II.- False Cat Girls
These 'cat girls' from Japan are characterised by their whole bodies and faces covered with hair (hence the term 'total fur').
The name "Wildcats" comes from the old Gainax computer game "Princess Maker 2".
(Gainax, before making "Neon Genesis Evangelion", played games), in which supposed cat girls with the characteristics mentioned above (total fur) belong to the Wildcats breed, according to the classification given to them by the game.
They may have a thick coat, as in "Princess Maker 2", or they may have a very short coat, as in "Tenchi Muyo".
They are considered false cat girls, because they are in fact ANTHROPOMORPHIC CREATURES of the FELINE type, descendants of wild cats, and not authentic Cat Girls.
This is the first stereotype that is had in the West with respect to the Cat Girls, the other one we will see in another classification later.
The name "Wildcats" comes from the resemblance that these false cat girls have to the "Wildcats (Total fur)".
The only difference is that the face is completely that of a cat.
They are considered false cat girls, because they are actually ANTHROPOMORPHIC CREATURES of the FELINE type, and not authentic Cat Girls.
These "cat girls" are actually human beings who at night, and even during the day, become Cat Girls.
They only have ears and tail without any other feline characteristics.
The nature of their transformation is magical, so the moment they become cat girls, they also appear dressed in clothes they didn't have before.
Usually these so-called cat girls have some kind of magic weapon with them.
The best example is the protagonist Zoey from the anime "Tokyo Meow Meow Meow"
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become "cat girls" for a certain period of time.
These "cat girls" are actually human beings who at night, whether or not there is a full moon, turn into Cat Girls.
They only have ears and tail without any other feline characteristics. Although in very, very rare occasions I have seen them with little fur on the cheeks, and with notoriously elongated irises and pupils, this last aspect does not appear with any kind of real Cat Girls, in which the irises and elongated pupils are not noticeable.
Unlike "Magical Were Cats", they only transform at night (a characteristic they share with their western counterparts were cats). The second difference with "Magical Were Cats" lies in the nature of their transformation, which is biological and not magical, which makes their instinct take over and therefore they are dangerous.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become "cat girls" for a certain period of time.
These "cat girls" are actually human beings who at night, whether or not there is a full moon, turn into Cat Girls.
These supposed cat girls are the second stereotype that is presented in the West (the first one is the one of the wildcats with cat face), about the cat girls.
They are characterized by being completely covered with hair, the same as the face.
This is very similar to wildcats, but they differ from wildcats in that wildcats do not transform, while western were cats do transform from human to cat girl.
As for the differences with the 'japanese were cats', we have the following:
The savage were cats Japanese only have ears and tail, while the western were cats have apart from the ears and tail, the whole body covered with hair, including the face, which also has large cat whiskers (but do not have a cat face).
The biological change of the occidental were cats does not make them dangerous (they maintain their human personality), unlike the japanese were cats.
They differ from magical were cats' in that they cannot be transformed during the day, and their bodies and faces are covered with hair, and this face has long cat moustaches. But, like the "magical were cats", the western were cats are not dangerous after being transformed.
The best example of this kind of female is found in Boo, the "cat girl" from the graphic novel "Tarot witch of the black rose". Males are also presented in this ranking with the game "Quest of Glory III".
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become "cat girls" for a certain period of time.
These supposed cat girls are not really cat girls, but they are human beings who become big cats (tigers, jaguars, panthers, etc.) at any time of the day.
Now let's look at the differences and similarities with other cat girls or supposed cat girls.
The "cat girls" ("big cats") are real Cat Girls related to big cats, while the "were big cats" ("Japan"), from the worlds of anime and manga, are really human and can be transformed into big cats.
They are different from the other so-called cat girls in that they do not become cat girls, but become big cats.
They resemble the "savage were cats" in that their instinct takes hold of them.
This kind of supposed cat girls is seen in the mangas and hentai animes of "Midnight Panter".
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become "big cats" for a certain period of time.
Like their Japanese cousins, these "cat girls" become big cats (almost all of them panthers), with the difference that they cannot transform during the day, only at night.
This idea originated in the 1941 film "Cat People", which had a great influence on later American and Western imagery.
They share with their Japanese cousins (were big cats Japan) the disadvantage of being dominated by their instincts and therefore being dangerous. This same disadvantage is shared with 'japanese were cats'.
The best example is found in "Vampirella", in which the protagonist fights against this being.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become "big cats" for a certain period of time.
More related to males than females, it is a matter of transforming only at night from a human form to a form not of a cat girl or a big cat, but towards a monstrous form of a big bipedal and deformed feline (something similar to the western werewolves of the Werewolf or Underworld series), generally assume the form of a bipedal tiger (were tiger) or a bipedal jaguar (were jaguar), although other kinds of big cats have also been seen in animes and mangas or other Japanese sources.
Like the were bigcats of both Japan and the West, the "were monster big cats" are possessed by their wild instincts, which makes them dangerous.
They are characterized by having magical type strokes. The best example is the console game "Castelvania Aria of Sorrow", where these creatures appear.
They are considered false cat girls (or in this particular case, false cat boys), because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become monstrous bipedal felines for a certain period of time.
Like the previous classification, these "were monster big cats" begin as human beings and only at night become deformed, bipedal creatures resembling big cats (almost entirely panthers).
It should be noted that the wild instinct of these creatures replaces the human personality they once possessed, which makes them dangerous.
Unlike their cousins in Japan, these creatures do not have any kind of magical attack.
They are considered false cat girls (in the West there are more girls than boys in this classification), because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become monstrous bipedal felines for a certain period of time.