That night, Katsuki couldn't sleep, the pain of his parents finally ending it caused the ash blonde to cry throughout the night. However, to not disturb his mother, he buried his face into his pillow. When his alarm clock rang (about 6 am), Katsuki swiftly shut it off. He rose out of his bed, his usual unkempt hair looked even more disheveled than he had ever seen. He sighed, taking off his suit jacket, folded it, and set it neatly on the bed. He unzipped his pants and set them next to the jacket, leaving his white shirt and All Might boxers on to cover his pale body. He shuffled down the hallway, his socks dragging on the carpet towards the bathroom. He stepped inside the tiny restroom, which contained only a toilet, a sink, and a shower. He shut the door behind him, making sure that it was locked, just in case his mother was up. He unbuttoned his white dress shirt and took his arms out of the sleeves. He dropped the shirt on the tiled floor, leaving only his boxers.
He stared at himself in the mirror, seeing his eyes, which almost matched his pupils from how much he cried. As he continued to stare at himself, he could feel hot, fat tears welling in his eyes, which began to spill down his cheeks. This was it. The official end to the Bakugou family. The happy memories that his parents desperately tried to make for Katsuki meant nothing to him. All the birthdays that the three celebrated would never be the same again... That empty spot at the dinner table, knowing that it will never be fulfilled ever again made the ash-blonde want to burst into another fit of sobbing. He put his hands up to his eyes, trying to shield himself from the emotional pain. He silently cried, still standing in front of the sink. He just wanted to have all this pain go away, to have his family be complete again. The tears once more dripped from his cheeks and hands, landing on the porcelain sink. Why couldn't they at least tell him before his father left...? Katsuki let out a quiet sob. Was he not worth his father's time...? Did his father even love him...?
These thoughts were cut off suddenly by a soft knock on the wooden door.
"Katsu...?" Mitsuki's voice called out slightly. "You ok...?"
Katsuki was genuinely surprised by his mother's attitude. Usually, if she was knocking on the door, it was usually to yell at him about hurrying up and that other people needed to use the restroom. However, this time her voice seemed more sincere, like if she genuinely wanted to know if her child was ok. Katsuki sniffled, roughly wiping the tears off his cheeks.
"I'm fine." His voice cracked slightly, causing him to cringe. He hoped that his mother would believe his shitty attempt at a lie.
"Ok..." His mother said. "Do you want anything to eat...?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Ok... I love you, baby..." Mitsuki said, walking away from the door and back downstairs.
Katsuki sighed, looking back at the mirror towards his weakened state. He shouldn't be crying. Natsumiki said it himself! He said that parents divorcing was usually a good thing, that it would end some stress! However, Katsuki had one question that plagued his mind.
If his parents splitting up was a good thing, why did it hurt him so much...?
It felt as if this divorce tore a hole in his heart, sucking away the happiness that his parents gave him, leaving just an empty husk of his former self. But Katsuki couldn't tell anyone how he felt, because they'd probably feel pity for him, or worse, they'd call him a weakling. He wasn't going to let that happen.
He grabbed the shower faucet, turning it to a warm temperature. He took off his boxers and socks, leaving the ash-blonde completely nude. He slowly stepped in, not wanting to slip and injure himself. Once the warm water made contact with his body, he immediately began to scrub his body. As he lathered the suds on his body, the memories of his father giving Katsuki a bath made Katsuki smile slightly. He remembered how much fun his father had spent time with the ash blonde.
"Katsuki!" Masaru called out, stepping into Katsuki's bedroom. "Where is my special boy?"280Please respect copyright.PENANAI3arJG3taJ
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Katsuki knew why Masaru was in his room and made a high pitch giggle. Katsuki never liked bath time as it gave an indication of bedtime. Katsuki dreaded bedtime, to say the least. But this time, Katsuki had a plan though. He was going to hide away in the perfect hiding spot so that he could avoid bath time forever! And he certainly never going to bed!
"Hmm, I wonder where he could be?" Masaru asked aloud, smirking as he glanced towards the large mound under the usual neat All Might comforter. He already knew where Katsuki had been hiding, but he didn't want to make Katsuki think he wasn't good at hiding, so he decided to have some fun with the ash blonde. "Could he be in the closet?"
He opened the closet door and checked it thoroughly, obviously coming up with nothing. He couldn't help but smile when he heard a small, high-pitched giggle come from the mound. However, as much as Masaru was having fun, it was getting darker and Katsuki's bedtime was nearing.
"Hmm... could it be possible that he could be HERE?" Masaru grinned, pulling off the comforter. Katsuki's eyes went wide. How did his dad find him so easily?! He was sure that he had the perfect hiding spot a six-year-old could find! However, before Katsuki could ask, his father scooped him out of his bed, holding him gently in his arms. "Ah! There's my explosive boy!"
Katsuki latched onto his father's shoulders, making sure he wouldn't fall out of his father's arms. However, the ash-blonde began to squirm, knowing that Masaru was going to take him to the bathtub.
"Noooooo!" Katsuki grunted. "I don't want to take a bath! I want to play!"
Masaru frowned slightly. He knew that if he were to put Katsuki in the tub, he was just going to get back out. The last thing Masaru wanted was Katsuki running in the house naked and wet, getting everything he touched wet also. He pondered slightly while carrying Katsuki to the bathroom. What would be incentive enough to the ash blonde? A late bedtime? No, Mitsuki would kill him if Katsuki went to bed late, not to mention Katsuki wouldn't want to get up for school the next day and would be cranky throughout the day. Maybe a new toy? No, that would only spoil Katsuki and would have him expect a new toy whenever he took a bath.
Then an idea popped into his head.
"Say, how does this sound Katsuki?" Masaru asked, setting Katsuki on the edge of the tub. "If you are a good boy and take a bath, I'll do the thing for you!"
That caught the ash blonde's attention, his eyes lighting up.
"You will?!"
Masaru smiled at the ash blonde's excitement. Whenever Masaru offered this deal, it got Katsuki to do whatever he wanted.
"Only if you take a bath."
"Deal!" Katsuki shouted, nodding his head eagerly.
Masaru ruffled the ash blonde's hair and turned the faucet on, the warm water immediately began to pour out, filling the tub up with water. Katsuki on the other hand had begun to strip down and hopped in, eager for his father to do the thing!
"Would you like some bubbles?" Masaru asked, holding up a bottle of soap.
Katsuki nodded eagerly as he wanted to have as much fun in the bath as he could. Masaru nodded, pouring a small amount of soap into the water. As the water barreled down into the tub, the once smooth and calm surface became littered with bubbles. Once the water had reached Katsuki's ribs, Masaru turned the handle, ending the water's journey to the tub.
Katsuki squealed out of excitement, taking as many bubbles that his arms could carry, and tossed it into the air, the suds floating down gently as if it were snowing, landing in Katsuki's hair and shoulders. Masaru chuckled at the ash blonde's excitement, memories of when he himself was a child flowed through his mind and he could see his childhood excitement in Katsuki. Katsuki looked up to his father, a toothy grin emerging on his face.
"Look, dad!" He threw the bubbles back in the air again. "It's snowing!"
Masaru gave Katsuki a small smile.
"I see that honey. Close your eyes for me please, I have to wet your hair!"
Katsuki nodded, shutting his eyes. Masaru grabbed a cup that had been sitting in the corner of the tub and swiftly filled it up with water. He gently poured the water on Katsuki's head, making sure to avoid getting any suds in Katsuki's eyes. That would be the worst possible scenario for Masaru and Katsuki. He wouldn't want Katsuki's loud screams to echo through the household, disturbing his mother while she was working. Once Masaru emptied the cup of water on Katsuki's head, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into his hand. He lathered his hands with the shampoo and began to run his hands through Katsuki's ash blonde hair, determined to cover every inch of his hair with shampoo. Pretty soon, the once blonde hair was now a pale white.
"Ok! Now you can open your eyes!"
Katsuki did as he was told, looking into his father's eyes.
"Can you do the thing now?" Katsuki asked, giving his father the puppy dog eyes. "Please?"
Masaru chuckled. "Ok!"
Masaru's hands went back to Katsuki's hair and began to style it. He grabbed two spikes from Katsuki's hair and folded the rest down, keeping those two spikes up. For some reason, Katsuki giggled as he watched his father, the overwhelming excitement began to overtake his small frame. After a few minutes of Masaru styling Katsuki's hair, he had finally finished.
"There we go! Would you like to see it?"
Masaru turned around and grabbed one of Mitsuki's mirrors, which was sitting on the sink's countertop. He pointed the mirror towards Katsuki's face and almost immediately saw the ash blonde light up in happiness. Most of Katsuki's hair was pushed down with the help of the soap, while the two spikes that were left untouched stuck up like they were rabbit ears. Those rabbit ears belonged to All Might himself! Katsuki LOVED the symbol of peace, often begging his parents to buy him all his merchandise for his birthday or for Christmas.
"How did daddy do?" Masaru asked Katsuki.
"Great!" Katsuki exclaimed, holding up two thumbs to empathize how good his father did. "I love it so much, dad!"
"All right! Close your eyes again for me honey, I have to get that shampoo out of your hair."
Katsuki shut his eyes while his father refilled the cup. Masaru tilted Katsuki's chin up and gently poured the water on Katsuki's hair, cleaning off the shampoo. Once Katsuki's hair was clear of shampoo, Masaru reached into the warm, soapy water. His hand wandered aimlessly towards the end of the tub, eventually finding the small plug. He pulled it out of the hole, allowing all of the water and soap to travel down the drain, only leaving Katsuki and a few suds.
"There we go!" Masaru said, taking a towel off the countertop. "I have your new towel!"
Masaru held the towel up, revealing the symbol of peace in his golden age uniform, the words 'Fear not! I am here!" Were over and below All Might. Katsuki grinned. He had begged his mother for that towel for months and received it for his birthday!
Katsuki stood up in the tub, water dripped off his body, falling back into the tub. Masaru draped the towel over Katsuki and picked him up. Masaru opened the door, shut the light in the bathroom, and carried Katsuki to his bedroom. Once he entered the bedroom, he set Katsuki on his feet. He opened Katsuki's closet and pulled out his pajamas. It wasn't that special, just a blue and red shirt with neon blue pants. Katsuki yawned, his eyes began to get droopy due to how tired he was. Masaru lifted Katsuki into his bed, knowing that Katsuki wouldn't be able to make it in his bed in such a drowsy state. He set the ash-blonde gently in his bed, wrapping the blanket around him. He kissed Katsuki's forehead lightly, causing the ash blonde to smile, before letting out a rather cute yawn.
"Good Night dad!" Katsuki mumbled, shutting his eyes. "I love you!"
Masaru smiled, before walking to the door and turned the light off.
"Good Night Katsuki. I love you too."
Katsuki sighed, letting the hot water hit his back. He wished he could relive those memories, back when his parents never fought and were happy. After he rinsed the suds off, he turned the water off and grabbed a bright orange towel off the towel rack.
After drying most of his body and his hair, he wrapped it around his waist, keeping a hand on where the two ends connected, not wanting for the towel to fall in the middle of the hallway. His free hand scooped his dress shirt, socks, and underwear, making sure he didn't leave any dirty laundry on the bathroom floor. He knew that he would receive a major scolding about how he was lazy for leaving clothes in the bathroom and how he needed to be less forgetful. He shuddered at that thought. He exited the bathroom and headed to his bedroom.
He opened the door and closed it behind him. However, before he could lock it, his mother burst through the door, startling the ash blonde.
"A-Ah! Mom, what the hell?! Knock first!"
"Oh be quiet!" Mitsuki grumbled, handing him a gray dress shirt with black pants. "This is what you're going to be wearing. You better be ready in ten minutes."
Katsuki nodded, watching his mother walk out of the room and shut the door behind her. Katsuki sighed, locking the door as soon as she left. He opened his dresser drawer and pulled a pair of light orange underwear. He dropped the towel and slipped on the underwear, followed by the pants. He buttoned up his shirt and tucked it into his pants. If the ash-blonde had, to be honest, he didn't want to go to the courthouse. He just wanted to stay at home and sulk for all of the summer.
However, he knew that his mother would kill him if he refused to go, so he had no choice.
He sighed. Once he had finished buttoning his shirt up, he headed downstairs.
"It's about time you came downstairs!" Mitsuki grumbled, wearing a long, black dress. "What were you even doing up there?! You're 5 minutes late!"
"I was getting ready!" Katsuki snapped back, not wanting to deal with his mother's shrill shrieks. "It takes time to get ready!"
"Yeah right. I bet you were just being lazy. You're just like your fucking father, you never want to do shit on time!"
Katsuki's eyes went wide with shock, which turned into fiery slits. His mother had just disrespected his father! No matter what his father did, he still loved him dearly! He was not about to let his mother say such things about him and get away with it!
"Hey, just because dad isn't here doesn't mean you can disrespect him you fucking old hag!"
Mitsuki growled, already fed up with her son's attitude. She stormed over to the ash blonde and swiftly smacked him on the side of his head. He groaned in response, clutching the side of his head.
"Do NOT disrespect me, Katsuki Bakugou! Just because your dad left doesn't mean you can take your anger out on me! Now get your ass to the car or we're going to be late." She said, adding a quiet growl on the last sentence, implying that she was at the end of her rope with Katsuki.
Katsuki gulped slightly. He knew that if he pushed Mitsuki any further, he would send her into a screaming fit, which would often cause him to shout back, earning him a hard smack across the side of his head as a punishment for talking back. If he had to be honest, his mother frightened him a little. However, a small sliver of his mind wanted to push his mother past that point. Maybe he could use that against her in the courthouse. After all, he'd rather be with his father than with his mother. His father always treated him with respect, while his mother treated him like an object, never referring to the name she gave him as a child, replacing it with 'little shit' or 'brat.'
It was almost as if his mother stopped loving him.
He can feel hot tears build up in his eyes, which he quickly wiped away. He couldn't cry now. Not in front of his mom, not in front of anyone. He had to be strong. If that meant submitting to his mother, so be it.
"Y-Yes ma'am...."
Mitsuki smirked, ruffling the ash blonde's hair.
"Thanks for being a good child!" Mitsuki said, walking out to the car.
After a second or two, Katsuki followed her.
Katsuki's eyes glanced upwards at the courthouse as Mitsuki pulled into the court's parking lot. It had seemed a lot bigger than Katsuki expected. He opened the car's passenger door, stepping out onto the pavement. He closed the door behind him, hearing Mitsuki slam her door shut.
Mitsuki motioned for Katsuki to lead the way, an opportunity which Katsuki hesitantly took. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to hurt his father if he couldn't get custody. If his mom didn't win he could give less of a shit, but he didn't want his father to lose what little family he had. He shuffled his way to the large, wooden door and gripped its brass knob. The knob felt cold to the touch, but not cold enough that Katsuki wanted to pull his hand back. He turned the handle and pulled the door open, the hinges creaking as he pulled it wider. He stepped inside, his shoes tapping against the tile floor. In the center of the courthouse was a large, mahogany desk that held over five receptionists. He stepped up hesitantly, not knowing what to do or say.
"Good morning!" The receptionist said, her bubbly personality overflowing. "How may I help you on this wonderful day?"
"Um... I'm here for a court case with my mom..." Katsuki mumbled as the nervousness wrapped itself around his words like they were snakes constricting their prey. Katsuki felt as if he was being constricted himself, all the stress caused by today had made his entire body ache, the urge to vomit began to rise in his stomach, even though he ate nothing. "C-Can you tell me what room I'm supposed to be in...?"
"No problem! Are you here for the Mitsuki Bakugou and Masaru Bakugou case?"
Katsuki nodded.
"Third door to your left!" The girl chirped. "Have a nice day!"
"You too ma'am..."
Katsuki and his mother headed to where the nice lady had directed them and opened up another door. Katsuki's eyes glanced around the semi tiny room. The room was quite small, unlike the lobby. The walls were painted with a light grey like it was a place where people were imprisoned. However, seated in the center of the room were six benches, three on the right and three on the left, leaving a large aisle in the center. The rows on the right had a sign on it, however.
Press only.
Must be for bigger trials... Katsuki thought, sitting in the center of the first row on the left side. He wondered when his father would get here. How long was this going to take? Did his father forget that he was supposed to come today?
His mother, on the other hand, set her purse down on the table to the right and sat down. She immediately opened her phone up, almost as if she was bored and didn't care about the case.
After what seemed like ages, Katsuki heard the door creak open, causing the ash blonde to peer over his shoulder. He saw his father, who had rushed in, sweat was soaking through his white dress shirt. Katsuki could feel hot tears well in his eyes and drip down his cheeks. He got up from his seat and dashed towards his father, almost tackling him to the ground with a giant hug.
"D-Dad..." The ash-blonde managed to get out, choking back a loud sob. "You're here..."
Masaru wrapped his arms around the ash blonde's trembling frame and rubbed small circles around his back in an attempt to get him to calm down.
"It's ok..." Masaru whispered in his ear. "I'm here now. I'm sorry I had to leave."
Katsuki only quietly sobbed, his tears staining Masaru's shirt. The brunette's warmth felt welcoming to the ash blonde and made Katsuki not want to let go. After what seemed like hours., the two's sentimental moments were soon interrupted.
"All rise for Judge Hadley." The bailiff's deep, scruffy voice boomed through the courtroom, causing Katsuki to flinch slightly. He let go of his father, who darted over to the other empty table. Katsuki followed in his father's footsteps, sitting back in the spot he had previously. A few people were sitting in the room now other than the ash blonde and his parents, most of them were family members or friends of Mitsuki and Masaru.
The judge walked in, seating himself at his desk. As soon as the judge sat in his seat, he gave the bailiff a nod, basically ordering him to continue with the case.
"You may all be seated."
Everyone obeyed the bailiff's instructions and sat down on their benches.
"Good morning everyone, this is the case of Masaru Bakugou v Mitsuki Bakugou for custody of Katsuki Bakugou correct?"
"That is correct," Mitsuki said.
"What was the reason that you two split up?"
Katsuki heard his mother ramble on and on about how his father always fought with her for little reason, but he began to tune her out, staring off into space. His eyes glanced over to his father, who was trembling slightly. Katsuki wrapped his arms around his gut, as a large pant of guilt hit the ash blonde as hard as it could. He didn't want to deal with the guilt of picking his mother or father, knowing very well that his decision will just hurt the other person. The urge to vomit began to rise again, making Katsuki's stomach hurt even more. His cheeks began to turn into a sickly shade of pale green and sweat began to roll down his forehead. He swiftly wiped away the sweat with his sleeve. He tried his best to ignore the feeling of nausea and listen to his parents bicker. He tried to think of happy stuff, like him qualifying to UA, or the trio celebrating his birthday. However, these memories did nothing to help the ash blonde, as he could feel the bile rising to his throat, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. His eyes went wide, knowing what was to come next. He got up from his seat and ran down the aisle, almost taking the door off its hinges.
Thankfully, he didn't have to travel far, as the bathroom was right next to the courtroom. He dashed inside, seeing a vacant stall all the way at the end. He ran inside, not even bothering to lock the door behind him. His knees gave out on him as he clutched the sides of the porcelain toilet bowl. He gagged, releasing the contents of what he had for dinner into the toilet bowl. The taste of bile coated his mouth as he let out another quiet gag. After what seemed like the end of his vomiting, he grabbed some toilet paper from the rack and dabbed away the bile that had dribbled down his chin. Tears began to stream down his cheeks, to which he aggressively wiped away with his sleeves. He hated this. He hated being sad all the time. He hated the stress that he had to go through because his parents split. He was going to be a professional hero and have all the fun he could have! He didn't want to sulk all the time but for some reason, the emotions that he tried to hide kept coming and coming, overtaking his body. Katsuki knew this was going to be a losing battle with his emotions, but he sure as hell was going to fight until he dropped. He just hoped that no one would see him fall. He didn't want people to think he was weak. He stood up from his spot on the ground and walked over to the sink. He turned the tap on, seeing all the water flow freely down the drain. He cupped his hands under the stream and splashed some water on his face. He put his hands under a second time, drinking it this time. He gargled the water in his mouth, trying to get the disgusting taste of vomit out of his mouth, before spitting the water out in the sink. He grabbed another sheet of paper towel and wiped the water off his hands and chin. He let out a quiet sigh before walking out of the restroom.
As Katsuki entered the courtroom, he stopped immediately, hearing his father crying, his head rested in between his arms. Katsuki's eyes went wide, his pupils shriveling up to small dots. What could have been so bad that his father would be crying?!
"I'm sorry Mr. Bakugou, but I'm afraid that you will not be receiving custody of your child." Judge Hadley said, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Your home is in an extremely high area of crime for Yakuza and villains to attack. Let me assure you that this is not personal, but for the safety and welfare of the child."
Katsuki felt as if his knees were about to give out on him, the urge to vomit from horror came rushing back to him. He choked back the urge by swallowing. This couldn't be real right? His father wasn't going to have custody of him? No. This had to be just a bad dream! He was going to wake up from this nightmare and see that his father had won and that he would be staying with his father for as long as he wanted.
He pinched himself and felt a large wave of horror encase his body as a small amount of pain traveled up his arm. This was no dream. It was nothing but a real-life nightmare for the ash blonde. He was going to be stuck with his mother and his father couldn't see him anymore.
"Sir please..." Masaru hiccuped, before choking out another sob. "Katsuki is my everything... I can't lose him..."
"I have made my ruling. The court is adjourned." The judge banged his gavel against the wooden desk, seemingly ending Masaru's fight for full custody and ending Katsuki's fight of having his dad back.
Mitsuki smiled, being extremely happy with herself for winning her son. She didn't care how it made Masaru feel, as long as she had her son, she was satisfied.
"Come Katsuki." She beckoned to the ash blonde, who was still in shock due to what he saw. "We're going home."
Katsuki nodded but headed over to his father first. He hugged him as tight as he could, the roles now switched, for it was Masaru crying instead of Katsuki.
"I love you so much, dad..." Katsuki whispered in Masaru's ear.
Masaru wrapped his arms around Katsuki, not wanting to let his son go. However, their sentimental moment was once again interrupted by Mitsuki, who yanked her child out of Masaru's arms.
"Goodbye, Masaru," Mitsuki said coldly, waving goodbye to her now Ex-Husband.
Katsuki looked back to see his father one final time, but he didn't see his father.
Masaru was gone, instead replaced by a broken man. A man who had lost everything he ever loved in this world. He was slumped in the chair, sulking in his most recent loss.
It was all Katsuki's fault that his father was like this.
(Three days later)
"Hey, mom...?" Katsuki hesitantly asked, walking down the hardwood stairs into the living room, where his mother was on the couch, watching the latest soap operas. "Can I ask you for a favor...?"
Mitsuki looked up from her spot on the couch at Katsuki, visibly annoyed that Katsuki interrupted her during her precious television time.
"Depends on the favor."
Katsuki rubbed his neck nervously. He knew that his mom wasn't going to help him with this favor, but he figured it was worth a shot.
"I have some stuff I want to give dad... So that he won't forget me... Could you give me a ride to his house...?"
Mitsuki growled.
"HELL no. There's not a chance in hell that I'm going to drive to that lazy prick's apartment. If you want to deliver something to him, get off your lazy ass and walk there."
Katsuki growled back, trying to think of a snarky remark to counter back to his mother with. However, he kept his mouth shut, knowing that if he were to talk back, all that would result was a hard smack on his head.
"Fine," Katsuki said, running upstairs to grab what he had planned to give.
It wasn't a lot, just a few pictures of Katsuki and Masaru together and an All Might blanket that Katsuki used when he was a child. He didn't want his father to forget about his child, so if Masaru wanted to relive the memories of Katsuki, he could go to those items!
Once he had collected all of his items, which he stored carefully in a duffle bag, he trudged down the staircase.
"Fine. I'm going to walk there then." Katsuki mumbled, waving to his mom.
"He still lives in Musutafu, on 4693 Pomegranate street." His mother said, not even bothering to take her eyes off the screen to watch her departing son.
Katsuki sighed, slamming the door behind him. He didn't even receive an I love you from his mom. He shouldn't have been surprised though because his mother didn't truly care for him. He shook his head. He couldn't think about it now, as it would only drag him down. He had a mission, that being to make his father happy. He wasn't going to let some old hag like his mother ruin that.
Katsuki noticed that the sun was setting quite fast. Knowing that he wasn't going to have a lot of time to get there before nightfall, he began to run to his father's apartment.
4691, 4692, Ah! 4693! Katsuki thought as he approached the door. The hike up the stairs made the ash blonde's calves feel like they were on fire, but he knew that it was all going to be worth it. Once he would see his father's face light up in joy, his pain would go away. He excitedly brought his hand up to the door and knocked gently on it.
No answer.
Odd. Katsuki thought. It was only 8 pm, so his father wouldn't have been sleeping yet. He knocked again, this time a little louder, thinking that his father didn't hear him.
However, once again, he received no answer.
Katsuki grew a little concerned. Had his mother given him the wrong address? Was it by accident? Or did she do it just to hurt the ash blonde? He reached out for the doorknob, knowing very well that the door was most likely locked, but figured that there was a slight possibility that the door was open. To his surprise, he turned the handle and the door opened. He took a step inside and took his shoes off, observing the house.
There had been some boxes scattered around the house's floor that had yet to be unpacked. Other than the boxes, the room was stripped bare of furniture. Katsuki felt confused, had his father just moved in? If so, he couldn't be sleeping as he had no furniture to lay on!
"D-Dad...?" Katsuki called out, walking further into the house. "It's me, Katsuki! I have some stuff I wanted to give you!"
He spotted a hallway, noticing that there was a light on in the last room. He figured that his father was there! Katsuki began to smile, he was so excited-
To step into a giant puddle of water. Katsuki groaned, looking down on the large puddle, his socks getting wet.
"Dad! You spilled a bunch of water on the ground! Do you have anything that I can clean it with?" He asked, looking around for any sign of his father.
He turned to his right, seeing that the water was coming from under the door. He knocked on the door, figuring that his dad fell asleep while taking a bath and it began to overflow. He pounded on the door with his fist, thinking that that would wake him up.
No answer.
He turned the knob and rushed inside, desperate to help his father out.
However, when he rushed inside (and almost slipped), he froze at what he saw, his face turning a sickly shade of white.
His father's bloated corpse was floating in the bathtub, the usually clear water was now a crimson red, the water flowed gently from the faucet like it was a gentle stream on the perfect day. The water was spilling from the tub and onto the tiled floor. Masaru's head was slumped over on his shoulder. What caught Katsuki's eye were the sixteen large, deep slashes in his forearms, eight on the right arm and eight on his left.
Katsuki's eyes were as wide as dinner plates, the smile he once had in store for his father was long gone. He fell backwards, his rear hitting the wet, tiled floor, not caring if his pants got wet. He dropped the handle of the bag, and put two hands up to his mouth in horror. He felt the tears well in his eyes and as if something had possessed him, he began to sob. His father was dead and Katsuki couldn't help him. The stench of his father's corpse and the horror of seeing his father's corpse made the ash-blonde want to vomit.
He reached a shaking hand out to his father's corpse, just to see if it was just one big hallucination. These thoughts were soon foiled as his fingers came into contact with his father's ice-cold skin, which was turning into a sickly shade of grey. He stared into Masaru's brown, lifeless eyes which didn't stare back.
If his parents hadn't fought... his father would still be alive. If he had fought to be with his father, instead of leaving, his father would still be alive...
If Katsuki hadn't caused his parents to fight, none of this would've happened.
It was all his fault.280Please respect copyright.PENANAfQ4rzeFX8K
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