The Nekomata turns out to be a cat that turns into a woman with feline ears and tail.
Before in Japanese folklore, the figure of the Nekomata was that of an old woman, but in the Animes and Mangas since the 1990s, these Nekomata have been young women, for example the mother of Natsuki Sasahara, the protagonist of "Hiper Police", is said to be a nekomata, and in "Moeyo Ken tv", there is a sub-plot that focuses on a Nekomata and its romantic relationship with a human.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, they simply become women for a certain period of time.
The figure of the Bakeneko, does not consist of human beings who become Cat Girls, but rather of cats (females) who become human beings, who do not have ears, tails or other feline attachments.
The Bakenekos in Japan only come from domestic cats, unlike the following classification which we will mention later.
It should be noted that in folklore they have magical powers.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, they simply become women for a certain period of time.
The Bakeneko, belongs to Japanese folklore, but the figure of a cat becoming a woman to marry a human being, also belongs to European folklore (the source of the tale "the puss in boots" is of Norwegian origin and ends with the cat already transformed into a human being marrying the main character) and also to South American folklore (in a Bolivian tale, a wild cat -Titi- helps a young man, who could not find a wife, and for this she becomes a woman).
The "Western Bakenekos" then, can be of two types: domestic cats or wild cats.
Like their Japanese cousins, these "Western Bakenekos", besides speaking and becoming human, have other magical powers (at least in South America).
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, they simply become women for a certain period of time.
The figure of the 'nekomusume' belongs to Japanese folklore, whereby a domestic cat is transformed into a human cat.
So far it is the same as "bakeneko", but nekomusume has feline characteristics on its face.
This face is not that of a cat, nor is it that of a human, but it seems to be a mixture of both (something similar to the protagonist of the series "Naruto", in which Naruto has a hybrid face of human and fox), this mixture is not very anthropomorphic so that other humans do not suspect the feline nature of the nekomusume and take it as a common human, who simply has an "interesting" face.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, they simply become women with disguised feline characteristics on their faces for a certain period of time.
This is the opposite of 'Bakenekos', i.e. women who become cats (hence the name 'Op Bakeneko' - as opposite to Bakeneko).
Such women have the magical ability to become ordinary cats, except for the fact that such cats are not so common as to have the ability to speak, and the tone of the voice does not always match the gender of the woman, i.e. the cat may have a male voice.
The best example is found in the "Bleach" series.
These females are also found in the West, I am referring to the WarHammer (vampire counts) books on games and modeling.
This last case shows us that it is not always human women who become cats, but other races such as vampires.
This is also true of Japan, for example, the game True Love, in which a lovely angel turns into a cat.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is human, they simply become talking cats for a certain period of time.
NOT to be confused with the half-breed category of AUTHENTIC CAT GIRLS
Unlike the "hlaf-breed Cat Girls", of the true cat girls category, these females are the result of the union of humans and the former so-called cat girls.
The best example is Anime "Moeyo ken tv".
They usually have NO tails
They are considered false cat girls, because one of their parents was not a Cat Girl but a Supposed Cat Girl.
This type of fake cat girl consists of cats that have been genetically modified.
They generally look very much like 'Wild Cats', i.e. the whole body is covered with hair and the face of a cat.
The manipulation of their genes was for the purpose of turning them into human weapons, however, this end does not make them lose control, so they are not dangerous to those who are near them (unless they are attacked).
The best example is Baghi, by Ozamu Tezuka.
They are considered false cat girls, because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, their genes have simply been manipulated into ANTHROPOMORPHIC CREATURES of feline type, and therefore, they are not authentic Cat Girls.
An evolution of the ancient cat creatures of the 1970s.
It's about turning ordinary cats into humanoid females through genetic manipulation.
So far it is the same as the "Genetically Modified (old school)", however the image evolved and already today, the females of this classification do not have as many anthropomorphic characteristics as before, now have ears and tails, without any other feline characteristics.
Another evolution of this type of character is the appearance of powers of a psychic nature thanks to genetic manipulation.
The best example of this is the cat boy Schrödinger from Manga "Hellsing".
They are considered false cat girls because their TRUE NATURE is that of cats, their genes have simply been manipulated into creatures that are SIMILAR to the real Cat Girls.
In the West, both in film and in literature, these creatures are kept, not cats but big cats (again almost mostly panthers) are taken and genetically modified.
Unlike Japan, this genetic manipulation is very unstable and can lead to the death of the creature unless regular biogenetic treatment is given.
The creature has a human-like appearance but may return to its former state and die if not periodically treated with biogenetic treatment.
The best example is the book "Dr. Moreau's Island".
They are considered false cat girls because their TRUE NATURE is that of big cats, their genes have simply been manipulated to make them similar creatures to human women.
An evolution of the previous classification in which humans are genetically modified and then turned into feline anthropomorphic creatures.
The actuality of the western works from which these creatures come makes that finally the panther is discarded as final result in which the transformed human becomes, taking as inspiration other big cats like jaguars, etc.
The creature has a fairly hairy appearance as its whole body and face are covered with hair.
It is curious to mention that this evolution in the West is the opposite of what happened in Japan.
In Japan, these genetically modified creatures used to have a lot of fur and now they do not have any, while in the West they did not have a lot of fur before and now they do.
One aspect that has not changed as much before as now in the West is the genetic instability of these creatures, which makes them unstable.
They are considered false cat girls because their TRUE NATURE is human, their genes have simply been manipulated to become ANTHROPOMORPHIC CREATURES of the big cat type.