tw: mention of self harm
Entry 6 28/04/22
School was better then expected. I saw XO and we were partnered for P.E, normally i’m not that exited for sport but my partner seemed to encourage me.
Something that wasn’t so good was the fact my history teacher just assumed we would do work on the holidays without assigning it as homework. Turns out the work we were supposed to do is due at the end of the week. I will admit I did do it all in one night and it turned out pretty damn good, but still what my teacher did was unfair. I love her and all and she’s normally so nice but still.
Since school started back up again so did extra curricular’s. I do swimming every Thursday , it’s competitive and tiring but still fun. I like swimming but i hate bathers there so tight and everyone can almost see everything, one time a little girl came up to me and asked me why my leg had scars. At the time i didn’t know what to say and i still don’t, she was just a child and didn’t know better but how was i supposed to respond? Another bad thing is the fact i’m surrounded by water taking a shower with fresh cuts is honestly worse then the cuts themselves and having that constant sting in my leg is like hell.
as always thank you
and goodbye for now :)