When Freya awoke she was in total darkness, still a little dizzy from the coffee she had drank earlier. She giggled, where was that boy? Hmm, his name was very weird. Not like any name she'd heard before. The darkness was making her stupid, so she stood up and tried to find a light.
As she was feeling around for a light switch, something heavy went taut and held her leg. “What?”
She stooped over and felt along her leg, gasping at what felt like a thick metal chain with a combination lock.
“What the hell?” What was his name? “Erebus!” Freya yelled, trying to scoot to the door. She lunged at the little sliver of light coming from underneath the door, pulling the chain along with her. The other end of the chain attached to the shelf went taut and yanked her body back.
Her torso slapped painfully against the hard floor, jarring her out of her grogginess completely. She gazed at the light under the door. Did he do this? She tried to remember, but he only talked to her and offered her coffee. She drank the coffee, dozed off for a few minutes, and woke up in a dark room.
She took a few deep, slow breaths. “Okay.” She said, finally calm enough to process everything. She started by feeling along the walls. The room was narrow and long, it had lots of empty shelves everywhere. It felt like the pantry at her house. She ran her hands across the chain and figured that it might be four feet long. Maybe.
She tried tugging at it to make it snap, but it was too heavy. Freya laid on the ground and refused to cry out. She was stronger than Erebus. He must have drugged her, there was no way she could just sleep-walk into a pantry, tie a huge chain around her leg, lock, and wake up.
Her blue eyes darted to the faint light under the door, and she prayed for her brother.