His should brushes mine as he steps down off my window sill, and walks over to me bed.
"What's this for?" He says, a smile creeping onto his face.
"I sleep on it." I say, closing my window.
He looks me down again as I turn around. I close my eyes and try to think PG thoughts. It doesn't work too well, especially when he comes over to me, brushes my hair behind my ear, and whispers
"What do we do with the girl?"
His lips slightly grazing my ear.
"She is staying here" I reply
"Why?" he pauses and hooks my belt-loop, pulling me against his hard body. "Are you scared to be alone with me?" he says innocently.
"She is here and I'm terrified, being alone with you right now would give me a heart attack." I use all my mental strength, and pull out of his hold and go to sit on my bed.
I can see Jamie staring at me.
Antonio turns around and walks towards us. Stopping a few feet away, he turns to Jamie and says "She always been this shy?"
"Uhh" I can tell she is nervous to talk to him "No, the only other person that made her act like this was a guy back in Kansas."
"He made he act just like this?" he says, eyeing me knowingly.
"No, she is still a virgin after knowing him" she lets out a laugh I can tell she tried to hold back.
"Oh, nice to know." he teases.
"So, Jamie, now that this lovely event happened, should we get back to our game?" I ask
"Uh, yeah, Antonio was it?"
"Yes, it was is and always will be, and I would love to join your game" he says, knowing what she was going to say.
"Yay, this just got even better" Jamie replies
"Who's turn is it?" I ask Jamie.
"Well, I suppose it should be Antonio's"
I can see his gaze slowly shift towards me, and I try not to make eye contact, which I fail at.
"Jamie, Truth or Dare." he says, not taking his eyes off of me.
"Dare" she replies quickly
Now he looks at her "I dare you to" he pretends to think of a dare, but I know he already has one "Oh, I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge, Elle, you have cinnamon, right?"
"Yeah, it's in the cupboard above the Microwave Jamie, my dad can help you if you can't find it." I say, picking at the polish on my nails as an excuse not to look up.
"Okay, I'll be right back" she replies
As soon as the door shuts, he gets up and sits on my bed, me on the floor next to him. He grabs my hair in his hands and just messes with it before he bends down and whispers in my ear,
"How long do you think we have before she realizes she doesn't know what cinnamon is?"
I stand up, turn around and kiss him, hard. I can tell he wasn't expecting it, he quickly regroups though, taking off his shirt. I stop to catch my breath, staring at his abs ad the scars all over his torso. He lifts my head to look right into his eyes and kisses me. I get onto his lap and wrap my legs behind his back.
"You're beautiful" He says, between breaths.
I start using tongue and he gets more aggressive with it, pulling me against him. I can feel the need in him, I can also feel his erection.
"Damnit" he says, looking down.
After a few heavy breaths, I manage to get out a "What"
"She asked for help, she's heading up"
I sigh, but I don't move.
"You gonna stay put?" he asks, smiling.
"I want to"
"Then don't move, there's no problem on my side" he says, laying down on his back, causing his erection to push harder against me.
I gasp, but, still, I don't move.
Suddenly, he sits up and, with a pained look in his eyes, lifts me up off him, right as Jamie walks in the room.
"Sorry it took so long, I forgot what cinnamon was for a minute." she laughs "Where did you're shirt go?"
"It got a bit hot in here, I guess we could have cracked a window or something."
I can't tell if she was buying it or not, then she says "Okay, cool."
She does her challenge and we move on with the game, it is now Jamie's turn.
"Elle, Truth or Dare?" She asks
She weirdly quickly says "Do you want to lose your virginity to him?" and points sideways to Antonio.
"Uhhhh" I say awkwardly.