Need to get out
Why am I here
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What have I done?
Mistake I have made
Need to rectify
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Despite the fact that Sen tried his best for his people, he always ended up being the tyrannical leader he did not want. He did kill spot if needed and did not care for those he hurt.
At one point in history with the Nacbals, Sen was a good leader, however, power got to his head. This changed the way he looked and when they merged with the Mirocons years back in history, it became worse. His people ended up disrespecting him, he would torture someone just for the sake of it and for one simple small mistake that went way to far.
The people did follow him and they obeyed his commands, but it was not because they did so out of good leadership. They hated him and feared what he would do if they upset him, many of Sens men had lost friends and family so they just blindly followed. In a sense, some even viewed death as a realise from the suffering of being with his leadership.
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His people were like robots in the end, they even tried to go for surgery so they would have no thoughts, some even paid for professionals for them to become thoughtless and robot like. After disobeying or making a mistake more than three times, Sen would torture that person for three hours long. This included whipping, beatings and mind torture. After which, a mindless brain washing would follow.
Sen had lived a long life and before the Mirocons invaded the planet, the Nacbals were the oldest race living. Sen had achieved a prolonged live and was one of the military leaders that controlled the movement of the earth with out being seen.
They were unbeatable at one point in history, conquered land after land and taking no survivors. When he did take survivors he used them as slaves and the females as his own benefit and satisfaction.
Warriors from all over came just to be trained by him, which in turn made his army into the thousands. He was called, ‘the impartial warrior,’ at the time. Any one and anybody from the ages of teen up could join but in time all that changed.
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Yukinira went about her life with Sen pacing and wondering what to do next about the situation. Back in the room they were in before, she leaned on the wall, “look Sen, I know who you are?” Sen looked back worried, “what on earth are you talking about.” He stood quickly and started to look as though he was hiding something and became mesmerized over her long blue silvery hair.
“So the title, ‘impartial warrior’ meant nothing to you then.” She walked over to him and his eyes widened, more than normal and thought, ‘how did she knew that?” Sen placed his hand on his sword ready to pounce as he listened to every word she was saying.
“What happened to you, they called you that because of the compassion you had for others?” she said and realised how ugly the situation could be and stepped back a few paces.
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Sen knowing where she was coming from lowered his head in shame, “all you do now is kill!” Her mind went back in the past to their relationship and a sudden sadness came over her.
Sen got off the table and glared at Yukinira, the person he thought he knew, “who are you?” Sen let go of the handle on the sword, thinking that this was not the person he thought but in reality he was shifting the blame from himself as he knew very well what she was talking about.
“You mean you do not recognise me?” She became distraught over that he did not recognise her but also understood why. “The mistake you made Sen was to put me in that machine all those years ago because I remember everything!” Sen stopped in his tracks now wondering and thinking who really was this Yukinira, this female standing in front of him, was she the person he thought or some one else?
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It worried Sen because Yukinira now remembered everything from Lotusa, when they were kids and what happened to them when they got separated. “Is it really you?” he said as a rush of feelings came flooding back to when they met years ago not just recently. He stepped closer as he thought his eyes were seeing things.
Sen walked round her, eyeing her from top to bottom like a piece of meat hanging waiting to be sold which she hated, “are you quiet finished.”
Sen jumped in excitement but held on to his mouth as not to shout and get the attention of those out side, “it is you, I thought you died?” Yukinira pulled her hair back in to a pony tail, bent down to adjust her boots, “you mean, you left me there to die?” said Yukinira sarcastically and looked at him with daggers. Sen grabbed her hand, “no, no it was not like that. I was the peoples leader, I needed to choose between the people of the city and you, what was I supposed to do?” She yanked his hand away and quickly pulled out his sword and pointed it at his face and he held up his hands and stood back.
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“I did come back for you but by the time I came, you were already gone, “he paused. “I tired finding you but I had nothing to go on?” Sen took a step back and pretended to trip and while he did he pressed a button on a radio receiver in his pocket hoping some of his men would come before she did any harm to him.
Yukinira was not having any of it and pressed the sword in to the shoulder, he let out a load cry in pain as she pressed in deeper. Blood spurted out and over the sword as it dripped from his shoulder.
The room was supposed to hidden but all knew it was here and some of his men were banging on the door as they heard the out cry. Yukinira looked towards the door and in anger glared at Sen, “what the hell did you do?” Yukinira knew that somehow Sen had grabbed the attention to his men and with petulance she drove the sword straight through his shoulder, lifted him up and pinned the sword in to the wall, leaving him hanging there.
In panic, she searched his pockets while he was hanging and found a radio. She took it out and threw against the wall, smashing it in to small pieces.
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Again Sen screamed, “I beg you please, do not do this?” His face started turning white due to the pain and loss of blood, which was pouring on to the ground in a pool. He struggled to get his words out, “please I beg you do not do this!”
Yukinira slapped him round the face, he felt faint but not to the point of passing out but just kept muttering these words. She grabbed him by the neck and squeezed hard to the point of passing out but left him dazed, she looked in to his half dead eyes, “this time I will not kill you. However, the next time I see you, it will not be your shoulder that I will stab!” She took out her small blade and pierced her skin on the back of her hand and slid out a tablet.
She broke it in two and threw it to the ground, the room filled with smoke, so much that nobody could see inches in front. Sen started to cough, as he was coughing on his own blood and finally passed out cold.
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Sens men finally broke the door down just to reveal a load of smoke coming out. They ran inside not seeing a thing in front shouting for Sen but no reply and they patted the side of the walls to see whereabouts they were and Sen. While doing so Yukinira hid behind the opened door and slipped out of the room while they were being distracted.
The smoke dissipated and they found him hanging on the wall half dead, they pulled the sword out and laid him on the table and check for signs of life. “Good he is still alive at least,” the guard pointed to two other men who had run to protect the room, “take him down to the medical centre quickly?!” The two men picked him up and ran off down the hall while another came in and gazed round the room, “is this it?”
He felt disappointed to some degree as like him with all Sens men, they had heard about this room but nobody really had stepped foot inside before.
The interest in the room soon faded as they all were commanded to protect Sen on the way down to the medical centre.
“We will find the father to Yukinira, I promise.” A female said holding a breathing face mask over Sen. She called the guards to her, “you. Go and find her now, shut this place down if you need and do not come back till you have results!”
The man bowed and agree, he ran out of the room running down the corridor giving commands to the other men to search for Yukinira. Yukinira had ran in to a cargo hold and was hiding behind a metal container as adrenaline was pumping round her body. She peered round the container looking to see if anyone was round and saw the coast clear and ran to the other container, thinking, ‘where are they holding you brother?’
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Panting heavily she saw noticed one of his men with a bow ready to strike next to a red door, guarding it. She walked over to the other side of the container slowly as not to make a sound and leaned her head on the metal container thinking about what to do next, worried about her brother. She gazed over watching his pattern of movement, ready to strike as she removed a spike from one of her boots as a weapon.
The pattern was simple, the guard would walk back and forth just seconds from the door. She realised that her moment would be short as the only time she could strike was when his back was towards her and that was for just 10 seconds.
She looked round the area wondering what she could use as an advantage, she saw the light above a few meters away, she threw the spike to the light and it smashed in to small pieces.
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The room went now had lower light as the guard wondered what had happened, “is anybody there?” said the guard as he saw the light being broken and readied his bow ready to pounce. Yukinira jumped out from the side of the container and the guard aimed his bow and flew of one his arrows. She jumped over the arrow and grabbed the other bow he fired mid-air and ran past him and slit his throat clean with the arrow in hand.
She turned back and grabbed the body, dragging it behind the metal container with the blood marking the floor which she could not prevent.
She placed him between the container and the wall making sure at least it was hidden for a time, she then walked out of the door and broke the lock to make sure others could not get in for a time. She saw this control panel in front like a control room and thought, ‘this place is huge, how on earth am I supposed to find Lotusa here?’
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For a split second she thought about how much time had gone since she had left the tavern, in fact since she had remembered her past from the machine she felt bad for Lotusa. He was under the impression that she was the one who had forgotten when in fact it was the other way round. She was the one who betrayed him and the more she got to know him the more she liked him as a brother, the problem was Sen.
She had this whole different life with him, it was only till he put her inside the machine that she realised who she was and what needed to be done.
She stepped over to the panel and saw six screens and she thought of Lotusa and wondered if she could see him from here. She realised that the Nacbals had cameras everywhere within the base so she looked at them one by one hoping to see at least where Lotusa was so she knew how to get there.
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On one screen she saw two orcs outside where the entrance was, she dismissed them and moved on to the other screen. She noticed Sens men running all over the building in search for her, it was only a matter of time before they checked the cargo bay.
She stopped for a brief moment and looked round the room to see if there was anything that could seal the door, but there was nothing. Suddenly she saw her hand on fire, it freaked her out and shook her hand and the fire vanished and wondered what happened.
She stepped over to the control panel and leaned on the panel and saw that this time both her hands were on fire, she panicked but was not in pain. She screamed out and realised where she was and fell to the ground and crawled herself to the end of the room knocking on the wall.
She soon understood that when the fire was not going she was not in pain or in distress but they were part of her make up, her DNA.
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She rose her hands up in front of herself, “what the hell have they done to me?” she said as she again shook her hands but nothing, they were still flaming.
She stood continuously shaking her hands wondering why this was happening and faced the red door. Suddenly her fingers gushed out fire and sealed the door shut, she looked puzzle, “what just happened?” she said loudly as her hands went back to normal.
She was eager to find Lotusa and to tell him what his plan was after capturing her and why so she forgot about the situation and went back to the control panel and went back to looking on the screens.
She looked on each screen and saw others like her being experimented on and became sad but she carried on looking for her brother despite that. She clicked on some buttons and honestly speaking, had no idea what they were and heard screaming from the rooms where the Nacbals were experimenting on. She realised how bad the Nacbals were and this made her angry and thought that the best realise the victims had were was death.
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With relief she found the screen that had Lotusa inside the room and she pressed the button she had previously to see if she could listen in and hopefully speak through.
Unknowns to her the medical system, keeping Sen alive, kept switching on and off when she kept pressing the buttons, which was why the room was guarded in the first place. However, the girl in the medical room, looking after was frustrated to see the equipment, what seemed like a fault.
“What is wrong with this stuff, why is everything playing up!” she said angry at the staff looking after Sen. One of the medical team pushed her aside and looked at one of the equipment, “don’t worry. The back up will kick in soon, it always does if these like these happens.”
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In some degree the medical staff helping Sen did not seem to be in a hurry to help, this was because while he was like this, no one would be harmed by him, so they prolonged the surgical help on purpose. The girl leaned on the table over Sens body and stared down one of the medical staff, “so why the hell does nothing work then. If he dies,” she pointed to Sen, “it will be on your back not mine!” The girl leaned back and since she was the second in command she wasted no time in filling Sens boots.
The girl then started pacing and praying loudly in front of the whole team, one of them looked over, “oh do shut up!” One of the staff pointed to one of Sens men at the door and waved him over, “get her out of here. I do not want idiots in here while I am working!” she said as the guard dragged the girl out and even though she was second in command no medical person was over ruled by her.
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The guard threw her out the room and she fell to the floor not being able to standing due to the threw and locked her outside by the inside lock.
She got to her feet quickly not happy with the insult and banged on the glass window looking in but was being unnoticed by all. She turned and walked with authority down the hallway and saw one of Sens men looking for Yukinira and grabbed him by the are, “you come with me now!”
In bewilderment he noticed it was Sens second in command and daughter Jade so he did not hesitate to obey, “give me your sword!” He gave her his sword and she grabbed it off him roughly, “what progress have you made and do not say to me that you have not found her.”
She turned down another corridor and went through a door to her quarters, pulled out a draw and took some darts and placed them in her pocket.
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The guard stood and waited at the door, nervous over the response of what to say about the progress as there was none but he tried to speak, “well you see. . .” The guard said as he fondled with his fingers knowing what was coming.
Jade knew from the start of that response his men had failed in their search for Yukinira. She stepped over to the wardrobe and threw the sword to the floor in frustration and took out a crossbow. She turned and saw the guards face panic and fell to the floor begging for mercy but she was not happy and her father being in surgery did not help.
She stood there and placed the darts inside the crossbow and with hesitation whatsoever she shot the guard dead and fell to the floor. She stepped over the body and shot him in the head again and leaned her head to his, “that’s what you get when you fail me!” She pressed an intercom on the wall near the door and spoke through it, “to all personal. This is Jade, head to the control room and wait for further instructions.
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Jade knew that when Sen was either unwell or unable to control his kingdom she took over the operation till he could and one that over time became more frequent. Yukinira heard the call over the system and quickly put her ear to the door to see if she could hear anything. Unusually she heard every single noise and foot step outside, she took a step back and looked at the door wondering if it was a thin door.
She shook her head and placed her ear to the door again and heard every solider in the place congregating in the control room and she knew she was in trouble. Jade was outside, she knew she was in the control room, a hunch. She ordered her men to aim every weapon available at the door and the control room, ready to fire on her command.
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She was concerned about what has happened to her, all of a sudden she had these powers she had never had before. However the abilities came at the wrong time, she needed a way out and after scanning the room she was stuck. She knew she would have to fight her way out and prepared her mind quickly she did, as she stood a few paces away from the door ready.
Smoke started to fill the air from the air vents form within the room, she started chocking and felt faint, thinking her life was up and this was Jades doing, then she passed out. Before she passed out, however, she saw this blur of a figure standing over her, with arms ready to grab her, a figure of great size. The figure stood over her and he looked at the door, “my girl, what have you got into!” he said as he picked her up in arms and threw a capsule to the floor and smoke appeared.
He stepped in to the smoke and disappeared as quickly as he came.
Jade stepped up to the door with a plastic bomb from one her men and stuck it on the door knob. She turned and told Sens men to stand back and she looked at the black box with a red button in her hand and said, “why is it that everybody has to do things the hard way.” With that she pressed the button and all covered their ears and eyes as the bomb exploded, debris lay everywhere along with the door and part of the wall.
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She walked forward and waving the smoke away and stepped through the hole in the side wall careful not to touch any fire. After a small while the smoke cleared and she saw no body in the room, she turned and screamed at her men in wondering why she was not here.
She was angry and confused at the same time as the only way in and out was the door. The air vents were to small to fit any human being let alone a small animal. She unease tension come over as the men stood watching her, all being frantic over what could have happened.
She turned and walked out of the room and hit one of the guards in anger over her temper and pointed to another, “bring me Lotusa now?!” She walked out of the room and towards the medical centre where her father Sen was.
No body bothered Jade or Sen for that matter when things did not go the way they planed, all knew that when it was like this peace was gone. Sen and Jade were tyrants, everybody knew this, they even killed their own family members just for the sake of power. Compassion was not their greatest quality, killed either to make a point or because of a mistake, whole nations had been wiped clean because of a such mistakes.
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Lotusa had no idea of how much time had passed, for all he knew weeks could have gone, time mingled into one as the time carried on. The idea that his sister was dead was something he could not get to grips with, he felt this agonizing pain in his heart. The fact he had been on his own in solitude for some time had made him go mad slightly as he kept mutterings words of guilt.
He also struggled with the idea that he knew she was not dead, something inside him kept telling him, a voice kept speaking in his ear as those some one was talking but he just felt he was going mad.
He kept walking up and down trying to find a way to escape this place but all failed as there was no way out, so he just waited for a time of opportunity that could or could not come.
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He laid on the metal bed and pondered over the days of his life after the meeting of his sister, he kept whirling around in his head, “I know she is not dead?” over and over again. He paused and carried on, “I can feel it inside my bones!”
He sat up on the bed, “I know there is a way out, there must be?” he sighed and felt depressed as he scanned the room again for the millionth time. “I don’t understand why Sen would betray me like this, after everything we have been through.” He felt like he was going crazy, it was like talking to a brick wall and hoping in some way it would answer you back.
“I am wasting time in here, I need to get out and find out for sure, but how?” he said rocking back and forth. IT was a time of frustration as he had been in situations like this before, in fact he had come up with whole plots in how to accomplish his mission but this time it felt different.
Something was holding him back in thinking of a way out, it was like something had been implanted inside his mind to prevent such a thing.
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He heard what sounded like the door clanking as if some one was coming so he stood erect making out this place had not crack him even though he felt like he was going insane.
Out of now where in mid air two holes formed in the middle of the room on either side and he wondered what was going on. Then three orbs came out and hovered in front as Lotusa stepped away from them. However the orbs followed him and he became nervous as he had no way out, as two orbs stopped in fornt of him and the other orb behind him.
Suddenly Lotusa could not move and feeling the worst about what to come the orbs hovered him above the ground as they scanned him top to bottom, his every thought and with this red beam of light. Then Jade kicked the door down angry about what had happened in the cargo room and stood in front of Lotusa with the face of a thousand men. “I need information from you now!” she screamed.
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“Who are you and what do you want from me?” Lotusa said, but feeling the pain of the orbs through his body. “Now now, don’t be like that. All I want to do is talk!” Jade said as she folded her arms. “No, why should I talk to you?” yelled Lotusa trying hard to break free but failed as the anger rose in him over what Sen had said.
“Oh come on, don’t you know this machine Lotusa?” she questioned him. Lotusa knew from the start when the orbs appeared this was the same machine he had used to recover his memories. The difference was the machine had been upgraded some how and now used for darker purposes.
“I know what you are trying to do Jade and it will not work!” he said and Jade sent hundreds of electricity bolts through his body and he screamed in pain.
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Jade stood there with this smirk over her face, “oh yer that bolt that just went through your body, it will happen again but worse if you either lie or hold back any information from me.” Lotusa looked at her but barely as he hung there motionless then he came round and looked straight at her, “who the hell are you?” Lotusa said dazed as he saw this long silver hair and make up that seemed out of place.
Jade walked round the orbs checking their working order, “I am Jades daughter if you must know.” Jade mentioned but almost knew that he was lying, “I will not be so kind like he was, so bare that in mind, Lotusa!”
Lotusa was tortured for hours, and questioned like some meat hanging for food. His arms and legs became heavy and he felt he was leaving this world but kept coming back to reality.
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Jade hit him in the stomach repeatedly and he kept his strength not saying a word as he knew how torture was and knew how to handle it. The problem was it frustrated Jade and the more angry she became the more torture he had.
“You are lying, why?” she shouted towards him and held out this silver metal rod. She stepped up and almost prodded him and sent electricity through his body but decided to release the orbs instead and he fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. She stepped up to him and with the rod moved his face back and forth as though she was looking for something, “Its got to be him, it has to be!” Jade realised this was the person from the orphanage years back without a trace, wherever he knew this was her guess.
She wondered this because when she mentioned it to him, he seemed clueless about it so she left the room in frustration knowing she had failed and went to how her father was doing in the medical centre.
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Lotusa lay there waiting for death to come s that was the only realise he would get. Eventually he crawled himself to the wall and leaned his back on to it, rubbed his face hoping the pain would ease. He put his hands through his hair, “dam it. It would be a lot easier if I knew what they wanted from me, I have been thrown in here which could be week, months even, What the hell does she mean by, ‘it has to be him’. I need to get out of here, some how.”
He fell to sleep in exhaustion due to the pain and the long hours of being tortured and it afflicted him like fire burning the body. He woke up hours later with his head pounding and stiff as a board, and slowly moving his head back and forth to get movement back.
HE got up off the floor slowly as he did not want to increase the pain and crawled along the wall to the metal bed. He had these strange images floating round in his head about Yukinira lying to him and it made him angry by the second.
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Lotusa lay there waiting, waiting for a solution that might never come. One thing he knew was the revenge on the Mirocon, this Nacbals had very strong ties to them but how he wondered. This idea made him live, made him powerful and above all else, he promised, he will take revenge on what had happen to him and Yukinira.117Please respect copyright.PENANAEdFezPogTt