Sen Quote:
They will pay for what they have done
Hate is rising!
Need to find a way to destroy them?
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Jade Quote:
We will prevail, I’m sure of it.
What happened back there?
Where are they?
Am I on the right side?
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Jade had failed in control of her fathers people, the Nacbals. Not only had she lost Lotusa but Yukinira as well, let alone the information that had gone with them. Jade was sitting and pondering over how to tell Sen, her father, it was not going to be easy as he was not one that like losing. Frightened and nervous she sat trembling thinking over and over in her mind, trying hard to soften the blow as she was about to talk to him.
Jade never even thought that the whole situation with Yukinira was a rouse, the one thing she could not figure out though who was betraying who.
Was Yukinira betraying Sen because she realised how powerful the Mirocons were or was Sen allowing to hie people that he had lost so that he could get to the Mirocons through Yukinira, this was what Jade was constantly thinking.
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Jade knew that at some point during the capture of Lotusa and Yukinira she had let her guard down, this made her angry and she threw the bottle of ale across the room smashing it on the wall. The guards outside came in wondering what had happened.
Waiting for Sen to recover was like waiting for paint to dry, it took forever and the only thing she could do was to wait. She just kept pondering over how she had failed and what to say to him when he did recover. There was no reasoning with Sen, when he would find out what happened her life would be over and with out a second thought.
She just sat and kept thinking about her fate knowing this could be the end of her, it mattered not to Sen if Jade was his daughter or not. IT did not help the fact that the chair she was sitting on was wooden, the only cushion it had was a small bit of cloth she placed in it that she had ripped from her black dress at the bottom.
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She had been up and had little sleep over the last few weeks, her hair, generally healthy looking and sparkled now was dull and dingy due to the lack of personal care.
She took of her bracelet and glared in to the gold that shimmered form it as though she was seeing her whole life before and kept saying, “I have failed!”
Everybody knew in the Nacbals home land that the Mirocons were involved, they knew that Lotusa and Yukinira were heirs and were the only ones who had enough power to pull of something like that.
The more Jade thought about how they had just vanished and how simple suck a trick was that it blinded her made her realise how powerful they were gaining and that worried her.
One thing that angered Jade the most however, was how Yukinira had lived and had been part of them for years and there was nothing to indicated that she was plaining a cue. This was why Jade wondered if it was Sen and Yukinira had planned to look the way it did.
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Jade had heard her name being called to the infirmary as Sen had woken up and wanted to speak with her about the circumstances. However, she was in no mood to speak to him about it let alone trying to explain to him how it all happened, so she ignored it for the time being.
She turned on the chair as it looked like she was getting up but she just sat leaned on her knees and puffed a bit of air out and then slowly stood. She slowly walked to the door as though she was carrying a huge burden on her back and stopped just before opening the door and thought.
No one had ever seen her like this, she always made a point of not showing her feelings as it was a sign of weakness in her eyes so she sucked up her feelings, straightened her hair and walked out. Everybody within the community knew very well what had happened, it spread like wild fire and there was not a lot she could do about it. All she did was to show that it did not affect her, but that was becoming more and more difficult as she moved through the domain to Sen.
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She finally arrived at the infirmary, which would have been quicker if she never lingered about as she walked. She hated the idea of letting her father down, she knew what he would do and she had always tried to avoid it from the start. She plucked up the courage and she opened the door and saw her father lying their. She broke down in tears, the feelings of despair turned in to sorrow and all she could think about seeing her father was taking revenge no those who did this.
Jade walked up to him lying their, he had woken up but she hated seeing him in this state. He glared at her, even though he was in pain, he hid it well.
She knew what this look meant, it was his disapproval in her over the failing of capturing Yukinira and Lotusa. She ignore that and pulled up a stool and held his hand, as she knew that once he got passed his own arrogance he would see her as his daughter not just some pawn.
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“I am so glad to see you awake, father, you got me concerned!” She spoke softly because he was not all there as she wiped away a tear hoping he would not see. He was trying to speak but she could not him to well so she leaned in to him closer but she could not understand the words coming out of his mouth.
She called over one of the nurses from outside, “is this normal. Why cant I understand what he is saying?” The nurse in charge stood near her and while she was there she examined him, “unfortunately at the moment yes.” The nurse went on to explain to Jade that the stabbing had made him lose a lot of blood so if effected the mental state of his being but it was temporary.
The nurse injected him with some morphine, but he thought she was injecting him with poison and became agitated. After holding him still, the morphine started to kick in and she took a step back holding her mouth as it upset her seeing her father in this weakened state.
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She took a seat in the chair in the room and thought about how he would ever come back to the state he was in before and she waited for the inevitable as she could see no way out of this situation. Sen looked over to Jade to grab her attention and she came over to him, “yes father what is it?” she said trying to be strong for him.
Sen spoke but not to loudly, “this is yours now?” Sen knew this could be the end and he had some sense to a degree so he fought through to speaking words he knew and wanted to pass on his powers just in case as Jade found it hard to hear.
To Jade Sen was everything to her, he was her rock and it just killed her inside seeing him like this in a weakened state. Something was wrong however, this was not like Sen. He never gave up and and he always powered through so seeing him this way bothered her more than anybody else.
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Jade thought back to her past and remembered what Sen had done to fake his death so that the enemy would believe he was and wondered if this was the same thing, but did not know about it as he kept it silent. Sen took off his signet ring and gave it to Jade in her palms and closed them round the ring, “here this is your now!”
Jade started showing her feelings which she hated but it was becoming harder to hide them as she refused what her father said at first, “don’t be stupid, you will be fine?” Sen had not heard what she said as he was going in and out of consciousness and that made her realise that he was on the brink of death.
A law was made within the family to not show emotion within the command post, which Jade did not entirely agree with.
The law itself had been round for centuries, it was a law built for the Nacbals by the Mirocons. In time however as the unity of both communities broke up so did a lot of the laws that followed it. Because of Sens personality he followed the law to the letter even as he was on his death bed, he would expect to see his daughter follow it.
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Sen got Jades attention by waving his fingers slowly and she leaned over to hear what he said, “do not kill Yukinira. She is more important than what you think, you need to find her quick?” With that his head fell backwards and life diminished.
Jade heard what Sen had said but was confused by it because what was so special about Yukinira. She ordered all in the room to leave, which she did and she screamed at the top of her voice while hitting Sens chest in anger over that he had gone.
The nurses outside waited for Jade to command them to come back in and sort the body out, however, they had there own thoughts on Sen and Jade.
“Now that he is gone, maybe things can calm down round here!?” the nurse said to the guard standing next to her. “In general I do agree with you but be careful who you say that to, some round here were very loyal to him so I would not be surprised if his death would make him more popular to be fair” said the guard and stood very still just in case Jade had walked out. “That is true but I was talking about the idea that Jade cannot read us the way Sen could, she does not have that ability.”
“Listen,” the guard turned to face the nurse. “Just be careful, I have seen Jade working along side her father for years and believe me, she is no easy character.” The guard turned to face the door, “I have a bad feeling about this, don’t take it for what it is, it never is round here.”
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Jade stood and with a solemn attitude she crossed his arms across his chest, closed his eyes and held his hands.
“I will not take this lying down father, I will find those who did this to you and revenge your honour and your name.” She turned and stepped over to the door and the ones outside suddenly became aware she was coming and stood their ground while Jade took one final look and said, “I promise!”
Jade opened the door and looked at those standing their, she thought they looked suspicious but they bowed and she walked away with out a bother. She paused after a few steps and pointed to the nurse, “you!” she said.
The nurse nervous over her conversation now felt regret, so in a voice that sounded scared she said, “yeesss!”
“Prepare Sen for burial, we will celebrate his death in two days.” With that she walked away from the room and down the hall with the nurse and the guard feeling somewhat relieved and they walked in the room and gazed at Sen lying their.
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The nurse who could not care less about the situation looked at the guard, “so why do you have a bad feeling about all this then?” she said as the guard was bowing and praying even though he did not normally do this.
“I don’t know, its just that the Mirocons along with Nacbals have ruled with a hard hand for years, why would it change now just because things are getting out of hand, in fact it would be worse!”
The nurse walked up to a cupboard and took out a black body bag to put Sens body inside and thought about what the guard said.
It made sense for the situation to get worse for Sen had trained his daughter in all his ways and on top of that her personality was also left to be desired.
“Do you think that many will go to the procession?” said the nurse now thinking on his level and unzipped the bag. “you know Sen was not all that bad like people betray him!” the guards said.
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“You what, after what you have just said to me, your saying, ‘he is not that bad,’ with all the blood on his hands!” shouted the nurse getting upset with what he said, clearly trying to cover his conscience.
“Oh come on, at least Sen had this place under control. Jade has only been leading for a few weeks and look at this place, half the buildings falling apart, let alone that she had lost Lotusa and Yukinira. What does that say?” The nurse had no response, she just shrugged as it made a lot of sense and they were just about to place Sens body inside the bag when suddenly Sens finger began to move.
The nurse screamed and the guard wondered what had happened, she jumped back a few steps with hand over mouth, “did you just see that?” she said.
“See what, what has happened?”
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The guard walked round the table to see what she saw, “his finger moved, is it supposed to do that?” she said panicking and became very pale in the face.
The guard looked at her strange, “are you sure you saw that, come to think, have you ever seena dead body before?” replied the guard, feeling sarcastic.
“Oh don’t stupid, I am nurse you idiot but I swear, his finger moved.” The nurse again jumped back and saw his hand move, this time she jumped back to the guard and pushed him as Sen rose with the black bag laying on top.
He stood and the bag fell and the guard stood in front but facing the nurse not seeing Sen, “what the hell is wrong with you, get a grip?” he said dusting the dirt of himself.
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The nurse had no words as she tried pointed behind him to Sen but he gave no notice. Sen stepped up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned and before he could respond Sen snapped his neck and he fell to the ground.
Sen stepped over to the nurse and calmed her down not to make any noise, “shh.” He placed his finger over his mouth to make her not say a word about what she had just saw.
She became silent as she knew where this was going and the mistake she made as Sen grabbed her neck. He looked straight in to her eyes and she knew this was it but feeling regret was too late, “112Please respect copyright.PENANATxgp6CuMF1
I will show you who is in charge!” and he snapped her neck like a twig.
Sen stood at the door and looked back in to the room, gazed at the two dead bodies, “shame, they don’t even know they are dead!”
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He stepped out in to a small corridor and casually walked down and into the control room on the right and stepped up to a large control unit on the far side.
He broke a glass seal with his fist on the unit and pressed the button that opened a door behind a noticed board his left. No body knew about this door, it was for him and him alone, he had agenda of his own, he wanted Yukinira back and that was what he was going to do. No body knew he was alive and he wanted them to think he was dead as he found out Yukinira was going to betray him weeks before.
He put in place a plan that would gain he back despite what she had done. His feelings for her was strong and he had no care for what people thought.
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He went through the door and shut it tight behind him and looked about the room he was in feeling some what solemn, thinking he would not see this place again. He placed his hand on the door and lowered his head, he looked at his signet ring and said, “Jade, I am very sorry but I need to do this!”
Sen knew that this dark candle lit hall way that was left for this soul purpose he would have to say goodbye to his previous life.
He knew what he need to do but saying goodbye to Jade was the hardest thing he had to do and tears formed in his eyes. He turned and looked down the dark hall and started to reconsider but then he thought about why he was doing this in the first place and suddenly had a different demeanour.
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He grabbed the fire torch on the side hanging and started concentrating on the army he ordered his men to get together. He placed the fire torch on the small crevice to his left and holes were covered all the way down the hall and the oil placed inside lit the corridor lighting the place up.
He started walking down the hall and his feet echoed through out and ended up in a huge cavern that dripped water from the ceiling and stepped up to the railing at the end and looked over and admired his work. Hundreds of his men were all lined up in military position on the beach that came out from the cavern, all waiting for Sen to appear and hear what he had to say.
He stood watching with pride over the fact that he had created this army, even if it was created over many years in hiding without anyone knowing.
He wanted this war to be over, granted he wanted it over for his own gain but he knew that was far from over.
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Sen hated the idea of what Yukinira had done to him, he was played like a fool and his knew it. He still wanted, however, to have her by his side and even if what she did angered him, he had to find a way to gain her back.
He could never figure out why she changed, it was like a blink of an eye. One moment they were talking about ruling together and set up a whole life ahead of them, then suddenly just like that she changed. Sen went against the law of the Mirocons at the time of the Nacbals were one with them. Part of the reason why the two cultures split up was because the Mirocons believed in only true blood Mirocons where the Nacbals believed in you love who you love, regardless.
In time this turned in to hate for one another and a rebellion caused them to split, now so much time had gone, even if they wanted to reconcile it was to late.
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Sen took a lighter from his pocket and flicked it open and lit the fire with it, it sprayed outwards away from him and lit up the area getting the attention of his men below. They all turned and looked him, saluted and cheered his name repeatedly.
He raised his hands to quite the crowd and they slowly stopped calling his name as he lowered his hands in response. He held on to the rails, gripping them frimly and in anger over his thoughts as he spoke.
“My fellow warriors, today we leave our lives behind and walk into battle for the glory of our nation. HE paused as the army again cheered his name repeatedly and he rose his hands to quite them and carried on.
“Despite our homes and our way of life being destroyed and betrayed by the Mirocons and once our brothers at arms, we are ready to strike back.”
The crowd cheered, “we now know where they are and within days, we enter the greatest battle we have ever known. So I am telling you now, go home and spend time with your families and ask yourself this, ‘why am I here?’ and find the reason why you are fighting today?!”
As Sen said those last words, the crowd went wild, guns fired in to the air. Cheering and shouting could be heard for miles, and they scattered to all parts of the area to enjoy their one last piece of freedom before battle.
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Sen turned to his left and walked down some steps that was carved in to the rock face with this smile feeling good about himself as he heard his people enjoying themselves. At the bottom he saw two of his men fondling some women and both stopped quickly as they saw him seeing him. One of them saluted him and spoke of a well done for his speech as it was something they needed to hear and bowed in respect.
Despite that Sen was a tyrannical person as regards leadership, he knew how to respect his people and how to get them to his side.
The other guard also did the same, “well done sir, this time I am sure we will get rid of those dam dragons!” he waited for a response from Sen before he lowered his hand down with the female by his side. “At ease men, this is not a day for formalities, however I appreciate your kind words. Now please go back to enjoying yourself, that is an order.”
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Sen saw how reluctant he was as regards where he was and what he was doing so Sen walked up to him and lowered his arm down and mentioned the words, ‘enjoy for tomorrow you might be dead!’ His friend enjoying the company of his female friend shouted to him, “well that was strange. He has never been so kind before?” The guard turned round puzzled and stepped back to his friends, “yes, I do wonder why though, makes me nervous if I do say.”
The topic of conversation spread though out the camp like wild fire, jumping from one tree to the other, it was almost uncomfortable to Sens men. A little encouragement went a long way with people but Sen was not normally this way, so it got people talking and wanting to fight for him not just for the sake of it either.
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The guards stood watching Sen walking off greeting the other men in the camp all fascinated by the change in him but eventually they all went back to enjoying themselves.
Sen did have a change of heart but did not want to show to much, his men saw him as tyrannical and he enjoyed the idea of being so. However the anger he had in his heart moved him to want to take on revenge more than ever before every time he thought about the betrayal back home when this whole situation started. He carried on through the ranks of his men talking and trying to encourage his for the fight till he came to a large hut that a stiff breeze could knock over.
The hut was square and had four large horns growing out of the ground in each corner of the hut, outside like it was some sort of protection.
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Sen walked in to the building by the moving doors and stood, glared across the room. All those inside, turned and looked at the person who just walked in and once they realised who it was they stood and saluted him.
He sighed out of frustration as the greeting kept coming, “please at ease men, I am only here to drink like you guys!”
He then ignore them and walked up to the bar and sat on the stool to order a drink but noticed out of the corner of his eye, the people inside the building were all standing. A lot of the time, Sen had ruled with a heavy hand and those who saw him all made a point to wait till he was ready for them to carry on as in the past he had killed for those not giving him respect.
This time however it was different, he did not care for the respect he wanted, he just wanted to fight and kill the destroy the Mirocons along side Lotusa and Yukinira.
He turned round, knowing that he would get no peace, “If you lot don’t sit now, there is going to be problems here, understand!” he said angry and all knew what he meant and they all sat quickly and went back to what they were doing.
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He waved the bar maid over and ordered his ale, behind him the noise within the building became louder as everybody got on with what they were doing and he smiled.
Sen heard a particular conversation on the table near him between the men about him and his family. He was about to stand and walk over to them to give them a piece of his mind when a man came rushing in to the building, sweating and puffing in a panic shouting for Sen.
“Sen, Sen, where is Sen, I need to speak with him quick?” said the man hanging on to the doors for air.
Sen turned wondering what was going on and he saw very quickly this man was his trusted friend and guard Mended. Sen got up, “what is it?” he said not really to concerned over it.
Mended in to much of a panic ran over to him shoving those who got in the way, “Sen we need to talk, we have a problem?” he said as Sen grabbed hold of him to sit and catch his breath back before carrying on.
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Mended grabbed hold of Sens drink, the only person Sen allowed to take advantage and gulped it down then leaned on the towards Sen, “sorry about that, I ran from the control room!”
Mended had known Sen since childhood, they grew up together and knew everything about one another so when it came to misbehaving, Sen never worried about it. Sen looked at Mended and frustrated over the long delay, “well spit it out man come on?”
“Right yes, of course. We have done the research you have asked us to do and we have a pretty good idea where they are?” Mended said but concerned as he knew Sen well and even though he thought Sens ideas were a little out there, he still followed him like a loyal supporter.
Sen looked at him getting the feeling something was up with what he wanted to say, “yes and!” Sen added.
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“It is as you suspected, they are the link that the Mirocons themselves are looking for!” he said as Sen punched the top out of announce, “dam it!”
Mended added, “also. Jade knows something is not right up top, she suspects you are not dead, hence no body to look at soo,”
Sen started shouting, “I knew it. I knew they born from the blood of the Mirocons!”
He had a feeling Yukinira and Lotusa were but really needed confirmation on the whole idea. He also thought about Jade for a small while but decided to ignore it and carry on with what he was doing. Sen concerning himself about how to go around this looked at Mended, “is there anything else I should know?”
“Well yes, that was the good news.” Mended replied as he saw Sens face drop knowing there was more to come.
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“So what is the bad news then!” Sen remarked.
“The bad news is that Lotusa and Yukinira are not just born of Mirocon blood, they are hybrids, which is bad news for us!” replied Mended, worried about what Sen would say.
“Okay so they are a higher version of the Mirocons then, is that what you are saying?” said Sen.
“Yes that is right.”
“Great that’s all I need to know?!” Sen looked round the people inside the building and though how they had no clue what they were getting into.
“Sorry Sen but I have mire on those Imp creatures too?” said Mended who jumped in.
“Yes what about them, they are the ones help with the changing in to dragons right?” said Sen. “Technically yes and you know that the Mirocons and the Imps live side by side with other. However because of Lotusa and Yukinira they are all now one and the same!” said Mended confusing Sen.
“What the hell does that mean? They change in to the imps to then?” said Sen puzzled.
“No, they have all the knowledge of the Mirocons, Imps and us humans, they have all the DNA of evert one of them.”
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Sen became silent as he thought about the conversation, great. This is not good because now they are the most powerfully being known in the land and what makes it harder is they now have to heart of a human which is not good. Sen thought long and hard over how to get this out to his men or even if he should.
Mended knowing what Sen was thinking, interrupted his thoughts, “sir we do have one chance!”
Sen looked at Mended with a bit of hope inside.
“Yukinira is on the border line of what side she trusts so we could turn her, even though she has pretty much is on her full potential. Lotusa however, does not even know he has any power let alone he is a full blood Mirocon, so if we strike, we need to do this now, before its too late.”
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Sen places his hand on his arm and thought about the information and then turned to Mended, “listen. I think we need to be careful about who we tell this to, I have a feeling that things could turn drastically if this gets into the wrong hands.”