Erebus Rosen prepared some coffee for himself and the pretty girl sitting in his living-room. This would be the start, he thought as he slipped some ketamine in her drink. He felt nothing as he remembered overhearing a young woman talk about a man putting some in her drink and taking her away. And he felt nothing as he watched the pretty girl named Freya drink the ketamine.
She smiled in a lazy stupid way that all girls seemed to do and laid back against the wall, closing her eyes and yawning. She was a stupid, stupid girl who had just accepted something horrible from the hand of Erebus. He wouldn't do anything bad right away, no, he had been wanting to do something like this for a long time. And she was home-schooled, nobody knew her. Wonderful.
He picked her up with some effort and carried her to the kitchen and into a long, dark pantry. He had kept it empty and moved the food upstairs. He laid her on the floor and sighed, hoping she wouldn't wake up soon. Then, he grabbed a thick chain from the garage and locked it around her foot, and locked the other end to an empty shelf. At the last moment, he gazed back at her and felt something like regret, guilt. But then he remembered his father and his relationship with his mom, and grimaced, stamping out any pity for sweet Freya.
He left the room without a flicker of expression on his face.