After she left I looked at them and our thoughts were the same. What the fuck are we going to do? She came back with a cup and asked me to piss in it. I did as i was told and she put the test in it and sure enough I was pregnant. I tried to keep my breathing even. "I would like to schedule a sonogram some time in the next day or so when will be good for you?" She asked. "T-Tomorrow." I stuttered. She left the room to go set that up.
I was to shocked to say anything. I felt someone take my hand and saw it was Master Gaines. "I know I've been a crap dominant lately and I'm sorry. You were right, I shouldn't have believed him over you. I love you and we'll get through this." He kissed my knuckles, "I promise." Master Stone then came over and tilted my head up to look at him. He placed a kiss on my lips, "We're not going anywhere."
Soon the doctor came in with the discharge papers and a prescription with pain meds that are safe to take. I put my dress back on and then a cop came in for my statement. I told him how I was leaving the bathroom and he cornered me. I told him every detail amd mentioned a year ago I filed a report with evidence he raped me but he wasn't arrested for it. After I was done with the report we were able to leave the hospital. In the limo I leaned against Master Stone with my legs in Master Gaines's lap.
When we got home we went upstairs. Master Stone unzipped my dressed while I took my hair down. The dress pooled at my feet and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I tilted my head up and gave him a kiss. "What time is my appointment tomorrow?" I asked. Master Gaines looked at the papers we were given, "Tomorrow morning at nine." He said. "We have a meeting tomorrow at eight thirty so we won't be able to go." Master Stone said with guilt in his eyes. "It's ok." I told him. He removed his arms from my waist and I went change into some night clothes and take my make up off. Thoughts of what I will find during the sono scared me. Plus I wasn't looking forward to the papsmere.
The next morning they woke me up while they got ready for work I got ready for my appointment. I put on sweats and a tshirt. I put on Master Stone's sweatshirt then looked at my neck in the mirror. It was purple and an obvious hand print was there. After brushing my hair and putting it up I went downstairs. Master Gaines had made pancakes and hot chocolate for me. They kissed me before leaving for work and then I ate my breakfast. Before leaving I put a scarf on to hide the bruising.
I sat in the doctor office in another stupid hospital gown and I was sore after my papsmere. When the doctor came in she smiled. "How's your neck?" She asked as she set up the sono machine. "Still hurts." I replied. She then lifted up the gown and squirted some of the cold gel on my stomach. She then took the wand and began to move it around. Soon it picked up two fast heart beats. I watched the screen as two little hearts were beating. Hearing their heart beats made me smile and not feel so nervous. After she printed the sono pictures and I cleaned off the gel she left so I can change. After that I scheduled an appointment for a month from now. I wasn't able to wait till tonight to show them, so after picking up my prescription I went to Fez Tech.
They were still in a meeting so I sat at my desk and spun in my chair. The feeling of being scared was still there but the feeling of being happy after hearing their heart beats is stronger than my fear. I kept thinking of all the possibilities of what was going to happen. I couldn't contain my smile when they got off the elevator. "Everything all right?" Master Stone asked. "They're perfectly fine." I said smiling. "They?" Master Gaines asked.
I showed them the sonogram of the twins. "We're having twins?" Master Stone asked shocked. "Yep." I said happily. They each then pulled me in for a kiss. The best part was none of us worried out of the two of them who was the biological father because in all honesty it didn't matter to us. They were the fathers and I was the mom. Our family won't be perfect in the eyes of society but to us it will be. They loved me and I loved them and that's what matters.