Alex's POV
"Hey wake up", I heard someone yell.
I opened my eyes and saw Langston. I closed them back quickly.
"Your dead, your dead", I kept whispering to myself.
"Alex get up", I heard someone yelling.
I opened them again and I saw Foxx this time with some man next to him.
"You okay", Foxx said
I wiped my face and looked down to see Champ looking up at me. I rubbed his head and looked back up at Foxx.
"You alright", Foxx said
"Yeah just had a bad dream"
"That seemed more than just a bad dream", Foxx said
"It was just a bad dream that's all"
"Champ get down", I said and he stood up.
I stood up and stretched.
"We in Georgia yet"
"Yes I woke you up to tell you we just landed", Foxx said
I opened Champ's bag and gave him some treats. I closed the bag back up and put mine up. After Champ ate his treats I buckled the bag around his back. Foxx got my suitcase and Champ got his doggy bed.
"Ready to go", Foxx said
"Follow me", Foxx said and Champ and I followed him off the plane.
We walked off the plane and got into the same limo from before. I grabbed Champ's bed while he got into the limo and got in after him. Foxx got in with some boy. He looked around my age. He had short brown hair and eyes. He kept staring at me.
"You can start driving", Foxx said and the limo started moving.
"So Alex this is my nephew Chase", Foxx said and Chase was staring at me with his mouth hanging open a little.
"Hey and I guess you've heard about me"
"Yeah", Chase and still staring.
Foxx kept looking between both of us.
"Stop staring at her", Foxx said and snapping his fingers in Chase's face.
"Oh yeah right", Chase said
"So what have Foxx said about me", I said folding my arms across my chest.
"Umm well talked about much of a bitch you are", Chase and smirking at his uncle.
"Bitch huh", I said looking at Foxx.
He started looking out the window whistling.
"You know in that suitcase you're holding there's plenty of things I could use to kill your bitch ass"
Foxx looked down and opened the suitcase. His eyes widened and he immediately closed it.
"Might want to keep your comments about me in that little head of yours or your little ass will be floating down the river"
"I will make a note of that", Foxx said
"Is your dog wearing a bag", Chase said
"Yeah he put his stuff in it"
"What do you mean 'he put his stuff in it' did he like actually put it in there", Chase said
"Yeah duh unless I would have said I put his stuff in there"
"I'm not fucking stupid", Chase said
"I didn't say you were"
"You implied it", Chase aid
"I know"
"You just say anything that comes to your fucking mind", Chase said
"Got that right asshole"
"Who you calling an asshole", Chase said
"Your ass"
"Shut the hell up you two", Foxx yelled
"He started it", I muttered
"She started it", Chase muttered
My phone rang and everybody turned to look at me. I pulled out my phone and it's Ashton. I answered it.
"What the fuck do you want", I said and Chase started staring at me.
"Hey babe", Ashton said
"I'm not your babe anymore we're over so stop calling me you fucking asshole I don't want you calling my phone anymore. Call again and I'll have your ass hanging from the ceiling bleeding out", I sand and hung up.
Chase and Foxx were looking at me now.
"Your a feisty little thing", Chase said
My phone rang and it's Leon. I hung up and called Alexander.
"Hey Iceman know where my car is"
"Yeah you going to give me 5k", Alexander said
"Um no don't you got money"
"Yeah just asking if you going to spare a friend some money", Alexander said
"Sam there with you"
"Yeah and how much you got with you", Alexander said
"Let me check", I said and pulled my wallet out my pocket.
I opened it up and pulled out my money. I looked at the mini sticky note I put on it and it says I have '1k'.
"Well I have 1k on me and the rest is in the bank", I said into the phone and put my money back in my wallet.
"Okay see you at Mr Foxx's place", Alexander and I hung up.
I put my wallet and phone back in my pocket and locked looked up at Chase.
"So umm who do you work for", Chase said
"What is your job", Chase said
"Killing is my main job and race and fight just for fun"
"Since you're British then how was Britain", Chase said
"Don't want to talk about it"
"Why not", Foxx and Chase said in sync.
"When we arriving at your place"
Foxx looked out the window and then back at me.
"We're pulling up now", Foxx said
"Thank you", I muttered
I looked out the window and saw Harry's Hummer.
"Aye parked the car", I said and felt the car stop.
I grabbed my bags and opened the door. I ran over to where Alexander and Harry were standing. Alexander's face lit up once he saw me. He engulfed me in a hug.
"So I don't get a hug I see how you feel Alex", I heard Sam say
I backed away from Alexander and hugged Sam.
"I didn't know you were coming"
"Well I came", Sam said and kissed my forehead.
"Okay so enough with the family reunion", Harry said and I stopped hugging Sam.
"Where's Champ", Alexander said
"In the limo with Foxx and Chase"
"The Chase we know", Harry said
"No a different one"
"Alright so where's Chase and Mr Foxx", Alexander said
"Coming this way", I said looking at Chase
"Already found someone new", Harry said
"Yeah sure", Harry muttered
"Fuck off Harry"
"Alex don't start anything", I heard Mason say
I turned to look at him.
"Just because your in a suit doesn't mean I won't beat your ass"
"Bring it on Lexy", Mason said and smirked.
I dropped my bags on the floor and put my sunglasses in one of the bags. I walked towards Mason. I punched him in his face and he stumbled back a little.
"Hey you two stop", I heard Harry say
"You little bitch", Mason said holding his nose.
Ha! His nose is bleeding.
"You little man slut"
"Can I ask what's going on here", I heard Foxx said
I turned to look at Foxx and felt someone kick me in the back of my leg. I fell and stood up to see Mason smiling. I ran at him and tackled him to the ground. I started punching him in the face and felt someone grab me from under my arm. I got pulled off of Mason and kicked him in the stomach before I was completely off of him. I heard him groan in pain.
"Cunt don't start anything you can't fucking finish", I yelled
"Whoa you go girl", I heard Chase yell.
I couldn't help but smile.
"How about you follow Foxx and Chase into their house and get a drink", Harry said and let go of me.
"I want Mason on the first flight outta here"
"Will do", Harry said
"Mr Foxx Alex will follow you and Chase inside", Harry said
I was about to grab both of my bags but Chase grabbed one.
"Thanks", I said and grabbed the other one.
I followed behind Chase and Foxx into the mansion. It was alright on the inside it had 2 grand staircases once you walked in.
"Chase show Alex to her room", Foxx said
"Alright", Chase said and I heard Champ barking.
I looked behind me to see Champ with his doggy bag. I unbuckled Champ's bag and took his doggy bed.
"Go run around", I said and Champ ran off somewhere in this mansion.
"Coming or what", Chase said
"Coming", I said and ran up the stairs to catch up with him.
I followed behind him into this bedroom with a skateboard design.
"Are you serious"
"Nope my uncle asked around about what you like and made this room just for you so you'll be comfortable", Chase said
"Who did he ask"
"I think the guy you beat up outside", Chase said
"Oh that asshole"
"Who is he by the way", Chase and dropped the bag on the bed.
"My bitch ass brother"
"You guys fight like that I feel sad for your mom", Chase said
"Can you not say things like that", I said put my clothes in the drawers.
"Why", Chase said
"Because just don't okay"
"Okay", Chase said
"So how long am I staying actually"
"Probably 3 months after the wedding", Chase said
"What the hell"
"What", Chase said
"Why 3"
"Because after the wedding you going to be into me and never want to leave", Chase said
"Never happening"
"It was worth a try and I'm down the hall and your actually staying 1 month at the most", Chase said and closed the door behind him.
So 1 whole month here good thing I took Champ with me. I put Champ's dog bed and put it next to the mini half pipe. I saw this door next to the mini half pipe and opened it. It's a bathroom cool it's still on the skateboarder design. I closed the door and put the rest of my clothes up.
I looked at clock on the desk behind the bed and it's 6:54. I guess get some sleep. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower water. I locked the bedroom door and threw my bags next to the bed on the floor. I put the suitcase behind the desk and grabbed some pjs. I walked into the bathroom and took off my clothes. I got into the shower and saw vanilla soap and shampoo now this is weird. I took a shower and washed myself with the vanilla soap.
I rinsed off and turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my teeth then walked out the bathroom. I heard a knock at the door and went to open it. I opened it and Foxx was at the door.
"Be ready by 9 tomorrow we have to go to this thing", Foxx said
"What thing"
"A cocktail party where everybody that's going to the wedding meets the bride and groom also after you get dressed please come get your dog", Foxx said
"Okay does he have to come to the cocktail party"
"Yes so give him a bath he's rolling around in our garden", Foxx said and walked away.
I closed the door and changed.
I threw the towel on the bed and ran down the steps. I walked up to the door and looked outside of it. Damn it's dark out here.
"Champ", I yelled
I heard him bark.
"Come here time for bed"
He came running towards me. Foxx was right he's covered in dirt and looked like someone sprayed him with water. He had this goofy smile on his face and was wagging his tail. I walked inside and closed the door behind him. I walked up the stairs and Champ followed me into my room. I took him straight to the bathroom. I turned on the water and put him in the tub.
"Stay", I said and ran and got his bag.
I took out his shampoo and grabbed my towel. I ran back to the bathroom and saw him drinking the water dripping off his nose. Silly puppy. I washed him and dried him off with my towel.
"Follow me"
Champ followed me into the bedroom. I closed the bathroom door and threw the towel on the floor. I turned off the lights and jumped onto the bed. I turned on the t.v to Looney Tunes and took his brush out his bag and started brushing him.
"I'm done go sleep in your bed", I said and got up under the covers.
I put his brush behind me on the desk and felt something moving at the bottom of the bed. I sat up to see Champ pulling his doggy bed onto the bed next to me. He still had this little goofy grin on his face. He pulled the bed right next to me and laid down on it.
"Night", I said and rubbed his head.