Jeremy saw the one of the yachts coming bringing patrons to the Isle. Jeremy watched the first group come off. Jeremy, those are anville members capture them. And remove their weapons. And I will meet them in the apartment jails. After they’ve had a chance to realize we mean them no harm.
Each person apartment was 750 square foot. And had every luxury amenity. imaginable. every apartment had a large kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a large bedroom, with California king sized bed the combination tub and hour had hot tub jets. When the enemy agents saw that they weren’t shoved into the same cramped sales as other evil genius lairs, they were taken aback. As soon as they guards locked the door behind them, the tv came on, with a video of Jeremy and Rose.
Jeremy, welcome to our spy detention center. We can’t have you ruining our plans, and its not like our plans are truly evil. We’re just trying to bring God’s law to America and its allies. This way there will be less violence. I would not actually nuke any of the islamic countries unless they attacked Jerusalem.
As you will note, food has been provided for you in your fridge, next week tell the guard what you want and we will try to get it for you. In the envelope in on the table in the center of the room. Is a form, we will ask you to sign it and date it, this is a contract stating you will not attempt to attack us for 2 years. You may not sign it if you don’t want, but you will not be turned home until after we have completed our goal. If you sign its, and you don’t abide by the contract, we will sue you for everything you own.
So if you fear that you will not abide by the contract after signing it, you are free not to sign it, if you prove that you can be trusted you will be moved out of these apartments to a gated community for non signers who have proven themselves, this gated community is called Clandestine cove. Where you will have access to other parts of the island like the water par, and other non residential areas of the island, but the first sin of you causing mayhem, you will be back here. However, if you design the contract you will be sent home post haste. I would inourage you to tell your supervisor not to send others after you, or, they will meet your fate.
There are only 56 apartments. But there are over 200 cottages in Clandestine cove. Please enjoy your stay and stay out of trouble… OK.
The people who were captured told their boss what happened, how they weren’t put in cells that were only 3 by 3, they wee put in luxury apartments. They sent their boss, the video. And he said, Oh my so if we have you sign the contract and we tell you to renege on it, they will take all of your assets. Well, sign it and we’ll put you on another case, actually no, just stay there. Ask your captor, if once you move to this clandestine cove if you can be with your families. And pick them up. Jeremy, tell your boss yes.
After six weeks of good behavior the four prisoners were put in Clandestine cove. And their families were sent their as well. Their bosses said, we can’t send more people or they will be out of commission. At least this man has no desire to harm people. Jeremy went into the communication room, and rose was watching over the workers saying where is that Russian fleet heading. A man said, their at the Mediterranean Sea, heading toward Israel.
Rose, well, looks like Russia is trying to attack Israel. Jeremy, call our subs tell them to intercept them. Jeremy went live, Russia, I wouldn’t do that if I were you or you will find your homeland nuked to kingdom come. You have 5 hours to remove yourself from the Mediterranean sea. Jeremy saw Russian tv, and had it translated. Putin said, Israel must go, we will not stop until Israel is nuked. Jeremy, how is our nuclear missile satellite, is it available. How long until its over Russia. Oh great. In one our when it’s over Russia. Launch 10 full spread 1000 megaton nuclear missiles 1 for each of the following cities and I would like a prediction of the the amount of deaths, vs the amount of injuries, and I want it in my desk in the next 30 minutes scientist, if you need help with predictions use the website nuke
City casualties injuries
Moscow 11,186,760 211,890
St. Petersburg 3,590,370 742,490
Novosibirisk 1,325,890 193,740
Yekaterinburg 1,315,790 217,210
Kazan 1,059,750 133,520
Nizhny Novgorod 1,207,650 329,160
Chelyabinsk 1,124,480, 162,110
Samara 941,970 301,710
Omsk 1,096,930 88,660
Rostov-oh-don 1,186,760 211,890
totals 14,018,350 2,375,170
332Please respect copyright.PENANA7ZwD7AkCeH
Item population deaths injuries d+e t%
Total 26,059,305 14,018,350 2,375,170 16,393,520 63%
332Please respect copyright.PENANAIcvt2T689X
Jeremy, this is not including the spread of fallout ration is it. The scientist, no sir. Jeremy, good. the orbiting missile launcher launched its payloads, Jeremy, called Mihail Mishuston Jeremy, Mister Premier YOU only had to heed my warning and stop your attempts to nuke Israel but you wouldn't so Out the 26.06k total population of these 10 cities, I only wiped ou 63% of it. watch iran, they were your partner in this were they not.
watch, the news showed 1that of the nuclear weapon production facilities in Tehran. and soon all of the other underground nuclear wapon production sites had been exploded. all 150 of them. each producin 80 Kilotons of nuclear weaponry per week. then from there all of the missile storage facilities have been destroyed. until iran was not but a smoldering nuclear crater.
Jeremy, You members of the world governments, who are plotting revenge to what I have done to Russia and Iran, well, think again. I was only defending Israel. Mikhail Mishuston. why should you defend the Israeli's . Jeremy, because none of you are. I will defend Israel until it nolonger needs it or until I shit my bowls out of me. whatever comes first. oh don't try and nuke me, My Island is Nuke proof.
Biden, I call bullshit on that. Jeremy, ask your spy organizations where all there spies are who tried to infiltrate my lair. he asked the head of the CIA. Mike Popeo. Pompeo said, sir, they are living on the island with their families, because he made our men sign a no repeat attack clause for 2 years. Baden, wait so our men are stuck on his island for two years. pompeo, actually sir, its one year 350 days. 22 hours 5 minutes and 36 seconds. Biden, why didn't you tell me.
Mile Pompeo sir it would do no good. What tell you when there’s nothing you could do about it. Jeremy, Mister bided don’t think the American public has forgotten how you treated those rioters during the riots on January tenth. Byden, what are you talking about. Jeremy Biden don’t play dumb with me, we know what you had those people put in solitary confinement. That is not the American way. Biden, what would you know about the American way you Terrorist. Jeremy, Mark my words Joseph Ropbinette Biden, one of these days your going to say or do the wrong thing and your entire house of cards will fall with you on top like the kingpin you think you are. You think your pretty smug in the white house because you don’t think I can get to you. I can get to you. I have already gotten to you. I have spies in your beloved white house from the man who cooks your breakfast to the intern who brings you your coffee. Oh I can get to you buddy boy don’t you ever forget that. And all I have to do is say the word, and your gone, with everyone in your administration. It could be the poisoned Jelly on y our toast at breakfast. It could be a bomb in your coffee maker in the oval office. It could be a fast acting strain of Covid. That leaves your body without a trace. There are so many way I can get to you. While you cannot get to me. Because everyone I love and care for is on my Island. And if you send someone after them I’ll just buy them off. You think of that in case you decide to send an assassin, because one things any assassin is going to find,
- There are no tall places suitable to place a sniper rifle.
- I have automated entry cannons, at all entrances and exits to my layer, so even if they knocked out one of my men and disguised themselves one of my employees, we have facial scans of each of our workers on file. And if there is the slightest. Deviation in look from their profile they will be tagged for capture.
- You think I only have maybe 20 workers and 2 bench, but my empire pans beyond that. I have
- 5000 workers
- 1500 spies
- 6000 Guards
- 7200 Hackers
- 800 body guards
- 1600 Scientists
- 9500 Free agents
- 12500 Assassins
- 4800 Ninjas
- 2900 bounty hunters
- A grand total of 50, thousand 800 people under me as employees, not including wallets, water park attendants, administrators, and more.
Jeremy and nothing says I have to use my own men and women to get at your. I could use a mercenary. And even if you freeze my state side moneys, I have moneys in other countries. Now good day.
Fox News wanted to have an interview with Jeremy and said, “You have threatened the leader of the free world, are you not afraid he will retaliate? Jeremy, he has to find me first.
And all of our island’s communications are routed through a VPN so he could be trying to find me but end up finding that theVPN has placed my signal coming from some third world country. The reporter asked, “so your using a Virtual Private Network Right now. Jeremy yes. One can never be to careful, I’m always trying to be careful without being paranoid. Paranoia can serve any good purpose, unless your a schizophrenic
Jeremy, now if you will excuse me, its time for my girlfriend and I to make our rounds. And make sure our workers are doing what their supposed to.
Biden was totally pissed, “who the hell does this rat bastard think he is, meanwhile one of jeremy’s henchmen inside of the whitehouse kidnapped Jill Biden. Making her think she was going to see their grandchildren. Once they were in the air, they gassed her, so she wouldn’t realize where they were taking her. Biden walked in expecting to see his wife, and her attendant said, she went to see her grandchildren. Baiden wait, she wasnn’ scheduled to do that for another 2 weeks. The attendant said, “are you sure sir, she said she thought it was today. So we took her. Biden you idiot, we were. Supposed to go together. Just then Jeremy appeared on the tv set in the white house den, are you missing someone? Biden, you… you kidnapped her. I should kill you with nuclear fire. Jeremy, Tut tut tut mister president, if you do that you’ll kill your beloved, and what kind of president would you be if you killed your first Lady. Tell you what, release the rioters and let them have there normal lives, and condem Russia’s actions, and I will let her free you have 48 hours to comply. Otherwise, her care taker might do something drastic, he is a plastic surgeon after all. He could do nothing, he could make her pugs but ugly, do you understand mister president. Biden, please don’t hurt her. Jeremy, that depends totally on your actions. If I see any patriot forces within a dozen miles of my location well, you know what will happen.
Biden came on tv an hour later. I am going to release all of the people who were in the riots, and remove it from there criminal records. And I am also here to condemn Russia’s attempt on Israel, premier, we will discuss it at your next phone call. I’m sorry. After the message, Biden called Jeremy back, its done, now please give her back. Jeremy, tut tut tut, hold on there sports fan, I didn’t tell you all the conditions, yes you fulfilled 2 of them. Condition 3 you will re- ally yourself with Israel, Biden, NEVER! Rose, I’d do it if I were you, I may not like what Jeremy has done, but now that he’s done it, you do want her back don’t you? Jeremy, oh, and your gonna hate condition 4. I want you to make president trumps son a member of your cabinet. Biden what? Jeremy just kidding. We’ll deliver her to you, once you have re-llyed yourself with Israel, she’s been well taken care of. As you can see nothing has happened to her, here, I’ll even let you call her. His phone rang, and a video call was made. Jill, Joe, I’m OK, they have kept me in this room, and fed me nothing but gourmet food. He’s not an evil man. Biden, yes he is he nuked russia. Jill, what? He doesn’t seem capable of such a thing.
Joe biden said, I will get you home Jill, Jill, I am anxiously waiting to get home. Jeremy, see I’m not an asshole, I don’t randomly kill people If I do anything its for a purpose, and besides, those people Iran, they were all Muslims, so they just met their 72 vergins a little earlier than scheduled. Biden, but still you nuked them. Jeremy I gave them fare warning to leave the mediteranian see. Did I not. Good day Biden,
Biden called the new prime minister of Israel and said he wanted to be Llied with them again. But the prime minister wasn’t having it. No, you don’t really want to ally yourself with us, you just want an alliance so you can get your wife back. Biden, you are correct. The prime minister said, I know I’m correct. If you will be honest with me, we will have an aliance so you can have your wife back. Biden sighed fine, sure I just want the alliance so I can get my wife back. The prime minister said, now see, was that really that hard? Biden, your right honesty should be and is the best policy. The prime minister said, well, now lets not get carried away. I will let this evil genius know that you have made an alliance with us. Jeremy came on, prime minister I already know. Alright mister president your wife will be returned to you. As a matter of fact she should be arriving in the rose garden right about… now. Good day mister president, I hope we don’t have to do this again. He hung up. Rose, you did something to Jill biden didn’t you? Jeremy, I myself no one of my henchman might have. You see, we hired a hypnotist Mezmero Junior. Rose, what did he do to her. Jeremy, didn’t he talk to you? Rose, wait he wanted to turn her into a sleeper agent, I said I didn’t know what that was. So go ahead. Jeremy, basically it make her an ally once a phrase is said to her she will do whatever we want, if you were to tell her to take out navy pilocy, she would comply, if you say convince the president to lower the debt ceiling, she will do it. She’s not a slave, she just thinks that we are harmless and couldn’t hurt anyone. Rose ooh, I don’t know I like that, but whatever.Jeremy, if its us getting killed by patriot or her calling off her husband which would you prefer. Rose, well, I’d rather not die.
Jeremy well, she is our wildcard. All I have to do is have one of my minions in the white house tell her the phrase, The Eagle is Lamenting , and the dove can not console it. Rose, I like that, how can you get to her. And give her that phrase, Jeremy, 1, I can just tell one of my minions who is working there to tell her. 2, I could call her. With the number she gave me,. Rose, oh. Well. She might prove useful to us as a spy.Jeremy, she very well might. Jeremy saw Austin bringing in a balding senator. With glasses. Jeremy, Senator Mike Braun, what brings you here to our island? He says, I want you to make a deal with my cohorts and I. Jeremy, what kind of a deal, that and you are in no position to make requests as you snuck onto my Island.Brawn, I… I know… Just want to see America how it used to be. Flourishing under God’s grace. Jeremy, so do I senator, that’s why I will not throw you out in the ocean like so much chum. Are you able and willing to keep a secret. Senator Braun, yes . Sure? You know the presidents wife, Braun, yeah,, I know w of Jill? Why? Jeremy, she is one of our sleeper agents, all we have to do is give her a code phrase, tell her what we want her to keep on him about, and she’ll be our loyal lap dog. Come senator, its lunch time. We have first class facilities on this campus. What sounds good, fried chicken, steak with Béarnaise sauce. With a side of steamed asparagus, with a twice baked loaded baked potato and for desert white chocolate caramel fudge cake. Senator Braun, oh, that stake dinner sound lovely. Jeremy, Senator, this is my sweetheart Rose, se will be joining us.
We bave all the top chefs do 1 week stents in our Kitchen, we pay them double to keep their mouth shut about location. The only one we don’t have is gordon Ramsey I can’t tolerate much of his fowl mouth. If he were to call me or my sweetheart an evil name I’ aferade my sharks Skewered chef Ramsey under glass. Aquarium glass that is. The senator laughed, yeah he does have a fowl mouth. Jeremy, next week is Emerel, and the next week is Rachel Ray.
After the meal Jeremy gave Senator Braun a tour of the island. Senator Braun, my goodness, you have quite the pretty island, and scenic too. Jeremy, bring your cohorts, you will stay in our hotel as guests, after business, we’ll make a day of spending time at the water park. I have not checked it out yet. Senator Braun. When do you want us? Jeremy Next week. Our chopper will take you back to DC. Rose, what was that all about. Jeremy, he seams to want what we want. Rose, oh, an unknown ally. Jeremy, yes, and there’s more than he’s bringing his cronies. Jeremy contacted Dave Adams and said, “Mister Adams prepare for some guests that we need to impress. Dave, alright sir. You got it. Exactly one week later a helecoprtor arrived with Brawn, and 4 other republican senators. Chuck Grassley, Joni Ernst, Roger Marshall, and Ran Paul
Rose, was standing with Jeremy waiting to greet the guests. As they got off the chopper. Rose, Greetings Lady and Gentlemen, I am rose, and this is my Love Jeremy, Dave will have our Valets take your belongings to your rooms
Please come with us. Jeremy Senators, Look out this area, after we discuss business today, we will have fun tomorrow, I hope you brought your swimsuits. Senator earnest, why are you protecting Israel,. Jeremy, Surely Senator that Jerusalem is the seat of the Christian Religion. I’m just doing what our president will not.
Chuck Grassley asked, what are your reasons, why are you doing this? Jeremy, ever since I was in third grade, and we used to be allowed got have bible study in School . We had it for 3 months and it was brutally taken away from us kids. And I hav felt that since bible study has not been allowed in school, and prayer has nt been allowed in school that we as a n American society has got further and further down hill morally. Senator Jerry Moran asked, but why you? Jeremy, if not me… who? Jerry Moran continued, but aren’t you just some partially blind man from rural Indiana. Jeremy, Senator, watch your next words carefully, how does me having a visually impairment, or me being from rural Indiana have anything to do with my goals? Senator Moran, Nothing…. Na… Nothing. Jeremy, I saw something I didn’t like and I’m handling it, Senator Mike Braun lead oner and said “ Jerry what are you doing, you are blowing it for us. he’s on our side. He’s a republican. Senator Moran, Mister Dillahay, I apologize, I got off topic. Jeremy, I would hope to shout. I will let this slide this time Mister Moran, but do not make a habit of angering me mister Moran, I try to cut out anything in my life that causes me stress, and anger equals stress squared.
My points, are as follows,
- The United States was under God’s protection when we had the word of God in schools, an prayer in our schools. If it weren’t for that rat Bastard Ellery Schemp, we wouldn’t be having the moral decline we see right now.
- I’m not saying people have to be a christian, but I think since our country was founded on biblical principals, its only fair to make our laws more inline with the Bible. I’m not talking about stoning offenders, but if enough murderers were stoned to death, people wouldn’t want to kill one another if they knew they were going to have stones healed at them if they do kill someone.
- I see my group as a militia, which forming a militia is a second amendment right. I also see that our government is corrupt, with democrats giving people thing in exchange for votes.
Senator Earnst, I have noticed that, they give people on hud in one state better apartments and a stipend to spend if they will vote for the democrat who gave them those things. Jeremy, yes. It seams that their votes are being bought.