"Elena, are you coming?" I hear Eleanor, my sister, shouting from down the stairs.
"Yeah, go wait in the car, I'll be out in a second" I reply.
"Okay, but if you aren't out there in 5 minutes, I'm leaving you."
I hear the door slam and I finish sliding on my shoes and run down stairs. Before heading out, I grab an apple to snack on.
Later at school, during 5th period, I hear a few kids talking about a new chemistry teacher.
"Yeah, apparently it's a guy." I hear one girl say
"I wonder if he's hot" another says.
"What happened to Ms. Callens?" A boy in the back shouts.
"She died!" one of the girls from before shouts to him without turning around.
I hear a few gasps around the room. As for me, I don't react, if I have learned one thing over the years, it is to never trust the girls in that clique. So, I do my work and focus on myself, ignoring all possibilities that they could be telling the truth. That is, until I get to 6th period.
"Where is the teacher?" I ask a boy sitting next to me as I get out yesterdays chem work.
"Nobody knows" he pauses "maybe the rumors are true" the boy sounds worried as he says this.
"Hello class." Everyone goes silent and turns to the door simultaneously.