I woke up and saw Hovi sleep in a chair with a gown on. Fuck is he doing with a gown on. I looked to my left and saw Budahh. I looked at both of them then I sat up looking for Avonni.
"She's with your sister. Thought we lost you for a second." Budahh said.
"Why is he wearing a gown?" I asked.
"He got into with the doctors. Security tried to band him and he went off his clothes got ripped. He's been here since you got admitted. Glad you woke up I think he like the gown." He joked.
"Your being too nice. What did you do." I whispered.
"You know, I thought you were gonna die Aboosia, that shit fucked with me, Avonni's crying for you.....it opened my eyes." He said and took a breath.
"Budahh I know your ass not about to cry." I joked. But he did. "I was just joking."
"Nah Boo, shit fucked with me. Everyday Avonni asked me if you were gonna make it. I didn't know what to say, nobody knew they wanted to pull your cord. Ya boy wasn't having it. Thats when I realized you were right, we been over for a while. If he fucks up though I'll kill him." He said.
"I know." I said.
"Boo?" I heard Hovi say.
"Hovi what do have on." I laughed and cried I missed his voice.
"I knew you were gonna wake up." He said climbing in my bed. Thats when I felt my stomach.
How long have I been out." I asked Hovi and they shared a look.
"Two months, your five months pregnant." Hovi said.
"I'm sorry." I cried thinking about that fight we had. I was trying to tell him I was pregnant that day but we found my files.
"Ma what are you sorry about." Hovi said.
"I thought you were mad I dragged your bitch. I was planning on telling you I was pregnant but then you found the file and mentioned my sister. I was so mad at you I just threw it away."
"Fuck that shit. Your awake and that's all that matters." He said kissing my face. Budahh just sat there and watched us. Not in a creepy way like he was happy for me.
"Mommy!" I heard avoni say and she got up and hugged. I held onto her tight.
"My baby your okay. Oh I missed you."
"I missed you too daddy been crying like a baby. Like these babies. Hello babies its me Avonni." She said my my belly.
"Please tell me she's joking." I said.
"Nope twins. Prince charming wanted to wait till you were awake to find out." Budahh said.
"Budahh quit hating." Lace said.
"Mommy I wanna come home you know they can't cook." My daughter tried to whisper.
"I know, soon as I can we out this bitch." I said kissing my little girls face.