Kyle's POV
You won't believe me when I tell you that a siren saved me from drowning in the river. He made it even worse when he wanted to stay with me, asking me; an under aged minor to take care of a I don't know how old siren. It wasn't likely for this to happen, or was it that I just don't remember anything from the past generations. Actually that doesn't even make sense, I can just ask him.
Alga was slowly sipping on the coffee cup, his hands wrapped around it keeping them warm. His eyes are like paintings on a wall, his hair is like a sculpture made by a 10th grader. His face is like a little girls, fragile and soft. When he pierces his lips they move gently, why am I thinking about all of his features? I shake my head and blush, do I think he's hot or something. Sipping at my coffee I just look at the floor, it was obvious wasn't it?
" You okay " Alga asked
" Oh, yeah. Don't worry, I'm just cold " I muttered
" Pft, lyer. I can hear everything " the other chuckled
" You can read minds " I guessed raising an eyebrow at him
" yours are so loud and annoying, shut it up " he stammered
" i'll try geez " I laugh putting my cup into the sink
He just chuckled, he's definitely hearing me talk to myself, so he heard those things I said about him? I finish my thought as he nods his head, I groan and just move past him. Collapsing onto the couch was the only option for me, since I had nothing better to do on a Saturday morning. The other just sat down on the chair in front of me and crossed his legs. Even though I was supposed to yell at him, that feeling left me.
I didn't know what to do at this point, the male sipped at the coffee still making an uncomfortable face at it. I chuckle and sit up on the couch, running my fingers through my hair. If my parents came over what would they think of him, maybe that he's my boyfriend. That couldn't be, I know he would love to be my boyfriend. Wait, he's hearing my thoughts, dammit.
" I may agree to those terms if they ever come over" he giggled and sipped at his coffee.
" so I can't say anything in my head or you'll hear me. Can you only hear me or can you hear others" I asked
" Yeah, only you.. Why do not like that" he tilted his head and smirked
" Its annoying when you know what I'm saying, and kind of embarrassing" I slightly blush and look down at my coffee cup
" right, you humans don't like that. I'll try and stop" he agreed to and took another sip of his coffee.
I smile and nod my head, he was very understanding about things. He seemed to want to be more human then a siren, but why siren's are awesome in my opinion. Then I thought of an idea, I wanted to actually get out of the house. Which would be good for my brain, and maybe he could learn about things. And maybe learn to respect peoples bubble.
I finish my coffee, placing it on the coffee table in front of me I fold my hands like I wanted to say something serious. But nothing came out, I just suggested the idea in my thoughts. Alga responded with a smile on his face, he seemed really excited about this. Maybe I can get used to using our thoughts to communicate with each other. Standing back up I took my cup to the sink, washing it out carefully before putting in the washing machine. The male did the same, which made me roll my eyes at him. It was like he was trying to copy me, which creeped me out of course.
Running up to my room I close the door behind me not wanting the other to follow me in. Not after long I came out in different clothing, I threw a shirt to Alga who strangely played with it.
" just put the damn thing on, we're leaving in a bit. And actually put some pants on too" I threw him some pants as well and he didn't know what to do with them
" I can put your clothing on, are you sure" he asked putting on my pants
" i'm sure, didn't I just throw you my own clothes. Which you don't have any" I gestured and he nodded in agreement.
" you have a point there" he chuckled and pulled the shirt over his shoulders and fixed it upon his body
" alright, if your ready then forever hold your peace" I joked and he rolled his eyes
He nodded and grabbed a bottle and filled it up with water. I twirled my keys in-between my fingers before exiting my so called home. Alga followed me out, I locked the door behind him and put my keys in my back pocket. Now the where was the question, not knowing where to go and what to show him was a big question. The only thing that popped into my head was the zoo, since the aquarium would be too shocking to him.
We walked out of the gated community that I lived in and walked onto the sidewalk towards the zoo. I heard people whispering to themselves about Alga, because of his red hair and blue eyes. It wasn't normal seeing a man like himself in a place like this, they probably thought he was from Europe or somewhere else.
" so what's planned Kyle" he asked
" the zoo?" I shrugged and he clapped his hands917Please respect copyright.PENANAM7EATID73N
" I've always wanted to go, I wonder what kind of animals are there" he chirped and hugged me softly and for a short period
" look at them aren't they adorable" a girl giggled as two of them walked by us
" what was that for" Alga asked me
" they think we're dating" I grumbled
" it seems like we are going on a date" Alga noticed and blushed slightly
" yeah, but I'd rather not have you as my boyfriend. No offense" I admitted and he understood
After those two girls so many others did the same, what was it with people these days. We're just friends, right? Once we got to the zoo I got us tickets and wrist bands, we entered close to the savannah exhibit. Alga smiled and dragged my arm to the enclosures all around. Ever so often he'd ask to take a picture with me in front of one of them, one time a giraffe kissed my cheek. Which made him giggle and a really good picture to put up in my room, or somewhere else.
It was getting close to closing time, we've been here for more then enough time. About 6 hours at the most. Alga had an ice cream in his hands and a smile on his lips, we got to the hippos and he just sulked a bit.
" hey whats wrong" I asked looking at him with a worried expression
" I don't want to leave" he mumbled
" I promise we'll come back another time, maybe go to the aquarium tomorrow alright" I promised and he lit up again
" really, your so sweat Kyle" he ruffled my hair and blushed slightly
" yeah yeah, I get that all the time " I smirked and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the zoo
When we were walking home people stared at us, Alga was still carefully eating his ice cream while our hands were still intertwined with each others. I didn't realize until now, I blushed and didn't ask about it or move it away. That would probably get him mad at me, he always thinks my hands are warmer then his.
Alga's POV
I glanced over to him as we walked home, his hands were extremely warm but that would be kind of weird to say. Wouldn't it? I ran ahead of him and opened the gate to the community, it still scared me how it moved on its own. I looked back at Kyle who was chuckled, I giggled slightly before walking with him to the door. 917Please respect copyright.PENANA2wMvCTUomV
" today was fun" I smile and twirl around in the living room917Please respect copyright.PENANASCGrQ4QBtP
" I'm glad you liked it, I tried to think of something that wouldn't scare you" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck
" nothing scares me when animals are in captivity. Its just maybe they have better lives then in the wild" I shrugged and look down at his clothing that was on me.917Please respect copyright.PENANAHOY629mcmD
" keep them Alga, you need clothing. Maybe another day we can get you some more clothes, hopefully I have enough money though" he snorted and took his wallet out of his back pocket
He counted the money as I looked at him, he sighed and looked back up at me. I tilted my head and held my arms behind my back. The amount of money he had was about maybe a thousand and that was it.
" you know I have more money in the bank, my parents left me with enough for my grandkids to live on. So your good Alga" he smiled and ruffled my hair
" really? why are you being so nice to me" I smiled
" well you did save me" he gestured and shifted his feet on the wood flooring
Kyle's POV917Please respect copyright.PENANAWewN3m1QqS
" yeah I did" Alga spoke and giggled
" Thanks a guess.. can we talk about something else" I asked and glanced to the side
" oh I'm sorry.. I forgot why. Um well maybe talk about why girls think we're dating" he smiled and fixed his hair
" why do you think that, maybe they think your too feminine Alga. But I like you that way" I blushed and smirk
" Thanks, and maybe because your dark and I'm like really hyper. They think us as a couple is cute" he questioned the last part which made me chuckle
" point taken honestly, I can see it working out but I don't know if i actually want to" I admit and he gasps in surprise
" really? Did you actually say that" he asked as he placed his palms on his cheeks
" yes I did, is that a crime to admit something" I roll my eyes and place my wallet on the coffee table
" so where is this going?" he muttered biting his bottom lip
" I'll think about it alright" I collapse to the couch and wanted to just sleep
Alga sat on the floor in front of me, he played with my hair and smiled. I groaned and wanted to wave him off but then again it felt nice for someone to play with your hair. A smile spread across my lips before I closed my eyes, I heard Alga move away from me. Then there was a small kiss to my forehead, the things I wanted to do to this kid. I dismissed it and heard him chuckle before he sat down on a chair and probably went to sleep.
A/N: you guys can kill me for not updating any of my other books, maybe I'll try and finish this one and go down the list. Hopefully, so this book will be the daily life of Kyle living with Alga in his home. And I might want to add other mythical creatures to the mix, should i? If so just comment on this chapter and this chapter only. Hopefully you like this book, I'm trying a different style of writing if you haven't noticed Im doing POV's for the both of them. Instead of the main character's POV only. I think that would of been better for my other book's but then again I might just do it for this book. Well until the, Au Revoir. 917Please respect copyright.PENANA9hdnKz4Ahy