My daughter was ready for school, her dad was here eating breakfast with us. My daughter has been with me for three days. I enjoyed every moment of it. My daughter was so smart and funny she reminded me of me when I was younger before my mama died. We were eating when it was a knock on my door. My stomach dropped that had to be Hovi. He was my sisters friend. We got close when I was locked up, we started to like each other. He was here to take me out to my job. In order to get my daughter back I had to have a job. So my sister owned a cleaning company and she hired me. I wasnt ready for Hovi to meet my daughter, it was hard enough on herthat she had to go between her dads house and mine.
"Who's that?" He asked.
"I got it don't worry about it." I said getting up. I walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey beautiful you ready?"
"My daughter is still here can you wait in the car I'll be out in a minute." I said and he nodded. I could tell he was upset but he wasn't my man just some potential. I went to walk back but Buddah was right behind me.
"Thats what we doing? You got a fuckin man?" He hissed.
"No he's not my man, but I like him. He rides around with me to work." I said.
"Get rid of him." He said.
"No." I said. I grabbed my stuff and went to leave but he was gone. Fuckin Buddah scared him off.
I was at this house cleaning. I swear I loved cleaning these houses. It was relaxing as fuck. It took my mind off of what was really going threw my head. I was cleaning this ladies house when I walked in her main bathroom. It smelledjust like my mother so I just closed my eyes and took it in. I was so distracted I didn't even see the man staring me down. The next thing I knew I was being yoke up by my hair. He threw me on the floor as he ripped my clothes off. He forced himself on me for what seemed like hours. When the door came down and I saw my sister and Buddah. Buddah pulled him off of me and began to beat the fuck out of him.
"Sissy. Hovi was suppose to tell you not to come today." My sister cried. She wrapped a blanket around me. "Buddah come on let's go."
"Ma, you good? I knew I should've stayed." He said picking me up. We got in the backseat with me and drove me home.