They were under way and Jeremy called everyone and said change of plan we’re picking you all up at the same time, and place, 1 o’clock Virginia Beach. On Friday. Mom, what peer. Jeremy called ahead and the dock master said, your to big to come in. You have to send a boat. Jeremy, you Jeremy called the his pilot, but then the man called back. We have one slip that will work for you, but its a cargo slip. Peer 35. Jeremy, thank you. He went and told the foreman about what was happening. And the foreman said, but sir, its not safe. The dock master said, I know, but this ship is huge. Jeremy had ordered a tuxedo an organic velvet custom tuxedo with blue jacket, cotton pants, and shirt, and dress shirt, and bow tie. The bow tie matched the jacket.
It had arrive It was in the victorian style. Jeremy tried it on. Jeremy the pants are a bit loose. Jeremy, Miss Ramsey does this look ok on me, or do these pant look a bit loose. She said, let me see. Yes, the pants are loose, and the jacket looks like the shoulders could be taken in ever so much. Jeremy, what do you think of this and be brutally honest. She smiled, I’ve never seen a sport coat or tux that shape. Jeremy, its victorian style do you like it. She said, yes, it suits you well. Oh… wait did I just make an unintentional pun. Jeremy, yes, but it was a good one so no worries. He said with a smile. Jeremy, you will have someone working with you. My mother. Hopefully wen I ask her to be mishap’s stylist she says yes.
Miss Ramsey, oh your mother is a stylist. I hope she says yes, the girls are looking for a perm, and My hands can’t touch those chemicals anymore. And I am allergic to certain types of rubber gloves.
Jeremy, oh dear how allergic. She said, I get hives badly she pinned jeremy’s suit, and said be gentle and don’t let those pins fall out. He gently removed the jacket, and she did the hemming right on the spot. Jeremy, let me go get something to change into she said, no, your not going commando are you. Jeremy laughed, only once, never again. She laughed. yeah. He she said check this out, he tried it on, and it fit like a clove. Perfect the shoulders aren’t too tight. More are they too loose.
He shucked and handed her his pants. The took them in, and handed them back. There you are sir. She said. Jeremy, ooh just right. She said, sir. Why don’t you wear dress shoes with that, why do you insist wearing sidles. Jeremy food problems, my dear miss Ramsey. I have had foot problems, low these last 4 years. They go away, they flair up, they go away again, and thus and so. She said, oh dear. Jeremy, here. This is from 4 years ago. She said, oh God, that looks horrid. Jeremy, it not only looked bd it felt bad.
I will put on loafers in winter time. She said, very well sir. Good grief, how are they. Now she said. Jeremy, now they aren’t bothering me too awful much. Just itchy once in awhile. When that happens the best thing I can do is rub Unkers salve on it, and then once that is sucked up then I use gold bond. Diabetic dry skin formula. I tried the Eczema relief formula it burned. Miss Ramsey stated ow, no lotion is supposed to burn when you put it o.n. sounds like they need to re-calibrate their formula.
Rose walked in, hay. Jeremy, hay sweetheart. Rose, what are you doing. Miss Ramnsey I’m hemming jeremy’s suit. So he looks presentable when his family arrives. . Jeremy, change of plans, we’re picking up everyone together. Rose, OK. Jeremy yeah everyone is heading to Virginia Beach. Miss Ramsey, the beds are made, the rooms are prepared to every exact detail. The silverware has been polished to a shine, and the crystal has been thoroughly cleaned. Jeremy, good. My grandma is a stickler for cleanliness. Miss Ramsey, so am I sir.
By the way the cook wishes to know if you want porkmedialians for a seafood buffet when your guests arrived. Jeremy, why not both, not everyone like seafood or can eat it. My grandma is allergic to fish of any kind. But I still want her to have a sumptuous time aboard this yacht. Neither of my grandparents drink. Miss Ramsey who was a devout catlike asked, what about communion wine. Jeremy we go to nn denominational pro distant churches that suerve great juices. Mis ramsey, my mother would have slapped you upside the head and called you a heathen, and then quit. Although after my mother died, my dad told me that is not a wise thing to do. Jeremy, my belief is if you have found Jesus, what does it matter. Miss Ramsey, you know what Mister Jeremy, you are too right. Jeremy, I cannot have alcohol. It messes with my meds. Miss ramsey, probably kill you, with that thyroid medicine you take.
Mis Ramsey, Miss Rose, the previous ship I wa on, the lady who owned it gave me something a dress, a formal dress, its to small for me. She said someone I’m working for might be able to use. Rose, oh, very well, lets see thi Miss Ramsey finished the pants handed them to Jeremy, he put them on, they fit like a clot. She said, OK kid strip, I’ll put these own your closet door for when they arrive. Jeremy put on some shorts and a tee-shirt. The tee-shirt was blue and in red and whit letters said Know Jesus. Miss Ramsey smiled, I like that shirt boyo she said. .for she had a crisp Irish accent. She said, I will return shortly. Give me about 5 minutes.
Rose walked up to Jeremy, and said, I bet you looked sexy in that outfit. Jeremy smiled, I felt sexy baby. I felt like sexy in Carnet.
She giggled. Oh you. Then she grabbed him by the chin and they kissed passionately. Miss Ramsey came in. Woo. She said, Look at you too, smooching the moments away. Now, Miss rose, if you’ll be removing your lips from your boyfriends, we can try on this dress.rose, squeezed Jeremy’s chin, and said, OK, be right there. Rose dired the dress on, it was a little long but otherwise fit perfectly.
Miss Ramsey winced in pain, damned arthritis! She exclaimed. Jeremy, where does it hurt. She says, my elbows. Jeremy got out the Unkers therapeutic rub from his bed side table. And handed it to her. “What’s this then she said, “Uncers therapeutic rub. She read what all it was good for. She said, I’m going to have to get some of these. Jeremy smiled. No, here comes the chopper with 8 cases of the stuff. Because I don’t like to run out. Miss ramsey rubbed some on her elbow. And 5 minutes later she said, hey, its having an effect. It cools and relaxes the pain. Jeremy, yeah, rose tried on the newly hemmed dress. Rose, it fits like a dream, thank you miss Ramsey.
Rose gave her a big hug and so did Jeremy, she smiled a simple thanks would have sufficed but that was kind. Jeremy said, I’m going to take MissRamsey here to get her a jar. Jeremy, Rose, do you want a frozen Pepsi. Rose, yeah, that sounds good. Jeremy, do you want it to be a Pepsi float. Rose, I don’t know about all that, just a simple frozen Pepsi will suffice darling.
Misds Ramsey, you mean you can make frozen floats. Jeremy, yes ma’am would you like one. She smiled., yes I would. Jeremy took her into the owner’s kitchen. She said, My other girls whom I instruct have told me about this room, but I thought they were lying. Jeremy no. here, have a shrimp egg roll. She said, wait. The cook makes these and he just puts them in here to firm up. Jeremy, Yes. He made her a coke frozen float with vanilla ice cream. While he made one with frozen coke and chocolate vanilla swirl. She said, my word that looks good.Jeremy, give it a good stir now. What you want is the coke and ice cream to cohease into one substance,
Then you can drink it aloe it slowly with a straw. They made their way to storage, and Jeremy handed her a box of the Unkers salve. They had finished their frozen floats long before reaching the deck where the Unkers was. And they walked back to find rose on the phone. But it was Jeremy’s iPhone, not hers. Rose hung up. Jeremy that’s your grandma, your grandpa had to go get his pacemaker fixed, so their going to be a few hours late. Jeremy, thanks for that rose.
Jeremy, fmiss Ramsey, if you would please, we would like to discuss something, give us about 5 minutes. She said, actually, I need to make my rounds, call me on the intercom using Alexa. Rose, what did you want to talk about. Jeremy, she’s done so much for us. We need to do something for her. I want to make her Mensch. Jeremy had some custom pens made for those who would be Mensch. Rose, I think that would be acceptable. After all she hemmed your suit and hemmed ythat nice dress she gave em.
Jeremy held the small pin in the shape of a large sword with a golden cross emblazoned on its hilt. Jeremy Alexa make an announcement. Alexa what’s the announcement. Jeremy Miss Ramsey please report to the owners deck. Jeremy, here she comes. Yes sir and madam. Jeremy, we are inviting you to Lunch with us alfresco. She said, me sir. Jeremy, yes, we have s surprise for you at dinner. Its a promotion, but to what we reserve until dinner to tell you. I want you to select your top 7 candidates. To take over once you are promoted. I want you to bring them to Lunch. She said, oh, lunch is in an hour, I need to dress up and find the people I want to replace me once I’m promoted.
Jeremy called the kitchen, Chef Carl, what are we having for Lunch. Chef carl said we are having Orean shrimp Stir fry, with kimchi, caramelized potatoes, shitaki mushrooms, and a side salad with your voice of dressing. Rose, No sides for me, and only a small portion of the main course. He said, yes sir. Jeremy, and make enough of everything for 10.
The chef asked, how do you want it, individual servings or family style. Jeremy family style. Chef Carl, you got it. Where are you having lunch. Jeremy, first deck aft starboard where the round bench and table is.
He smiled.
Irene came over the loud speaker, must protect evil genius, alas dome being covered over ship, pirates are on their way. Outer hall electrified. Staff, close th lower deck where the seat toys are held. Sumoli pirate ship we are unable to be boarded, nor is our ship able to be destroyed, Jeremy was outside and saw what looked like tiny guns being forged out of the side of the boat. A rocket propelled grenade made its way to the protective b bubble, and bounced off.
Just then a British navy ship came by and captured the pirate ships. Jeremy made his way t the bridge, and heard super yacht, this is British navy vessel the HMS Northampton. We have captured this pilots, you can stand down your onboard weapons system. Jeremy, you didn’t get them all one is on my hull, Irene, can you take care of him. She lowered the bubble, and threw one overboard, but one made their way to the bridge. Jeremy had a peeper spray canister. And fired it. The man dropped his gun and jeremy picked it up. A female pirate had rose, and said, let him go or I kill this one. Rose tapped her foot against the floor, and a knife came out of her high heal and she stabbed the woman in her shin. The female pirate let out a streak and let rose go. Mis Ramsey came out and held the female Somali pirate by knife point. Irene came back, and apparently there was another Somali pirate that was about to stab Jeremy in the back, but she got him. Jeremy smiled and said, that’s checkmate.
The navy vessel pulled up to the yacht, and collected the pirates. iJeremy, these two are going to need medical attention. The femail pirate exclaimed, if we ever see you around here, your dead. Jeremy, this time you bought us undermanned, next time you won’t the woman aid, what are you saying. Jeremy this ship has a guest compliment of. 100, and a crew compliment of 50. What’s. 20 or 30 of you to. 150 of us. The lady shouted, shit. Jeremy, yeah, and that’s what you and yours will be when you try and attack us, shark shit. Jeremy and rose sat down, and waited for everyone to arrive, and they placed the food bowls in the middle. She had brought 6 of the seven with her. Chef carl, you are one of my seven, so have a seat. He said, very well.
They ate, and Jeremy s and rose stood up and asked Miss Ramsey to come out, she did, and Jeremy said, Miss Delila Remsey, you are hereby promoted to Mensch. Now, choose your replacement. She said, I have a question for you. 7. How would you lead if I handed my job to you. The first female kitchen worker said, I would lead with an Iron fist. Miss Ramsey, no, you aren’t head staff material, next. The next girl who was a maid said, I would lead by example. But there are certain things I wouldn’t do. Miss ramsey, how do you expect your subordinates to do anything if you won’t do it first yourself. next. Chef carl, I would lead by example and work with my crew not just delegate.
The first said, you were sure content delegate when I sliced those blueberries yesterday. Chef carl said, I told you I am deathly allergic to blueberries. She said, oh.thats a lie. Jeremy, ma’am your dismissed.. she huffed. Jeremy, your fired, I will not have that attitude with any of my subordinates. You are to be put off at Virginia Beach.
She said, good, I am tired of working for people who are dumber than me,.. Jeremy yo0ur confined to quarters until we dock at Virginia Beach. She said, you can’t do that. Jeremy I can, maritime law gives me that privilege. Miss ramsey, he’s right girl you can’t win. She said, oh yes I can, as she pulls out a semiautomatic pistol, and Irene comes behind her and slaps her upside the head. And took her gun, they put her on a boat with a small outboard motor. Jeremy, we’ll call the coastguard and tell them to pick you up. Just then they saw a US coaster cutter, and they flagged it down. Take tis woman to America she tried to kill us, and my ship’s captain stopped her.
They took her, and said, she won’t be bothering you anymore. Miss ramsey, sorry you others Have already made my choice. The tother girls said, that’s OK, Chef carl would make an excellent staff leader. Carl, had she just calmed down I would have gen the kitchen to her. Rayme, your in charge of the kitchen now. Rayme, a girl with a southern accent said, thank you Mister jones. Carl smiled. Just remember what I Taught you. She replied yes sir.
Jeremy, now that all that craziness is over with, we can go on with the afternoon. Jeremy did some calculations, the day was Wednesday, Jeremy did some calculations. Just then he got a call from Nero, hey, I told you wrong on the speed of the yacht. There is a turbo mode, on which you can double the speed to 36 knots. Jeremy so converted to land speed we’re talking almost fifty mph. Nero yeah, you did that conversion in your head. Jeremy, yes, once I asked Alexa to give me a conversion from nots to miles per hour. yeah. Nero, you are a genius. Jeremy nah.
Jeremy, hey we could get there almost a full day ahead of schedule. Nero, yeah, but use that sparingly. Ok, I don’t want you overloading the engine. By overheating it. After you get there, maybe turn the engines off and idle until your friends and family get there.
Jeremy walked up two Irene, you know this thing has a turbo mode right? Irene, oh now I do. She turned the turbo mode on. Jeremy opened up the envelope that Nero had handed him a couple days before. It was a debit card with his remaining balance. It was an sac bank card. Jeremy slid it in his wallet, and slid his wallet in his front pocket. And snapped his front pocket shut. They Just then they saw another large yacht. And a downright evil looking man at its bow a rotund man with a scratch over one eye and a conical on the other. Jeremy who is he. Irene, oh shit, that’s Maximillian, his goal is to rule the world, he heard of your goal and he’s out for blood. Jeremy activate shipboard weaponry. Irene, watch this. 4 drones were plugged into stations around the antenna of the ship, and they came undone and the drones circled Macimilian’s ship. A helicopter landed and it was one of his scientists.he tossed Jeremy the helmet, and just as Maximillians boat ws about to sing, a giant robot arm came off Jeremy’s ship and placed him right in front of Jeremy, while not letting go.
Jeremy flipped the switch. Jeremy, Miss Ramsey, I want you to perform this enterogation. Jeremy turned on the mind control helmet, and the remote. Miximilian. I vill tell you nothing. He claimed. Jeremy, oh yes you will.Jeremy turned up the mind control function. Miss Ramsey, Maximillion, why are you here. He said, to stop him from fulfilling. His goal. Jeremy, that’s not going to happen. Maximillion went for his gun. But Jeremy grabbed it and tossed it out into the ocean. My gun he cried. Jeremy, now, who told you about our goal. Nobody, he said, straining against the mind control device.
Jeremy then how about you tell us how you found out my goal. Maximillian. We intercepted a communique about you last week from winds of change, we have operatives everywhere you see. Jeremy, so do we ask your second in command who he’s really loyal to. The man said, I am loyal to Claymore and its founders Jeremy Dillahay. And Rose Michaels. Miximillian, so you were a double agent all along. Jeremy, not at first. But we coaxed him to our side. With promise of mensch status. Jeremy you have minions and henchman, I have laborers and Mensch.Rose slipped and her finger went from light mind control to heavy. Rose, what did I drop Jeremy, he’s in heavy mind control. Jeremy, quack like a duck. Maximillion quack quack quack. Jeremy,enough. Jeremy, you will turn yourself in to patriot forces. Jeremy pushed a button, and a microchip was implanted into Macximillions brain. “Jeremy, that is to make sure you do what your told, and if you are freed you are to disband your criminal enterprise and return to prison.
The helmet came off and fried, and Maximilian came to and pulled out a knife. Jeremy said control chip arm, control code, Bavarian Bitches bow beneficently toward Bora Bora. While bringing buckets of beer and beef. The chip activated. Jeremy, drop the knife. Now hale your helicopter like a good little subservient pawn, and once you get on board you will forget all about this.
He got in his helicopter, and told his henchmen, I want to be let off over there, in Florida. I want to pick some key limes, come pick me up in an hour. The henchman said, OK sir, but this is an unusual request coming from you. Maximillian, just do it you twit. IK have a personal mission I must fulfill. Red Ivan saw what Jeremy had done to Maximilian’s yacht, and said, no no, I will not have the same thing happen to my beloved submarine, it was the last thing I had left from when I ruled Iviania.
Red Ivan dive dive, back to base I can’t have us being spotted by their sonar system, Irene, are you sure what you did to Maximillion was a good Idea boss. He is willful. Jeremy, everything is going perfectly. Rose, yeah, I don’t normally agree with that, but we need to do some things that aren’t cool to get what we want done. Irene, yeah, and red Ivan saw what happened to Old maxi million’s yacht, and he skedaddled out of here. I mean he was gone in a flash. The rest of the day went by uneventfully. The next day they pulled into doc. 355, and the bell home residents and staff were already there.
Jeremy was wearing his newly hemmed tux. Dianne, Jeremy don’t you look spiffy. Pastor, yeah. Sharry, I mister Jeremy, wow, love that suit. Mary Lou, what are you doing this bud. Jeremy, Mary Lou get your stinky finger out of my fucking face before I bite it off and spit it in the ocean. If you didn’t want to come you should have stayed with Peggy.
One more outburst like that and you will be confined to quarters for the duration. She spat in Jeremy’s face. Jeremy, that’s it your not coming aboard. Paster, and when we get back your not allowed back. Jeremy, call your daughter and see if she’ll get you home.
Grandma walked up and slapped Mary lou in the face hard, did you just spit in my grandson’s face. Jeremy called a helicopter, and said take this bitch back to cincinnati. She’s not coming on my boat after spitting in my face.
Tracy, Connie’s aid, why did you do that. Jeremy, none of your business. Now are you getting on or not, I ain’t got all day. We have one more group of opeope coming Rose’s family. And here they come.
Jeremy, as soon as everyone was aboard, he said, Jeremy, family members and non bell home guests, you may enter.
Everyone affiliated with the bell home, including you tracy. Listen up. The top deck inside is mine and roses and a few guests, unless I invite you you are not allowed up there. There are parts of this ship that you are not allowed to go near, you are not allowed in crew decks, except to go to the lounge. And to get there, you take the aft staircase from the main deck, and head down as far as you can go. The lounge is on your left. If we find you in any areas not allowed, you will spend one day confined to quarters. Unless you can prove you were actually lost.
Rose, and we don’t want any backtalk about how we treated Mary Lou, is that clear Ethel. And tracy. Jeremy, and no we haven’t let our money go to our head. Bell home staff, I urge you to keep these people in check. I know I am not popular for Kickinging Mary Lou off the Yacht, but she spat in my face and I cannot abide that. That is unsanitary.
Jeremy, I have invited you all here because I knew if I left you guys alone, and didn’t invite you onto my island. Jeremy got a comms, from he pilot. Sir, she says she’s sorry, she doesn’t want to go back to ohio. Jeremy, its against my better judgement, but ok. Bring her back, Miss Ramsey, you are to share with miss bloom what I have shared with the rest.
Tell her the reason I invited them is to save there life, because once investigators start realizing that is where I came from, they will grill you until you break down and talk, and nobody deserves that. Not even Mary Lou.
Pastoer, if you’ll over look that outburst so will I. However she and I will have a big talk once we get on the island.
Keegan was looking at her tablet. Jeremy, why you got your head stuck that tablet, when there’s a whole Mac ht to explore within Eason. She smiled. She said, your fight. Jeremy, Now, that the mandatory stuff is over with dd y’all bring your swim suits. Pastor, yes, I told them that we would be going on a yacht, and we took peoples measurements and got everyone swimwear.
Dave, adams, you got any hot tubs on this crate. Jeremy, yes, there’s 4 of them. Jeremy,I want to see sharon, Butch, Dale, Kate, Joe, Penny, and Dave Adams. You 7 are allowed to visit the owner’s deck. Jeremy, all of the staff is to. As well as sharon Garland. But sharon, you are not allowed to bring guests up. Meaning if Mary lou asks you if she can go with you. You ay no, your not allowed guests with you, you bark this rule, and I’m sorry but for 2 days you will not be allowed on the deck. Rose, sharon, we’re not kidding honey, we know how people tend to use you. Like wanna does, and Vicky used to. You have to Stand up for yourself. Your you will fall for anything. Sharon said, I understand, I can’t have any guests. Jeremy no, nobody is allowed to bring guests.
Meanwhile the remaining evil geniuses were talking. Zalika, Shen u, Red Even, and Alexis. Red even, we are bringing this meeting of the League of evil geniuses together to talk about a threat to us. Zalika, who is that some new law enforcement organization. Red Ivan, No, but it might has well be, we are here to discuss Jeremy Dillahay. He inot doing evil but good, his goal is to force the world to have more biblical laws. Shin Yu, then he must b e killed. Alexis, guys, if he makes the would use biblical laws we’re just gonna break them so what does it matter to us.
Red iven, Alexis has a point. Zalika, yes, a very good point. Shin Yu, No no no. he must die. Look at what he did to Maximilian. Red Ivan, Shin you Maximilian is no great loss. I worked for him. Shin you, you did. Alexis, yes, darling he was evil man even to his henchman. I mean I killed those who were incompetent, but, he killed anyone who disagreed with him. Shin yu, so he derves his fate. Red Ivan, yes, most people time mellows them out, but him, it seams to do the opposite.
Shin yu, then I will hold off on attacking this infidel. Meanwhile back at the yacht, everyone was aboared and their gear stowed. Mary Lou apologized profusely for what she had done. Jeremy, so now you understand why I’m bringing you back to the Island. Mary Lou sighed and said yes. Jeremy, ok, now, our goal is not to take over the world we will if we must to ensure our goals are met. Mary Lou, what are your goals. Jeremy, I think you will find them quite honorable. To bring the world back into alignment with biblical law. Our goal has nothing to do with forcing people into a relationship with Christ, God didn’t do it to us, so we won’t do it to them.
Mary Lou, OK that. Makes sense.Grandma came in. Hey bud, how’s it going. Oh, your still in a meeting with her. Jeremy, Grandma, I have forgiven her for what she has done to me, Grandma, I should to. Jeremy, yeah, because who is always telling me to forgive others or God won’t let me into heaven. Grandma, me. Jeremy, my point exactly.
Grandma, Jeremy I love what you did for grandpa, the little crystal candy dish full of chocolate stars and nonpareils is just something he would want. That was perfect. Jeremy, that was my goal. Did you see your cup of red jelly beans. Grandma, no,Jeremy, look by your bed. She said, hold on, they went up to the owner’s deck, ands found them hey, there’s red jelly beans, and red gummy bears too.
Jeremy went into the kitchen ad saw Dave adams eating a shrimp egg roll and drinking a frozen mountain due. Jeremy, Dave, we’re going to give you a new body, one based on our ai powered bio android Irene’s body. Tomorrow at 8 am a chopper is going to take you to my island, and my scientists are going to put your brain in that new body. Dave, no more pain, no more having to use this damn walker. Jeremy, I know man. Jeremy went to his study, and did some made plans. Jeremy used to plan the nuclear strike against Iran. Jeremy had his study locked. Jeremy, heard a knock at his door, it was his grandma. Hey bud can I come in?Jeremy, yes, you may, Jeremy pushed the button to unlock the door to his study. Grandma, the owner’s deck is so beautiful. Jeremy, thank you, Grandma, and our family suite is so nice Jeremy, Rose is with her family. Rose, no I’m not Mary Lou I’m right behind you. Grandma, hey, are you glad your spending time with your grandkids. Rose, oh yeah, haven’t seen them in a few years. Their growing up like weeds.
Jeremy, is he in there. Jeremy, I am honey. What’s up. Rose, I found Tracy Connies ade where she ought not be, they were in your kitchen, I confined them to quarters for 24 hours. Jeremy, Miss tracy is becoming a neusense. But connie wouldn’t have come with out her. Rose, I’m afraid not. Jeremy, Grandma, how does the boat feel, I know your not a fan of deep water. Grandma, actually the boat doesn’t rock like I thought it would. Its as smooth as glass. Jeremy, this yacht has stabilizer fins. Grandma, you don’t say.Mom came in, Jayce is loving the swimming pool on the main deck. Paisly is in her room on time out. Jeremy, Excuse me Grandma, I have to do my uncles duty.Jeremy walked in Payslee’s room , and picked her up off the floor. Jeremy, you have been dogging Grandma Joni, and pap pap Curt for far to long. If you cause grandma Joni to have a heart attach, and hshe has to go to a nursing home, I will make sure you never see another birthday or Christmas present from me the rest of your natural life. Now, you better straighten up, or I will make sure you never come to visit me in my lair, while Jayce gets all of the attention, now is that what you want? Payslee, no. Jeremy, then you straighten your ass up. I come from the old school where we believe in spankings not with hands but with wooden paddles. Now Payslee I don’t want to be a hard nosed uncle, but, what you are doing is ridiculous, its what kids half your age are doing.
You are better than this, I know you are. Payslee, you do. Jeremy, all you have to do is do what your told when Grandma Joni, or papaw Curt or your mom, or any adult in our family, including myself tell you to do something, you do it. If you have a question of why your doing it, you ask it, and once we excplain why we want you to do it, just do it and you will save yourself a lot of grief. OK, My uncle Jim gave me the same speech, but I was your brother’s age.
Payslee, wow, you aced bad to. Jeremy, yes I did, but this isn’t about me being good, its about you doing what your told. Now, I shouldn’t have to do this, but I’ll make you a deal. You be good for the next month and I will buy you a brand new Island dress. But, you have to act good after you get it or it goes back. Do we have an agreement. Payslee. Mom, Payslee, I will be keeping uncle Jeremy informed on your behavior. OK, Payslee, OK Grandma Joni. Jeremy, I hope to hear good things from you. OK? Payslee, OK. Jeremy, Now, if I’m not mistaken, Rose wants to meet you. Grandma, Joni, you don’t want Rose seeing you stuck in the corner like a bad girl do you. Payslee, no. Jeremy, Jeremy, I’m going to tell you a secret, and if you remember this you’ll go far. Your first impression you give someone is usually the only impression you get to give, if you don’t show someone that you can bye a good girl, and lets say 10 years down the line, if they saw you throwing a fit when you were 7, and your applying for a part time job at 17, and they see your name and remember your face. They might say Oh no she was a bad child I don’t want her working for me she might throw a temper tantrum if I ask her to do something. Paysleee, I wouldn’t do that. Jeremy, but honey, they don’t know that. They just get that off of your first impression. Payslee, oh, Jeremy, you could be a totally different teenager, but they could have seen you as a child, and opinions don’t change easily.
Payslee, so being good is good for my future Jeremy, yes.
Jeremy, here’s miss Rose, you two hang out while I talk to Grandma Joni. Mom, what’s up.Jeremy, I have a job for you. My crew needs haircuts and berms badly, would yo be the ship’s hair stylist. Mom, sure bud. Jeremy, thanks, Miss Ramsey would do it, but she can’t use the chemicals or the rubber gloves she’s allergic to them.
Mom, sure, I’ll do it. Jayce came in, and he looked a little green in the gills. Jeremy, hey Jayce, you OK. Jayce, No, that guy jeffery was outside talking to your cook about something called bouliomash. Jeremy, Oh God no. no. Jeremy Carl, whatever recipe jeffery gives you do not make it. Carl, why. Jeremy, Jeffery spent time in a mental institution as a child for biting his brother in the eye. Jayce, Payslee don’t get any Ideas. Payslee, We no way man that’s gross. Jeremy, what else. Jayce then he was talking about eating live maggots and how he wished something called fear factor was on so he could win the price.
Rose, we. Mom, that tears it I’m gonna have a word with him. Jeremy I’ll be back. Jayce through up in the toilet. Jeremy Jayce go wrens your mouth and brush your teeth please. Jayce, Ok, be right back. Jayce, came back. Jeremy, come here guys check this out. Meanwhile Jeremy’s mom found Jeffery and grabbed him by the ear. You sir and I need to have a talk. Jeffery, ow ow ow my ear. Dyanne, joni, what did jeffery do. Mom, Jayce was in the pool over there, and he was telling the cook about one of his custom dishes called Bouliomash, and then he was telling someone about eating maggot. Which made Jayce lose his lunch. Dyanne, Jeffery, you need to watch what you say, ithis isn’t the bell home where you can get away with talking about that shit. Jeffery, oh, what are you saying. I can’t talk about that stuff here? Deanne, No Jeffery, you made her grandson, Jeremy’s Nephew sick to his stomach talking about eating maggots, and that bouliomash crap. Poor kid, he’s probably traumatized, she said this laughing. Bryan, she’s right Jeffery, you can’t be talking about that stuff here, or you might end up in another mental institution. Jeffery, I don’t want that. Bryan, then Bishopry you know what you have to do. I bet Joni and Jeremy are both mad as a hatter at you boy.
Meanwhile upstairs in the owner’s deckJeremy, Jayce I have something to drink and something to eat. I have egg rolls, and slashes. Payslee, slushees.! Jeremy, but If I let you have any of my snacks, you have to promise me you will eat supper. OK. Jeremy turned to Payslee, Pinky promise. Payslee, Pinky Promise. Jayse, promice, cross your heart and hope to die. Jayce, cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eye and have a pain in my thigh.
Jere4my, just a stick needle in my eye would have sufficed. Payslee had a bubble gum slushy and a regular egg roll and Jayce had a white cherry icee, and a shrimp egg roll. Grandma ooh can’t have those. Hey Icees. Jeremy, here, grandma, how hungry are you. Grandma, I’m OK I didn’t care much for lunch. Jeremy you did at least something salty right. Grandma, yeah. Jeremy, then have a seat with the kids, and I will fix you a surprise. Grandma, OK, she sat down, and Jeremy made her a frozen coke float with vanilla soft Serve.
Grandma, Hey, this is good bud. Just then there was a knock on the door leading into the owner’s floor. Jeremy, said, I’ll be back. He opened the door. And it was Ethel. Jeremy hey Ethel. What’s going on, why are you up here. Ethel, I know we’re not allowed up here without permission, and I’m technically not on the deck, I’m on the stairs, there wouldn’t be place on here where I can get a cup of soft serve would there. Jeremy I think we can accommodate you. You can come up, but you are not to tell anyone you did, do you understand. Ethel, yes sir. Jeremy, OK. Jeremy, here’s the soft serve flavors we have. Vanilla, Chocolate, Chocolate vanilla swirl, Orange,
Orange vanilla swirl, Peach, Peach vanilla swirl. You can have it in a cup, a cone, or mixed with anIcee, as a frozen float.
Ethel, I’ll have a lemon frozen float, with orange vanilla swirl ice cram. Jeremy made it. And handed it to her, she took one bite, and said ooh Braine freeze. Jeremy, Grandma, Ethel let me help you. You see the object is to mix the ice cream and the icee together until they cohere into one frozen mixture. Ethel stirred hers for a few minutes. Ethel, you mean like that. Grandma, yeah honey, now you can drink it together. Ethel, thanks, this is good.
Jeremy, as soon as you kids are done eating meet mean deck 5.j Payslee, I’m done. Jayce, so am I, Jeremy, guys you aren’t going to leave the table like that are you. Why don’t you throw your cups and spoons away. I’ll see you down there. Jeremy took the elevator down, they threw their cups away and took the stairs. Jeremy was there in time to hear them come down the stairs. Jeremy,said, Payslee Jump, she jumped into his arms and he let her down after tipping her on her head Payslee, I’m upside down. Jayce did the same thing and Jeremy did the same to him. Jasyce giggled. Oh wow. Jayce what’s down here. Jeremy, the arcade. Jayce, and Arcade, what’s that. Jeremy, come look. These are video game cabinets. Jayce, oh cool. Grandpa was watching the tv in the cinema. Hey what are you guys doing. Jeremy, who’s playing, Grandpa, colts and cowboys. Jeremy, go colts. Grandpa, oh its on old game. Jeremy, cool. Grandpa was eating shrimp egg rolls and drinking a frozen coke.
Rose came down, and said, I came to see this Arcade, remember a while ago you were telling me about arcades. Oh, cool. Jeremy, I bet he didn’t remember. Rose what? Jeremy, I asked Nero to find me a copy of wizard of war. Rose, what’s wizard of war? Jeremy, the first arcade game with speech synthesis. Rose, oh cool. Jayce, what is voice synth—- synth— Jeremy you can say it trait again. Payslee, you mean voice synthesis. Jayce, yeah voice synthesis. Man that’s a hard word Payslee, how did you get that word so easily Payslee. Payslee, I don’t know Jayce, I just did. Synthesis. Paysleee, what is voice synthesis anyway. Jeremy, its an artificial voice. Not coming from a person. It comes from a computer this game came outback in the late 1970’s early 1980’s where voice synthesis, or what is now known as text to speech was rudimentary being monotone like that voice here. The monotone voice bellowed come and find me the wizard of war,. Ha ha ha ha. Jeremy, here is what text to speech sound like today. Jeremy pulled out his kindle paper white, and had it read a passage from a book. Payslee, that voice sounds a little better, but not a lot better. Jeremy, OK, how about this, hey Siri. Siri came to on Jeremy’s phone. “Yes. Jeremy, what’s the weather for today. Siri, the weather in Virginia Beach, is 85 and sunny. Tonight look for a low of 68 Payslee, she almost sounds completely human.
Jeremy, yes it is. Jeremy, there are two forms of text to speech system derived and human speech derived. Payslee, what does derived mean? Jayce, derived is another way that something is based on something else, sod rived form human speech means that its based on human speech. Jeremy, meaning that someone recorded their voice for hours on end sayin every word in the English language.where as computerized text to speech uses something called phonemes which are parts of speech to generate word pronunciation, and that’s why sometimes computerized speech can sound a bit off.463Please respect copyright.PENANAwhrq5R4miZ
Oon the way back they took a short cut that allowed them to bypass the pirate invested waters of Africa. Jeremy found Austin and Tiona, and Jeremy handed them their mensch pins they put them on. Tiona, what does Mensch mean. Jeremy, someone of honor of dignity.You guys are a step above the normal laborers. I want you both to come up with lists of expectations for the laborers under you. And I want it done by the time we get there. Because you will be in management positions. Austin, nice. Tiona, yeah. Jeremy, Austin, if you nee, you can use my computer. Austin, no, I can use my gaming laptop. Jeremy, OK.
Jeremy left and they went to work on their expectation presentation. Austin, I don’t know what kind of things to expect. Tiona, well, your going to be working in construction so you would want things like
- Timely arrival to work.
- No lollygaging
- No b ack talk
- Whatever you say done quickly
Things like that.
Austin, started working on it, and said I’m done. Tiona was done at the same time.
Jeremy, pretend I’m a new hire to your area. Tell me what your expectations of me are. Tiona your first. Tiona smiled and said, as a new member of my team here are what I expect of you.
- Do what your told without question unless it could harm the waterpark.
- Be courteous and kind to guests.
- Be here on time, clean and shaven.
- No dishonesty will be tolerated at facility
- If you are sick, you must inform me by open of business that day.
- If you need to take extended leave get it approved at least a month in advance.
- Failure to abide by these rules will garner the following effects.
- First offense, verbal warning.
- Second offense verbal warning
- Third offense written warning
- Fourth offense 1 day suspension
- Fifth offense 5 day suspension
- Sixth offense termination.
- Don’t take my kindness as weakness.
Austin had his turn next.
- Be on time
- Be clean and shaven
- Keep your haircut to a minimum, no ponytails. As hey might get caught in the machinery.
- Do what your told
- No goldbricking.
- Be punctual from breaks or lunch, or your breaks and lunch will be shortened,
- Do not mistreat your fellow workers.
- No hate speech
- You must wear your hard gat at all times
- You must report accidents to me, and we will fill out an incident report
- You are granted 1 hour weekly to fill out your time sheets.
- Here is what happens if you break the rules
- First offense, verbal warning
- Second offense verbal warning
- 3rd offense 1 week suspension
- 4th offense termination.
- Incompetence will be rewarded with termination.
Tiona, wow Austin your not giving your people as much leeway as I do. Austin, as far as I’m concerned they already fucked up once.they didn’t finish the jobs Jeremy asked of them, and they new he’d be here sooner or later, so they should have asked for more workers. Tiona, yeah, they hardly got anything right. Tiona, yeah you do make a point. They could have called and asked for Jeremy’s number and said, we need more construction workers.
Jeremy, I’m still a little miffed about that. Tiona, I would be too. I mean they had six weeks to get it done. Austin, yeah, that was shear incompetence on the foreman for getting as little work done. Sharon Bazzle who ad come in said, yeah, that is more than a bit ridiculous.Butch said, yeah, your telling me. If I would have been there I would have told them to get off their asses and make the call and let you know they needed more construction workers.
The rest of the day went well and the next morning at 8 dnd Dave adams got picked up and taken to the island for cybernetic implants to be be embedded into his new body. Everyone was awoke and they had a big breakfast pancakes grilled sausage links, biscuits and gravy, and bagels.
Everyone enjoyed breakfast. Dave, before he left said, that was a good breakfast agent J.
Jeremy, I’m glad you liked it. Dave put his earbuds in his ears and listened to the music Jeremy had put on his clip on mp3 player. He bought from Jeremy. Jeremy drank a large bottle of vitamin water. And head in, and kissed Rose on the lips. Rose, hey, man that was an excellent breakfast too bad I couldn’t eat it all.
Jeremy, its all good in the neighborhood baby. I know you have to eat only what you can, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Grandma, hey you two, I figure I’d catch you out here. Jeremy, Yes,, we are. What’s up grandma. Grandma, I want you two to get married before we get on that island. Jeremy, have you talked this over with Mom, she wants us to wait for 2 years. Grandma, Let me handle that. Jeremy, I will leave it for your inimitable wisdom.
Grandma, flattery will get you everywhere. Jeremy, yeah, and don’t you forget it he said with a wink. Grandma, hey, a package came for you from amazon. I think its the new vr headset you ordered. Jeremy, yes. Jeremy, went and grabbed it.Grandma, what isemy, its apples new headset, for AR and vR, its called the Apple AV-1. You can either play iOS VR apps. Or through a usb cable use steam vr on windows or Mac. Grandma, cool. This is cool. Jeremy, and with apple arcade, some the apple arcade games are having sequels such as sneaky Sasquatch vr. Star Trek vr. Etcetera.
They pulled into the island the next day, and Dave adams met them in his new cybernetic ally enhanced body.
Dave, hey agent J, I feel good. This new synthetic skin feels like my real skin, they did put my innards in the body. Jeremy, how does it feel. Dale, it feels like my original body did without the pain. Jeremy, what do you think of my suit. Dave, looks good. Jeremy, would you like one like it. Dave, yeah, I would like mine in red. Jeremy, I will have Miss Ramsey collect your size information. Dave, cool.. Jeremy, see you later. I’m going to show everyone to their new homes.