SR: Sam Smith - Stay with Me
She keeps running, I thought, why does she keep running?
"Give her space. After dinner, you can go up and see her, Marina," Chris explained, placing a hand over Lance's, "If we keep pushing her, she'll pull away more."
Lance gave Chris a slight glare. "She isn't a child."
Chris gave Lance a pointed looked and Lance gave him a look of understanding. It was as if the world fell around them and it was just them talking. There was something so refreshing to see how in sync they were. You could tell they were on the same wavelength. True love?
Lance nodded, focusing on his meal. "Marina, before you see Eryn, would you help Ami bring the dishes to the kitchen? I don't like to let Cook wash the plates if he cooked."
Lance stood up and walked around to grab Amelia's plate. I looked over at Chris. "Vampires can't eat human food, can't they? Eryn—"
"Yes, we can. We can learn to tolerate it over time. Eryn has trouble doing that because the animal blood leaves her immune system weak against it. It's why she gets sick. I'm a bit surprised she didn't tell you."
And after that, we all ate together. Conversations bubbled up, mostly about the adventures Chris and Lance had together. They were inseparable and I couldn't help but fall in love with them instantly. They bought this house and gave refuge for those seeking asylum. They wanted to coexist with humanity and worked among them.
Lance worked as an interior decorator, heading to the houses of celebrities in LA or reclused immortals seeking his professional taste.
Chris worked for the Seattle vampire council; a group that consisted of the head of each Seattle clan. He spoke about them with distaste but explained that it was necessary to be around them in order to know what was going on in the circuit. He mostly likes going there to train new recruits and register new vampires in the system, he said.
"That was really good," I replied, settling my fork down, "Cook's a wonderful chef. I've never had Spaghetti and meatballs before. I mostly eat seafood."
"You have to tell us more about your kingdom sometime," Lance replied, his eyes bright. His complexion seemed more flushed after he'd eaten. In fact, everyone seemed a bit more upbeat now.
Sagan returned after dinner and gave me a haughty glance as she walked to the kitchen, a small snicker coming from her once she saw my expression.
"Enough Sagan," Chris said sternly, "I think it's time to wrap up dinner. I'll be upstairs if anyone needs anything."
And with that, everyone left one by one. Sagan walked out grabbed the plates whilst she stared at me. "Are you just going to sit there?"
I frowned, dutifully getting up and taking the empty plates. I glanced at Eryn's untouched one and yearned to see if she was okay. Eryn didn't seem like the type for things to bother her this much. Or maybe she was. I was beginning to realize there was more to her than I initially thought.
Sagan stood by the sink and threw me a dishrag. "If I was a bitch, I would've entranced you to wash the dishes while I go take a nap."
"Gee, thanks for not being a bitch," I said sarcastically, wondering what she was like if she thought that she wasn't already being one.
Silently, we washed the dishes, occasionally glancing at each other. A knife wasn't sharp enough to cut the tension that was in the air. I hated awkward silences. I didn't know what she was thinking. She could've killed me three times in her mind already.
"You're torturing her. She can't even be near you," Sagan said, breaking the silence.
I raised a brow. "What do you mean?" Eryn seemed just fine being near me. Was this what she was thinking about the whole time?
"I bet she didn't even tell you that she drank mermaid blood for a while. She never really got it under control. I would be careful I was you."
Eryn wasn't like that towards me. She tried her best to be in control. The lengths she went to protect me...
"She wouldn't hurt me."
"What makes you think the mermaids she got the blood from were willing? Vampires can be a bit unpredictable."
With a speed that I couldn't track, Sagan pinned me against the kitchen counter, her hands gripping the edge of the table on either side of me. Her dead green eyes met mine, reminding me of coral when it was touched by humans.
Ever so slowly, red spilled in her pupils. It bled into her irises, making her much more horrifying than I thought she ever could be. For some reason, she seemed as if she was towering over me.
A secret smile made its way to her face, brandishing her fangs for me to see. Sagan ran her tongue over them, dragging my attention to her mouth more than her frightening eyes. "You know," she drawled, "vampires have this element in their saliva that makes a bite feel good. However, when there's hatred pooling in the vampires' gut, the bite can be very painful."
I pressed myself more into the counter hoping she couldn't hear how fast my heart was beating. It pounded against my ribcage, making its own inconsistent song.
Suddenly, Sagan pushed away, causing me to sag in relief. I stumbled out of the kitchen, running up the stairs that I hope lead to the bedrooms. I hesitated at the first door in the giant hallway I ended up in. The door was open and inside I could see Anika and Denali. He held Anika's wrist in his hand and leaned down, impaling his fangs deeply.
Anika tipped her head back and her eyes fluttered as if she was enjoying it. She probably was. I watched in pure fascination as she let Denali feed on her.
Most of the thralls I heard of were humans that were addicted to the bite of a vampire. Eventually, vampires would take them in as blood slaves. However, that didn't seem to be the case here. She seemed very much part of the family as anyone else here.
I passed another door that was ajar. I peaked in and no one was inside, but with the way the room was styled, I could only assume a teenager lived in there. I knocked on the last door, hoping that I was right and it was Eryn.
"Coming," Eryn called.
The door opened and Eryn stood in front of me, her clothes changed. She was shirtless, with only a grey sports bra on and loose black cotton shorts. I tried not to look at all her tattoos, but there were too many for me to not look at. She'd just showered, a mint aroma coming from her. Eryn's hair was still wet and there was a towel around her neck.
She opened the door wider and I walked in, looking around. There was a bed in the corner and an end table across from the door. A desk stood near a window next to a door that was slightly ajar. The bathroom was behind that door, the light on. I stood in the middle of the room, not knowing where I should sit.
Eryn walked over to the chair, taking the towel and drying her hair.
"You can sit on the bed, it doesn't bite," She smirked, motioning towards it. Yes, but you do. "You do really look cute in my clothes."
"Yeah, hope you don't mind. Lance didn't want me in that dress," I explained as I sat down. Her bed didn't have an imprint on it and I wondered how long has it been since she's been here. Every bed I've sat on seemed to have an imprint. Beds were odd, we didn't have them in Aqueria. Instead, we slept on a water sponge. It was a sponge-like plant that formed to my body shape. I missed it.
"Did you shower?" She inquired, her eyes intently on me. The bags under Eryn's eyes worried me. She nearly looked sickly; her pale skin had a yellowish tint to it. I wasn't sure if she noticed, but her eyes were a dim red, something that I picked up on whenever she was near blood. Her mood was down, and I wish I could do something to help.
I nodded, "Yes, when you went outside, Lance showed me to the shower." I tried to ignore the multitude of questions I wanted to ask. There was no way Sagan meant anything she said. I dealt with girls like that underwater. Mermaid princesses were extremely high maintenance and they stopped at nothing to manipulate to get what they wanted. Sagan was just another one of those girls.
"Yes, and I assume you have already?" She couldn't have been addicted to mermaid blood, there was no way she could.
Eryn nodded and sighed. "That's a shame, we could've had fun in a shower," She replied while she stood up and sauntered towards me. She tossed the towel back at the chair and crawled on top of me, pushing my back against the bed. The mint wafting from her had me spellbound. She was irrevocably gorgeous, especially from the view I had of her climb on top of me.
"Eryn," I murmured, anxiety crawling its way up my chest. Her mouth was on my collarbone and it brought me back to when she nicked my neck. I still had the scratch. I was beginning to notice a trend every time she was feeling frisky. Blood turned her on in every way possible.
She maneuvered downwards with an ease that was unsettling and thrilling at the same time. Eryn lifted my shirt, planting a kiss under my belly button. She ran her tongue in between my breasts, one hand going to the left and her mouth going to the right.
I sucked in a sharp breath, not knowing what to do with my hands as an exhilarating feeling swept over my body.
She pulled my nipple slightly with her teeth while she kneaded the other one. I moaned softly, relishing in the pleasure. I lost myself in the feeling. forgetting about what scared me.
Desire and lust coursed through my veins and my heartbeat began to accelerate. In an instant, Eryn was below my waist. She planted a kiss on my pelvis, cause me to involuntarily moan. She yanked off my sweatpants hurriedly, showing a pair of black boxers that I'm pretty sure was Eryn's. She looked up for a brief moment a devilish grin lazily on her face.
"Fuck, that's hot," she grated, swallowing loudly. Her eyes were luminous, the red awakening something carnal and dark in me. They stirred something in me that made me feel dirty and demented. Her fangs did so much more for me. I wanted to bear my neck to her and perhaps that was an ability that she had. Maybe she was making me want to be bitten.
Eryn tugged on the waistband with her teeth, as her fangs lengthened. My legs trembled slightly. The anticipation was mounting to overwhelm me.
Painfully slow, she pulled them off with her teeth, grabbing my calves and hauling me closer. My legs rested on her shoulders; the shaking more obvious with every second that passed. I pressed my thighs together, feeling my cheeks grow hot. I was shy of showing myself to her.
"Do you want to slow down?" Eryn asked lowly. Her voice was thick, laced with lust.
I shook my head fervently. "No please, continue," I breathed out, craving her touch. She dipped her head down and upon contact, I jumped. Her mouth was warm, softly kissing me where I was most sensitive.
My eyes fluttered shut and I lost myself in the feeling of how Eryn's tongue moved around my clit. She suckled and pulled my sensitive bud into her mouth and my hands were in her hair, running my fingers through the thick strands.
I made eye contact with her as I looked down. Her eyes pulsed a brilliant red and a secretive smile made its way to her face. Eryn grazed her fang against my clit and I arched my back, a low moan slipping from my mouth.
With every stroke of her tongue, I ached to be penetrated. "Fingers," I said hoarsely, my voice syrupy with desire. I arched my hips, desperately wanting more.
Eryn nodded vigorously, pulling back from between my legs a bit. One finger was inserted in me and she lazily pushed it in and out, watching me intently.
I yanked Eryn's hair and lifted my hips up, wanting her tongue back on my clit. There was a wicked gleam in her eyes that drove me close to the edge.
She chuckled against my pussy and inserted another finger inside me as she ran her tongue around my clit in small jerky circles. She played with it slowly, flicking her tongue up and down from time to time.
The feeling left me in my own world of lust. I was sinking into the bed, melting right before her. It felt so damn good.
"Please don't stop," I whimpered, raising my pelvis to her face.
Eryn roughly dragged my hips closer, gripping them tightly as she smothered her face into my juices. Her tongue worked faster, matching the rhythm of her fingers. She pumped her pointer and middle finger into me, the only sounds to be heard were our heavy breathing and the squelching sound of my sopping cunt. Eryn added a third finger and I was feeling satisfyingly full. I ground my hips against her fingers, my cunt clenching and unclenching around them.
Her teeth bit down on my clit and I shrieked in pleasure.
"Do that again!" I breathed, loving the pain it brought. The white-hot pain had my toes curling and my head spinning.
"I'll show you something you'll like even more," Eryn mumbled against my clit.
Suddenly, the thrusts of her fingers were becoming faster. My eyes widened and my moans were getting shorter apart.
I cast my eyes downward and Eryn's fingers were pumping in and out of me so fast that the outline of her hand blurred. My breathing picked up and I locked my legs around her neck with a vice-like grip.
Waves of pleasure were beginning to wrack my body and I knew that I was going to climax in seconds. The pressure was building so much it was hard to hold back. "I want to come."
Eryn's body was shaking and she slammed her hand down on my thigh, spreading my legs farther apart. She finger-fucked me faster, my body quivering with pleasure.
She moaned and threw her head back, sinking her fangs into my inner thigh. I cried out in delight and the room dropped around me.
My soul felt out of my body, waves of pleasure drenching me like a waterfall. I arched my back and rolled my eyes to the back of my head. I road my orgasm, the bite throwing my brain into a tailspin.
I felt a ridiculous amount of content as Eryn drank my blood. Her fingers were lazily fucking me, with her thumb rubbing my clit.
As my orgasm died down, my clit became more sensitive and I flinched, trying to get Eryn to draw away. The room started to spin and I couldn't tell if it was because I lost some blood, or because of the lustful haze I was in. I breathed hard, watching my breasts rise and fall.
As the room started to become darker, Eryn disconnected from my thigh. She vibrated slightly and a wide gratified grin was plastered on her face.
A singular droplet of my blood dribbled from her mouth and slid down to her chin. She wiped it with the back of her hand and then licked her hand. I shuddered, hating how sensually hot that look.
Eryn looked loopy as she licked the two puncture marks. The holes were closing quickly, shocking me.
That's when the realization crashed into me like a truck. Eryn fed on me as I orgasmed. I immediately was conflicted, especially since it felt so incredibly astounding. She leaned against the wall on the floor hiccupping quietly.
Pulling up the sheets, I leaned forward, watching the room spinning a little too fast.
"Eryn," I whispered.
Eryn peered up at me and giggled. "You tasted like a hot summer day with a nice cold glass of blood." Her eyes were bloodshot and pupils were dilated like no other. She still had that dopey grin on her face. Did she get... high off my blood?
A horrified gaze settled onto my face. "Eryn... you drank my blood."
She nodded, another hiccupping fit coming over her.
"Oh, yes."
Eryn got up slowly, stumbling backward. Slowly, she crawled up onto me again, pulling me against her chest. The metallic scent of my blood flooded my nostrils. She threw a leg over me and I could feel her hiccupping against my back.
Fear was wriggled its way to my chest like a serpent for the first time, constricting my ability to breathe. I didn't want to be here with her while she was like this. I didn't think she would drink my blood. At least not without my verbal permission.
A single tear fell down from my cheek. I tried slowing down my breathing, hoping she thought I was sleeping. A lump was in the back of my throat and I took deep breaths, trying not to show her I was scared. It hurt to hold back tears. I could feel my body wanting to sob, but I repressed it tightly, trying to ignore the urge to wipe my face.
Throughout the night, I tried to force myself asleep, but I couldn't withstand the nightmares that took my mind while I slept.
I couldn't tell what was worse, fearing that I would be bitten if I moved, or watching the scene play over and over in my head, but instead with Eryn and Sagan feeding on me.
Sleep eventually took me, my nightmares winning control over my mind.