I handed Hovi the file and when he read it he threw it at me.
"This some kinda fuckin joke?" He snapped.
"I thought the same till I went to her mothers house. Your son isn't dead Hovi. She made you think he was to hurt you." I told him.
"Does Boo know?" He asked.
"No. I figured it be better coming g from you. How is she?" I asked.
"Shes on a walker she don't like it but she is happy to be gaining back her independence. I want my son back now." He said.
"Well let's go. Don't tell Boo I did this either." I said.
"I don't lie to Aboosia, she is like a hawk with liars."
"Yeah she can smell a lied coming." I laughed.
We had been driving well into the night. We still had a few hours to go and he was caked up on the phone with Boo. I thought this would bother me but it didn't hear my baby moms happy made me happy. I caught a look at her in a silk night gown and she looked good.
"I promise mami I will explain when I get home." He said to her.
"Wait why are you in Budahh's car." She said.
"I'm gonna explain when I get home, I promise you it will come together just go to sleep and I'll be home tomorrow."
"Hoviar." She said.
"Yes Boog."
"I love you." She said as if it was the last time she would talk to him.
"I love you more now get some sleep baby." He said and hung up.
"You ready for this." I asked.
"I thought my son was dead for five years. I been ready for this." He said.