"Hello Class" everyone turns towards the door as a man speaks. "I am Mr. Moreno, I will be your new chem teacher due to some trouble with your last one, Ms. Callens? was that her name?" He says, to no one in particular.
Nobody says a thing as he walks in, sits down, and opens the attendance book. He starts calling names but Im not paying attention, I am sketching in my book, suddenly it gets dark and I look up to see two gorgeous, deep brown eyes starting down at me. I just stare back, obviously not thinking, until he says,
"You are Elle Lewis, I presume?" He says to me, not breaking the gaze.
I stutter as I answer "y-yeah, That's, uh, me.".
I see a slight smile creep onto his face. A girl walks past my desk on the opposite side and her open water bottle falls all over me. I gasp and jump in surprise, when I look back to where he was, Mr. Moreno had already moved on to the lesson.
I am about to ask if I can use the restroom to get cleaned up but he beats me to it.
"Go ahead, Elle. But be quick." he says, not looking up from the chem book.
As I am walking past his desk, I glance over to him out of the corner of my eyes and see that he is doing the same.
In the bathroom I pat dry my clothes the best I can then use the restroom. I couldn't stop thinking of the way he looked at me, and what was that cologne. I pull out my phone, still in the stall, and text my best friend from Kansas.
Hey, you available in bout an hour? need to talk
I send the text right as I hear the door open and shut.
"Elle, you have been in here for a while, you okay?" I hear a mans voice say.
I pause, wondering if I was just hearing things or if Mr. Moreno really just came into the girl's bathroom.
"You shouldn't be here, this is the Woman's restroom" I say
"Then tell me to go." I hear him say seductively.
I can see his shadow getting closer to the door and I try to maintain steady breathing.
"Go away." I say shakily. When he doesn't budge I try again "Now, or I'll-"
"You'll what?" He cuts me off.
For some reason that I really cant justify, I unlock the door and step out, leaving myself completely vulnerable.
I see that smile again and it send warmth through my body.
"Are you going to answer my question?" He asks, steeping forward.
When I don't answer, he closes the space between our bodies and whispers in my ear "What's wrong?" he runs his lips along my ear and kisses down my neck. I can feel his fingers start to slip into my jeans and I inhale, quickly and heavily, but I don't try to stop him.
"Do you want me?" He whispers in my ear.
His voice feels so oddly familiar to me and every inch of my melts at his touch.
When I finally get up the courage to speak, I say " Please".
Just then the door to the bathroom flies open and three girls rush in.
Where'd he go? I ask myself in my head, did he just, disappear?