"What do you mean by that?"
"At the hospital, when you were still asleep, he would sit on the edge of your bed and just stare at you. Why would he be there anyways if nothing was going on? Don't try saying a very concerned teacher." She pauses to stare at me, before continuing with "I also saw you two on the front lawn. Were you two together after you got out of the hospital? For how long? did he drive you home?"
"You seem very interested in this conspiracy." I smile nervously, trying to avoid the subject, I think its a little to late for that.
"What did you guys do?" she laughs, but I can tell she really wants to know.
"Yeah, I was with him, but only for like an hour. We talked a little bit, he is a sweet person, I don't know him very well yet." Okay, That is pretty much all true, we did talk, and some.
"What did you guys talk about?"
"I don't know, like past lives and stuff."
"Aww, you two are nerd buddies" she jokes "Am I remembering correctly that he is your Chem teacher?" She asks, I can see where this is headed.
"Yes, you are and he is."
"Sooo" she pauses for a dramatic effect "How's the chemistry between the two of you?"
"So far? I think it's pretty good" I joke around. "What have you been up to?"
"I think I like girls, Elle."
Nothing more is said on her part, she just stares down, waiting for a response.
"That's cool, Jamie, is there somebody specific?"
She pauses then says
"Uhhh, yeah, there is a girl. I don't know if she likes girls though."
"Hmmm, what is she like?" I ask.
"I think her hair is naturally blonde, but it is dyed like four shades of blue, it is gorgeous. She is average height, a little on the skinny side, and, Elle, I think she cuts herself." She looks down with sadness taking over her face as she says this.
"Oh" I feel dumb just saying that but I am lost for words. "Uh, where did you meet her?"
"Well, it was after my dad died and you moved over here. It was in this old Theatre building."