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Why am I not able to?
Am I really home?
Yukinira has changed?
I don’t know anything anymore!
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So different than before?
Lotusa seems different?
I feel different?
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It had been weeks since the day they left the sacred grounds, they were sweaty, tired and thirsty from the trek. The journey was not easy, it consisted of dangers that made their life's hell, the roads were long which crossed rivers, deserts that seemed to go on forever.
Their feet were left to be desired as sores were forming on the bottoms, the imps were in pain as their wings felt the ache from the amount of flying and the clothes were ripped and torn by the wilderness and battles with beast along the way.
It was some time away to the next village and Lotusa was slowing down, quicker than his sister Yukinira as he did not have the same power she had developed. Lotusa kept wondering where she had got the sudden change in power, it was like it happened over night, ‘something must of occurred when she was here?’ Lotusa thought.
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His mind went back to the day he arrived, he could have sworn the whole experience was real, he remembered the stone and how cold it was to touch, the wind and smells. He thought about the time he had been here and the amount of searching he had done for the Mirocons and how little he knew about the make up of them.
He hated them with a passion and the more he was here the more that feeling grew. He wanted to change the way people looked at the Mirocons so hating them did not help because to change things he needed them. He felt a dilemma coming with in his mind, one moment he hated them and the next he wanted to know more about this power that he so longed for all his life.
He turned back to see his sister and had a thought, “sister?”
Yukinira heard and walked up next to him and noticed herself over the few weeks that the journey had taken a toll on him.
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“Yes my brother, what is it?” she said in reply and in concern for him and his health. “I know this might be a stupid question because I don’t really know how you changed in to that dragon back at the sacred ground but!” he said sounding like a child asking this question. “Cant you just change like you did back then, it will be a lot quicker than all this walking?” Lotusa knew this might not have gone down all that well because inside his heart, they would have done if they could have but needed to know to confirm in his head.
She stopped as they all did and they could tell he was struggling with the idea of being here, they knew that they owned an explanation as it was him who found her not the other way round.
She breathed heavy and saw that Picillin and Devout were barely holding on so she spoke up, “okay guys, let us rest here for now!” They all sighed in relief and collapsed to the floor, “I need to speak to Lotusa anyway, there are a few things I need to talk to him about?” she added.
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They both sat on the floor where they were and Lotusa looked up through the trees and noticed that despite that it was day, it looked dark and murky because the light was being hindered by the forest trees. He straightened his legs out and scrapped the dry mud from of them, “before you say anything about the question I said?!” he mentioned quickly before Yukinira spoke.
“What the hell happened back at Sens hide out anyway?” said Lotusa wanting an answer but she was trying to avoid it so he asked another question.
“So what about the time when Jade said that you died?” he said.
“Is that what she told you?” replied Yukinira gesturing but was willing to answer this question.
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“Yes because the last thing I knew was hanging in that machine being tortured, then I heard you inside my head and I woke up here, what the hell was that about?” he said not really happy about how she avoided the questions.
Yukinira lowered her head and he knew that she was going to confess something about the situation, “I have not been entirely honest to you?” Lotusas ears pricked up and he wanted to listen with intent as she suddenly looked guilty.
“That day back at the base with Sen?” she said with sincerity. “Yes what about it?” responded Lotusa who really did not care for that day at all. “The thing is when I was hooked up to it, I also had a vision, it was father, our father?” she paused as she noticed how doubtful Lotusa looked.
“He said that I was the only one to gain the throne so told me to tell you that I was dead for that to happen, not sure how that would work but still that is what I did?!”
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Lotusa felt hurt over what she said because he had spent years looking for the Mirocons, not for the idea of ruling that was never what he was wanting but just for some claim to a family. However, finding out now that he was just pawn made him feel some what used let alone why on earth was he here if they did not need him.
“He helped me escape the base and transferred me here?” she said recalling her memoires. She felt nothing for that day, even when waking up seeing him dead on the floor she felt no emotions whatsoever.
“So what was he like then, father I mean?” said Lotusa trying hard to forget about the previous statement as he was sure there was an explantation to it and was not expecting the answer to what he said.
“You know, you met him?” Yukinira said as she gazed in to the fire they made in the middle of them both and saw Lotusa looking bemused and sat straight.
“Sorry, what did you just say?” replied Lotusa as though heard wrongly.
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“That’s right you met him?!” she said again, pricking his curiosity.
“What where?” shouted Lotusa in response which woke Picillin, whom looked round dazed wondering what it was and fell right back to sleep again. Both Yukinira and Lotusa had this strange stare about them, then Yukinira spoke.
“That Sensei that trained you, that was your father!” Lotusa was lost for words as he thought about his sensei who now was his father and felt betrayed over it. “That can’t be, but how?” He thought back to his life when the sensei was around and wondered what he had missed in the sense of a clue.
Yukinira spoke up, “I am very surprised that you never figured it out. I mean how the hell do you think he knew where you were that very night he took you in, let alone why you would go with some stranger, I mean that’s a clue for a start!”
Lotusa was so angry about the situation because now that he knew, it made sense that he was. He kept thinking about the way he treated him and how different he was as if he had always known him which he found strange but ignored it.
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He slapped his face in frustration, “man, what an idiot. I could have done so much if I had figure it out.” Yukinira looked and could understand the frustration because her situation was not all that different, “Lotusa, listen.” Yukinira paused and he looked up, “I too missed the chance too. When I came here I did not he was looking after me, I passed out at the base and when I woke he was dead on the floor here, a few miles back that way!”
Lotusa repeated her sentence, “dead?”
“Yes that’s right, Picillin said he used the last part of his power to transfer me here, and transferred all the power in to me and told me to stick by your side no matter what because the thrones need two Mirocons.
Lotusa looked at her very puzzled, “so basically we need each other for our powers to connect together for the rule to work?”
“Yes that’s right, something like that!”
“So back there, when you were in that dragon state. Could you do that from before or was it something you learnt?” This conversation went on for hours, none of them really took note of the time as both imps were sitting listening to the whole thing.
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“A bit of both really, because I was here months before you came here? When you saw me flying across, I had just finished my training.” Yukinira went in to her own world as she explained the feelings she had when she changed but Lotusa became resentful in some way, knowing she achieved it before him.
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“That’s interesting because I thought we were locked up only for a few weeks but you saying that it had been months, I don’t know its all the same when you locked!” Lotusa looked up and saw the dusk forming in the sky which meant they had spoke the whole night without rest.
“Time works different here!” she gestured, “and please don’t ask me how because I don’t even know.” They both laughed over what she said and for the first time since they had met, they felt like brother and sister. Yukinira grabbed the gold circular symbol and gave handed it over to Lotusa, “what is this?” said Lotusa looking round the gold symbol, wondering what it meant.
“Father gave it to me before he died?!” Lotusa held it to the light forming and saw the same writing he had seen everywhere else, “the writing looks very familiar?” he said.
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Lotusas thoughts got wild, wondering where he had passed so he could remember where he had seen it but Devout suddenly made an appearance in front of him, startling him.
“Come Lotusa, think. You know you have seen this before, I cannot help you here?” Lotusa tapped his head thinking it would help the process, but then he realised where. “I got it, it was when I was younger, this old man I called Sensei took me in. He was very old but never seemed to grow older thought, which I thought was weird. He had this long white beard and had muscles like iron, I mean he was really toned!” Lotusa paused as he could image the old man and his muscles and felt hot inside.
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Yukinira jumped in the conversation, “that’s father you are talking about, our father?” Lotusa kept quite not because of his thoughts but because of the confirmation over that he was his son, h always had an idea but could never figure it out.
After a few moments of silence, staring in to space, he spoke, “anyhow. “Lotusa said, “he gave me this medallion just like this one, he said to me that it was important but, even now I have no clue what it is?” Devout smiled and flew back to Picillin, “what happened after he gave it to you?”
Yukinira got closer to her brother, “well that’s the thing. I never saw him again, he vanished. He said to me that he be back as he had some town things to sort out, but he never came back. It did not surprise me though because he was very secretive, I never knew what he was doing half the time. One time he came back with blood all over his hands and when I asked him, he became flustered and walked off!”
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Lotusa sighed heavily, looked down, “all makes sense now!?”
Picillin flew over and felt the need to speak up, “I am sorry and I know this is between you and your sister but!” she bowed in front of Yukinira out of respect, “yes go on if you need to?” Picillin turned her attention to Lotusa.
“I think I can explain this?” Lotusas ear pricked up and listened carefully to what she had to say, “its not his fault because at the time he was enlisted to battle. However, he went against the norm of his people and was exiled for it and therefore could not return!”
Lotusa paused, “that’s interesting because when he did not come back I looked through his things and there was no mention of this anywhere?”
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He gestured and looked at both Devout and Picllin, “that was the time I found out about Yukinira and that she was my sister, he had her name written in some old book, so hence why I started my travels round the world.
A silence came over them as all had spoke for some time on this deep conversation but also for Lotusa and how he had to get his head round the idea of what he had just found out.
Picillin who was on Yukiniras shoulder broke the silence, “the problem was that your father had rebelled against the Mirocons and because he could not return, we?” pointing to herself and Devout, “had to come up with a different plan. So we came up with this idea of us watching you and implanting ideas till the time was right to access them.”
Lotusa suddenly felt betrayed like his whole life was a lie. He was glad to find his sister by a long shot but the more he found out the more questions he had.
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Picillin flew over to Lotusa, feeling for him and hovered in front. “by the way, why the hell did it take so long for you to find your sister anyway?” Lotusa smiled nervously and did not have the heart to tell them that at first he was frightened to search for her, it took months before he finally got the courage to leave.
A strong wind blew through them and threw Devout on to the floor from Lotusas shoulder, which Lotusa walked over and picked him up, dusted him down and placed him back on his shoulder.
“Look I know I was slow but think of it from my point of view, I had just lost the only person I viewed as a family member and just found out that I had a sister, what do you think I would have done first. Let alone what information I needed first?”
Every one nodded and pulled faces as to agreeing with him and Devout flew up in to the sky and saw that the weather was turning quick. He flew back down concerned, “listen, as much as we need to continue this, there is a storm on its way. If we do not find shelter soon we will all be doomed, we need to go now!”
Yukinira got up and dusted the dirt of her and sorted her bra out and started to go through the trees in the distance but Devout noticed that Lotusa was not moving. He was still at the fire waiting, so he flew back.
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“What are you doing, we are going to lose them if we do not hurry?” He flew behind him and gave a little shove but because of his small size it did nothing to move him.
Finally Lotusa moved but did so reluctantly, as the information had taken its toll in his mind and it weighted him down as they both followed Yukinira and Picllin through the forest. Devout felt a sense of cold in the air and because of his size, he felt cold so he put on his hood which had little cat ears on top and flew next to Lotusa.
The journey through the forest was long which was due to the thickness of the trees and their roots along with the bushes with Lotusa ending up in front of them chopping the vines away making a way through for them.
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At times they had to take the long root round due to the thickness of the forest and that took time as Lotusa still was very quite due to the conversation.
He issue was that he never remembered this as his home and if he was here sleeping in a mind state then at some point he would have remembered it. This bothered him and he needed to get his head round it before he stated his concerns to the others, it did not help that this place, his home land made no sense. There was nothing about this land that had logic and that make him think as to wonder if this was fake and the other realm was the real realm.
Lotusa even though he was struggling he kept making noises over the fascination of the realm, Devout on his shoulder looked at him, “do please do shut up, that’s very annoying!”
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Lotusa sighed over the frustration of the situation which mostly was because of the journey than the conversation they had and stopped because of the huge branches in the way.
Lotusa broke the branch and held on the it and allowed Yukinira to walk passed and Yukinira stopped just after.
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“Hey, are you okay. You have been silent for some time now?” said Yukinira concerned for him as the imps were behind a few meters away so they could talk, without interruption.
“You know its funny life?” Lotusa said as he carried on chopping the vines, which some were tougher than others and needed a bit more effort.
“What’s that?” replied Yukinira who was seconds behind dodging the pieces of wood and sticks coming from the chopping in front.
“Well I was just thinking because I knew that I wanted to find my family but to know that after all this time, you would end up an heir to a throne, I mean how on earth does that happen?” Lotusa said in some way, frustrated over the journey and his feelings over the thoughts he had and stepped through some mud. Yukinira looked at him from behind and even though she could not see his face, she understood him, “I agree felt that way for months. But Lotusa don’t you feel that this is right, you meant to be so to speak?” Yukinira had been in this world longer than Lotusa so she knew how to search the meaning behind human thinking and to rule out the wrong. However, she did hope that Lotusa had some idea in how to achieve this, she did even before she met Lotusa.
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“Not sure, I mean, its okay for you because you have been here for months. Me I have only been for a few days a least, I’m still trying to process the lot!” Yukinira felt the frustration he had within in him for the first time since he had arrived here, also the way he came out was enough to leave him alone.
Lotusa stopped as he thought about his past and then carried on, “I have always felt as a person and even when I was a kid, I was left alone because they all thought I was weird.” Yukinira felt sad, as she talked about her life.
Lotusa interrupted, “yer, I suppose I did feel different as a kid, now that I think about it!” Yukinira, responded, “I always felt I had these problems that no body else had and they hated me for it?”
“Yes I know what you mean, because I always felt like that I should not belong and I should be else where?” Lotusa then turned to face Yukinira and a sudden joy over came him and they burst in to laughter, “at least now we know why hey?!”
They both jumped over a large rock and the wind was picking up, they carried on. “You know I think that’s part of the reason why I took so long, I ignored that feeling for years before I actually did anything about it.” Lotusa stopped again and turned to face his sister, he bowed his head, “I am sorry!” he said.
“Ahh, don’t worry about, I do understand as I felt the same remember. Besides, when I saw you that day, something woke in me, like an aura or something?!” she said and sorted out her chest as they move into an uncomfortable position.
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Both imps behind them, looked at each other with this smile as though they had achieved this greatness. Picillin spoke, “I think we can move on to the next level?”
“I agree and it is so good to know that we are all back together again as one.” Both of them hurried on in front to scout the area and when he turned back to see Yukinria and Lotusa, he saw this huge bloom of black smoke in the distance.
“We need to hurry a storm behind is coming quick,” Devout grabbed the attention of Yukinira and she saw this huge fog coming their way fast. In panic they ran through the forest and Picillin looked behind to see how far the fog.
Yukinira wondered how different the forest looked, it was not as green and lush like it was seconds ago. Now it was dark and creepy as though something had come alive and they were in the middle of it.
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Yukinira tired hard to change in to her dragon side to get a better view from above but her powers were relatively new and her panic prevented her from doing so.
Lotusa saw that Yukinira was caught up in some branches, which was because of her distractions and cut her loose, “pay attention, it looks like you were day dreaming!” Yukinria pulled her leg out, “come on, stop complaining, look?”
Yukinira said sarcastically as she pointed at the fog while Picillin was in a slight panic as Devout noticed that the fog weirdly was gaining speed, “guys stop playing around, its gaining speed!” Lotusa stopped what he was doing and wondering why all the fuss, as to him it was only fog, it was no big deal.
Yukinira gazed at her brother standing still, “what is wrong with you, we need to move?” she shouted to him. “Why what’s the big deal? Its only fog?” Lotusa said shrugging his shoulders as Picillin flew in front, in a hurry.
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“Its not just fog, its a living breathing creature, the creatures inside are strong, unusually strong and most people who get stuck inside never come out so hurry!” Without hesitation, he picked up his sister and ignored her body being pressed on to is as he laid her in his arms and ran as fast as he could through the forest trees and bushes.
In frustration he shouted out his true feelings, “I know you said this is home but to be honest nothing here makes any sense whatsoever. Not sure this place is worth the fight to be fair?”
Yukinira with arm round his neck shouted, “will you concentrate!” as the imps were flying on both side of him.
Lotusa felt the pressure as he ran, while the fog gained speed. He felt angry over experiencing things that no man should experience and the creatures too were different, let alone the fact they should not even be alive let alone to roam about.
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Suddenly the fog faded just as quickly as it came and all of them stopped running while looking round in relief, wondering what had happened. Then hail came down in the sizes of golf ball, it was hard to the point of the hail breaking trees and destroying the forest round them. They started running again but time through the hail, which battered them as they did, bruising their skin.
It was getting difficult to navigate through the hail as it came down in bucket loads making visibility almost impossible to see through.
The hail turned in to rain and Lotusa put Yukinria down as he sense something, “I think you should walk from here, I can sense something coming?” he said as he pulled out his sword ready to pounce. Yukiniras hands began to glow as fire started forming round them as she put her hands up in defence and all four of them stood in formation ready to fight as they waited to see what Lotusa had sensed.
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Yukinira turned round as she heard a scream behind her and moved closer to the rest of the group, “did you hear that?” she said as Lotusa kept his ears open.
Lotusa did not have the ability to change to his dragon counter part yet but he knew like his sister how to fight that was not a problem. Lotusa missed his old sensei, not as his father but as the teacher he knew him to be. He taught him the wisdom of life and how to deal with problems when they came and it was in moments like this that reminded him of the sensei.
Things in this system was different to the human world, dangers lurked in every corner and only the strong survive and this was something they had never dealt with before.
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The light suddenly became dark as their vision was seriously reduce as they realised the fog had caught up with them. They stopped but needed to carry on but with caution as the creatures could jump out at any time as they moved slowly together, huddled.
Picillin froze as she heard the sound of wings flapping, “guys can you hear that sound?” she said and spoke softly so not to grab unnecessary attention. “Yes I do but it is very faint, but lets be ready, just in case!” he said and prepared his mind for a fight.
Devout unlike Picillin never really worried about the fights ahead of him, he knew his skills and trusted them, however when he did fail, he learnt from them.
Both of them hovered in front of Yukinira and Lotusa as all of them were ready and running was not an option.
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Suddenly this huge wing spanning miles started to form out of the fog. The imps hands glowed with electric power as the creature came in to view making this loud out cry.
All four of them froze at the sight of this huge bird that had long claws and tried swooping down to devour the imps that were in front of Lotusa and Yukinira and again the bird made this huge out cry. The outcry was the sound of nightmares, it went straight in to the ears and through the ear drums as though someone was poking them with a knife.
Before the bird could catch them and it swooped down a few times missing them, however both the imps flew off the ground and with their hands full of electric power gushed out lighting on to the bird freezing it in on straight shot.
The bird started heating up dew to the lighting from the imps and in amazement, Lotusa started walking towards it though it was unsafe to do. Yukinira pulled him back by the arm holding him away from the heat. Suddenly Lotusa saw that the bird started heating up as the smoke became evident, the more lighting the imps imposed the more burnt the bird.
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The bird started to shrink in size as the feathers started to shrivel in to nothing and eventually it became a pile of ash on the floor in front. The imps stopped as the lighting faded and they both fluttered to the floor and took a breather while looking at each other, “man that felt good, had not done that for such a long time!” said Devout with this huge smile across his face.
Picllin agreed with the statement as she also breathed heavy and both Yukinira and Lotusa walked up to them and congratulated them on a job well done.
Picillin flew up in front, “yes an I think it was a good job but we need to move on quickly as there are more out here and more dangerous too?”
Picillin cast a spell on them before they left to light the way up with surrounding them with this blue light that lasted for hours during the fog but also kept away the predators.
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Lotusa again became very quiet, he had trouble settling in as it was not his normal life style, however, Yukinira, had no problem. She had settled in and got used to the surroundings so she had trouble whatsoever and would do anything to protect it.
The blue light protected them for the next few miles through the fog, the creatures were not that of a problem and all four of them would have destroyed them with no trouble and because of the environment they were in, it was no surprise.
In time the fog left, which was a relief for them, however, it left a deep scar in their hearts. The spell wore off and the light faded, their eyes were sore not only because of the tiredness but they had to adjust to the light as it was bright with the spell.
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Lotusa placed his sword on his back, “I am shattered and it be nice not to continue for a bit, plus I would like to understand what is going on too?” he said. Picillin looked at Yukinira, “you know what that's not a bad idea because I to am shattered and lets face it, we have been moving around a lot, plus you do need to talk to Lotusa?” Lotusa wondered what about, even though he thought it was about him being here.
Yukinira turned to face him, “listen. I do understand but these trees are not trust worthy, a lot of spies stay hidden here so its not goof to talk. When we get to out next destination I will talk!”
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She felt the muscles in his shoulders and felt good to feel them which was a hidden truth in her heart as she started to get emotional. Lotusa felt bad as he saw her looking upset which he did not like and walked up to her and hugged her.
His mind drifted as he felt her chest press against his and tried to forget about how he felt, “Okay, okay. Let us go to the next rest stop, we will be fine, its just I hate it here!”
They turned and they noticed they were on this rocky road that they never saw before because of the fog and walked down it.
After a few more miles they came across a tree trunk across the road and as they walked to its side down a steep hill amongst the trees roots they saw this huge hole cut out inside it. They walked down and in to the carved hole and both imps looked at each other knowing this was where they were heading in the first place. They never let on to them both as they needed to find out by them selves as some sort of test of loyalty.
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The test involved leaving them to journey where their hearts led them, even if it was the wrong direction. The Imps could mention basic information but most of the time it had to come from Yukinira and Lotusas own memories and rely on the ones that their minds had blocked for centuries for the rule of the Mirocons to work.114Please respect copyright.PENANAUJlg78SYeF
When they reached the bottom of the hill, Yukinira looked up and in amazement she spoke out one word, “WOW!” over what she saw. Above all of them was this clock that was fixed on to the tree bark, it had been engraved in to. In a sense it was just for show but it worked and had been working for thousands of years, it was a symbol of the tress life.
Lotusa was hesitant about going inside but Yukinira walked straight ahead, “be careful, you don’t what is inside?” he said concerned for her safety.
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Both the imps were on their shoulders and Devout whispered in his ear, “come on, you must go in.” Devout looked over to Picillin and both Lotusa and Yukinira suddenly realised what they were hiding. They trusted them regardless and Lotusa slowly walked up behind Yukinira and as they did the clock now behind them above just meters away was heard loudly and a small glow could be seen in the distance.
They walked in further and Lotusa was in awe over how magnificent this place, “this place is incredible, who lived here?” he said.
Yukinira became startled as she was thinking about how familiar this place felt, “its like I have been here before but I do agree, this place is amazing!”
Lotusa thought no matter how great this place looked, it made no sense either as Picillin flew in front and stood on a small stomp and looked at them. The glow which was green came from outside and in to the large area of the entrance and bounced of the pond.
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They both looked to their right and saw another clock from top to bottom of the tree, it had icicles hanging from the clock but they were made out of wood, as though the tree had melted.
Lotusa walked up to one of the icicles and rubbed his finger across it, he then turned to Devout, “yep its bark, its very weird!” He kept looking round and like Yukinira the place looked very familiar to him and could not get this weird feeling out of his head.
He kept walking round the clock and it was just meters away from the edge of the tree wall, suddenly Yukinira knew what this place was, “you should know this place Lotusa?”
He turned to face her, “what?” he said thinking now twice as hard.
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Picillin now flew off the stomp and on to a ledge with the clock and the numbers, “well to be fair both of you should remember this place?”
Both faced Picillin and Devout whom now stood next to her and Yukinira questioned if she had the right memory.
“Oh yer, like what?” both of them said in sync.
“You both once lived here?” said Devout.
Devout stepped up to them on the ledge, “what this place?” he said looking round the area, “but its weird?”
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“This place is might be weird but its true, you both lived here once!” said Picillin who backed Devout up in what he said.
“Oh come on, what is all this hush hush with you guys, cant you just tell us what we need to know?” shouted Yukinira looking red in the face with frustration.
Picillin looked at Devout and they looked concentrated, “you know he has a point. This is a good enough place to tell them?” Devout agreed as he flew off the ledge and hovered in front of them and pointed to where the green glow was shining.
“Okay but first you have to head down there!?” said Devout pointing in the direction they needed to go. Yukinira jumped in, “why? What is down there?” she said stepping closer to her brother and noticed the green glow bouncing off their skin.
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Devout flew close to Lotusa, “don’t worry friend, we closer than what you think?!” Lotusa looked at him as he tired hard not to burst in to tears over what he said as they both slowly walked down deeper down the depths of the tree underground.
“What did he mean by that?” said Lotusa to Yukinira with worry. “I don’t know but he looked very sad,”