(The next morning)
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAmYxXCgRsHO
Katsuki was unable to sleep the entire night, the combination of the pain in his ass constantly aching after he was violated by Jason. However, he also was in a state of fear and panic, fearing that during the nighttime, when his mother was sleeping, he would enter the ash blonde's room and hurt him again. He wouldn't even be able to defend himself, god, he was so weak! Why couldn't he defend himself?! How the hell was he supposed to be a pro hero if he couldn't defend himself against one person?! He could feel himself shake, as he brought his knees to his chest, hugging them tightly. He didn't even want to leave his room at all! The fear and anxiety that if he were to so much take a single step outside of his room, Jason would hurt him once more! Even though it was his room where the unspeakable deed took place, Katsuki felt as if this were his safe area. A place where he could hide from all the evil in the world, whether it be villains roaming the area, Jason preying on him, or himself. He loathed himself for allowing Jason to do that to him. He should've fought back... He should've tried harder to squirm free, to free his hands and punch Jason in his stupid face. Why the hell didn't he do something?! He felt as if he was just a weak, frail little boy all over again. No matter what he could do, Jason would always overpower him! Katsuki wanted, no, needed to tell someone what Jason did to him! But... What if they didn't believe him? What if they scolded him for making it up and he lost his place at U.A? That would mean he would have to be home all day until he could find another high school that would be willing to teach him. Or worse;
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What if they told Mitsuki and Jason..?
182Please respect copyright.PENANAKEqAWQAnoD
Katsuki let out a soft whimper, his lip quivering slightly as he seemingly tightened his grip on his knees. He tossed the blanket over his head, almost as if it was a safe barrier for the ash-blonde as if he was a little kid again. His breathing increased drastically, but yet he felt like he was being choked! The overwhelming sensation of dread, that Jason would punish him again loomed over his head. He began to tremble at the thought, what would Jason do to him?! Would he choke him again?! Would he beat him? Or worse.. would he violate him again..?! Gosh, he could already feel himself being choked, yet there was nothing to choke him! He felt his stomach churn as a giant wave of nausea engulfed him as he wept silently, his face buried in the pillow. He didn't want to go outside of his room, to face him again. He wanted to sleep this all off, to pray that this wasn't just one, really fucked up dream!
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Much to Katsuki's dismay, his mother had other plans for the ash blonde.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAO6EmcX817V
"Katsuki Bakugou!" Her shrill voice echoed, snapping Katsuki out of his current state. "Get your ass down here! Jason and I need to tell you something!"
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Katsuki sniffled as he rose from his bed, wiping away whatever tears that had formed on his face.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAYbue9U3OyH
"I'm c-coming!" He stuttered, rushing to get up from his bed, and threw on a random hoodie. He limped slightly as he rushed down the stairs, he saw that his mother and Jason were sitting at the dining room table, sitting rather closely, their hands intertwined between each other. He quickly looked away as his mother beckoned him to sit down.
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"Come, sit!" Mitsuki gleefully exclaimed.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANA49kSKd33dV
Katsuki nodded slightly, taking a seat across from the couple, wincing slightly as he sat down. He looked towards the two, his eyes showing a slight bit of pain. He already knew what they were going to announce to him, and he dreaded that. However, it seemed like Mitsuki didn't even notice that her son was in pain (or she chose not to care), for her vision was clouded with bliss. He let out a quiet sigh, his eyes looking towards Jason. However, Katsuki was met with a fiery glare, almost as if he wasn't allowed to look him in the eyes. He quickly averted his eyes from Jason's, as he didn't want to make him angry.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAkiABiDCXb1
"So, Jason and I have an announcement!" Mitsuki gleefully said, earning a quiet nod from Jason. Before Katsuki could open his mouth to talk, Mitsuki stuck her hand out, showing the ash-blonde her ring. "Jason proposed to me last night! We're going to get married!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAPBxtH0hqnY
"That's... That's great..." Katsuki mumbled, forcing a slight smile to make his mom happy. "I'm h-happy for you..."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAm2Lop6AEsN
"What was that?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow. "Speak up, son."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANA9t03jiyVEY
"Y-You heard what I said...!" Katsuki said, his voice rising slightly. "I said I'm happy for you guys..."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAC4QLbz6qUF
"That's what I thought." Jason smiled. "Now, we are going to make some changes in this household!" He laughed. "There's a new sheriff in the Caldwell household!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANApcuVf6rlpF
Mitsuki snickered at her fiancé's cheesy joke.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAr0cz5MfyFy
"That's right. Your new father and I agreed on some rules to put your ass in line!" Mitsuki announced. "I know he'll do a much better job than your fucking father!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAADPakKeEuK
Katsuki let out a shaky sigh. His mother knew that he hated her talking about his father like that, so why did she do it...?! He wanted to argue with her, that his father did an excellent job raising him, and that it was her fault for him acting the way he did. However, he knew that he couldn't say such a thing, for Jason would jump to her defense and do god knows what.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANA7VO0l1fd0n
"That's correct!" Jason agreed. "You are going to be the most well-behaved child the world has ever seen, got it?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAu0RVXe1ECU
Katsuki nodded.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAKFMpcsGtQn
"All right, let's start with rule number one." Jason started, his hands resting on the table as he stared towards the ash blonde. "You are not allowed to curse under any circumstances. I've seen the way you go, 'oh, fuck this! Fuck that! Fuck you!' et cetera towards your mother, and it pisses me off. If I had said even half of what you say to your mother daily, I wouldn't be alive. You are fourteen years old. Only adults can use curse words." He sternly said. "If you break that rule, I won't hesitate to slap you across the face, understood?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANALYzKDMJ8YV
The ash-blonde nodded once more, terror streaking through his body not knowing what would happen if he were to disagree.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAvRxtLOZ2dP
"Good. Onto rule two. You are not allowed to argue with adults. If Mitsuki or I tell you to jump, your answer shouldn't be why, but how high. The number of times I've seen you backtalk to your mother in the month I've lived in her house is appalling. Your mother tries to be nice to you, but you don't give a shit about her! You would just simply sit in your room, sulk, and argue with her! You need to show your mother some respect and appreciation for all she's done. Hell, isn't she the one who can pull you out of U.A? I'd show some damn gratitude if I were you! If you decide that you want to argue, the same punishment goes for if you curse. Understand?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAHO7vMy1tsF
Katsuki nodded once more.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAJVAzieUe3I
"Speak up!" Jason suddenly barked, causing the ash blonde to flinch back. "How the hell can you call yourself a hero if you can't even say yes to a question?!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAN2WqnqvFIV
"Y-Yes!" Katsuki stuttered out, shrinking back into his chair. "I understand..!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAvIS9Ug55pz
Jason smirked.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAjbhXXSCGpz
"That's more like it! This brings me onto rule three, you won't be able to hide in your room all day, because now, you'll have chores." Jason stated, wrapping his arm around Mitsuki's shoulders. "That one your mother created."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAYDQZO2oTdy
"Damn right!" Mitsuki exclaimed. "I bust my ass every day to keep this house clean, and your lazy ass never does your part! It's about time that you learn how to clean this house!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAQDI7JfM2A5
Jason nodded in agreement. "That's right, so every day, we will give you a list of chores to do over the day, and we expect them to be done before the day is over. Failure to do so will result in you not partaking in dinner. Understand?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAgkcxE0waCr
"Y-Yes..." Katsuki said. "I understand..."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAklsALvNWQT
"Good!" Jason exclaimed. "I understand that you may think you can get around rules one and two by the fact that you have a severe anger issue, therefore you are unable to control what you say! However, you would be sadly mistaken. I heard that you used to take medication?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAANM97mlpNY
"Y-Yes, but it didn't work, it just-"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAVyPxtcqK2O
"Just a yes is fine, Katsuki," Jason said, interrupting the ash blonde's sentence. "I don't care if it 'didn't work', you probably were faking it so you wouldn't have to take it. You will be an obedient child from now on! You will be taking your medication twice a day, once in the morning and the other when you get home from school." He looked towards Mitsuki. "You still have the medicine?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAW455LBytz7
"Yep!" Mitsuki happily exclaimed, a large smile on her face. "It should be in my medicine cabinet! I'll go get it when we finish!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAx2KUPr8bKZ
"Perfect," Jason smiled, pecking Mitsuki's cheek. "You understand, Katsuki?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAlHPqhaaGWn
"Uh-huh.." Katsuki nodded.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAfoZDstEFK9
"The next rule for you will be your bedtime! Every night, I can hear you playing your depressing music every night, and it drives me insane! So, to prevent your mother and me from losing our sanity, you will be going to bed at eight pm, no ifs, ands, or buts. Punishment for not doing so will be administered by me. Got it?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAJFFpWjObUf
"The next rule Mitsuki and I made is going to be about your crying. I get annoyed by your whiny ass, always sobbing at the slight mention of your fucking lazy ass, crybaby father." He sternly said, rolling his eyes at the thought. "And besides, how on earth do you expect to be a professional hero if you cry? Real men do not cry, Katsuki. Real men are supposed to be stoic, strong, straight, and non-emotional. They don't just sit on their asses and cry! You are not allowed to cry in this household, got it? If I do catch you crying, I'll assume that you are not able to become a pro hero and pull you out of U.A. I think at this point you should just cut your dick and balls off, call yourself Katsunee, and enter an all-girls school, cause that's where sissies like you go." He growled, leaning forward towards the frightened ash blonde. "Am I understood?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANASDlPUezSbM
"I... I understand..." The ash-blonde whimpered slightly. He didn't want to agree to any of these rules! But... he was terrified, no, petrified of what would happen if he said no. What did Jason plan on doing to him if he did disobey?! Would Mitsuki even allow Jason to discipline him? The thought of what Jason could do to him caused the ash-blonde to shrink back into his chair, almost like a little kid being told off by their parents.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAeTBEL4fzlF
"Now, for the next rule, it involves your precious U.A. I know that you're excited to go to such a prestigious school, even though a fucking useless queer like you doesn't deserve to be there." He mumbled the last part under his breath, knowing damn well that Katsuki would be able to hear it. "Well, I know that people will try to talk to you, but that would only take your time away from doing your chores and being a good child to your mother and me. That's why your mother and I expect you to be home five minutes after school."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAEemwVX5ceq
"B-But U.A is t-ten minutes away...! What if someone in my class n-needs me...? What if they want to hang out with m-me..?" He interjected, bracing himself for punishment. "W-W-What if a teacher needs me to stay after..?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAPLmqLY9hWp
"Oh, honey," Mitsuki snickered. "In order for someone to hang out with you, you need to be friends with them! Lord knows you can't keep a friend to save your life."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAjEoMxik6H3
"Besides, who would want to be friends with such a useless, weak, and sensitive sissy like you?" Jason scoffed. "And it's your job to make sure that you won't put yourself in that situation. Oh, and you better sprint then. If you want to be a pro, then you must be fast. Am I understood?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANARXrZtE2gAM
He nods quickly. "I understand...!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAzUKUa4DbXC
"Good. Onto the final rule." Jason started. "My father used this rule with me, so, I'm going to use it with you. From now on, you are going to refer to me as sir, and your mother as ma'am. Along with any other guests that come into our house, you are to show your utmost respect towards them. Is that clear?"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAxP66QGUXD2
"Crystal... Sir." Katsuki hesitated. However, it seemed to make Jason happy to see Katsuki finally obeying.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAdREjIOQSq2
"Good! Hopefully, I won't have to punish you though! Because if you actually love me and your mother, you will follow these rules with no error! Now, go to your room, your mother and I need to talk."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAJdzgvJsMqv
"Yes sir..." Katsuki said, getting up from his seat, and scampered up the stairs.
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAhIkmNhnm7c
"Wow, I still can't believe he's actually following the rules!" Mitsuki exclaimed. "You are the best!"
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182Please respect copyright.PENANA00h3UMATK5
"Damn right," Jason smirked. "You won't have to worry about him, Mitsuki, I'll make sure he doesn't get out of line."
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAfXC1k9GRsH
She leaned up to her fiance, planting a kiss on his lips, a large smile plastered on her lips. Jason was able to control her son in mere months, something Masaru would never be able to do. If her ex was still alive, he would probably try to reason with Katsuki, only to give up midway through! Well, that was never going to happen as long as Jason was with her. However, she shook her head at the thought of her ex-husband. She didn't need to think of him!
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She had a wedding to plan with the love of her life!
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182Please respect copyright.PENANAaWQYbtwjXK
(2,366 words!)
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