Kyle's POV
Its funny. You see life is just something to make us happy or what I think is to make us miserable to the core. Life is just something small, when many others think when we die we are reincarnated into someone and something else. But to it all we just plainly die, wouldn't it be better to die now then wait another 50 years. That's what I thought, I wanted to die. No body liked me and my parents were gone, to make it worst I was the only child. I live by myself in an apartment thats too big for me, but I still pay the rent. I don't understand why I'm doing this.
Regretting my life is one thing, but actually doing something about it is another. To be honest I committed suicide over the summer, I cleared my mind and just jumped. I never learned how to swim so that made it even better. But I didn't think the next thing would happen, before I blacked out I saw a boy in front of me. His lips were placed on mine as he let me breath, why would someone save me? My eyes had opened and probably deceived me, in front of me was a merman. He had short red hair that went to his shoulders. He had a small piece of hair in a ponytail that was longer then the others. He had green eyes that turned yellow-ish gold in the sun. I was about to speak but realized I was still under water. He smirked and took me up to the surface, but then I thought I was hallucinating. Probably drowning made me see something like this. After a while I had fainted in the boys arms.
3 hours later......
Alga's POV
I watched as the human fainted in my arms, his small smile was warm. It made me brighten up, I swam a shore. My tail turned into human legs, most people think I'm a merman. Well most of me, but I'm most certainly not; I'm a siren. Who can change their appearance for their so called "victim". But I didn't like doing that, my mother told me when I was born I didn't want to hurt a fish. Once I turned the age to be able to lead my so called "tribe", my father picked my older brother. And he told me to leave, I was a disgrace to them all.
It hurt, but mostly my heart. I understood and agreed to do so, I didn't like what they were doing to humans. Humans are wonderful creations, I think. Walking up the hill from the bank of the river, I look around. His bike was set up against a tree, there was a note on it as well. The note read that the bike should be brought back to this address. Wasn't that right on the bank? I thought, wondering if I've seen this human before. Grabbing the bike, or at least trying to, I walked to the main street and glanced back and forth for traffic.
" your so heavy " I muttered struggling to keep the human in my arms
Crossing the street I find myself in front of a community gate. On the small note was a pin number, was that for the gate or the house. I rolled my eyes and put the pin in as careful as possible, I watched as the gate opened for me. Human technology is weird, isn't it easier to use magic. Wait... Humans can't use magic, It was forbid for a long time. I wonder if they still use it in secret, or they all don't know how to use it. I walked through, the gate closed me in keeping me from escaping. The kids house number, right that would be helpful. Your probably wondering how I know this, my first years away from my family I decided to live on the land. Soon realizing that it was boring and no one new if I was lying or pretending I decided to go back to the river.
Getting to the kids house I knock on the door. No answer. I open the door, it was unlocked. Did he do this on purpose? I walked in and gently placed him on his bed, putting his bike in the laundry room. The note I threw in the trash can, basketball style. It always amuses me when I miss, which is always. I went back up to his bedroom, his sleeping face was amazing. No doubt about it, he was gorgeous from head to toe. Hie light purple hair was so soft, and his red-ish pink eyes were so pretty. I sat down on the floor, resting my arms and head on the bed. My eyes tried to stay up but soon closed from how heavy my eye lids felt. I had fallen asleep in a strangers home, oh dear me.
Kyle's POV
Waking up wasn't the confusing part, how I got into my room was even stranger. I looked down to see a male sleeping there, part of me wanted to smile and play with his hair, the other wanted to kick him out and pretty much yell at him. Sitting up I ran my fingers through my hair, its been through a lot with me, even the worst parts. My eyes were sore, my throat hurt, I wasn't able to speak as far as I was concerned. I felt freezing to the bone, I wanted something warm like coffee. Slowly getting off of my bed I walked downstairs to the kitchen, my apartment was more like a condo. I didn't use two of the bedroom, nor do I use the downstairs bathroom. Its pointless anyway.
Getting to the kitchen I turn the coffee machine on, today was pretty eventful. I was supposed to drown in the river but no someone had to save me. Groaning was a hobby of mine, it always happened throughout my days. Putting the timer on I jump onto the counter top and lean back, waiting for the beeper to ring. I heard something upstairs, the male from earlier was sluggishly coming down the stairs. Time for questioning!! I part my lips as he walked into the kitchen.
" who are you and why did you save me " I spoke startling him
" I'm Alga, a siren of the river " He chirped
" A siren? " I questioned " aren't you supposed to have a tail or something " I added
" Oh that, sirens can change their form to seduce their victims. But I don't like doing that " he blushed shifting his feet on the floor
" But why did you save me " I asked once more
" Because you reminded me of myself when I thought the world was going to end " he explained fondling with his fingers
I bit the bottom of my lip and nodded my head. The coffee machine went off right after, I got out a cup and poured some coffee into it. Grabbing the milk I poured some in as well. The male watched me, his eyes wouldn't leave mine. I got another cup out and poured some coffee into it, and a little bit of milk. Handing it to him, he smiled, probably thanking me as he sipped it. His reaction was similar to mine when I first tried coffee, but he got used to it faster.
" since you saved me, you should give me a favor " He asked
" what do you have in mind " I muttered not caring
" let me live with you " he answered
I spit out my coffee and didn't know what to say. I wasn't about to let a siren into my house, nor did I want him living with me for the rest of my life.