Kyle's POV
The next morning I woke up with a big headache, my hair was a rats nest and my eyes couldn't stay open for long periods of time. Alga was still sleeping on the chair, his waist and below was still on the chair. While his head and chest was nearly touching the floor. I chuckled and wanted to help him back up, but he looks too comfortable in that position. I walked past him and into the kitchen, it wasn't that early. It was around 8:00am, which is when I'm still in bed snoring my problems away. I definitely want that back in my life, which probably won't happen since Alga wakes up like around 7am.
I started up the coffee machine before glancing over at Alga, he was sleeping away, not bothered by the noise I was making. Rolling my eyes I get two cups out, waiting for the small alarm to go off. In that time I walked over to Alga and just stared at him.
" Alga..." I muttered shaking his shoulders " time to wake up lazy ass" I mumbled and moved his head back and forth.
" five more minutes Kyle" he whined
" the coffee is literally done" I groaned as the alarm went off
" i'm up" he yelled and stood up stretching his body out in front of me
I chuckle as I walk back into the kitchen, taking the two cups I had already took out I poured coffee into them. Then poured a little bit of milk into them, handing one to Alga he thanked me.
" thanks" he blushed and sipped at the hot coffee before cooling it down
" no problem" I reply and nod my head slowly at him
" ahhh its hot" he whined and stuck his tongue out of his mouth
" really? you should now its hot before drinking it. Cool it down Alga" I groan and chuckle a bit
Alga's POV
I nodded and blew on the surface of the coffee, watching as the steam coming from it flew away from it. I kept blowing on it until there were no or little steam coming from it. I gulped slightly before taking another sip, it wasn't as hot as it used to be. I look up at Kyle who was smiling at me, of course I blushed and looked down at the coffee cup.
" your blushing again" he chuckled and placed his hands on his hips
" so, is it a crime to?" I questioned to hear him snort
" in this case, maybe. But thats not important right now, get dressed. We're going shopping" he announced
" really" I chirped and smiled for a while
" I did tell you we were going to get you more clothing didn't I" he exclaimed and rolled his eyes
" sorry, but you did " I nodded and finished my coffee in two more gulps
" no need to apologize, you just forgot. Now go get dressed, I'll be taking a shower" he ruffled my hair before walking up to his room.
He was going to take a shower.. and I was changing in his room. Oh dear why am I thinking about this. I heard loud laughter from his room as I followed him after a couple of minutes. I walked in to see Kyle shirtless, he turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.
" what, you've never seen a guy shirtless before" he asked and walked towards me
" what if I said no, what will you do" I blushed and gulped multiple times
" ehhh, nothing. Just testing the waters" he smirked and walked into the bathroom
I sighed in relief and got undressed myself, changing into the pair of clothing he gave me the other day. I fix them upon my body and took my hair out of its ponytail, I haven't been able to brush it in a long time. I found a comb and sat on his bed, brushing my red-ish pink-ish orange hair out. It hurt, I was always sensitive on my scalp. I held in the tears as I finished brushing my hair, I placed the comb back where I found it and waited on his bed.
After a couple of minutes I decided to lay on his bed, looking up at the ceiling and looking around at the things in his room. I heard him get out of the shower and get dressed, I hate you so much Kyle. I heard him chuckle and come out with a towel around his neck, he had his sweat pants on and not shirt.
" what, can't handle how sexy I am" he teased
" shut up" I whined and sat up on his bed " just put a shirt on so we can leave" I added and crossed my arms looking away from him
Kyle's POV
" nah i'm good, I love teasing you" I chirped and took a shirt out of my dresser before pulling it over my shoudlers
" thank you" Alga softly spoke and glanced at me
" yeah yeah" I roll my eyes and place my shoes on my feet. " so how about that shopping idea, you ready" I asked and placed my hands on my hips
" yeah, Im good." Alga smiled and stood up as well
I ruffled his hair before walking downstairs, I turned off the coffee machine and the lights as I headed outside. The shopping center was pretty far away, would he mind getting into a car?
" yes yes I would" he giggled and walked past me
" right, forgot" I mumbled and smiled as the garage opened up to a convertible
" thats okay" he chirped and walked as the door appeared in front of us
I glanced at him and smirked before unlocking the car, I jumped into the driver seat and drove out of the garage before waiting for the male to get in. He hesitated for a bit, I watched as he breathed in and out before getting into the car. I looked at him and he giggled, knowing him he was nervous about being in a car.
" you okay" I asked glancing at him
" I'm fine, since your the driver. You have your license right" he asked biting his bottom lip
" lets just say I haven't been able to get that, but I do have my permit" I nervously laugh as he planted his palm to his face
" of course" he mumbled and put his seat belt on getting ready for the rocky road ahead of hime
I chuckle before driving out of the gated in community, I looked both ways before heading to the shopping center. I watched as Alga had his head out of the window, I whistled and he looked at me. His expression said what the fuck do you want, I'm having fun, but his eyes looked hungry for something new. I pressed a button on the ceiling of the car, a small noise came from the back as the ceiling folded into the back of the car.
" did that just happen" he questioned
" you have eyes why don't you tell me" I sass as he growled at me
" meanie" he mumbled and crossed his arms
" yes that did just happen, its called a convertible" I explained and he just nodded his head
After that we were in total silence, Alga went back to sticking his tongue out as he let the wind give him a nice face punch. I glanced over at him once in while to see if he was okay with people staring at him, since no one is used to a red head in Japan. Oh right I never told you guys, I live in Japan. I guess its okay, nothing too special. Well most girls are into kawaii things, its really annoying when they talk about it. Rolling my eyes I parked the car in the shopping center's parking lot and turned the car off.
" where do you want to go first" I asked and looked over at Alga
" wherever you know the best clothing" he smiled and got out of the car
" then lets try Tilly's" I questioned
Tilly's is an american store but somehow it got all the way over here, I mean I buy all my clothing from it so its pretty amazing to me. I put my hands in my pockets and feel Alga's hands wrap around my right arm, he giggles and wanted to stay like that. I understood and let him hold my arm, I guess he felt more perfected or safe closer to me. We entered the indoors mall, people started to look at us. I mean our hair colors, have you seen them before. Bright redish pinkish orange and light purple, with golden and redish pink eyes. That's a crazy combination, but its unique and I like it.
" why are we getting so much attention" Alga asked
" because of how we look" I muttered and entered the store
Alga's eyes lit up and looked over at the clothing, I smirk and pull him towards the men section. His eyes stayed on the girls clothing, chuckling I stop dragging him. He looks at me and claps his hands as he goes back to the girls clothing.
" hello sir how may I help you" a women asked
" oh no I'm good, but maybe you can help my friend. He has the redish pink hair" I gestured to the smiling idiot
" of course" she giggled and walked off
I didn't need that giggle, why do girls do that. I picked out some things and went to go look for Alga. He was holding like three outfits in his hands, that didn't bother me, the thing that did was that it was all girls clothing. I groaned and walked towards him, he smiled at me and showed me all of the things he liked. There were some chockers in there as well.
" I'll get some checkers for myself and then I'll pay. if you want you can go back to the car" I smiled as he placed his clothing in my arms
" thanks Kyle" he chirped and skipped out of the shop
" that kids something" the lady at the register said
" yeah, he is" I smirk and pay for the clothing which was more then I brought with me.
Walking outside with a couple bags in my hands I looked around for Alga.
Alga's POV
I waited outside for Kyle. sitting down on a bench in front of the store. I looked around and watched as people walked by, they looked at me and just smiled. Swaying my legs back and forth I smile, I forgot how the outside world brought happiness to me. I glanced over to my left to see Kyle coming out of the store with a couple of bags. I stood up and ran towards him, he smiled at me and gave me a bag to hold.
" so were you waiting long" he asked and slightly blushed
" no, it felt like only a couple of minutes really" I smiled and held the bag behind me
" you sound so proper Alga, why so" he asked once more before putting his index finger to my lips. " actually don't answer, I want to figure that on my own" he added
" i'm fine with that" I giggled and grabbed his hand dragging him somewhere else
A/N: honestly I didn't think I would write this long of a chapter, hopefully you don't get bored with it. I tried to make the paragraphs shorter and put more dialogue into this, if I did;t just tell me and I'll try and fix it in the next chapter. And please tell me how you like it being longer then usual, I think this gives more detail and shows how the two act around each other a lot better. In the next chapter I will start with Alga's POV, since he had little narration in this chapter. Until then, Au Revoir.