Yukinira quote:
Why, this is what I say everyday
Am I real?
Who am I?
Why am I here
The same questions over and over?
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Lotusa quote:
I am here
Maybe she is my sister?
Is she real?
Am I being taken for a fool?
NO, not again not this time!
Keep on guard
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Lotusa could not believe his eyes, for the first time in years he had lost all words, he felt blessed for this moment and carious about what had happened all those years ago. However, he was cautious though, he had remembered the accounts from before of this happening. The search for his sister was well known, he had put out a search for her and put down many details about her, the bad side was that people had fooled him into thinking he had found her but just scammed him out.
Now he became so cautious he says nothing about searching for her till the time was right and makes sure the person he was talking to was his sister before they moved on. Emotions ran wild during this moment, emotions of happiness, concern and hurt all at the same time.
The search for his sister had made him travel far and wide, over many lands and in fact at times he even forgot about the reason for searching for her it became such a life style to him.
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All he knew was he blamed the Mirocons for her disappearance and he hated them for it and while searching for his sister he searched for them too. He did wonder though at times, if he did meet them would he say, he had hated them for so long the meaning behind it had got lost. The Mirocons had hidden themselves well, so well in fact people over the years ended up thinking they were just legends, stories nothing more.
One thing he did find out was he and his sister were part of the Mirocons, which brings another question about why they abandoned them.
He was scared out of his wits in meeting his sister, wondering what she was like, her personality and if they would get on. It did not help however that he held back a lot of emotions and considering what he went through in losing his sister he did not want to get involved to quick.
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They had spent most of the night down stairs in the tavern talking about who they were and what they remembered about their past. Yukinira the barmaid herself had emotions running wild, she thought she would never find her brother as she gave up searching altogether.
The reason why this tavern was set here, way out in to sticks was because, she wanted to move on with her life, did not want to spend it searching for someone she may had never found. During her time running the tavern she had heard rumours of a guy walking the land in search of something dear to him, she wondered at one point if it was him.
She quickly dismissed the idea because she wondered, ‘what would the coincidence of some random guy walking in and start claiming to be her brother.’
It seemed absurd to think that this was her brother after many years, however, the more she thought about seeing him come in to the tavern the other night she remembered all the feelings of the past that came with it.
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It was a weird sensation, something she had never felt before. She felt a connection towards him as though she had always known him but most of his life was unknown to her. She had not got history of where she came from, let alone the fact that she had a brother, it was seer luck that she found out.
Many questions rose in her mind but one stood out, ‘what would she do if he had left and she never found out the reason why he came?’ She needed to know and if that meant joining up and leaving this tavern, the tavern she grew up in, she was willing to take the risk.
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“So what did happen back then when you vanished, I mean, I went frantic looking for you, even as a kid?” He was leaning on the bar and got up in the moment to stretch, “I hated myself for allowing you to go like that, took me months to pluck up the courage to go looking.”
Yukinira swivelled on the stool and gazed passed Lotusa, got up and walked to the entrance. She turned round and leaned on the door, it was dark as the only light the tavern was getting was the moon light shining through the windows and the cracks in the wood round the building.
“I don’ think I can explain that one to be honest?” she said depressed as she looked to the two axes on the wall realising in this moment that this was the last time ever seeing this place.
“Are you saying that you cannot tell me or you refuse to tell me!” remarked Lotusa who turned away from facing her with mixed emotions of Yukinira and gazed towards where the orc was and guilt set in his heart.
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Yukinira walked quickly towards him and gestured, “no, no its not like that. I generally cannot remember much back then?” She said frustrated as she knew that sounded stubborn. She had tried on many a days to remember, tried many tricks of the mind and saw many professionals but everything failed, just parts of memories that really meant nothing. She suddenly became angry, “do you think I am happy to walk about knowing that part of my life is in darkness and I have nothing to show for it. The only thing that confirms who you are to me is that pendent round your neck and that’s it.”
She bent down, picked up a piece of paper and threw it in to a steel bin and leaned on the bar facing Lotusa, not sure what to think of the whole situation. “At times I get the odd flash back and even then it does not mean much!” Lotusa understood the feeling well as he went through the same thing and held her hand to comfort her during this time.
She erected herself and took off her bracelet and looked at the words, “when you sure this and the words, what were you thinking?”
Lotusa grabbed the bracelet and turned as he held it as to not show emotions as memories came flooding back. The emotions were very mixed between the two of them, both had very different expectations, they felt happy that finally they were talking to the one person they were searching for. However, they really did not know each other either and both felt very cautious about the whole thing.
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Lotusa kept turning the bracelet round as though looking for something, “what are you looking for?” said Yukinira watching what he was doing. “I am looking for the mark our parents made in the bracelet,” he looked up at her and quickly back to the bracelet. “Listen, I am not saying that you are not my sister or anything but this mark will confirm that you really are her or not!”
She understood what he meant, she too, had been searching for years and after some time and then you finally meet you do wonder is any of it real in the first place as though its unbelievable.
She said nothing, knowing that his doubt was valid, as he put the bracelet back on the top and she placed it back on her wrist.
Yukinira knew Lotusa had a question, “what is it, you wanna ask me something?” she said.
He laughed, “am I that obvious.” Yukinira smiled, “just a little!”
“It just that bracelet was mothers for I remember her wearing it but how did you get?” he remarked as he questioned Yukinira over how she retrieved it. He tried hard to hold back all the questions he had, part of his feelings were stuck on the idea that he could not believe he was here talking to her.
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Yukinira thought about her mother that she could not remember, “to be fair, she did not give to me. I don’t remember
her,” she closed her eyes as though she was praying and carried on with her thought.
“I got given it to me by an elderly friend of mine when she was dying!” Again she paused and had to compose her self over the memory as Lotusa saw how touching this was.
“She handed it in my hand and said, ‘keep this close to you as it is most precious.’ She died after that, like she was holding on to it for a reason. I never got the chance to ask questions.”
She stepped over to the room with the dead orc as it was starting to smell, she opened the door and gazed in and shook her head and leaned on the door frame.
“You know we really need to sort this body out, don’t fancy the idea of leaving it here as it will smell eventually.” She thought about the tavern and how to deal with this situation by morning but then suddenly changed direction of the talk, “who are the Nacbal’s you mentioned them earlier?” she added as the question had annoyed her.
She had the thought of the orc inside her head at the same time because she kept swirling round the idea, that why would some one kill for just 2000 gold pieces because that was the price for Lotusas head.
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Lotusa walked passed her and into the room, he knelled down next to the orc and stepped in the blood, hoping Yukinira would forget about the question because that was one history he really did not want to get in to.
He started searching the body for valuables for trading on the road but turned up nothing, he hit his fist on the floor, “dam, nothing!”
“You know, one thing I do think was strange were the kidnappers, I remember them well.” Till now she hid some of the details about her past because she was not entirely sure of who this Lotusa was but to know for sure he realised the honesty of the past was important. Lotusa stood quickly as though Yukinira had touched on something that was close to what he was searching for, “good, I need to know what they looked like?” he said hurriedly and stepped a bit to close to Yukinira and grabbed her shoulders.
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She shoved him off and he rose his hands as an apology and she thought about the events of this evening and why now that they met. She had many questions about the past and the recent events, like why was he called Lotusa and not Bilbo which was his real name.
She walked over to the back of the room and sat on a wine barrel with a small candle hanging that gave hardly any light whatsoever. Lotusa stepped closer as he could tell this moment could be the moment he was waiting for, “it was not the way they looked that bother me but more of what they had with them that did, never seen anything like it before?” Lotusas heart raced, “I did not get a long look but I peeked through small rip that was in the blind fold and saw this huge pure white dragon sitting there.” Yukiniras mind went back to that day as a child and Lotusa practically jumped of his feet in hearing this, “what?” he shouted in excitement.
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“Don’t know what happened after that, as I got hit in the head and was out cold, they must off realised there was a hole or something.” She stood and paced back and forth, “I don’t remember much after that because the next thing I knew I woke up here on the street.” She pointed to the left indicating where. “The lady that died was the one who found me, she took me in and I have been here ever since, thats why I could not search for long I had nothing to go by really.” Hearing what she had said made Lotusa hate the Mirocons even more, they both had suffered because of them and in a sense they both wanted to find out more and why this was happening.
In frustration he walked out of the room and turned his face to her, “you might want to burn this place down after what has happened.”
Yukinira ran to him and grabbed him by the arm, “what, the why?” she shouted. The idea of leaving this place was something like a night, the adopted mother refused her to leave the tavern by any means. She always gave the idea that something would happen to her if she did, so she never left.
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Lotusa ignore the grab and turned to face her, “you not safe, that’s part of the reason why I came looking for you in the first place.” He walked over to the stairs, “I am sorry but, they looking for you just as much as they looking for me?”
Yukinira again ran to him feeling some what out of place and anxious, “hold on a second. I can’t just leave, I have my whole life here?” she shouted and gesturing and looking round the tavern.
“Listen this is important, this will never end unless we deal with it. I am sorry again and I know this might be hard but it has to be done. Lotusa walked off and sat on the chair to get some rest. Yukinira tried pursing the conversation but to no avail and tried the rest of the night getting her head the new revelation, “oh by the way we leave in the morning so wear something you can travel in.”
Yukinira sat on a chair in the tavern and was quiet and contemplated over how she seemed to be leaving the next day, which in her eyes, wondered how she got to this point.
She panicked at some point through the night as never leaving before, she never knew what to expect let alone what to expect upon leaving and seeing the world round her.
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She had no idea in how to tell Lotusa about how scared she was in leaving let alone trying to convince herself that leaving was a good idea.
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She always had felt different but the idea of being a Mirocon had her worried, would she be known as a Mirocon or would she completely fail to live up to the name.
She thought about Lotusa and how he knew already he was a Mirocon and wondered how he lived by it but then again he never seemed to like the idea and hated them, it was something that only time would tell.
Sleep for Lotusa was some what interesting because of how he lived his life. HE was always in search for the next assignment of the job he did and because of this he never really slept in the most comfortable places and when he did sleep, he had night mares.
He was driving by this idea of getting revenge on the Mirocons, he could not live his life in peace unless he at least settled matters with them. He sat also thinking about the night and how long it had been and how if Yukinira came with him how green she was, however, he did feel bad. He knew that coming in seeing the first person who claims to be your brother asks you to leave with out question, he wondered if he would, if he had the same situation.
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One thing he knew, this was his blood line and did not want to give it up so easily after searching for so long.
He was a well known killer in some parts of the world and he knew that just because he found her that was not going to leave and knew that if she left with him her life was changed forever.
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Yukinira pinched her nose as the smell from the orc was drifting in to the tavern, and wondered why the orc was decomposing so quickly. The orcs were the only ones who’s life span was so short, they would live to about fifty years of age if they were luck and then when they died the body decomposed as though it was composed.
In history the people found a cure for the common cold and it was a break through and they started riling it out to the people. However, the side effects were damaging and the results of the cure was not long lasting. In fact this was where the Mirocons came in, they were the result of the process of the common cold and in reality they had reversed the effect of live in general. They were the most hated race that had ever lived, so they went in to hiding with no trace whatsoever and the stories began.
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She walked over to the window and looked out to the moon and contemplated, “how can I ever leave this place?!” She felt depressed and sad over the though, “this is all I know. What if I do leave what then?” she said to herself loudly gazing into the night sky.
She did not sleep well this night, the thought of leaving kept her up all night, she either walked about pacing or had the anxiety in her heart over what to do. She decided to go with Lotusa out waying the fact that knowing where she came from was more important, so she packed her long blade and a few food supplies, even though she hesitated.
She did wonder if the whole thing was a lie and thought, what if it was a trap, even so she thought it was important to go and find out for herself.
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Lotusa woke up quickly and startled Yukinira who fell to sleep early hours on the chair and walked over to the bar and washed his mouth out with water and spat it out in the sink. By the time he noticed her, she was already waiting at the taverns door entrance and he eyed her up and down as he thought the clothers make a difference in how people looked.
“You do know that we have to travel unnoticed don’t you?” in response to what she was wearing. She looked down her body and admitted that is was a little bit seductive, “yer I do know but, I wear the same maid outfit here everyday so this was all I had.” She tightened her leather belt up one notch, straightened her dark blue stockings with a snow flake pattern and pulled up her boots with a spike at the toe to be ready to leave.
She now felt excited to go as the time came near, “there, ready when you are.” She said to him and waited for him to acknowledge her.
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Lotusa stepped near and placed his hands on her shoulders, “I must be honest I am glad you are here, I was wondering if I was ever going to find you.” The one thing that got her going was the idea of her beginning, she had many questions that needed to be answered. For example who was her adopted mother as she was surrounded by mystery.
She also worried about the tavern, she never said anything as she did not want to complicate it, beside the tavern was going to be burnt down, so she tried to forget about it and tried to get excited about the journey. Lotusa knew this was going to be a long journey for her, she agreed to come that he accepted but was she ready is what he kept thinking about.
He stared at her, “you ready?” he said and opened the door. She stepped closer as he stepped outside and she felt nervous, “no but I am willing to see where this takes me!” They walked down the path way which was not much of a path, especially when all it was, was a bunch of stones put together as though the job was not finished.
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This place was not a bright place, it rained a lot and even though it was morning, it still looked dark as the night had not stopped. The sun was out, it lasted for about 3 seconds first thing in the morning and when it did come out, you got this yellow look in the air.
They turned round a number of yards away from the tavern Lotusa contemplated his next move as Yukinira formed tears as she looked back at her life at the tavern.
Lotusa noticed how tense she looked and asked if she was okay, “no I am not. I am not just going to stand here and just leave like this, this place was my life, everything I know is here and now what, I am just going to leave just like that. I am not good at this adventure stuff which you have done for years might likely!” She threw her bag down on the floor which was muddy and looked at Lotusa angry and crossed her arms as though he was going to hit him.
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She stood and was demanding to find out what was going on before she took another step as Lotusa saw how difficult she was and needed to encourage her in some way.
He stepped closer to her, “you love this place don’t you?” he replied in a very low tone of voice as turned to face the tavern.
“Of course this is all I know,” she paused as she felt emotional. “Out side this place I am nothing, I grew up here I know nothing of the out side world!” Lotusa heard what she said and questioned the idea of not being able to leave this place and felt sad for her, “so you saying, you have never left this place?” he said which he could not believe.
“Yes that is correct,” she said upset and walked back to the tavern and sat on the steps leading up to the entrance.
Lotusa followed, puzzled. “I am not I follow because when you said that earlier, I thought you were just angry and letting of steam.”
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“NO, I was not. My so called mother!” remarked Yukinira in anger not happy she now was adopted, “said it was to dangerous to go out. Now I know why?”
“So what yo just took her word for it?” he said sarcastic and shrugged his shoulders thinking she was very green in her perception. “Well I trusted her with my life, I don’t even think I would be here if it was not for her, she found me and took me in!”
It was true what Yukinira said, she gave life to her and looked after here in everything so she never questioned it as she felt wrong to. “So you never stepped outside?” he said again repeating his ;ack of understanding.
“No don’t be daft!” she said flippant on the response. “Sorry but I just don’t understand why she would say that, I mean did she ever explain why?” Yukinira went quiet for some time as Lotusa could see her mind working over time, going through the events of that day.
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“Maybe she knew more than what she portrayed?” she remarked as she stood quiet excited about what they were talking about.
“What do you mean? Like what?” he replied now interested more than before. “Like I said before, I asked her one day and she just started muttering something and was not happy that I asked?” Lotusa looked at her with intent, “and then what?” he said.
“Well nothing, I mean, I followed her and she just started talking this strange language I have never heard before and when she left one day I crept in to her room.” Lotusas heart was pounding like never before, he nodded.
“I found this weird writing, the most strangest thing I have ever seen it, I cannot even tell you what it looked like!” Lotusa looked excited and Yukinira could see that he could not contain is emotions as he pulled out his sword and showed her the writing down the middle of it, “was it something like this?”
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Yukinira got excited over the writing but still did not know what it meant, “this was ours fathers, it has been in our family for centuries!” He handed the sword over to her as she raised it above her head to see the beauty of this magnificent sword, “it looks amazing Lotusa!” she said as she admired it, looking at these two dragons facing opposite at the end of the handle, made out of gold scales for the grip.
The blade itself had two blades in one, one on the outside with the smaller inside the larger one. She handed it back to Lotusa and he sat and placed the sword next to him while Yukinira sat beside him.
“Its been so long since I have spoken to anybody about my past, its very strange, let alone the sword.”He paused and placed the sword on his lap and rubbed it with his fingers, “the sword is called, ‘the Celtic dragon longsword. They say its only fit for a king and its used to slay dragons like the Mirocons.” Yukinira looked at him, “did father give you the sword, I mean how did you get it?” Yukinira said finally able to ask some real questions on her history.
Lotusa laughed and slapped his legs, “ha, nah nothing like that. I found it in the basement of the place you vanished when searching for clues.”
Yukinira wanted to believe him but it seemed to easy and gave this expression of disapproval.
“Can I ask you something?” Lotusa said as he looked in to the sky, “sure why not, I have asked you many.” She wondered what it could have been as she really only knew what she had already told them, let alone what her connection was to the Mirocons.
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“This might come of as a strange question but, when you were taken all those years ago when you were little, how long do you think it was?” Lotusa said as though he meant more by it and it threw Yukinira off balance as she thought it was a weird question. Obviously to her it only a number of years ago but the way he mention the question, questioned her thinking on the matter.
“erm, I am not to sure why that would be a question really but I think it was about 20 years ago or something like that?” She gave this strange expression to Lotusa as a very insignificant question. Lotusa stood and grabbed a large log and held it in hand, “my dear sister.” He paused and lit the log with a click of a finger and the log flamed as he threw it to the floor, “that incident happened over hundred years ago now!”
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Yukinira stood with heart racing as she always had felt different and the years added because humans only lived to about seventy years, then old age caused problems then on. She walked up to Lotusa, “how did you do that with the fire?” she said as she was memorised by the ability.”
“This is just one ability that you have, did not feel though things happened when growing up that you could not explain?” remarked Lotusa who stood proud over is explanation of the Mirocons abilities. She rubbed her chin, “come to think about it, I do know what you mean. At times objects used to float round me when I was younger but it soon stopped so I never worried about it and that idea of that over a hundred years ago is also something I get because I have never really aged!”
“Since you are a Mirocon, you already possess the ability but because you never harnessed it, it is laying dormant inside, waiting for it to be used and the years you have lived is the result of the Nacbals!” Lotusa folded his arms.
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Yukinira had so many question but could see Lotusa getting anxious in leaving as though some one was coming and they needed to leave quickly, so she never said anything as she wanted to understand the meaning before adding more questions.
Then came the Nacbals, she had heard of them before but never even thought that any of what Lotusa said had a link either to her or to them and why was the question she kept asking herself. “Please stand back,” said Lotusa as he asked her to walk away from the porch. He already had prepared some barrels underneath the porch and stuffed some rags that were also soaked in wine and as it was a tavern he had not problems in guessing the alcohol would set the fire ablaze.
Yukinira watched as he again lit the log on fire and stood a few meters away from the barrels, “run.” He spoke with effort as he threw the log on to the barrels and as they ran the barrels exploded along with the tavern a blaze that could be seen for miles.
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With very little pain, they got up and turned to see the tavern in fire and she watched her life go up in flames in that moment as Lotusa placed his hand on her shoulder in a sense to say, “I am sorry!”
She shrugged his hand off, letting him know that she did not agree with him over this. He knew how angry she was and decided to just stand behind till she was ready to move on and a silence came over, that seemed like forever.
Yukinira fell to her knees and yelled out a loud cry over her pain and started punching the floor harder and harder realising her frustration. Hours went passed and Lotusas patience was wearing thin but it was important for her to morn in a sense otherwise she would not expect the journey. The fire eventually died out and she saw how black and burnt the place was, soot flew in the air as fire embers came to an halt and the smell of wood filled the air.
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They approached with heavy hearts and held their noses over the burnt flesh, those who had stayed inside the tavern were gone just like a blink of an eye.
“I feel bad about those who died inside, why did they stay?” She turned to face the one who started this for some answer but there was none he just looked as her eyes were red raw from the tears and the emotion.
“You did try to warn them, it is not your fault?” Yukinira did admit that warning the people was not a concern for her at the time as she never actually thought burning this place was going to happen. They had refused but with a lack of energy from Yukinira, which now she knew had to live with. She felt sick in the stomach as confusing set in over the events of the last day that had occurred quickly and with no time to think about what went on.
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She had no idea in how to cope with the current situation, she had never needed to deal with such a thing before. All she saw was her life in ruins, the tavern was gone, people had died and she stood next to a guy who could be lying just to get her.
Out of angry she faced Lotusa, “why the hell did you come here anyway and don’t tell me its about looking for your sister!” Lotusa stood near some burnt wood, turned and rolled his eye over how long it was for her to getting to the idea of her new life.
“I know this is a lot to take in I must admit it is hard!” he paused and stepped near her. He got closer and wiped her tears with his finger, “this has to happen, just search your feelings and tell me that is not the case?” Lotusa remarked to her.
She pulled away in anger, “I know this has to happened, I felt it the moment you walked inside that dam tavern. Its just all to much, to quick. I have more questions about my past than ever before, I have not answered any of them!” She stepped up to him and slapped him round the face, “what the hell was that for?” he replied with his hand over his face.
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“And another thing, hell the am I supposed to know you are my brother just because you know my past?” This was the moment he had been waiting for, he pulled out a letter from inside his cloak and gave it to her, “what is this?” she said looking at this letter that looked so old it would shatter in pieces by just looking at it.
“I knew you were here Yukinira, the orc was a ruse to get your attention and it worked. I just did not expect to kill him, I think that the ransom money he thought was real got the better of him.” Lotusa explained as he turned and stepped away to give her a moment with the letter.
She tied up her hair in a pony tail and grabbed the letter and stuffed it within her breast of the bra for safe keeping as she felt it was much to read right now as it started pouring down with rain and making the place mushy with the mud around the area.
She thought it was something in the lines of a family member reaching our to her, as she connected the dots with their conversation just moments earlier, however, her emotions could take much more so she left it for later.
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He decided to leave with Lotusa anyway as staying here was pointless after the tavern being burnt down, let alone the fact how interested she was as regard her past and his and how it all connected. Lotusa did wonder in his heart, however, why she never did read the letter when she did. He knew it must have been hard for her as it would anybody but not even getting the sense before they left was strange to him.
Lotusa had loads of ideas in how to talk to Yukinira, he had knew her for months before plucking the courage in coming to the tavern. He knew it was a difficult task and the ruse of the orc was supposed to just grab his sister attention to the point where the orc would leave and Lotusa would pay him later. However, the orc had realised who this Lotusa was and how much the Nacbals wanted his head and so he betrayed Lotusa and went to kill instead.
The only thing Lotusa regretted was the death of the orc, it was not needed and to save the tavern from problems at the time was to follow through with what happened, something he now had to deal with.
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Then came Yukinira, he did expect some sort of fight at least or at the very best some sarcastic remark in believing the whole thing fake. But to actually come to the tavern and be so understanding was not something he thought be possible, the burning of the tavern he understood that would have been difficult for any one but not to go off the handle afterwards was kind of weird in his eyes.
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Yukinira and Lotusa started moving on through the forest, she stopped between two tall trees and turned for one last look at where the rubble was of the tavern and smile, “no turning back now.” She mention to herself as she saw a dear like animal which was larger than a dear walking through the rubble like it owned it and thought she saw two men scuffling along the rubble as though they were looking for something but she dismissed it and turned round.
The ground was muddy due to the rain and even though the town Celeron, where they were, was supposed to be lush green with bushes and flora it was not. No body here ever looked after the land here and so in the end it every looked either bent, crooked or very run down.
The place was where the war started with the Mirocons and because of that it desecrated the area which meant afterwards all hope was lost in restoring the land, even though the war had occurred thousands of year before.
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It seemed to contradict itself here with the land, it was lush green and could pick of any fruit from a tree and eat it. However, at the same time, it had no colour, no fruitage growing and looked like it had been laid bare for years, part of the reason why no body cared, there was not much that could be done.
Yukinira passed through the land as though through war, she looked towards Lotusa as they walked. “To be honest with you, I think I will be glad to leave this place really. I mean yes I am going to miss it, a lot, but look at this place.” She paused and looked at this crooked tree in front, “its terrible, its falling apart, I will not miss that!”
Lotusa looked round and agreed as he though the same thing when he first arrived, in fact he wondered if there was any life here when you look around.
“Are you sure you up for the journey there is a far bit of walking involved here?” he said as he drank from his water skin bottle and filled it up again by holding the bottle out in the rain.
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“Of course, I am not afraid of work you know. But I would like to know where we going, not sure of what we doing?” she said pushing away some old tree barks in the way.
“We are going to find our companions the Nacbals or at least they were at some point, there is a friend there I trust, he set up the situation with the orc.” Lotusa said as he tied up his water bottle and slung it over his shoulder.
“So may I ask, why is this price on your head by the Nacbals because if that is the case why are you trying to find them?” replied Yukinira who thought the very idea of going to the people who want your life was dumb. “That whole situation was a fake remember, it was not real. However I did do a job for them and as it failed I took the blame so its not all fake I suppose.” said Lotusa after thinking about what to say before hand.
Admittedly, he did create a situation that was not needed either with the Nacbals or the orc for that matter but at the time he thought it was a good idea.
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“Hold on a second you telling me we going to the place where these people are the very ones who bascially could kills us just because you failed them?” Yukinira shouted as she was unhappy with where they were going and raised her eyebrows in disgust.
“I know that and I have thought it through, but only certain ones knew about what I was doing and I do have a friend there that could help. I know its risky but there is information there that we need about our past and the Mirocons that could help!” Yukinira had no idea what to say after that conversation because the more she asked what was going on the riddles she felt came and the more question rose. So in the end she was silent and it stayed that way for miles.
All of a sudden Lotusa spoke, “its funny?!” he said. “I was like you at one point, had no clue what I was doing and the more I asked the more I found did nothing made any sense, it was so frustrating!” Yukinira nodded in agreement.
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“I had no abilities or experience in war let alone fighting till I met the Nacbals in person, I mean of course I had heard they were part of our culture you could say but when I finally met them, man everything changed.” He said choping away dead trees along their journey, “what do you mean by that?” replied Yukinira.
“Those powers or abilities you have, they had a way in bringing them out so that is what happened to me, they helped me understand my own body and how it worked with the Mirocon gene.”
The conversation went on for hours as they trekked for miles across the land with Yukinira making it feel longer due to her many breaks. The rain had stopped and the sun came out but it made no difference to the land, there were sections that were lush and full of life and tangled with bushes, roots, animals but it was far and in between.