4 hours later, they were landing. Jacob, welcome to your new Island, at HarpGrave Atoll. This is a very nice place. It is 2500.49 miles off the coast of Georgia in the United States. As they landed, some of their workers were there to greet them. Jeremy, how much as been done in regards to my requests. The head construction worker, a woman by the name Joleen Barns said, sir, everything is ready for you and your girlfriend, Jeremy, she’s not just my girlfriend, she’s my partner in this organization. She holds as much respect as I do remember this. Now, show us to our quarters. She said, yes sir. Jeremy Ok, now so we are entering into the main base right. She sighed, no sir, as of right now only entrance and exit is here. Jeremy, who’s Idea was that. She said, mine ser. Is it not to your liking. Jeremy, tell me, how am I supposed to evacuate, when the only way in or out is being blocked by the damned forces of justice.
She swallowed. I...I... I thought you were trying to make this world better. Jeremy,, I am, however, the people of the world are going to be resistant to my demands, and they are going to send their best and brightest to try and stop us. She said, Oh, I... didn’t think about that. Jeremy, No, I don’t think you did.. I’m not trying to come across as a hard ass, but, come on, use come common sense. We need another way out. She sighed, ok. where. That's the thing. Jeremy, is the village built, yes or no. she said, it is nearly complete. Jeremy, OK, now, put a door, a one way door leading into the village. Can you do that by next week, and can you add computer controls to these doors, I want in this exit. I want 6 doors that lock behind us. And suck out all of the oxygen once we have left. Not enough to kill them , oxygen should be re-infused into the room, after two minutes, She said, OK. We will make it so and get it done. Jeremy, see that you do. Now I would like to see the inner sanctum. She said, Ok sir. She led them to the inner sanctum. Jeremy, Really.... Really... REALLY. He said screaming. Are you trying to ket us killed/. She said, sir, this is where it was when the former owner lived here. Jeremy, yeah, and she’s now dead. DEAD, not leaving. One of her subordinates said, but sir she died in her sleep of old age. Rose, excuse me were you called upon to talk. Man, No ma’am Rose, then keep your damn mouth shut. Before I tape it shut. Do you understand. Rose, what do you thinkIrene, Irene sighed, you guys had a list of goals. How many of them did you actually do. There was no response. I asked you numpty’s a question now answer me you grabastic pieces of amphibian shit. You Loathsome lollygaging losers. I SAID ANSWER ME. She shouted. We only have 1/5th of the houses done one of the men said. Jeremy, you mean you had fucking 6 weeks, six weeks and all you had to do to this lair is make it presentable for when we got here, and build a village. And you couldn’t even finish it in six weeks, I’m glad it took Mister Cesar 6 weeks to get out of the hospital, I can only imagine what shape this place would have been in 3 weeks ago. The foreman said, but sir, there are only 50 of us. Jeremy, you could have called winds of change and asked for my contact information and asked me hay an we get more builders, and I would have said, yeah sure, is there a problem. And you could have said, we can’t do this in time with the amount of workers we have. And I would have been a little mad, but not as mad as I am now.
The foreman, we didn’t think about doing that. Rose, yeah, seams like there's a lot of not thinking going on. You all need to use your head as more than a heat rack. Use your brain if there isa job the t needs done, and not enough people to do it you fucking ask for more workers. And if you can’t do that because we aren’t here, get our damned numbers. Come on people. Its only common sense. Jeremy, that's it. You, foreman, your demoted. I will fill out the requisition forms and get more workers. You will have your new foreman within the month. Be grateful I am kind because others in this line of work would have killed you for your incompetents, and I don’t want to fire you because then your just taking up space. Even though you didn’t get everything done you at least did something.
The workers said, we’re sorry sir. Thank you sir. Jeremy, go go rest. You will star work once your new foreman has arrived. Jeremy called Austin, Austin, Yo dude, what’s going on. Jeremy, I have a couple of Jobs for you and Tiona if your interested. Austin, where at dude, at the bell home. Jeremy, no I’m not at the bell home right now. If I tell you what I’m doing, something some things won’t like I’m trying to make the worlds laws more biblical. Austin, Oh coo! Hey Tiona, Jeremy has a job for us. He’s trying to make the world use more biblical laws, Tiona, OK, what does he need. Jeremy Tiona, I need you to be the hotel Receptionist, and Austin I need you to be the construction foreman. Actually Tiona, I have a different job for you. I want you to run the water park when it becomes available. Tiona, oh cool. So I am in charge of the water park. This is great. Austin, thanks dude. Jeremy Rose and I are going to meet you in Atlanta Georgia, and we will take you and some of our other employees there by Yacht. Tiona, by Yacht, oh cool Austin, we get to go by Yacht. Austin, sounds cool Jeremy, we leave on the1st at 1 pm sharp. Tiona, we are there dude. Rose, what did they say. Jeremy, they’re in. Jeremy, called Dave Adams. Dave, hey Jeremy. Jeremy, my favorite former hotel manager. We have a couple of surprises for you. Jeremy, Irene, has any of the other workers come like the doctors. Yes sir, a scrawny man said. I am a doctor. There are 64 of us. So far you have
Nurses 48
technicians 96
Scientists 72
Guards 120
Bodyguards 64
Computer operators 96
Ham radio operators 12
Hackers 256
Rocket scientists 25
Engineers 32
Television operators 32
Nuclear physicists 78
Nuclear arms manufacturing 42
Workers 15
Vallets 32
Cleaning staff 25
Butler 1
Maids 11
Cooks 24
Total 1145
Rose, not as many people as we hoped for is there. One of the scientists said, the other 7500 are on the way. They should be here in the next 5 days Jeremy, great. Who was in charge here, until I arrived, Irene, everyone got orders from my mainframe. I can’t connect to it if I’m more than 500 miles away. Otherse I would have told you, things here are not going well at all. Jeremy, I don’t blame you. I blame some of these layabouts. Jeremy saw a computer operator taking a nap with his feet on th the console. Jeremy smacked roses cane against the wooden desk. The man came to. The man said, sir yes sir. Jeremy, your a worker, why are you at this computer. Sir, its my off hours. I was just surfing the web and I fell asleep. Jeremy, Jeremy read the workers nametak. Mister Antwanette, this isn’t your personal computer that you can use to check out things on amazon. If you don’t have a laptop order one. And how is it your off duty hours when these were working on the lair. Irene, I can explain that, I guess my mainframe told him that he was needed until the other computer operator gets here... Jeremy, No, he and every other worker who has been re-assigned to other than construction duties, is re-assigned to construction.
Just then they heard an ear shattering honk., everyone went outside, and the longest yacht you have ever seen pulled into the harbor. Jeremy, ah my new Yacht, the sea Dog’s Shanty.
Irene, its beautiful. Nero, yes it is. we looked at the tis Georgetown, and modeled it Jeremy turned to the workers, You, he pointed to the oldest of the workers, I want you to be my temporary Forman until the real one arrives. I want half of you to work on a second exit into the village. Jeremy, are the three mansions I requested one. The former Foreman, yes sir. They are done to your exacting specifications. They were done first. Jeremy smiled and said, good, I would like to see them please.they went via golf cart into the village, and saw the mansions standing like spires against the smaller homes. Jeremy saw the mansion that would belong to his family, and the mansion that would belong to rose’s family, and the one that would belong to the bell home, Jeremy, this one, how many rooms does it have. She said, 25 individual rooms, each one to your exacting size, 22 by 17.
Jeremy, good. Irene, can your mainframe keep things going I need you to pilot the yacht.
Irene, yes sir, she said with a grin. They walked in and Nero was waiting on them wearing a silk shirt, tweed pants, and a fedora. Ah, about time you guys came down here. Jeremy, sorry I had tot make a well, a pit stop to check on some of the buildings.
Nero, ah, yes, you wanted to make sure the village was nearly ready. Jeremy, yeah, I had a stern talking to to the former foreman, she was too incompetent to be left in that position. They didn’t have an escape route in case the forces of Justice decided to make their way to the hotel. Nero, oh dear we can’t have the hotel being the only entrance into this place.
Jeremy, and the damned inner sanctum is on the main floor where the hotel is. Nero, uh why that makes no sense. That my friend is a good way to get you killed. What was she thinking. Rose laughed, she wasn’t, Nero, I guess, your going to pick up some of your family and friends Jeremy, yes. Nero, and a couple of our friends are going to be Mensch. Nero, ah, which friends. Jeremy, Austin and Tiona, Tiona has a backgrounding business, she’s going to manage the Otel. Meanwhile Austin will handle the workers. To make sure no more mistakes happen.
Nero smiled a toothy smile. Ah Jeremy, we’re going to pick up Rose’s family in Virginia. And then pick up mine, and Austin and Tiona, as well as the bell home in New York. Nero, ah, so you have plans. Jeremy, I do. We have not seen our quarters yet, but something tells me that they are also on the main floor. Jere3my, scratch that, Tiona is in charge of the water park the hotel is in the capable hands of Mister Dave Adams. A friend of mine, who has spent many a year in the Otel industry so he knows what he’s doing. I am having my doctors and scientists research cybernetics, full body cybernetics. Because as it is right now Mister Adams in incapable of moving vary fast, or being very will. Some times he only sees in one color.
So, if we can learn how Irene’s body was made, and make something like it for Dave, I think he will be OK. Nero, how are you miss Irene. Irene, I am well. He pinched her on the but. She screamed ow, sexist pig, she said with a smile. Nero, oh so you can feel when someone hurts you. She said, Yeah, I am technically considered a bio gynoid. My skin is a bio synthetic polymer. The only thing digital is the hybrid brain, part human brain, part hard drive.
Nero dropped his jaw, your kidding. That is crazy. He said. She said, yes, and when I have to use the guns in my breasts to defend my evil genius or evil geniuses in this case, It actually hurts to transform my body to access my weapons. And it takes several days to heal, and it hurts all the time. Unless I have access to prescription strength pain relievers.
He showed Jeremy around, to the master bedrooms, on the owners’ deck. Rose put her hand down on the bed ooh, soft, Nero, these bed linens are made of the finest Egyptian cotton.
Jeremy, leather couches and sofas. Jeremy, oh, how nice, a chormatherapy bath, a steam room, a hot tub, and a massage parlor and hair slain. I am going to ask mom, to be the ship’s stylist. Nero, oh your mom is a stylist is she. Jeremy, yes. Then the went to the next floor where all the guest cabins are. Nero, every room has ancho dot for use as shipboard communications. Jeremy righteous. Nero, next to the main dining room. Serves 100. This dining room almost goes half the length of the ship. On the next floor is where all the fun is. in through here is an arcade room, bast that is the tea room and then the bar, after that is our extr large toy area, jet skis, pontunes, submarines, and more. This area is also where people like your friend Sharon who has her guide dog Sadie can take the dog to relieve itself. This area is also a place where dogs can hang out and do a meat and greet as well as dog owners. And the dog poop is nutrients for the real plants. And and out here is the clubhouse, where people can come get a drink, and chill out, or throw a party. Or what have you.
Now, from here we can look around outside. The top deck has twin helipads for drop off. And t its not a permanent birth for the helicopter. Its just a drop off point for food, guess and crew. Nero, on the next floor, on either side of the ship are two storage heliports. Blow that, on the next deck on one ind you have a sun bathing area, on the other a swimming pool with diamonds in the tiles on the bottom. Actually coming back to the club, you can see if someone one is in the pool.. because at the very end the pool has a clear bottom. Where the pool empties out into this waterfall. Now, then on the second deck, here, we have a shuffle board table and an out door cinema.
And on the bottom of the decks that have outward facing areas, you have grill out areas on each end. Now lets go downstairs shall we. This is crew quarters. Not as luxurious as guest quarters but still nice. Here is the wine cellar. We heard your not much of an alcohol drinker so half of these are wine and champagne and half are sparkling juices. Nero, oh, I heard you like slash puppies, frozen cokes, and that kind of thing. Jeremy, you know it,. Nero, this is th owners kitchen, I forgot to show it, on the owners deck, here is a machine that makes every flavor of slushy Icee and slurpy imaginable. Check it you just tap the button, and these boxes that hold the syrup get mixed in here with the crushed ice, and you have instant slush. Jeremy smiled as he grabbed a plastic cup. Nero, uh oh rose, he’s going for the kill, as he holds the cup under the nozzle, after placing the bulb on top of the cup. Nero, what, isn’t that going to make a horrible mess. Jeremy phi, no, this is how you get the most out of a slush. He shoved the cup with the bubble lid under the nozzle. And-selected Pina colada slush puppy from the button, and the syrup went into the mixing chamber with the ice, and it started staring the ice and the flavoring then Jeremy pulled the lever, and the slushy came out. And he stopped it right before it was about to over fill. Nero, good greed talk about flow control you know right wen to stop that.
Jeremy, you could say I am a dab hand at it. Jeremy, My dear would you lie a sip. Rose, sure, he put two straws in and she sipped out of hers while he out of his. Nero, laughed, look at youth. Your cute together. Rose, woo that’s a lot of sugar head rush. But it was good. They continued. Rose, honey you can finish that, that wood my head is spinning. Nero, maybe we need to adjust the amount of flavoring. Jeremy maybe so. Jeremy looked over and saw a soft serve machine. Jeremy smiled, yes, jackpot. And over in a corner was one of those convenience store food racks that keeps things hot and in it were freshly made shrimp egg rolls. Rose, what smell so good. Jeremy shrimp eg rolls. Rose, ooh, she grabbed one. Jeremy yum. As he stuffed the hole thing in his mouth. Rose laughed.
They went to the nest floor down from where they were. Nereo, ok here is the engine room. These are two 5000 horse power diesel electric engines. And they are rated at 18 knots. Jeremy, I figured this ship would be slow. But no. Nero, yeah, its pretty cool. They were heading to the bottom. Nero, this room here is the underwater lounge with a hot tub, and the bottom of the hot tub is made of glass and you can see the creatures swim by as you relax. This is a joint hang out area for guests and crew. Now, in here is the neck room. Each day you can’t tell the crew which you want for the next day in the food heater, if you want egg rolls or pizza rolls or hot dogs, or chores.
However, there’s every kind of snack in here, you can allow your guests access to this, but I recommend a staff member be there with them. So they can write down what the person took. Jeremy, those extra rooms on my deck are they vip suites. Nero, oh yeah, I totally spaced them. He lead them into one of the suites, each suite had 3 bedrooms, 2 with queen sized beds and one with 4 twin bunk beds. Rose, my family is not going to need that big of a space, but its nice for them o have it.
There are 2 suites. Jeremy saw one of the ships crew members and said, excuse me, I have a question. In the back room, do you have nonpareils and chocolate stars? She said, yes we do. Jeremy, I would like the finest crystal candy dish you have sat right here in this suite out of kids reach filled with those items. She said, I’ll get right on that sir. Jeremy, and in my room I would like a dish full of jelly belly jelly beans. She said, yes sir.
Jeremy then left the woman to do her Job. Jeremy, Rose, call your family please and let them know we will be at Virginia Beach in 5 days. While I call my family and the bell home and tell them we will meet them in new york in 7 days.
They made their calls, and then Nero showed them the bridge, and Irene took over piloting the huge yacht. Irene alright. She took a device out of her pocket, and plugged it into the ship’s navigational computer, and plugged another into the ships cctv network. And another into the diagnostic port under the steering wheel. She said look at this. The ships wheel turned automatically and she said. Look ma no hands. In a funny voice. Nero, Jeremy and rose laughed. There was a helicopter landing on the top. And they lead Nero up and to the helicopter. Nero, it was nice working with you, I h ope all of your plans come to fruition.
Jeremy, thank you my friend. See you another day. They went downstairs and some of the crew were waiting for them. One, was the head servant. She said, You must be this tubs new owner. I don’t care how high or mighty you think you are, but if you think we will cowtow to your every sexual whim your full of shit. Rose, that’s enough Jeremy sis not like that. Now you will respect him, or you will be fired and put off at the next stop. Is that clear.
The head servant said, sorry miss, we thought he was one of those men who took sex slaves. Why else would he have a woman like you buy his side. Rose, I don’t know what the fuck your insinuating but I don’t like it. Jeremy and are both blind, and we met each other at theme for the blind in cincinnati not that it is any of your business. Now, are you done making a jackas of yourself.
The head servant yes ma’am I… I Jeremy finish your sentence and it had better be respectful lest I throw you off this ship for insinuating anything about my beloved girlfriend. I don’t care what you say about me, well I do, but, I will not have you talking ill about my. Partner. The head servant said, I , am sorry sir. I just know what I’ve seen, couples of different ages are together and usually their sex slaves. Jeremy, she’s older than me, I’m 45 she’s. 55. If that were the case wouldn’t I want a younger woman, but no I’m happy, and in love with Rose. The head servant said, I.. I realize that now sir. Jeremy, now, one more question if I were like you thought why would I invite her family and mine. Because if I were like that I would be ashamed to let my family or her family see us.
You owe me an apology.
She said, yes sir, I do. Jeremy I don’t want to hear it right now, beacause if you say it right now it sounds forced and contrite. I want you to think on what you have said, about my love and I and I want you to think long and hard, if I were like some of those people you talk about, would I have said this. No, I would have shot your ass and dumped you in the sea. You catch more flies with hone than vinegar.
She nodded. No, who wants to get me a viernors ginger ale, because I just got on this island 2 hours ago, and it seams like all I have done since I got here is talk. And if you do fetch it for me, le a glass of vernors ginger soda and leave me the bottle. And put the drink in one of those fancy flute glasses. The servant came and handed him the bottle of ginger soda and the flute glass.Jeremy drank the beverage out of the glass and then he poured him another glass full.
Jeremy drank it and filled it one more time, Rose, honey remember you have an edema you don’t want your ankles to sell up real big while your family is here. Jeremy, thank you my dear. The head servant said, Man I screwed up. I could have gotten fired. One of her subordinates said, yes ma’am, you did, but he was being rather generous. She thought about what he said, he is right apologizing right after you have offended someone is kind of contrite. Jeremy, Ma’am what’s your name. She said, My name is Delila Ramsey. And I am the staff head. I apologize for my harsh word earlier. I’m used to people I work for being so ruthless. I can’t tell when we get a genuinely nice individual, one of my girls just told me how you treated her, asking her to do something instead of saying do this now, or work harder.
Jeremy smiled apology excepted Delila. . I would never hurt anyone intensionally.I believe in the phrase, I must make my words so nice and sweet, for day by day I never know which ones I may have to eat. Irene, Jeremy and Rose’s goals are of a more christian persuasion. Making the world use laws more in line with christianity.Delila, well, oh boy, I was really wrong about you. One could say I really missed that boat by a mile. Jeremy smacked his head with his hand as to say. Oh, what a groaner. Everyone groaned. Jeremy Delila that wasn’t very punny. She laughed. No. No it wasn’t. Jeremy keep those bad puns up and you will be pun-ished