6t2FIQSz
that was spilling down his arm and hand was slowly dripping on the 484Please respect copyright.PENANAK2z2LkX60s
floor. 484Please respect copyright.PENANA4blelLW8qV
Even the pain didn't 484Please respect copyright.PENANAfbTicW6VmY
offer him solace, it used to be that the pain he inflicted on himself 484Please respect copyright.PENANAYRdu0SRNM1
offered an escape, but no more. One flick of the shard though...and 484Please respect copyright.PENANAPRYXDue9UL
everything would be gone.484Please respect copyright.PENANA7XYemURGx4
~Just like that, give up484Please respect copyright.PENANAtMxYD4sgAd
end it all. No one will care. ~ That's right, no one cares. Mother is 484Please respect copyright.PENANA71ew3gr7IN
probably with some man, or trying to get someone who was willing to buy 484Please respect copyright.PENANAmPGeIuTXlW
Davids body. Would she really mind if he died. He moved the shard closer484Please respect copyright.PENANA3DCaEa3i3o
to his neck, his pulse slowly beating. ~But...what if it gets better? 484Please respect copyright.PENANAtldm5KYbEb
What if death only brings more pain?~ David paused. "Can't be much worse484Please respect copyright.PENANArBwkeT82KM
than this."484Please respect copyright.PENANAm0f30xvjL6
~STOP! ~ David dropped 484Please respect copyright.PENANAF3BbF72VNy
the shard as if burned. ~It will get better. Just survive. Have to 484Please respect copyright.PENANA6sH4o7h6RI
survive.~ David dropped on his knees. That's right all he had to is 484Please respect copyright.PENANAyYhhpjUEqf
survive. Survive and live.484Please respect copyright.PENANA84MO3dNBZa
Everything changed again and David could see his reflection. Scarred, rugged and haunted. 484Please respect copyright.PENANACh5mfoNZsQ
" that voice, it was yours." More of a statement rather than a question. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAoPjiHm6PMJ
"Indeed." Jester 484Please respect copyright.PENANAwMAFXd08bs
replied. David could actually hear his voice properly, without an echo 484Please respect copyright.PENANADrcDtrYqQ6
or any other effects. He never noticed it before but it did sound a lot 484Please respect copyright.PENANAeF9DLNS4xX
like his own did.484Please respect copyright.PENANAjbm00AABPZ
"Why did you try 484Please respect copyright.PENANAWXHtdJ0KbR
convincing me to kill myself and then stop me? Why not just let me do 484Please respect copyright.PENANAECOmp6LAp1
it?" He said the last part in a whisper; his brain still trying to 484Please respect copyright.PENANAZKMky9rpwD
process the influx of memories.484Please respect copyright.PENANAT8a0enjtuc
"I've been there since you were a child I..I wanted to offer you an escape, but then I got scared I'd get lonely, if you died,"484Please respect copyright.PENANAbtzz848Fg3
"You expect me to believe that?"484Please respect copyright.PENANA1YputciALa
"Believe what you want."484Please respect copyright.PENANAfSK1Hqfmel
"How many times? How many of my thoughts were mine?"484Please respect copyright.PENANAE7azw1ikRC
Jester chuckled. "All of484Please respect copyright.PENANAMkj997HSYk
them really. To make sure you didn't notice anything was out of the 484Please respect copyright.PENANAk8fFy6Uslg
ordinary I had to make it look like they were your thoughts."484Please respect copyright.PENANAaJKTlY5zma
"That just 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGyIFvFJlFk
means..."David held his head and groaned in pain. "I'm so confused, in 484Please respect copyright.PENANAtZdJoQDyVK
my memories it doesn't like you're trying to be subtle. What changed?484Please respect copyright.PENANAhpnWtbtgtE
"It's related to the last memory, I'll show you if you're ready."484Please respect copyright.PENANAEd7Tm0npJe
David nodded. "Do it."484Please respect copyright.PENANA7sOzaWHxJu
Everything shifted. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAwacSzglzgd
David was cleaning his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAr0U8QXIXGl
face, in his middle teens and miserable. He wasn't sure when this 484Please respect copyright.PENANADBjm3imXnk
grounded life started but it's been a long time now. He learned tricks 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7kL6qRpSlI
on how to make it easier for himself. By pretending the strangers were 484Please respect copyright.PENANAyNT5enqifP
important he would save himself a lot of abuse, by guessing how they 484Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3o8EuCfLr
wanted him to act and acting that way they, sometimes, took pity. Of 484Please respect copyright.PENANAcMu3pBRy1J
course not everyone cared; some still had fun abusing a young boy.484Please respect copyright.PENANASHuBvzEo6X
His last one was just 484Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7tyCBg6xE
that an abuser. David touched his broken-again nose and the eye that was484Please respect copyright.PENANAqEyNspp5di
barely opening. The bitch would be angry again, his face was supposed 484Please respect copyright.PENANAkIK1SQ0OYf
to be without bruises. Her clients liked him more when he looked pure. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAqevqdp4ncR
Undamaged goods she loved to say.484Please respect copyright.PENANAxwDUnUiJo9
Right on cue, David 484Please respect copyright.PENANAXosYVb682B
could hear the bathroom door opening and she came in. Sneering she 484Please respect copyright.PENANASOiweG94J4
slapped David causing him to fall on the floor. "Stupid, idiot boy!" She484Please respect copyright.PENANAecVdC0ranC
slurred. What a surprise the bitch was either drunk or drugged. "One 484Please respect copyright.PENANAF0Nt7I9kG4
thing, don't let them hit your face. And look at you! Useless!" She 484Please respect copyright.PENANATytanSTrY2
shrieked and kicked David clumsily.484Please respect copyright.PENANA5h0ECrHSqP
Why was this his life? 484Please respect copyright.PENANAgZrMT48PoO
Should he have taken his life, can he still do it? He looked at her and 484Please respect copyright.PENANAuvfKGNW8pl
she seems to have taken offense at that. She scratched at his face and 484Please respect copyright.PENANAhHZRpC5cgj
came down on him. "How dare you look at me with those eyes! They're his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAatYSHX8GvY
eyes! Someone like you doesn't deserve them!" She continued in a similar484Please respect copyright.PENANA5aBWUtVqZ1
vein trying to get his eyes. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAok9xkVdlVe
~Enough David.~ A voice 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7lnKYjv9vY
resounded in his head. David knew that voice, it was his only friend. 484Please respect copyright.PENANATWwa50W2Sm
~Fight back.~ David faught against the urge and voice, after all it was 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUB5Jdee8PE
still his mother. ~FIGHT BACK~ Finally David extended his arm with force484Please respect copyright.PENANARtsyoL28wE
and met resistance.484Please respect copyright.PENANAOhcxsxF2yr
The scratching and 484Please respect copyright.PENANAL7bPYweBvv
shrieking stopped, he could see his mother on the floor, groaning, 484Please respect copyright.PENANAOhVTc2ECuB
slowly getting up. Thinking quickly David grabbed a glass bottle and hit484Please respect copyright.PENANA9Hb4CzWlki
the bitch with it. Again and again until all that was left was a glass 484Please respect copyright.PENANAF4vTT7Guq1
shard and then he kept stabbing and screaming until his throat and hand 484Please respect copyright.PENANA2SD8m2zQTR
was raw. Once he couldn't hold the shard he stopped and laughed.484Please respect copyright.PENANAeMHeizNgMU
Oh god what did he do? 484Please respect copyright.PENANA1sylWQhzxh
This was his mummy, the one who always protected him, the one who would 484Please respect copyright.PENANAGcfUihXDkF
never abandon him a and he..he murdered her. But...no, no, no. She hated484Please respect copyright.PENANAQyqDry6Koq
him did she? Yeah she was a bitch..NO..she was his mother. Was there a 484Please respect copyright.PENANAbeh7R3nPz0
difference? David started crying and throwing up. He killed her, he 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUdXc94luf3
killed her, he killed her. His head felt as it was going to burst, cries484Please respect copyright.PENANAYOMgsmB4Lw
replaced the laughter as he rolled on the floor covering himself in 484Please respect copyright.PENANAuiMPcv3cbo
blood.484Please respect copyright.PENANAwllkbJa5PC
~that's enough David. Forget, forget everything.~ 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7tc8tnhNPM
There was a pause and everything quieted down.484Please respect copyright.PENANAZLh0rMJG0V
A boy named David just 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7CJGIYQ4Tj
woke up. Surrounded by empty bottles and rubbish. David shrugged and 484Please respect copyright.PENANAWtR48aL08c
winced. He was in pain did he fall? That would explain the blood all 484Please respect copyright.PENANAEljnHD1Ia4
over him. Yes he fell and hurt himself. But what about the body...wait 484Please respect copyright.PENANAsL30lvGnnI
what body? David looked around and couldn't see anyone else in the room484Please respect copyright.PENANA5WgHSQFDMD
besides him. Why did his head hurt? Why couldn't he remember what he 484Please respect copyright.PENANA6ixzcIP5fu
was...oh that's right. He was going to become a hero and fly on a ship. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAlIjafD6Abu
Yes, that's what he was about to do when he became all confused, how 484Please respect copyright.PENANAKaPi4OV2uz
silly of him.484Please respect copyright.PENANA7kM5KXbbX5
Remembering his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAozF9pXUZ4j
objective, David opened the door and left his old life behind. To enter 484Please respect copyright.PENANAjFTyUMPdpN
his living room and find his dad, mum and brother sitting at a round 484Please respect copyright.PENANAp5zPUKaXNB
table preparing a meal. 484Please respect copyright.PENANAKtEOKArZ59
"There you are David!" 484Please respect copyright.PENANAtQq7ozZBOP
His dad said. "We've been waiting forever, come on I can't wait to start484Please respect copyright.PENANASt3yDnUFD2
eating!" He started hitting his utensils on the table. 484Please respect copyright.PENANARERO9fpRDX
This isn't the truth.484Please respect copyright.PENANAYaVdp5lAjk
David obligingly sat 484Please respect copyright.PENANAMWOPdY9NpD
down. "Oh stop, honey. You're going to give children bad manners." His 484Please respect copyright.PENANADNvN723rUC
mum chided playfully. As she put the food on the table and ruffled his 484Please respect copyright.PENANAclkT8QwT3H
brothers hair. Sitting down next to David and giving him a warm smile.484Please respect copyright.PENANAHicQ0YiEHE
A dream, nothing else.484Please respect copyright.PENANAMB8xbR6t4m
They all thanked the 484Please respect copyright.PENANAPacbLYwDT4
gods for what they had and started eating. Yes thankful for this happy, 484Please respect copyright.PENANAyxP48Mkp5w
oblivious life. Thankful for good and supportive parents. Thankful for 484Please respect copyright.PENANAc9vuE0EAdC
this lie.484Please respect copyright.PENANAX3aI3SdkJo
A lie that has to end.484Please respect copyright.PENANA434qEajCWR
David was standing at 484Please respect copyright.PENANAzdTOlTm8gY
the table.. He was sure this wasn't part of any memories, but he was 484Please respect copyright.PENANAWNnyOitiNe
sure that the boy was him, a happier more healthy him, and the woman was484Please respect copyright.PENANAZRiKHIhf9P
his real mother or atleast someone who looked like her. While the 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUafxtsVaUp
brother and man? Something that might've happened if he was luckier? 484Please respect copyright.PENANAyCOYOvWKDy
Either way David hated 484Please respect copyright.PENANAecxE6SlFPl
this. Why, why, why, why didn't he get this happy blissful life. Why 484Please respect copyright.PENANASPtrhNbLcu
didn't he get a father who would teach him to become a proper man, why 484Please respect copyright.PENANAdCJmYV8SOl
didn't he get a mother who consoled him when he hurt? Why was he all 484Please respect copyright.PENANAekOX6RmTZh
alone, without a brother or any other sibling. Why does THIS pale 484Please respect copyright.PENANAnWtkicjhHj
imitation of his deserves this good life, he'll never appreciate. Why 484Please respect copyright.PENANAdQAVE0nTnN
does anyone. When there's so many suffering why do only few deserve to 484Please respect copyright.PENANAYSpilhMOEW
life this happy blissful life?484Please respect copyright.PENANAg2bkiMyu7V
The answer was so simple484Please respect copyright.PENANAUqRaOuqku0
that David almost laughed. It didn't come in a whisper by someone else,484Please respect copyright.PENANANkGAB1iDnH
it was his own and he fully knew it. They didn't, they didn't deserve 484Please respect copyright.PENANAUEGcuPUew0
this life, no one did. Thus there was only one solution to end it all, 484Please respect copyright.PENANA6bSbxsUvLe
end all misery either present or one that will come in the future. 484Please respect copyright.PENANA9TiaYcT4zW
David decided to start 484Please respect copyright.PENANAFUhhpjghey
with this lie, he took the knife and plunged it into his young self. "No484Please respect copyright.PENANA3Q5X2DSP0u
more lies." He took it out and stabbed his father. "No more regrets." 484Please respect copyright.PENANA7UdbaL6NOD
Next his brother. "No more tears." And finally he stabbed his own 484Please respect copyright.PENANAkUpdqQOGR0
mother. "No more mercy."484Please respect copyright.PENANAL9kuJ8Yf08
With the last stab 484Please respect copyright.PENANATzJy8WL94F
everything fell apart piece by piece and David found himself staring at 484Please respect copyright.PENANAqjN233Go3V
his own shadowy reflection. The only thing surrounding them was the vast484Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3vktsoDUk
484Please respect copyright.PENANAw2JVP7XR2g
484Please respect copyright.PENANAzB3UXSWieQ