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Katsuki's eyes fluttered open, his sleep rudely interrupted by the obnoxious beeping of his alarm clock. Katsuki groaned, reaching a hand over to his nightstand, trying to get the alarm clock to turn off its obnoxious beeping. He felt around his nightstand, refusing to take his face out of his pillow. After a few seconds of feeling around, he pressed the clock's snooze button. He didn't want to get up today, he just wanted to stay in bed all day without a care in the world. That reason is because of his parents once more.
Unfortunately, his mother had other plans for Katsuki.
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU!!!!!" Mitsuki's shrill voice shrieked from downstairs, causing Katsuki's eyes to widen in shock. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!"
Katsuki groaned slightly. He had completely forgotten that he had school today. He hated going to school, mainly because he saw no point in learning some random shit that he'd probably never use when he was an adult. The other thing that annoyed Katsuki at school, or person per se, was no other than his former childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya. Katsuki HATED Izuku with a burning passion. He relentlessly bullied the poor boy, often picking on him for stuff he couldn't control, like his height or his lack of having a quirk. Whatever weakness Izuku had, Katsuki made it his lifetime goal to rip it wide open. However, Katsuki's hate for Izuku has nothing to do with him having no quirk. It was the fact that he could be so damn happy all the time. No matter what happened to him, he could always put on a toothy smile as if he wasn't even affected by it. Even when Izuku's father deserted him and Izuku's mom when he was six, he never really cried about missing his father, he just could smile it off like usual. Though Katsuki would never admit it, it made him feel a little jealous of Izuku. He wished he could just smile everything off as he did. He knew that if his dad left at that age and never returned, Katsuki would have been in tears, begging his father to stay.
He sighed, sitting up in his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He threw the covers off his lower half and stepped out of his warm bed, knowing well that if he didn't start getting up, he'd be dealing with his angry mother. He slipped off his usual black T-shirt with a large white skull off his chest, replacing it with a white, button-up shirt, followed by a black suit jacket that was given to him by his middle school. Once he buttoned up his jacket, he slipped off his pajama bottoms, revealing his light blue All Might boxers that he received as a birthday present, and would never tell anyone he owned. He tossed the pajamas to the side, replacing them with his matching black dress pants. Once he got the black pants on, he scooped up the pajamas that were laying on the floor and set them in his laundry basket.
He opened his bedroom door and trudged down the stairs, mentally preparing himself to deal with other classmates' bullshit. He sighed. As he reached the ending of the stairs, he could see his mother out of the corner of his eye, cooking what Katsuki assumed to be French toast with scrambled eggs. However, what caught Katsuki's eye was his father. The poor guy was still asleep on the couch, his back turned to Katsuki. He had a small, pale green blanket that barely covered Masaru's body, causing the older man to shiver slightly. Katsuki grimaced at the sight. That blanket looked like one that Katsuki used to use when he was a child. Katsuki sighed again.
"Well? Are you just going to stand there?!" Mitsuki asked, annoyed that her son wasn't doing anything to get prepared to depart for school. "Your breakfast is getting cold!"
Katsuki glanced over to Mitsuki, his eyes turned into fiery slits. He was enraged with his mother. Enraged that she didn't even have the decency to give her husband a proper blanket to sleep? For all he knew, Masaru had to dig through the basement to find that.
"You couldn't even have the decency to give him a damn blanket?" Katsuki asked, pointing to his father.
"Watch your mouth you little shit!" Mitsuki yelled, pointing the egg-covered spatula towards the ash blonde. "He chose to sleep there so mind your own damn business! Now get your ass here so you can eat breakfast."
"I'm not hungry." Katsuki scoffed. "I'll eat something at school."
"Oh. Well, get to school then. You're going to be late." Mitsuki said, turning back to the eggs.
"See you," Katsuki mumbled, before going over to his sleeping father. "Bye dad, I love you."
Katsuki planted a kiss on the side of Masaru's head. He scooped up his backpack from its usual place on the ground. Once he made sure he had everything he needed for the day, he left his house and went on to school.
Katsuki walked through the classroom door. The usual classroom chatter filled the room. Katsuki always felt irritated by his classmates, their loud and constant bickering and chattering annoyed the ash blonde to no end. All he ever wanted was to be in a place of silence, one where he could be alone with his own thoughts. As he peered across the room, seeing his friends chatting with other members of his class. However, one thing caught his eye, that being a certain green-haired boy.
Strange. Katsuki thought, cocking an eyebrow. Izuku is always in class.
Had Izuku got sick? Was he taking an early summer vacation with his mom? Those questions shot through his mind like bullets. He walked through the rows of desks, wandering towards his desk. He set his bag on the desk, preparing himself for the relatively short day of school. One half of him was happy that the final day of middle school was here, as he wouldn't have to deal with his classmates and could just relax at home without a care in the world. However, the other half of him feared the last day of school, because, with no school, he'd have to stay home and have to listen to his parents arguing all day long. The school was a safe zone for him, a place where he would be able to not hear his parents arguing for hours on end along with a place to take his aggression out. Katsuki let out an annoyed sigh, before resting his head on the desk, desperate to catch up on a little sleep before class started.
However, after two seconds, the classroom bell did its usual morning ring, something that irritated Katsuki to no end. He let out a disgruntled sigh, leaning back in his chair, and rubbed his eyes to keep himself alert. He heard the familiar click of the classroom door, causing his ruby eyes to glance over to see his teacher.
"Ah!" The teacher said, sitting in his chair. "Sorry I am late, class! I got caught up in the traffic!"
"Good morning, Mister Kaisukuya!" Everyone in the class (except Katsuki) exclaimed, huge smiles illuminating off their faces.
"Good morning students!" Mister Kaisukuya responded, giving the students a smile of his own. "You guys must be excited today! Summer vacation will start tomorrow!"
The entire class cheered at the sound of summer vacation, causing Katsuki to groan slightly. He hadn't been at school for five minutes, and he already was annoyed with everyone.
"Now, what are you all planning to do on summer vacation?"
"My family is going to the beach house we own for the whole summer! It's our turn to have the family reunion, so all of our other family members are coming too!" One girl with long, dark brown pigtails, who was sitting in the front, exclaimed.
"That's cool! What about you, Natsumiki?" The teacher called out, pointing to a relatively shy kid all the way in the back. "What do you plan to do?"
"O-Oh.." Natsumiki stammered, forking his black hair out of his line of sight. "M-My dad is taking me to the S-States..."
Katsuki raised his head in confusion and a little shock. Natsumiki was going to the states? What could he possibly have there?!
"That's very cool! Why is that?"
"It's because my m-mom lives there... She moved there when my parents s-split..."
Katsuki's eyes went wide, his red pupils contracting slightly. He had completely forgotten that he wasn't the only one whose parents had marital troubles. He was tempted to throw some insults towards the poor boy to take his mind off the thought of his parents splitting. However, Katsuki said nothing, deciding to give him a break from Katsuki's constant torment. Maybe he could ask Natsumiki for some advice about his family.
"Oh! Well, I hope you have fun with your mother in the states!" The teacher smiled. "Now, how about one last person to tell the class what they'll be doing during the summer?"
Silence rang out through the room, nobody daring to volunteer. The teacher sighed, knowing that he should have expected that nobody would volunteer.
"Fine, you guys don't have to share. I've got nothing left to talk to you guys so you all can do some free time." The teacher said, leaning back in his chair.
Almost immediately after the teacher finished his sentence, the classroom erupted in laughter or conversations about summer plans. Some students talked about where they were going to visit during the summer, while others talked about beating a video game, and others spoke about training for their hero entrance exams. Katsuki, on the other hand, didn't talk to anyone. His mother's words kept repeating inside his head. His mother didn't love his father...? What if they do divorce...? What was he going to do...?
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. Natsumiki had the same issues happen to him, maybe he'd know what to do! Katsuki smiled at the thought. He stood up from where he was seated, making a beeline for the timid boy, who was drawing in his sketchbook.
Natsumiki's pale, ocean blue eyes glanced up from his sketchbook to the upcoming ash blonde, causing him to gasp slightly. Whenever Katsuki dared to even look at Natsumiki, it was when Katsuki bullied him. Naturally, Natsumiki backed away, clutching his sketchbook to his chest, not wanting Katsuki to burn it as he did to Izuku's journal. However, something seemed....Off. Usually, Katsuki would have an evil grin on his face and his friends would follow behind him. But Katsuki was by himself and his usual grin was replaced by a subtle frown.
"Would you fucking calm down?" Katsuki asked, beckoning the timid boy to come closer. "I'm not going to hurt you."
Natsumiki raised an eyebrow. Katsuki wasn't going to hurt him? Then why would he come over?
"Y-You're not..?"
"No. I actually need some advice." Katsuki said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Gosh, he bullied Natsumiki to no end and now he was asking him for advice. For all he knew, Natsumiki was probably not going to help him, but it was worth a shot.
"Y-You want a-advice?"
Katsuki nodded.
"What a-about?"
That time, Katsuki said nothing. Instead, small tears began to prick the corner of his eyes. The overwhelming sensation of feelings of guilt that somehow, the possibility of his parents splitting was his fault. Maybe if he was well behaved, his parents wouldn't be fighting all the time. Maybe they'd still love-
"U-Um... P-Please don't c-cry!" Natsumiki semi shouted, waving his free hand to grab Katsuki's attention. "I'd be w-willing to help! I-I'm assuming it's a p-personal topic...?"
Katsuki nodded once more.
"Do you want to t-talk about it a-after class?"
"I can't," Katsuki whispered while he shook his head. "My parents want me back right after school."
Natsumiki nodded in understanding.
"That's o-ok! I'm also assuming you don't want others to h-hear about it, so w-we can talk through my s-sketchbook!" The timid boy whispered back, raising up his precious sketchbook.
Katsuki grinned slightly, before wiping whatever tears were left in his eyes before going down to a knee to reach Natsumiki's level. Natsumiki opened his sketchbook to a blank page and took out one of his pencils. He handed it to the ash blonde, to which Katsuki quietly grabbed. As Katsuki began to scribble down on the page, Natsumiki couldn't help but feel curious. What was Katsuki going to write down? Obviously, it was something extremely personal to the ash blonde, as it made him tear up. Natsumiki never thought he'd see the day where Katsuki was about to cry. But a bigger question loomed over the timid boy's head. Why would Katsuki Bakugou pick him? Out of all the people, what made Natsumiki more special compared to others? In Katsuki's eyes, he saw Natsumiki as a loner and a weird kid because he preferred making art over becoming a hero. Maybe Katsuki realized how much of an asshole he was to other students and came to him because he wanted to become better!
"Oi." Katsuki murmured, poking Natsumiki's arm with the pencil. "I finished writing."
Natsumiki nodded, picking up the sketchbook. It wasn't a lot of writing, but Natsumiki didn't mind. His eyes scanned over each sentence, his eyes slowly getting wider and wider.
For about three months, my parents have been bickering nonstop... I'm scared they might split up... I tried to get them to work together by causing trouble, but it seemed to only make it worse... Is it my fault they're splitting up...? Like if I was a better kid, maybe they'd still love each other...
Natsumiki's eyes went wide at Katsuki's writing. Katsuki's parents were fighting and on the brink of divorce?! It all became clear to the timid boy why Katsuki went to him, he had been in Katsuki's place back when he was in seventh grade. He knew how Katsuki felt about his parents' situation, the constant feeling of self-blame, thinking that he was the reason his parents split up, or the eventual feeling of abandonment. Natsumiki knew that Katsuki hadn't reached that feeling yet, because his mother or father hadn't moved away yet. The constant reminder that not everyone was in the house used to seep in Natsumiki's mind. Natsumiki felt bad for the ash blonde, the feelings that he used to go through were brutal and he would never wish those feelings on his worst enemy. He began to scribble down a response;
I'm sorry to hear about your parents. But sometimes it's better for them to split up, like my parents! My mom was going through a deep depression after her mother died, my father did his best to keep her happy, but she couldn't recover from her depression and would often lash out at me and my father. That would spark a bunch of fights at my house and would end in both my parents crying. I often had your thoughts during those arguments, wondering if it was because of me that they were arguing about. Eventually, my dad had enough of my mother lashing out and split up with her. She knew that it was for the better, that things were going to get worse if they stayed together. I remember being devastated during the first month of the divorce. My mom eventually moved out of the house and went to the States. She's doing a lot better now! Well, after talking with both my parents, I learned that I had nothing to do with the divorce. No matter how much you believe you're at fault, you're not. It's never our fault our parents decide to break it off. I'm sure your parents will tell you the same. Though I hope that doesn't happen to you. I don't want anybody else to feel that type of pain.
He flipped around the sketchbook, the pencil sitting daintily on top. As Katsuki read Natsumiki's response, Natsumiki could see Katsuki's eyes glimmer in hope, that hope being that his parents still might stay together! Katsuki also began to smile, not the evil smile that Natsumiki was so familiar with, but one of pure happiness. However, that happiness was cut short as the bell rung once more, indicating the end of class. Both Katsuki and Natsumiki raised an eyebrow. Had class flown by that quickly? The classroom began to empty quickly soon leaving the ash blonde and timid male by themselves.
"W-Well, I guess I should be g-going now..." Natsumiki mumbled, picking up his sketchbook and pencil. "My f-flight leaves in five hours.."
As Natsumiki gathered his belongings and stuffed them gently in his bag and begun to walk out of the room, Katsuki went out in front of him, blocking him from exiting.
"Hey. Thanks for the help, Natsumiki." Katsuki mumbled. "I'm just surprised you actually helped me. I would have thought you'd reject my request."
Natsumiki chuckled lightly.
"As I said before Katsuki, I know how you feel. I don't want other people to feel that type of p-pain. I'm just h-happy that I could h-help you!"
Katsuki also chuckled.
"I'm grateful for that. You have a good trip."
"I will!"
"Oh, can you keep that between us...? I don't want people to know about that."
"Ok! I p-promise!"
And with that, Natsumiki dashed off, determined to make sure he got all his luggage together before having to leave. The ash-blonde also began to walk off towards the school exit. He was happy that the timid male listened to him, allowing him to take the heavy weight off his chest. He didn't doubt that Natsumiki would reveal his secret to anyone as he didn't really talk to anyone, along with the fact that nobody would believe him.
He sighed lightly, before exiting the school and started his journey home.
As Katsuki inserted his key into the door, he mentally prepped himself for his parents screaming at each other. However, when he opened the door, the house had an eerie silence. In Katsuki's mind, that set off a bunch of alarm bells. Were his parents not home?
"Mom?" Katsuki asked. "Dad? Where are you guys?"
"Oh!" Katsuki heard his mother exclaim from the dining room. "Hello, Katsuki! You're home early! How was your last day of middle school?"
"Yeah. The class got out early." Katsuki said, setting down his backpack by the front door. "And it went fine. We just sat around and talked for the class."
"That's good to hear! Can you come here Katsuki?" His mom asked him.
Katsuki did as he was told and headed to the table, where his mother sat at. It was odd, usually, his father would be home around this time. Had he stayed late at work? Or was he on his way home?
"Where's dad?" Katsuki asked, pulling a chair out from the table and sat down.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." His mother said, the slightest bit of sadness hinting her voice. "You see... Your father and I decided that our marriage wasn't working out and we filed for divorce. Your father isn't gonna be staying here anymore.."
Katsuki sighed loudly, burying his face in his hands. Everything that he feared was happening. Tears began to well in his ruby eyes, a few tears rolling down and hit the table.
Katsuki didn't want to cry, as it made him look weak. However, it was almost as if his body took control over his mind and in the span of a few seconds, the ash-blonde began to sob loudly. His mother, out of instinct, jumped out of her chair and hugged her child, feeling his body tremble in her arms.
"I thought you guys were gonna get b-better..." The ash-blonde hiccuped, letting out a few more loud sobs.
"I know honey..." Mitsuki said soothingly, rubbing small circles around Katsuki's back. "I wanted to too.. It just wasn't meant to be..."
All Katsuki could do was sob uncontrollably, clutching around his mother's back. He hoped that this would all be a bad dream, that his parents were perfectly fine with each other and still loved each other unconditionally. But he knew that this was no bad dream, no matter how much he wanted to believe it. Why couldn't he see his dad before he left the house?!
"You should probably get ready for bed Katsu..." Mitsuki said, kissing the top of his forehead. "We got to go to family court tomorrow to see who keeps you..."
Katsuki nodded, wiped the tears away from his cheeks, and went upstairs to bed. He had no idea why he cried, he thought that venting to Natsumiki would help ease the pain. But it just seemed that it had gotten worse. He didn't even bother to take his uniform off, instead just flopping over on his bed, preparing himself for another stressful day.
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