Note: translation done with DeepL and myself, please forgive any grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.
Hello everyone, I finally put in Wattpad some information about the: CAT GIRLS
Such information does not focus on specific Cat Girls, but disaggregates information on these females in general.
I saw the need to put up this page because although there are many Catgirls galleries on the net, there is no pure and hard information about them, therefore there are no galleries but information that could interest you, enjoy the site!
The beautiful works in both Animes and Mangas, and even in computer or console games, offer us a variety of magnificently designed characters, very polished works by masters of design and color.
Among the many characters, the most perfect in my opinion are the Cat Girls, epitome of youth, elegance, energy, beauty and tenderness that can have the females of the universes of Anime, Manga or others already mentioned above.
Unfortunately, I see several kinds of Cat Girls that don't resemble each other, so I see the urgent need to classify the Cat Girls according to their genetic differences.
I should note that this classification is for both women and men, although few male examples are seen (cat boys) as compared to their female peers.