tw: animal abuse
entry 3 25/04/22
I might just use this as a diary of sorts to log down my thoughts and feelings, even events of my life that don’t seem as interesting. I feel those things still matter.
My neighbor's cat keeps crawling into my backyard, it’s absolutely adorable and it fills me up with joy every time I see it. It does ruin our garden beds from time to time but I don’t care. I love cats but I’m not allowed to have one, I’ve asked my parents multiple times. When I was younger they would say none of my other friends had pets, I’ve moved schools and all of my new friends have pets, my mum says it’s cause they're “white” but that’s not an excuse. Even my old friends who aren’t white have pets now, it’s so unfair. she brings up me and my brother's bird and how it died but she was the one that accidentally killed it.
she would purposely “forget to feed it” just so she could blame us. The way it died was horrible she had let it out of the cage( nobody knows why) and we were searching for it and it turned out it was on the couch and she had “accidentally” sat on it. my younger brother cried and my older brother and I just felt bad for the bird. Even if she was just trying to teach us a lesson this was not the way to do it.
as always thank you for reading
goodbye for now:)