"How do you feel Kitty?" Master Stone asked while placing a kiss on my temple. "Tired, but great." I said around a yawn. He smiled and took a sip of his coffee. I sipped my hot chocolate happily till I heard my phone ring from the living room
I went and grabbed it. It was my mother. With a roll of my eyes I answered it. "Hi mom." I answered as I made my way back to the kitchen. "Why haven't you returned any of the texts and calls you father, myself, your siblings, and Gerald sent yesterday?" My mom yelled. I put it on speaker and laid it on the island, not in the mood for her in my ear. "Well if you watched the news you would've seen that a huge snow storm hit New York. We had no power or phone towers yesterday. And wait you gave Gerald my number? Giving my email is one thing but my personal number?" I asked. "Well of course." She said like there was nothing wrong with that. I looked at Master Stone, "We're going to have to change my number." "Who are you talking too?" My mom asked. "My boyfriend." I replied easily. "Oh honey don't lie." My mom said. "Ok fine I don't have one I have two." I said with a roll of my eyes and Master Stone just chuckled quietly. "Honey you're not a whore." My mom said. "Never said I was. I am with two men though." I said before taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "You don't need to make lies to hurt Gerald." My mom snapped. "So what did you do during the snow storm?" She asked completely changing the subject. "I got screwed seven ways to Sunday." I replied. "Oh honey I told you to quit lieing. Plus you're a virgin." She said. That made both of them laugh. "If you're a virgin then I'm Santa Claus." Master Gaines said. "Who's that?" My mom asked. "That was one of my boyfriends. Well both of them were laughing but Nick declared he's Santa." I replied with a small laugh. "Why did he say that?" She questioned. "Because just like Santa doesn't exist, neither does my virginity." I cleared for her.
"I thought we raised you better than this? You were supposed to wait till you were married." She snapped. "What you want and what I want are two different things. When I was little I hated taking naps and getting spanked but now I love them." I said causing her to gasp in shock. "Mom face it I'm not that innocent girl you think I am." I said. "You will be coming home for Christmas." She scolded. I checked the day and sighed, two days from now. "Fine but I'm not coming alone." I informed her then hung up.
"That was interesting." Master Stone said with an amused smile. "Oh the one person who will fight with a brick wall and win." I sighed and began going through all of my missed calls, voicemails, and texts. "Which one of us do you want to go with you?" Master Gaines asked. "That's between you two to decide. We'll have to leave tomorrow though. My mom likes to start things early on Christmas." I said and began to massage my temples to ward off the on coming head ache. "We'll do a Christmas for the three of us when you and Pet get back." Master Stone said.
Master Gaines sat breakfast down in front of us and we ate. Later that day people came and freed our front door from the snow and the news was declaring it safe to drive and planes were up in the air. Master Stone bought us tickets for Dallas, Texas for first class. I wasn't allowed to protest so I was quiet about it. That night I decided to distract myself from the upcoming hellacious trip but losing myself in some work that I was able to catch up on. Strong hands began to massage out the knots in my shoulders and I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips.
"It's late Kitty." Master Gaines said from behind me. "I know Sir. I'm just trying to catch up on some work. Bad enough that projects arw on hold, you two missed meetings that I've got to call and reschedule, then I have a whole stack of files that I need to finish sitting on my desk, -" I was cut off by Luna getting on my lap top and laying on my keyboard. Master Gaines chuckled, "Luna has the right idea. Take a break from it and it'll be waiting for you when you get back."
I sighed and picked Luna up and saved what I was doing before shutting it down. He took my hand and lead me upstairs. When we got into the room Master Stone came out of the bathroom. "I see you managed to pull her away from work." He commented. "With Luna's help." Master Gaines said. Master Stone kissed my forehead, "Go get in the bath I made for you."
"Yes Daddy." I said and gave them each a kiss before going into the bathroom. Candles were lit and the smell of lavender filled the air. I stripped and then slowly sank into the bubble bath. I leaned my head back against the puddle and smiled. This was really nice. I must've fallen asleep because warm lips met mine. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling Master Stone. "Come on Kitty." He urged. I got out and he handed me a warm fluffy towel. "I picked out some clothes." He said gesturing to folded clothes that were on the counter. I looked at them and noticed I hadn't seen them before. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled,"Consider it an early Christmas Present that Pet and I got for ourselves."
He left the bathroom while I dressed in the red lace bra that had a small white bow between the cups, a red lace thong with a small white bow on it. A white sheer night gown went over it and I looked in the mirror. I looked like a sexy Mrs. Clause. I dried my hair as much as I could with my towel before going into the bedroom. Both of them were in bed waiting on me. "Beautiful." Master Gaines complimented that caused a blush take over my cheeks. I went to the bed and laid between them. I used Master Stone as my pillow and Master Gaines curled up around me from behind. Sleep didn't take long to lure me into its hands.