"Ok, honey," Jason smiled, leaning back in his chair. "I'd say you and I are entitled to some celebrating, now that we are going to be married!"195Please respect copyright.PENANAdxV4Flv1mI
195Please respect copyright.PENANAD137o8aWeJ
195Please respect copyright.PENANAtcyelOKfdF
"Uh-huh!" Mitsuki exclaimed, returning her fiance's smile with one of her own. "What should we do? I can run to the store and get some wine if you want! We could drink and watch a movie, and we could have Katsuki make us dinner!"195Please respect copyright.PENANA6hyxsVGpQy
195Please respect copyright.PENANAW8G05qQ7uN
195Please respect copyright.PENANAaFpVgm8NtE
"That does sound like fun..." Jason pondered. "Hmmm... Oh! Hey, do your parents know that we're getting married?"195Please respect copyright.PENANAJlYbKmus0G
195Please respect copyright.PENANAhogWuBnwSs
Mitsuki raised an eyebrow.195Please respect copyright.PENANAVT8cA0BGSV
195Please respect copyright.PENANAlI3psyYvCg
195Please respect copyright.PENANAgRlIGgTaGl
"No, they don't." She said, "Why do you ask?"195Please respect copyright.PENANAdl3zNdGGrK
195Please respect copyright.PENANAPtJRWKL08m
195Please respect copyright.PENANAFu4aniyV06
"I had an idea, what if we call them over, and we can throw a little party? Katsuki can help your parents get settled and make a big meal for the four of us! That would be fun, right? And we could surprise them with our marriage!"195Please respect copyright.PENANAQtSWMiOq0W
195Please respect copyright.PENANAzWSnD4feYH
195Please respect copyright.PENANAgEnVGq6xUb
Mitsuki's eyes widened, joy quickly taking over her face. This was a perfect idea! She could show off the glamorous ring that Jason had bought for her and flaunt her newly disciplined child off to her parents! They'd be so impressed by Jason, how he was able to wrangle such a demonic child in the matter of months, something her ex couldn't dream of doing! She knew that her parents despised Masaru, for, in their eyes, he was too soft on Katsuki, and that he was nothing but a big pushover to the ash blonde. Her grin only got wider as she took a trip down memory lane when Jason had met her parents for the first time! Gosh, she could remember it like yesterday! Especially how he had a faint blush on his cheeks the whole time he had been there! However, it didn't seem to faze her parents. In fact, they adored Jason! They thought that he was such a kind, gentle, and caring boy, who would be perfect for their daughter. If they saw what Jason had grown into, the tall, skinny teenager with long, black hair covering his eyes being replaced by the huge, muscular giant, they'd probably accuse him of eating the teenager! She snickered at that thought, before diving in on her lover's side, wrapping her arms around his waist. Jason chuckled, before returning the hug.195Please respect copyright.PENANAKSXIh8uQmX
195Please respect copyright.PENANAVqJqA7gwNd
195Please respect copyright.PENANAv4hYHgCNug
"Oh, honey!" Mitsuki exclaimed. "That's a perfect idea! I'll call them right now! Maybe we can even try to get your father to come! I'm sure he would want to!"195Please respect copyright.PENANA0otRVkcHc9
195Please respect copyright.PENANA8nqeoQYpFH
195Please respect copyright.PENANAeHCj5Ik7Cd
That caused Jason to fall silent, his happy mood dropping to a saddened mood. Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, did she say something wrong?195Please respect copyright.PENANA3g8G7tGASk
195Please respect copyright.PENANAMuOjSPrzKW
195Please respect copyright.PENANAaKFFsTOYDe
"I... I doubt it." He somberly said, looking away from his fiancé. "I told you already, he hates me. To him, I'm just a fucking failure in his eyes. I doubt he'd come, but if you want to try, here's his number. I don't think it's the same number from twenty years ago, but have at it." He said, grabbing a napkin off of the table and wrote down the number. "I'm going to go, I got to let Katsuki know to start getting the house ready."195Please respect copyright.PENANAComs8g0AWT
195Please respect copyright.PENANAvuc3upfRJ5
195Please respect copyright.PENANAY1LOYtDrae
"Oh, ok! Have fun!" Mitsuki smiled.195Please respect copyright.PENANA3IwjL8XtYS
195Please respect copyright.PENANAilry56Pc53
195Please respect copyright.PENANANFCaZDNzwH
"You too." He waved, before heading up the stairs, to Katsuki's room.195Please respect copyright.PENANAWQny15Vovk
195Please respect copyright.PENANAwvBiHJxbpE
195Please respect copyright.PENANAq0YWRqjtbj
195Please respect copyright.PENANABAyTM2OzZC
195Please respect copyright.PENANA3xWqjD8Akd
195Please respect copyright.PENANARiJW4Gf2BY
✭✭✭✭195Please respect copyright.PENANAyhHSZEyuZ3
195Please respect copyright.PENANAvKWdnRm46v
195Please respect copyright.PENANAboEH2wbDIC
195Please respect copyright.PENANAf3jdYdvrIQ
195Please respect copyright.PENANAaqZMUfrziS
195Please respect copyright.PENANA70CQjS0HJA
Jason groaned as soon as he reached the end of the hallway, his eyes plastered on the stickers that littered the ash blonde's door. The door reminded him of Pandora's box, oh so gently tempting him to open it, for even if it was only cracked open, the hell behind the door would be unleashed onto the world. However, Jason knew that the hell that the ash-blonde once caused behind that door would never rear its ugly head if Katsuki knew what was good for him. He brought his hand up to the cold, brass handle, before opening the door abruptly. Katsuki, who was sitting on his bed, flinched backward, for the sudden intrusion on his safe place startled him. Once the ash-blonde recognized who had entered the room, he began to tremble slightly. No, Jason wasn't here to hurt him again, right?! He hadn't done anything to deserve a punishment! His eyes quickly flooded with tears, the combination of fear and anxiety taking over his body. However, he quickly blinked them away, praying to god that Jason did not see them, for he would then have a reason to hurt him!195Please respect copyright.PENANAYNMwEOfGyL
195Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4bV9K5c71
195Please respect copyright.PENANA8AxeNnxHQ2
"Oh, would you fucking stop that?" Jason rolled his eyes, snapping the ash-blonde from his panicked state. "You're acting like a baby. I'm only up here to let you know what's going to happen later tonight."195Please respect copyright.PENANArqtLiZuOcF
195Please respect copyright.PENANANF8RvyShPb
195Please respect copyright.PENANA5XMa5LW8CY
"O-Oh..." The ash-blonde mumbled, standing up to face his future stepfather. "Sorry, sir..."195Please respect copyright.PENANAHgZ2n9rR2w
195Please respect copyright.PENANAHnCeIxMNca
195Please respect copyright.PENANA0c2YpoZCUt
"Now, your mother and I will be having some guests over soon, so you will clean this house from top to bottom. Also, I expect you to be on your best behavior when they're here, otherwise, I will punish you, and I don't think you want that to happen, do you?" He growled slightly, grabbing the ash blonde's lower jaw, forcing Katsuki to look him in the eyes. "That includes all the sad shit you've been doing. I don't think you would want to embarrass your mother in front of her parents, would you? That would make me really upset to see my future wife be upset because of you." His grip only got a little tighter, almost as if he was putting the ash-blonde in a vice grip, causing him to whimper slightly. "Am I understood?"195Please respect copyright.PENANANBlOwFXpoR
195Please respect copyright.PENANAg1aTMj2h6h
195Please respect copyright.PENANA6LAjs2Hj9V
"Yes sir..!" The ash-blonde slurred out, the grip in his jaw preventing him from forming a coherent sentence.195Please respect copyright.PENANADbvn75OVeJ
195Please respect copyright.PENANAGqt1y4AW18
195Please respect copyright.PENANAquktUKR8wq
"Good." He released Katsuki's jaw, before turning to leave his room. However, he stopped and turned to face the trembling ash blonde."I don't want to hear a single word about what happened yesterday. Nobody will ever believe you anyway, but if you do," He seemingly got closer to the ash blonde, his dark aura illuminating the room, striking fear in the ash blonde's heart. "I will have to punish you again, you wouldn't want that, right?"195Please respect copyright.PENANA5hWOOQhId1
195Please respect copyright.PENANAM75IzUQ6VS
195Please respect copyright.PENANAlLyerbnJzS
"I-I-I won't say a word...! I promise, sir..!" Katsuki stuttered out, shrinking back as Jason came closer.195Please respect copyright.PENANA6aBoG9GLuZ
195Please respect copyright.PENANAn7Ta3tKTtH
195Please respect copyright.PENANA9kuXaAM5At
And just like that, the dark aura seemingly vanished from Jason and was replaced by a large smile.
"Good!" He smiled as he gave the ash-blonde a gentle pat on the top of his head. "I'm heading back downstairs to help your mother plan for our guests, so take a shower. Also, I want those stickers off the door, they're so embarrassing to look at, I don't want our guests to see them. Got it?"195Please respect copyright.PENANAJnDlvkH0n3
195Please respect copyright.PENANA3ifgMqRUsq
195Please respect copyright.PENANA5FdJTktmFO
Katsuki nodded, although every fiber in his body wanted to oppose Jason's orders! Those stickers meant the world to the ash blonde, for it was one of the last gifts his father had given him for his fourteenth birthday! Hell, his dad even helped him put them up! If he knew that he would never see his dad again... He would've appreciated spending time with his dad more. However, if he dares to refuse to do such a thing, he would for sure get a punishment!195Please respect copyright.PENANAMTMPKftFhL
195Please respect copyright.PENANAdip15xoodf
195Please respect copyright.PENANA8yk6z0hvke
195Please respect copyright.PENANAR80LICsuaP
"Yes sir..." He quietly said, looking down towards the ground.195Please respect copyright.PENANAq1OHi3eV0A
195Please respect copyright.PENANAm4qZmHVz4c
195Please respect copyright.PENANAUyh3J1euhz
"Good, I will see you downstairs!" Jason exclaimed before rushing out of the ash blonde's room, the door slamming shut behind him.195Please respect copyright.PENANA20uySZimCt
195Please respect copyright.PENANATFbTIow02O
195Please respect copyright.PENANAD1uxwqVEY6
The ash-blonde let out a quiet sigh, the tears he had once tried to hide immediately began to run down his cheeks. He collapsed to his knees, the tears in his eyes dripped from his face and onto the wooden floor. He hated this, he hated the fact that his mother was going to marry a new man. He hated that he had to live in fear that no matter what he did, he would have to deal with the terrifying anxiety that Jason would punish him once more. He hated that he couldn't even be in control of his own life! He just wanted his father, or anyone to hug him, to let him know that he would be safe with them and that he would never have to see his mother or Jason ever again. However, he knew that would never happen. He didn't deserve anybody's help. Why would they even help him? He practically did nothing but terrorize his classmates and boost his ego, so why would they even believe him? What if they shamed him for allowing Jason to violate him? After all, he is a U.A student! If the school found out that he had been in that situation, and wasn't able to fight his way out of it like a good pro hero would do, they would probably take him out of the hero course, or worse, they would expel him! Katsuki shook his head at the thought, a soft sob escaping his lips. He couldn't let them find out! Even worse, what if the kid from the Battered Yam found out? Or worse.. what if Izuku found out..? Oh god, he could practically hear them cackling at him, while they hurled insults about how the strong kid who always talked about being number one was nothing but a weakling, and how he didn't even deserve to be a pro hero! He began to breathe quickly, his hands clutching his hair tightly. No, they could never find out!195Please respect copyright.PENANAmqAs8mRPNF
195Please respect copyright.PENANAPAovrJdB0F
195Please respect copyright.PENANABVXp0olk41
He let out another quiet sigh, before standing on his feet. Jason had commanded him to take a shower, and he sure as hell wasn't going to find out what happens if he refuses. He walked to his dresser, pulling out all of the clothes he needed for his outfit. It wasn't much, just a light blue t-shirt, the white words 'Future U.A Student arriving soon!' were etched into the fabric, causing the ash blonde to tearfully sigh. He remembered getting this shirt with his parents once he had discovered he was accepted into U.A. That was before Katsuki ruined their relationship... However, before the tears could return from the memories of what used to be his relationship with his parents, he stuffed the shirt under his armpit, before grabbing a pair of black sweatpants and a pair of admiral blue underwear, which had the words 'I am here!' stitched into the waistband. He quickly tucked them all under his arm, before exiting his room. Right as he did, he couldn't help but stare at all the stickers all over his bedroom door. He didn't want to peel them off, he loved them! To him, each sticker represented a memory the ash-blonde had with his father! And if he removed those stickers, then the memories would be gone. But deep down the ash-blonde knew that he had to do this, otherwise Jason would have to do it himself, then punish Katsuki! In an instant, he began to slowly peel away the stickers on the door, making sure that no evidence that the stickers ever touched the door existed. It pained Katsuki to peel them off though, for each sticker that he had peeled off, a memory was taken away from the ash blonde. 195Please respect copyright.PENANAQM5nAFTf3H
195Please respect copyright.PENANADHJmsKFPud
195Please respect copyright.PENANAQmdkqJzwyn
And he hated every second of it.195Please respect copyright.PENANAEnX36n4nQM
195Please respect copyright.PENANAWveKIP6M3Z
195Please respect copyright.PENANAah3I79lDmI
After only a few seconds, he had already peeled the stickers off, his bedroom door finally looking like a normal door. However, the ash-blonde didn't care for it, he was too busy crumpling up the stickers in his palm, before putting them in his trash can. Once he did that, he rushed over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He tossed the clothes he once had in his hands onto the ground and into a corner. He quickly took off his shirt and pants, before gripping the sides of the sink tightly, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was grabbing the porcelain. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes slightly red from the tears he once shed. But he could care less about his eyes. All he saw in the mirror was a failure, and it made him angry.195Please respect copyright.PENANATcxDtjoPbQ
195Please respect copyright.PENANApgb2lS7FuO
195Please respect copyright.PENANA1PoDrutYqo
"You fucking failure..." The ash-blonde murmured, his eyes never leaving his frail state. "How could you just allow that..?!" Before opening the cabinet door, he looked around and grabbed a razor, the same razor that he had used the first time he ever cut. He quickly popped the razor out of its protective guard and pressed it against his wrist. "You're trash..." He sliced slowly across his wrist, the white-hot, searing pain shot up his arm, and the familiar feeling of blood flowed down his wrist, staining the white porcelain. He whimpered quietly at the feeling, making sure that Jason would not hear him crying. "You're so weak and dirty...! You would never make a good hero...!" He pressed the razor on another section of his arm and sliced again. "Nobody would believe an ugly slut like you, you're nothing but a bully...! Nobody would want to help you..!" He whimpered, cutting himself once more. "You don't belong at U.A...! U.A doesn't need a monster there...!" He cut himself once again. "You don't deserve to be loved..." He weakly said, the tears running down his face once again as his emotions teetering towards him breaking down into tears. "It's your fault your dad's gone...!" As soon as Katsuki said those six words, he instantly began to sob quietly, not because of his father's death, but that he was right. It was his fault. If he never came out, his dad would still be alive, watching his son proudly as he rose to be number one! But now, he was just a useless child to Masaru, a useless child that could never fight for himself. He watched as the blood ran down the porcelain, and down the drain. He stifled a sob, before turning the water on and watched the blood quickly go down the drain. Once he had made sure all of the blood had disappeared, he (while making sure to not get blood anywhere else) cleaned the razor off and put it back into the guard. He quickly stepped into the shower while trying not to drip blood onto the bathroom floor, and turned the water on. The scalding, excruciatingly painful water hit the ash blonde's body harshly, yet he didn't even flinch.195Please respect copyright.PENANAYAExrEJ3WI
195Please respect copyright.PENANAc9TH5z6KtT
195Please respect copyright.PENANAuv2TgRGjXl
The pain may have been hurting the ash-blonde constantly, but it was nothing to what he felt inside. He began to sob quietly again, the risk of Jason overhearing him diminishing due to the noise of the shower overpowering his tears. He hated himself for allowing it, he hated himself for not being able to protect himself, he hated himself for having to cry only when he's taking a shower!195Please respect copyright.PENANAGnMzQQSMjq
195Please respect copyright.PENANA7ayFyxsfw3
195Please respect copyright.PENANAYO6UpJllIg
All of these feelings and fears made the ash-blonde want to die, and he had no idea how much more he could take.195Please respect copyright.PENANASRifmwm8ES
195Please respect copyright.PENANApfD4gxBxeH
195Please respect copyright.PENANACEfSkFped1
195Please respect copyright.PENANAZnmr8qESc3
195Please respect copyright.PENANAlIcrCsIZdW
195Please respect copyright.PENANAfKXVRNmpcI
195Please respect copyright.PENANAjlj2g3Orx5
195Please respect copyright.PENANAJBfblSMbPT
195Please respect copyright.PENANADpCmGmLhPx
195Please respect copyright.PENANA3M2M6PXO77
195Please respect copyright.PENANALfAGhZXrhA
195Please respect copyright.PENANAsPedSWxJnq
195Please respect copyright.PENANAxG120IvusU
195Please respect copyright.PENANADXUmrUhDPf
195Please respect copyright.PENANAAnwsiiOc5f
(2,456 words!)
195Please respect copyright.PENANA4ElMsPHJU7