I got tackled onto the wet ground by Caleb. I started groaning and I heard Caleb whisper, "Sorry". I looked up and Caleb was over me. Caleb was still straddling my waist and his face was inches away from him.
A few more seconds went by, Caleb's breath was getting heavier like mine. Then I saw something in his eyes but I can't describe it. He lowered his head down and I felt my breath stop as I realised how close we were. Unfortunately, someone started yelling and Caleb and I shot away from each other.
I rested my head back on the wet ground and Caleb sat up straight. I notice he had shut his eyes and looked annoyed. I turned my head and saw Foxx looking at the hole in the sliding doors. Then Chase came and he looked surprised at us. Then the rest of his friends came behind him.
"What the hell happened", Foxx squealed
"Hey 30 minutes are up let's see who won", Sam came out yelling
Then I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and Caleb was holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he jerked me up.
It felt like he just dislocated my arm.
"Here's your gun", Caleb said handing it to me.
I grabbed it and we started walked over towards the door. Caleb went and stood in between Harry and Logan. Then I noticed something Sam, Logan, Harry, Alexander and Caleb looked like a rainbow. Looks like I'm the one with the least amount of colour.
"I guess Alex wins again", Harry said taking off his shirt.
He was wearing a white shirt full of colour and now he had colours and red spots where the paintball hit him at. Then Sam and Logan took off their shirts and they had the most red spots on them all around. Alexander and Caleb were the only one's that kept their shirts on.
"Who did this to my door", Foxx yelled
"Umm I sort of umm did it", I said scratching the back of my neck.
"Sort of you basically ran right through it", Foxx said
"That's how it went down"
"Then tell me how it went down", Foxx said
"See what had happened was Alexander was chasing me and shot me in the back. I ran into the game room and jumped over the pool table that's why that footprint is right there. Then I wouldn't have enough time to open the door I busted through it but as you can see I'm fine just a few minor cuts"
"Hey Alex come here for a sec", Harry said and I went and stood in front of him.
"Turn", Harry said motioning with his finger.
I turned around and Harry lifted up the back of my shirt.
"You got a sports on right", Harry whispered in my ear.
"Yeah why"
"Can I ask why my t.v is rainbow with holes in it", Foxx said
"Because you have a piece of glass in your back", Harry said
"Then take it out"
"That was me", Alexander said rubbing his back.
"You got a band-aid or some kind of clean cloth", Harry said
"Yeah the front of my shirt doesn't have anything on it, it's just the back"
"Alright once you feel some sort of pain in your back take the shirt off", Harry said
"What are you 2 talking about", Chase said
"I got a piece of glass in my back", I said pointing at my back.
Then I felt a sharp pain in my back followed by something warm rolling down my back.
"Fuck", I said taking off my shirt.
I gave Harry my shirt and he started applying pressure on my back.
"Nice tat", Donny said pointing at my side.
I looked at my side and it's the dreamcatcher one.
"Thanks", I said looking up at him.
"Hey get some tape and a piece of cloth", Alexander said pointing at Terri.
Terri ran off somewhere and Foxx was still looking surprised.
"What do you need duck tape for", Foxx said
"Her back", Harry said in a duh tone.
"Take her to a hospital", Foxx said
"No, no, no. No hospitals", I said looking dead at him.
"Why not", Foxx said
"I have my reasons why"
"Hey um sir got the duck tape and a rag", Terri said
"Thanks", Harry said taking the stuff for him.
I felt him take the shirt off my back and put the rag there. Then I heard the duck tape ripping noise and it being slapped on my back.
"Hey Alex that okay", Harry said
Then I heard the doorbell ring from outside there must be a speaker nearby or something.
"I'll get it", Foxx said jogging towards the door.
A second later Foxx came back with some policemen.
"Anybody here Alex", the officer said
"Yeah me", I said stepping up.
"You're under arrest for the murder of Kyle Lawson in London", the officer said
"The night you went out and murdered him. You beat him to deaf", the officer said
Fuck I forgot all about that. Wait a second that was some days ago. The man walked behind me and put me in handcuffs.
"Harry Alexander you guys know what to do"
"Got ya be right down there", Harry said
"Umm officer think I could ride with her", I heard Caleb say and the man stood next to me.
I reached over and took the handcuff keys.
"Just because you're her boyfriend I can't sorry", the officer said
"Actually we don't go out"
How come I'm the only one denying it?
"You sure you 2 look cute together", the officer said
"I think not"
"So do I", I heard Chase said disgusted.
Well damn.
"Well let's get moving", the officer said pushing on the cuffs.
"Okay you don't have to push", I said walking outside.
I ducked my head and got into the cop car. He closed the door behind me and I looked out the window as he drove us away from Foxx's place. Then I realised something about this officer's car it didn't have a radio or nothing inside of it.
"Hey can I see your badge"
"Sure", the officer said at the red light.
He pulled out his badge and just flashed it. I wonder why he didn't actually let me see it?
"So who put you up to this", I said uncuffing myself.
After I took them off finally I laid against the door putting my feet up on the seat. I started swinging them around my finger.
"What do you mean", the man said
"I mean why are you impersonating a police officer"
"I'm not", the man said
"Because I've been back here plenty of times before and you have no equipment, no backup, didn't read me my rights, then what cop rings the doorbell they usually knock and plus you flashed your badge you didn't actually show it to me"
"Well I guess you got me", the man said
"Where we going"
"To the CIA building", the man said
"It's not a CIA building it's just a building full of officers that couldn't make the SWAT team because they couldn't make it up a wall"
"Yes, we are", the man said parking the car.
He got out and opened the door. I stepped out and gave him the handcuffs.
"What..how", the man said
"It's called magic", I said putting his keys in his hand.
I walked into the building with the man right behind me. Once we were in I looked up and saw Baldy.
"I see you got out the cuffs", Baldy said
"I see you still don't have hair"
"She pickpocketed me", the man said standing next to me.
"You fake arrested me in front of some people I know with a real crime and now they think I'm really arrested"
"I told you to make sure nobody was around", Baldy said
"Umm not to be rude but why don't you have a shirt on and covered in paint", a lady said walking up next to Baldy.
"We finished up a paintball fight"
"With no type of protection", the lady said
"As you see we didn't"
"What happened to your back", Baldy said
"Oh I um busted through a glass door during the fight"
"You must take that game seriously", the lady said
"Why wouldn't I but on the other hand my friends will be here in about 10 minutes you have to make it look like I really was arrested"
"Okay follow me to the interrogation room", Baldy said
We got on the elevator and walked down this long ass hallway into the interrogation room. I sat down the chair one the other side of the table. The fake cop sat in front of me and I just pulled out my phone.
We going to pull up now -Harry
Alright -Me
Then I got a text from Chase.
You okay -Chase
Yeah why -Me
You seem shocked did you actually kill someone -Chase
Yeah -Me
You're going to prison😱😱😱 -Chase
No why would I -Me
Oh😅😬😲 -Chase
Don't skip to conclusions -Me
Hold up going to call you -Chase
Then my work phone rang and I answered it. So Chase face timed me.
"You know why Caleb is acting my weird", Chase said switching the camera to Caleb.
Maybe because we had an almost kiss.
"Nope I have no idea"
"Hey let me see the phone", I heard Harry say and the camera is now on him.
"I saw you and Caleb almost kiss", Harry whispered
"Fuck off"
"Hey why is your face red", I heard Baldy say and I looked up.
"No reason", I said shrugging
"Stop lying you have many reasons", I heard Harry say
"Fuck off your not in this", I told Harry
"Then tell me why your blushing and don't lie", Harry said
"Becuase I umm I don't have to answer you at the moment"
"You know you want to kiss him", Harry said starting to make kissing noises.
"You're breaking up", I said moving the phone around and hung up.
I looked up at Baldy and he was just smiling at me.
"Why the fuck are you smiling"
"No reason", Baldy said walking out the room.
He turned on the 2-way window so I could see and hear him. Then I saw Chase walk in and he started looking at me. I looked at him and he walked into the room.
"Alex tell me why Caleb is acting so weird", Chase said looking serious.
"I have no idea what you're talking about"
"Yeah you do first your friend was making kissing noises in the car then...", Chase said standing across the table from me.
Then I saw Caleb walk into the room with the 2-way window.
"What are you looking at", Chase said turning around.
Then he turned back around to with this straight face on his face. He stood up and walked out. What's wrong with him? Then the 2-way window went off and Caleb was pushed into the room. They locked the door behind him. Fucking assholes. I picked up my phone and started texting Harry.
🖕🏻 -Me
Talk seems like you guys should -Harry
Get me out of here -Me
After you talk then yeah -Harry
I stood up to walk towards the door but then Caleb said something.
"So uhh Alex", I heard Caleb say and I looked up at him.
"About what happened outside", Caleb said and stood in front of me.
I feel like a retard for keep saying 'yeah'.
"I just wanted to say umm do you maybe want to umm try that again", Caleb said rubbing his hand through is hair.
I have no idea how to respond to that. I've never been asked if someone could kiss me.
"I mean if you don't want to I understand", Caleb said
"Hey guys it's time to go", Harry said over the intercom.
"Not this time", Caleb said and stepped closer to me.
He leaned down and placed his soft and warm lips against mine. He moved his arms and wraps them around my waist pulling me into him. The kiss didn't last long because then Alexander came busting in.
"Time to go kids", Alexander said pushing me out the door.
I walked up to Harry and he was just smiling. When I walked past him I stomped on his foot.
"Shit", Harry yelled jumping up holding his foot.
I followed Alexander back to the car and it turns out they brought the Cadillac with 6 doors. I was about to open the second door but Donny, Terri and Chase were sitting there. Fuck that means I have to sit in the back row with Caleb. I opened the third door and Caleb was sitting there on his phone typing.
"Get the fuck in already", I heard Alexander yell.
I got in and closed the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and started playing Subway Surfers. I heard a clicking noise and looked up. Then the window started rolling up in front of us. I forgot they customised their cars.
"Alex", I heard Caleb say
"Yeah", I said looking at him.
"I umm just wanted to ask if you wanted to uh", Caleb said
Wanted to ask what?
"If wanted to try that uh kiss again", Caleb said
Not again the first kiss was alright.
"I mean if it's okay with you", Caleb said quickly.
"I know I will hate myself later for now doing this so I guess yeah to get this weird thing over"
Caleb slid over next to me and cupped my cheek. He leant forward and kissed me. The kiss deepened pretty quickly and he lifted his hand up and tangled it into my hair. I felt the tip of his tongue against mine and felt my face heat up. Caleb pulled back and looking at me breathing hard.930Please respect copyright.PENANAB8pmRTHNKQ
"Well this is awkward", Caleb said
"Yeah very"930Please respect copyright.PENANAW6Zr6V8gW9
"Hey tomorrow school starts back up and since you apparently like me enough to let me kiss you. Then I was wondering I'm testing this car tomorrow for work and you know a lot about cars than I do so do want to join me", Caleb said
"Sure but you're a boy right"
"Yeah why would you ask that", Caleb said
"Because you're a boy and I know about cars than you and I'm a girl that doesn't make sense at all"
"Just like you have your reasons not to share your feelings I have my reasons not to know a lot about cars", Caleb said and I saw a red light on the window like a red dot you would see coming from a gun.
"Get down", I yelled getting on the floor.