The years have flown by and the twins Dylan and Devon are starting first grade. Every day has been an adventure and now I'm no longer the only female in the family. We have a three year old little girl named Aurora. Dylan and Devon both look like carbon copies of Master Stone while Aurora looks like Master Gaines. Our one year old baby boy Samuel looks like me. I couldn't be happier with my family. My mother decided to disown me due to the fact I'm not married but I told her if she didn't want to be part of my family then she can go fuck herself. My dad talks to me and sends the kids cards during birthdays and hollidays. Jessica and Cayden have even come and visited. I also met both Master Gaines and Master Stone's families and they were so welcoming.
Of course with the kids around I know longer call them Master. I occasionally still call Master Stone Daddy but I've stuck with dear and honey. They still call me Kitty and they said it was because I was a cat for Halloween and it stuck, which I was after the twins were born. The play room now stays locked but we still use it. Just the other night I received a spanking for cussing. I stopped working at Fez Tech so I could take care of the kids but I often take the kids there to see their daddies and bring them lunch.
When the press found out about our three way relationship they blasted it and people looked at us strangely when we were out in public but we never let it get to us. When you're happy you don't care what others think. Everyday we tell our kids that families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It's not about societies classification of what a family is. It's the love and loyalty you have for each other.
Signing the contract with my masters was the best choice I ever made despite our ups and downs. Remember, if you want to be happy then live life the way you want to and throw caution to the wind.